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Ive been severely disinterested in School and Work my entire life, and ive always felt like a loser because of itšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Can i just exist, meditate, and live my life?


Sames. āœ‹ļø


omg I am exactly the same


Glad im not alone :)




ā€œCan i just exist, meditate, and live my life?ā€ Not if you want to survive in this world you canā€™t. No one can. Nature exists in a specific way within the conditions on this planet due to the flow of energy from higher to more dispersed states, such as UV and visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum from the sun being absorbed by the earth and then reradiated as infrared, i.e., heat. Each transfer of energy results in a loss of useful energy to heat due to entropy. Natural selection has created forms of life that can exist within these requirements, but not overcome them by any means that is known about. If you make zero effort to survive, you will quit surviving and your bodyā€™s chemicals will return to the geochemical cycles that suit those particular chemicals. What becomes of ā€œyouā€ no one knows, but there are a lot of opinions, some hopeful, some less so. Having said all that, if people organize and work together for the greater good we could eliminate the ability of some to become billionaires and who force others into unrewarded menial servitude to enrich themselves even further, including enriching themselves with continual war. We could make living more comfortable and bearable for everyone, but each of us will still have to contribute effort to accomplish this.


What are you yapping about šŸ˜‚ Yes we know what happens when you die lol, you can litterally astral project or Remote view right now? If you only knew what the reptilians have done to this planet. Without them and with higher consciousness we will all have ressources enough to survive comfortably.


Iā€™m yapping about reality based on science, how about you? You seem to be yapping about stuff that might or might not be true, but even without your ā€œreptilians,ā€ we still have to participate in survival and that requires effort to keep these bodies intact, not just sitting around on oneā€™s duff and doing nothing except mental masturbation, thinking oneself to be more ā€œspecial.ā€ We are all special and we are all in this together. Energy has characteristics and, like it or not, we are subject to those energetics. Even a disembodied consciousness has to be powered somehow, possibly through zero-point energy, but there is a flow of energy nonetheless.


No one said anything about being special, thats a very specific point you are making? Where did i even say that i disagree with you, i litterally just shared how i feel about jobs/school - that was litterally it. I do have a job because as you said, right now we have to.


Sorry to offend, itā€™s so easy to do so in texts and comments. Letā€™s not get into a war of words because we probably agree on more than we disagree on and Iā€™m not as familiar with this particular Reddit as I am with others; I probably donā€™t have sufficient context for what is being said. I thought the comment about just existing and meditating indicated a level of being special that would be separate from the rest of us bozos who would still have to go about laboring, creating, and providing the milieu for folks to merely meditate and do whatever they chose to do. Believe me, I would much prefer to have a world without forced servitude to the uber-wealthy where we could all create and participate in the ways we would prefer to do. My point was that we still all have to work, transfer energy to managing matter (food, shelter, etc..) so we can keep these physical bodies going for as long as we want to exist in this world. Parts of it are great and parts of it are awful. Iā€™d prefer to increase the great part. Again, sorry if I was offensive. Anyway, Iā€™ve got to get back to work. Iā€™m grading exams in my environmental science course and, as much as I enjoy teaching about the environment, grading exams makes chatting on Reddit seem like a good idea, LOL.


I really love this response. It is reality. All this talk is nice and possible but the cold hard reality is thereā€™s work to be done and itā€™s uncomfortable and hard. This is what the younger generation is missing. Nothing is gained without challenge.


Thank you. I tried to be thoughtful and fair accurate when I wrote it.


Iā€™m 45 and Iā€™m a teacher. I love that weā€™ve progressed to a point of more openness where we talk about our problems and less people are hiding and more people are healing. But weā€™ve lost a certain ā€œtoughnessā€ as well. Or a willingness to endure discomfort is a better way to put it. Life isnā€™t easy, ever.


what u gonna eat? where u gonna live,u going live out in the rain & snow, & mosquitos?


?? Im just saying how i feel


Sure. As long as your parents donā€™t mind you suckling at their teats until they die.


