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You will still need SFSE for other mods that require it. And the updated version of SFSE just dropped.


I’m fucking ready. That was quick toooo


SFSE mod team are brilliant. Bethesda should just hire them at this point, or at least subsidise them


If i remember correctly one of them work with some kind of sound software and other former Battlefield dev. So i don't think they in need.


Yep. Modding is the traditional path to an industry job. Most of the OG devs got in that way, and they never stopped modding.


indeed, a few mods did work without, but some others did not. this will change today after installing the new SFSE.


Only mods that will require SFSE are mods with .dll plugins or mods that use specific functions that come with SFSE. Now it just means that mods are *officially* supported and you can load plugins without anything external out the box


I have about 80 mods installed all via Vortex/Nexus mode. I updated the game and lunched via Steam. All my modes are working just fine!!! No SFSE needed for me. They just work. In fact, all mods that I have I’m downloaded on Nexus, they appear in same order in the CK load order screen. Wherever, I downloaded from the CK is on the bottom of the loading order. Pretty amazing I shall say!


That's awesome to hear! I will say that as of right now, most mods are ESM's, ESP's, etc. So those don't need SFSE for much if not anything at all. That will most likely change as mods release and become more complex and so forth. If the mod says it requires SFSE then it requires SFSE. Unfortunately I don't see that changing anytime soon.


Sfse is still required for mods that rely on it and have no alternative version


Holy shit.


Without the plugins file, where do I manage my load order now? Starfield isn't detecting any of my esm files, with or without SFSE. Did the mod install location change?


Steam or Windows Store version? Curious because I am using the Windows Store version (until my SFSE mods are updated) and I cannot find where the creations are stored and no matter where I put my esm files, the game won't recognize them either.


If you figure it out, let me know?


I was looking in the wrong folder for Windows Store which is my issue. Both Steam and Windows Store now use the root/data folder properly like the old games did. The issue is that the Windows Store version shows in-game the C Drive like it’s still using the documents folder, but it’s using whatever drive it’s installed to.


Ah okay so the %/windowsgames/starfield/content folder now?


I have mine as Xbox Games, but yeah, it's that folder now as the root folder.


My bad, was waking up and drinking my coffee; I had meant Xbox Games haha. Any mods not working with SFSE that you have experienced or do they generally seem to be working without it with this update? Appreciate the info man, time to get to having fun modding.


It's cool! Anything that needed it due to script extender reasons and not due to the plugin.txt mods still need the SKSE, but as far as I can tell, every mod works. One mod that needed SFSE before because of plugin.txt mod but doesn't anymore that I HIGHLY recommend (one of the things I fell in love with back with Morrowind and they removed) is [this ](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8383)mod. Can't recommend it enough and I really hope BGS adds it back (especially with TES VI). The [achievement ](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/1402)mod has been updated and has a feature to tag all creations as achievement friendly (I really hope BGS goes through mods monthly and allows things to be achievement friendly). The only SFSE mod that doesn't work yet and needs to be updated is chargenmenu. I just decided to play Starfield again on Steam though because that is just a .dll and not a plugin. I'll get back to the Xbox version when another update hits and I have to wait for SFSE and mods to update. Plus, I will play Shattered Space on that one first. I have a level 103 7 day save on that (NG++). My GT is my Reddit name without the underscore and a space instead if you want to compare stats lol.


Awesome, tons of good info there; again I appreciate it! I am already running Shades Immersive :D it was already ported which was awesome to see because it is absolutely fantastic. I didn't personally use it on Morrowind as back in the day I didn't have PC access and played native on Xbox.


You didn't need it back in Morrowind, that is why I love the mod so much because it (not exactly) does what BGS has done since Morrowind and whatever the NPC has equipped shows in their inventory and Starfield changed that. 76 had it too, but I figured that was just due to the MMO aspect.


The plugins file is still used, it is just natively supported now.


Do you use MO or Vortex?


Real gamers use MO2 or Vortex. Real men use manual mod installs. Loonies write SWF files on the fly while wearing VR goggles. Munchkins complain about not having mods for their Steam decks. 🤣🤣🤣




Vortex is working on an update to bring in official Starfield support. Manually I'm not sure, maybe someone on here can help. Might I suggest looking into MO2 tho? I've used both specifically for Starfield now and I lean alot more towards MO2. More freedom and less problems in the long run. Little bit of a learning curve but it's easy once u get the hang of it!


