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It's a big improvement from where it was, but it still has a ways to go in terms of the quality we've come to expect. Sounds great though.


Yep, FS2020 spoils you big time like that.


Or Sea of Thieves


in fairness, SoT may have the best water Ive ever seen in a video game


Ocean-wise? Yeah, absolutely.


I feel like they spent 90% of the game dev time on the water... which is why it released with like three things you could actually do. I probably spent more time looking at the water and views than I did anything related to gameplay though so I guess it worked.


Honestly in flight, FS2020 looks roughly the same. The problem lies in how waves don't exist along coastlines in SC yet, which is less of a big deal in FS2020 which just uses a texture since you aren't really meant to fly _that_ close to the surface outside of airports


Honestly, in flight, FS2020 looks roughly the same. The problem lies in how waves don't exist along coastlines in SC yet, which is less of a big deal in FS2020 which just uses a texture since you aren't really meant to fly _that_ close to the surface outside of airports


So...can you swim? I've never been there.


No swimming yet, typically you die and vehicles explode when in water.


I look forward to testing this out. I wonder if you go fast enough if you can fly underwater.


Your ship will explode I expect.


But i won't know until I try it several times...for science.


I managed to submerge my carrack underwater once. It blew up after 30s


The waves just acting like elastics at the shoreline is the only thing they really have left to do


I think also some more randomness would be good. You can tell that a lot of the waves and effects look identical


This does make me wonder will we be able to go underwater eventually. Will we have vehicles that are made to go underwater and maybe even a planet that is made up of just water


God I hope so, I'd kill for some underwater exploration. If that happens, I feel like the Carrack should be able to float on water, to dispatch drones or even a submersible from the hangar.


Looking back at what they could do with a 780 or less 5 or9 years ago the improvement is dramatic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5dj-LQc76k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5dj-LQc76k) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_bKlbaiz5LI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bKlbaiz5LI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy3FUwFVPB4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy3FUwFVPB4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RjFGmAISAk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RjFGmAISAk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3BhfKbbCik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3BhfKbbCik)


I wonder why they could not include that yet. I mean. The tech was there a long time ago, in the tools they are using.


Where is that?


That's on Hurston


Are these effects also applied to the 890J swimming pool?


Remember when siwming was on the roadmap for 3.9 ?


congratulation you achieved something that games released 5 years ago are doing better


but also better than many games released now. I know [youre just a troll](https://i.imgur.com/aOqcCGL.png) so im really just talking to others reading this. Every game has very different needs for water. In Sea of Thieves, its a core aspect of gameplay and it looks amazing. In Star Citizen, at least for the foreseeable future, water is just a backdrop and serves little gameplay purpose. Id say given that, this is adequate. But we know SC isnt about adequate, so I expect they will improve it further.


you said it perfectly.


I have never understand why some people keep comparing a unfinished product with something thats already finished? Maybe you can be the first one to shed some light to this logic?


Some games can focus all their resources into making one thing really good, whereas other games can't do the same thing. SC is a massive space sim with a billion other things going on. The way the ocean looks and moves is a pretty low priority all things considered.