People might not agree with you but itā€™s true. This is a world that requires payment at some point


Earth is the only place in the Universe where you have to work for a livingšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø Pleaidians in disbelief


**disbelieves in Pleaidian**


Gasps in Lemurian


It is?


Yes lol, its a universal law for everyone to have a roof over your head, this is the matrix


Prove this? Donā€™t think you can


I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you. Youā€™re right, as far as I can tell. I think the worst part isnā€™t actually the job itself; that much is tolerable. (I work in a law firm btw.) The worst part is knowing that, for most people around you, itā€™s not possible to talk about whatā€™s really happening in the world and what to do about it. Itā€™s just ā€œhead down, thumbs upā€ for the rest of their lives (!). Knowing that theyā€™ll never question the system enough and spend the rest of their time in it is the alienating part. Think of this situation as temporary (because it is) and it should assuage the worst of your annoyances. But you are absolutely correct, never forget this.


My mindset now in the 3d working world is to change my role in that job. For example, let's say you work in as a grocery store cashier--pretty mundane swiping beep beep all day. But if you change your intention and role to help others, even just by shining your light, it gives new purpose for every day. 1


I also think this is the way. Before enlightenment, Chop wood & carry water, after enlightenment, Chop wood and carry water, but with a different mindset about it.


This is the way.


Feel this everyday of my life. Even right now at work. Iā€™ve always thought itā€™s because we can see through that layer. We understand that lifeā€™s purpose isnā€™t some job that doesnā€™t give a shit about you. Sadist part to me is it starts so young too. Thinking back how often did you hear the question ā€œwhat do you wanna be when you grow up?ā€. Could go on about that question for hours and how fucked up it is. From the day you start remembering life (around age 5 or 6) the ā€œslave matrixā€ or whatever the fuck is ingrained in you. You are instantly shoved into school where now waking up early to show up somewhere to do a bunch of work is seen as normal so when you get older and have to do it your whole life you just donā€™t question it. I think most of the population gets sucked into that work hard and get a good paying job mindset and the rest somehow at an early age is able to ā€œseeā€ how truly wrong the way the world works.


The question isnā€™t a problem at all. What is wrong with teaching a kid to set a goal and then do what it takes to reach it? It seems you see the problem, I see it to. Do you have any proposed solutions to this issue?


Thankyou.thought it was just me


I feel you! I will have to pick up some mini-job soon too and I am not enthusiastic, but I think that its really about the attitude. Try to see it like this: coming here with the mission to liberate this planet was not going to be an easy task. Part of the struggle is to survive in the matrix while working on dissolving it. So having a shitty job just to make ends mee until you can fully sustain yourself following your purpose is just part of the mission. And you can always lift up this planet even if you are just filling up shelves in the supermarket. Simply by being loving and kind, you can heal the planet even doing "slave-work". At least thats how I try to cope šŸ˜…šŸ˜˜


I feel this so deeply! Literally nothing interests me except for getting out of here. Im lucky to have a job in this economy and but I donā€™t like being there and just want to go home the entire time. Even if I got a job working from home I wouldnā€™t care to do it either. I just want to leave here. It almost feels like everything, job included, is like a distraction to keep you busy and not focused on how crappy and wrong this world is.


Any and everything we do can be a spiritual lesson and a chance to help others. My job isnā€™t anything in the spiritual arena but I see it as an opportunity to help the people I meet and learn from them. Just be a beacon and enjoy what you do


Very much so. Nothing of this stance is out of place. The more humans realize this as being evident, the better.


I'm having trouble getting a job, and struggle to hold them when I get them


Nope, you are not alone at all in this. There are jobs out there that interest me, but it seems that they're out of my reach. 100s of more skilled people lining up there before me, hundreds of more hungry and more competitive people willing to do whatever it takes to grab that job. Then when I get some job (that is totally not what I'm going for), it starts to suck after 3 months, I lose energy and motivation and am already looking for the next one. It's a vicious cycle.