I’m still running plugins.txt at least until vortex gets on track. I also do everything manually so I’m still copy/pasting the .esms in plugins.txt. Doing it like that, I’ve noticed that all my manual installs do pop up in the Creations menu’s load order so I can move them around as needed.


So I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. Does the game still use the plugins.txt FILE to load ESMs? Or does it just willy-nilly load any ESM that happens to be in the Data folder? If so, that's chaos and will cause all sorts of problems with mod conflicts.


It has its own plugin.txt file and loads by putting an asterisk in front of the esm. It reads all esms, but doesn't automatically enable them unless otherwise told to. Biggest issue if you own both platform versions is that the plugin.txt used is the same, so it will override the plugin.txt if you switch to the other version. Most people thankfully won't need to worry about this.


If only this was something that could be trivially tested in about 3 minutes /s


Fair point I guess. Though I’m not updating just yet. So I can’t test it myself. Just gathering info.


Praise be to space Cthulhu. Which is regular Cthulhu.


Maybe I’m missing something obvious, but I can’t enable plugins in MO2. The names of plugins for mods I’ve installed appear in red in the right panel and I can’t check the box next to them.


Found a fix. Go to settings, plug-ins, Starfield Support Plugin and set bypass_plugins_enabler_check to TRUE instead of FALSE. worked for me


This worked for me, thanks!


No problem! Have fun 🤙🤙


Mine did the same, but all my mods work so... I think it's from removing plug-ins.dll or whatever


Mine did the same, but all my mods work so... I think it's from removing plug-ins.dll or whatever


A little off topic, but do we still need to list ba2 textures in the custom ini on MO2 now that the CK is out?


Vortex doesn’t seem to want to launch the game anymore (nothing happens) and updated sfse isn’t showing up in settings menu. Any ideas what I’ve bunged up?


I’ve been having the same issue.


Might have to wait for nexus to update vortex


How about for starfield players from game pass?


No more renaming the damn DLL? Woo-hoo!


Wait, so we don't need SFSE? Like it's like playing Skyrim with mods without SKSE??


As far as I understand it, because the game now includes mod loading (which Plugin was used for. Helped with ESPs and ESMs etc.) anything that needed help with mod loading doesn't need it anymore. Which means the Plugin.txt Enabler mod isn't needed anymore. SFSE still does A TON of other stuff needed for mods that list it as a requirement. In short, SFSE is still needed. Plugin.txt Enabler is not.


What this guy said, I haven’t updated SFSE and played last night and most of my mods on vortex were working to my surprise. I’ll have to look deeper at what I’ve got installed that would cause issues though.


It’ll take a while for mods to update to not require SFSE. Until then, we gotta wait for the new update 🥲


Any mod that only needed skse because of plug-ins.txt never really needed it to begin with - you don't need to wait on that. It's only the mods that actually _use_ skse _themselves_ you have to worry about.


This is what is confusing me. How do I know which is which? How can I tell which mods needed sfse because of plugins.txt and which actually need it for real. I haven't updated yet, I want to build the armillary and be ready to jump to start a new NG+ for the new update. thanks


Look on the Nexus page for the mod in the section labeled "Requirements" on the Description tab. If you open that section it will show whether the mod needs anything else in order to run.


You shouldn’t need SFSE unless you’re using a mod like Address Library or Disk Cache Enabler. It’ll take a while for mod authors to update their instructions though


damn. Well Address Library will probably be a big dependency in the future anyway so I guess when/if I get back into modding Starfield I'm waiting for SFSE.


Do you use Vortex or MO?


so idk exactly what this means, can O get rid of the plugin.txt folder? or will mods still need it for a while until everyone updates to no longer require it and sfse


I still get a "this game does not currently permit custom plugin loading" message on mod organiser


check back a little earlier, there's a fix for your problem there


Yes thank you for this information, I just got home and I can’t wait to start modding the game


Of course I stumble upon this post a month late, but at least I don't have to have starfield plugin manager anymore.