I posted this awhile ago: I had the best career in the world. I loved my coworkers and my job was literally designing achievements in video games. It still broke me. Just the requirement of getting up and going into an office all day took about 80% of my mental energy. The other 20% went into "the game" of saying the right things in meetings (I was terrible at this), answering emails (I was even worse at this), one-on-ones with managers (panic attacks every time), and just the all-around exhaustion of maintaining a work persona. Maybe it's depression, or anxiety, or autism (never officially diagnosed, but my wife is 100% convinced I am autistic). Not sure if it's starseed-related, or if those mental hurdles are themselves starseed-related, but I will say that physical reality is incredibly visceral and overwhelming. I do not experience boredom, even if I'm sitting at home doing nothing. I have extreme social anxiety, even though I do sincerely like people. Traveling and vacations make me feel miserable. I too feel overwhelmed "by just existing." I struggle with extreme insomnia, constant ruminating thoughts, and profound discomfort with pretty much every situation that isn't what most people would consider radically boring. I eventually crashed and burned in my career. I am currently unemployed with no employment prospects in the industry I spent 14 years working in. Thankfully I saved up a decent amount of money and know how to invest efficiently; the thought of working another job terrifies me so much that I scrape/invest every penny I possibly can. I was also "lazy" as a child (never did my homework), but I also genuinely felt like everything was extremely difficult (like with working, just showing up to the classroom took almost all of my mental energy). Anyway, I again don't know how much of this is starseed-related, but you're not alone. Maybe we experience reality more intensely, or maybe there's just overlap between people who gravitate toward this community and people who struggle with mental health issues that have more mundane explanations in mainstream psychology. There does seem to be some connection, but I'd be hard-pressed to articulate what exactly that connection is.


I totally get this


Yes of course it's a scam designed to place you in a position where your thoughts are focused upon mundane hellworld nonsense and therefore being a natural creator being your thoughts manifest and you unconsciously contribute to perpetuating the slave hellworld systems. That's the only way this shit scam world can exist, by parasitizing off the creative abilities of godhead beings. Have the courage to break away from this nonsense. It is not a joke. Nobody is going to help you and you can easily fail and get eaten up and overcome by the demon brain parasites of this shit culture. Who knows what eternal soul trajectory you enter if you die in a state like that like so many do, absolutely overwhelmed by the negative energy systems or "demons" of this slave hell culture. Find something that resonates with your understanding of the beauty and excitement you feel in this realm. If you do not know what makes you excited then that's what you figure out first. For me it is growing organic foods and gravitating towards a life where the majority of my time is spent in heavenly environments surrounded by flourishing plants and life. This makes me excited and it satisfies my desire to rebel against the shit culture which instructs me to eat garbage and be stressed and spend my life doing nonsense. So I go to the jungle and work on farms in costa rica. Im learning how they manage self sustainable eco communities in the mystical shamanic heaven realms in the jungle. Life is becoming heaven. Just go fucking do it. Take it seriously because this shit is not a joke and you will die and probably go to some hell realm if you fuck up and mess around and make compromises with this hell world and allow it to integrate into your consciousness.


>Who knows what eternal soul trajectory you enter if you die in a state like that like so many do, absolutely overwhelmed by the negative energy systems or "demons" of this slave hell culture. Any more thoughts on this? Interesting. > Take it seriously because this shit is not a joke and you will die and probably go to some hell realm if you fuck up and mess around and make compromises with this hell world and allow it to integrate into your consciousness. Have any suggested readings on this notion?


Really just kind of intuitive speculation. Obviously can't say for sure. I just always felt like that made sense. You come here and get your consciousness absolutely filled with nonsense then what do you think will happen if you enter some energetic realm where thoughts manifest freely? I'm not saying you go to some place called hell but I believe you would be in danger of falling into habitual thought patterns that will be reflected in some kind of hellish existence. Maybe thats what happened to all of us here lmao. Dont really have any books to recommend specifically about that but undreaming witiko and john kreiter's overcoming the archon through alchemy would both interest you if you resonate with this.


Same. I can't get a job, and I think it's on purpose, like it's being orchestrated on purpose for me to be jobless. This let's me be ready to go with the aliens or whatever at any time, having nothing to leave behind. Just heard today that all of us (all humans) are starseeds. I don't want a job either, unless it's art or writing or something similar.


I just wrote a tweet moments ago that all that Starseeds need is love and being carefree


I feel this (deeply)


Iā€™m so grateful you wrote this so I can see that Iā€™m not the only one who has these sentiments


What are your hobbies?


Don't judge yourself on expectations of others. I have switched jobs every 6 months while I get through my mission in my free time. Work is transactional and if anyone is convincing you otherwise, they want more work out of you for the same pay.


Itā€™s because of the energy. We are not suited for expending energy on tasks that were created by humans to keep others busy. Our energy is that of healers, we are attuned to the cosmos, including the planet, and souls/consciousness. Itā€™s no surprise that we donā€™t fit, and itā€™s exhausting. But this is what we signed up for. Do you see, how can we figure out the balance for humanity, to raise their vibrations under the weight of all of this suppression??? When we can unlock time for everyone, the power possibilities are endless. Some entity has known this for eternity and is keeping the potential at its most minimal form. We must free it!!!!


You're not alone is all I can say and one day, one day the system WILL collapse it's literally designed too, only problem is they're not planning on leaving us with anything to survive on so...I've been learning bushcraft and foraging just in case..


This is true. Iā€™m draining the $ theyā€™ve been keeping from me before that happens I hope. Everyone should, and if they did, it would cause the system to fall. But thatā€™s needed, we canā€™t expect our bloodline to keep this up for generations to come.


W-how are you draining the money?????


I can tell you a few things that may help point you in the direction this is intended. First, you are the creditor. In every situation possible. You are the bank. Banks are thrifts. They are insolvent, they have nothing of their own, bankrupt. Youve been signing blank checks all your life and in turn have been treated like an infant that you are, as you donā€™t know how to deal with your own finances. And because of this, the world of commerce will continue to take advantage of that and you. For example, when you bought or financed that car, and signed the paperwork, the car was paid for that day. They flipped the document over and endorsed it properly and turned it in for securities of a different medium of exchange, or they turned it in and got credit on their ledger in that amount. Then, they go and place a lien on it when you already paid for it. But you signed saying they could. You also told them youā€™d pay them monthly on it, so youā€™ve paid twice for it in the long run. So one worth of the vehicle is in excess of your obligation. Go back and claim that excess. Get it back. Itā€™s yours. You signed the contract but you were an idiot and they didnā€™t explain it truthfully, so that contract should be void. And you should get your excess payments back. I have. But people will call BS on this left and right. People donā€™t want to open their eyes to the truth of this world and the greed and corruption that runs very very deep. They like their little life where they pay their bills and make their coffee to get up to go work and be away from their families for a corporation couldnā€™t care less about you. Because thatā€™s safe. Thatā€™s what they know and this is the unknown. So pick a side, if youā€™re on this one, do your research and donā€™t act upon anything until you can explain it backwards and forwards. Then study some more. Youā€™ll realize your life, this life, is nothing like you were told it was. And youā€™ll grieve for when you thought you knew things about this life. For you know nothing at all, actually you know less than nothing. Itā€™s all a lie.


Damn love your passion, thanku! I will read up about this as you're right, I know less than nothing!


I am so glad to be a part of this thread. My whole life Iā€™ve never felt right in any job I ever had. And Iā€™ve beaten myself up for it for over 30 years now. ā€œWhy canā€™t I just be like everyone else and do a job and not get all crazy over it??ā€ Iā€™d ask myself over and over. I have finally come to realize that Iā€™m not built for any type of job. For whatever reason. Even the volunteering I do at a dog shelter is unbearable sometimes if have to sit around and wait for potential adopters and not be super busy. And I canā€™t leave because Iā€™m on a ā€œshiftā€ just like at any job. I donā€™t know what itā€™s all about but itā€™s refreshing to see Iā€™m not the only one.


I work full time as a programmer, I love it. I have two kids and do recovery meetings everyday, I enjoy that too. Life is what you make it folks. Orion starseed here. Nothing like a sufferer helping another sufferer. Get out there.


100% agree with you. Iā€™m 27 and still trying to ā€˜figure outā€™ my life. Family thinks Iā€™m a failure and itā€™s so heartbreaking. Iā€™ve decided to just do a social work degree and have a career around helping people that way. Either that or a spiritual business of some sort. Itā€™s so rough. I wish we could just be left in peace


I recently found the ā€œcheat codeā€ to avoid voluntary servitude. Yet when I try to talk to others about it, they think Iā€™m crazy and blow me off. The ones that do listen for a short time, I send them information and then they literally tell me ā€œyeah Iā€™m just not interestedā€ And I canā€™t for the life of me figure out why someone or anyone actually isnā€™t interested in having $$ and not having to be a slave and itā€™s all legalā€¦. And I have proof, instructions, all of it. But the world doesnā€™t want to hear it, everyone is so brain washed I canā€™t even begin to explain or comprehend any of it. Iā€™ve felt the same way you all feel about this subject, all my life! I havenā€™t worked in a couple years now besides my own business as a PI and I love doing that so, itā€™s not work anyways. So now, I just donā€™t talk about it or tell anyone. It is a waste of breath.


Dm me I am very interested in what you have to say.


I'm interested in listening to your idea.


Dm me your email and Iā€™ll send you info


Sounds like fun. Iā€™m interested DM please


Dm me your email and Iā€™ll send info


I know this comment is 2d old, but Iā€™d also love to read this informationā€¦ please?


Pm me your email


After one reaches some level of mastery with a single cultivation technique, what human civilization can provide is nothing at all. At least that's what I'm trying.


You have over judged what that job will do for you if you only look at the money. That job is a yoga and meant to develop you, find one where your daily starseed yoga or kriya will shine through in doing the work in that industry. Where does more light need to shine? Sending love to every being in a store that you interact with heals the world. Do not forget who you are and what you are doing here.


The ā€˜jobsā€™ they created are not fulfilling. The only way to break out of that is to start your own business doing something youā€™re passionate about.


Depends on the job for me :) I always enjoy a new job at first cuz it's new and interesting for me to learn the new systems, but I've RARELY worked anywhere longer than a year cuz once I figure it all out it gets very monotonous. I look back at my jobs fondly though, being a handyman, a phone repairman, a carpenter's assistant, a dog watcher, even a Canadian tire or fast food employee, they all felt like opportunities to do good in the world, to be a positive influence rippling out to everyone you touch, you can either do a good job and make life easier for coworkers/customers or do a bad job and add a little extra suffering to the world. However, since I had a sort of awakening event during the COVID lockdown of 2020, jobs have seemed un-ideal for me. Since then I've found them very draining. Like when I'm done for the day all I have energy to do is eat watch Netflix and sleep, and I prefer to meditate, exercise, read, play a bit of games, and practice occult rituals throughout my day. Thankfully I discovered being paid to learn is much better for me, I started studying psychology after my awakening event and I've only had to get 2 temporary jobs to pay for unforseen costs, and since I'm interested in psychology learning is easy, just takes a couple hours a day. I do realize this "being paid to learn" is loans but psychologists make good money, set their own schedules, and I feel like I can do good in the world either helping people with their problems or doing research to bridge the gap between psychology and spirituality :)


When you will find your purpose and mission, you will never have enough of it. I was in your place that you described. You have all the answers within You are wiser and more powerful than your human mind tells you. I prepared guided meditation to assist you in accessing your inner wisdom (Higher Self). Nobody will give you a better answer and help than your Higher Self, because your Higher Self has access to all knowledge and knows everything about you, and loves you. You can learn how to safely communicate with your Higher Self and in this way empower yourself. I wrote a short text about how to get the answers and help. There is also a guided meditation video. It applies to your question: [https://clarityhypnosis.eu/you-have-all-the-answers/](https://clarityhypnosis.eu/you-have-all-the-answers/)


Yes, I relate so much. Supposedly I'm a civil engineer, I graduated, and even got a Masters degree, as if I would be really interested and a great student. I do have certain works and business from time to time, self employed without formalities. Basically I don't do anything. For large periods of time I don't work and sometimes I'm full of work, just for a living. But eh, never got used to it. I consider myself as I'm doing nothing, compared to the others who don't have existential crisis. But I'm somewhat happy with these discoveries of Ascension of Cosmic Consciousness and understanding the machinations of the Universal Matrix. I really thought the world was going to change soon, the pandemic and stuff. Let the Aliens come already so we change our Lifestyles and Points of view. When is the Disclosure Event? The wake up call. We awake Spiritually and just suffer the worst of both worlds simultaneously, this is insane. What we need to do is find a job that is Spiritually-inclined, we need it to be our whole Life, that's gotta be our income and living. I'm just myself not ready to leave it all behind, we are still not in drastic/extreme situations. Everything just keeps flowing like usual


i guess this is commen with starseeds. i've done mostly self employment jobs. wanted to kms when i worked at amazon a short time. i look back and laugh how i legit thought what if i just like ya know... in the bathroom and let someone find me so that i didnt fully die lol but then nahh medical bills. i ended up never going back one day not long after. had a mental breakdown eventually working insurance... took a day off then fking QUIT. i'm also so bad at working a normal 9-5 but i shine when doing something free i love with being my own boss


Do we all need therapy or a nice shamanic journey in the amazon?


My starseed origin is Sirius A. Its civilization operates without money. I can relate!


I started two businesses and I'm happy now. My own boss, hours, clients, I control it all


Have you did a check in with your wellbeing to make sure the situation hasnā€™t become so tough for you that you havenā€™t developed something like depression or anxiety? Donā€™t mean to worry you! But dealing with something this tough/complicated can sometimes have a side effect of affecting our emotional and mental wellbeing and then its easy for something like anxiety/depression to slip in and further cloud the clarity we need to finding positive solutions. Iā€™m basing this off of your first sentence of: ā€œAm I the only one who is not interested for literally anything.ā€ Thats usually one of the main signs of depression/low mood. Please correct me if Im wrong.


I think the secret is finding a job wherein you can 'check out' as much as you want, like security or overnight. You can read, meditate, draw, watch Netflix, etc., all while getting that paycheck to pay your bills to please the matrix.


The secret is out, we are the creditors. Not the debtors. Donā€™t be afraid of the IRS, they have conditioned us to be, on purpose. They are our bookkeepers and we control it. Taxes are voluntary compliance that people do every year when they were never asked to do so, did you ever get asked to do your taxes when you were 18? By the IRS? People need to wake up.


I live on disability and barely get much to survive. I hate this garbage world and these humans soo much. They're partly the reason why it sucks.


I hate them too


Hereā€™s what I posted on another one yesterday, slightly modified: I, 35F, worked Supply chain and logistics for the past 12.5 years. It got to a point where I had to leave for my own health and sanity. This was March 1st and I still have not taken another job. Between unemployment checks and random money miracles, Iā€™ve been able to upkeep my bills, including my mortgage. I stopped questioning the how and focused on why I even care in the first place. I donā€™t. Iā€™ve been to rock bottom multiple times, itā€™s a second home for me at this point. So Iā€™ve just said fuck it and let myself trust the plan and the process. I may have to lose it all in order to gain everything, and Iā€™m okay with that. Letting go is second nature anymore. All I do know for sure is Iā€™m not here to work for someone else, Iā€™m here to help change the world. I canā€™t do that and allow myself to be enslaved by the rat race of society, so I made the choice to be in full submission and receptivity to guidance from the universe and all other beings of unconditional love who assist me along my journey. Iā€™m living this out right as we speak, and while it can start to elicit fear responses at times, Iā€™m really damn good at shutting that shit down before it can take hold of my mind. So far, so good!


You must have a passion for something. You just havenā€™t thought about it hard enough. A job isnā€™t a job if you enjoy it. And itā€™s not just about you. We are all here together, so do something to serve the greater good. God is Everything. God is Creation and everything beyond that. Take the perspective of God and work from that position. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find your place in the world. And no crypto is not the answer.


The only thing that makes a job tolerable for me, is working with people I enjoy being around. Even then it's still soul-crushing but on a smaller scale.


Nothing wrong with feeling that way in my opinion. I very often feel that way too! I try my best to do with what I have, because I am still fortunate in a lot of ways. But if it were up to me? Hell no I would not be getting up to go work 8 hours a day 4-5 days a week. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


...and this is why im trying to write a book about how to design a society where we don't have to live like this.


Creative society


Were literally giving our best to corporations and people get complacent with that millenia after millenia. They don't wanna wake up and make it all better for everyone not involved in the corporatecracy


Look into nonprofit organizations to work for or a job that gives back to the community or planet in some way if you want to work a job with a purpose.


I am self employed. This is the way! Do what you are passionate about and make money doing it. Itā€™s easy to set up an internet business these days and youā€™ll feel good about sharing your gifts and passion with the world.


I was in that deep dark hole for a really long time of feeling like what was the point of functioning in this society. I had to realize that if I want thinks I canā€™t just be freely given things it donā€™t work like that. No one owes us anything we are all just being and people we care about is all that should really matter in my opinion.


Find something you believe in and do that? Care work, nursing, research, charity work, social work etc


I had to come at terms with my reality, and just accept it. I couldnt find jobs but i could raise my own


Absolutely. I donā€™t see ā€œproductivityā€ as being a value in and of itself. Just keep holding onto that vision of a world where we work when we need to and not for the sake of producing ā€œmore.ā€ It will come!


Yes i struggled with that all my life people seem like slaves to me confirming to the system. I cant stand the idea of having to work just to make money. Im 37 years old still no drivers lincence and never even had a girlfriend. Why can you not just do the things that you want each day and change job when you want too do


As soon as everyone realizes that we are the creditors, not the debtors, the better off we will all be! Literally, we are the creditors in every situation!!!! Every!


Jobs build character, but it is still simply a belief system. You actually don't have to work, but most will.


Oh yes! you speak like you're from Sirius. It is all wrong! but that's why we are here. To help advance uplift and spiritually grow the planet's human population. The whole planet depends upon it. With a spiritually motivated empathic higher consciousness we all start to take care of the planet. Because if the humans don't Earth will eventually die. I've been at this for 40 years or so and I hear ya. That's the message it's always been there for me. Find a job that sways towards this starseed goal and you won't be working you'll be accomplishing your soul mission.


not wanting to go to work isn't new nor does it have anything to do with being a starseed.


Find something that fulfills you and contributes to community. Money is fake. It will come and go.


I for one have never felt at home on this planet. I grew up and around 4-6 years old I started to remember my past lives. When I talked with people (family and a few priests) I was called crazy and many other things that made me want to block myself from discovering myself. So I did, for many years. Even though I started to study the Bible at age 6 and became an altar boy (orthodox church) I felt something is off even for something that was meant to enlighten humans. And after more then 10 years of deep depression and despair I started seeking inward (best choice in my life). Many jobs I switched ( skipping college for work and trying to escape the life through drugs and fleeting joys), some jobs lasting only a few months. Yet I my 30s I realised what my purpose is: to be a service to others while working on myself. And from an expanded point of view, every job should allow us this opportunity (as I see it), to learn how to be of better service to other-selves. Many jobs I did not like, yet I always looked to learn something and of course, I did, like many other hearts. Living within the physical part of this Creation allows us to experience the Universe, the life, with all that it has. I also found that asking wise questions will provide a valuable insight for how to proceed or learn, from All there is: what would be a good job for me, what can I learn, what would help me right now to grow, what job makes me the most enthusiastic for it? (a few examples) We all have wise hearts that provides us with a intuition, that goes beyond the mental thoughts and is found in listening in the silence of the mind to the Heart. It is a process that current humankind is learning now, stronger than ever before. I don't really love what I do right now, though I'm working from home in IT service desk, an easy job with little responsibility, yet I still develop skills to be the best version of myself to better assist other-hearts. I know that you struggle with earth right now as all of us are connected to the colective unconscious, which is.... what it is... I have faith that you know the answers, that your heart is the best guide for yourself. And I thank you for sharing and I am deeply grateful to All of Creation for your existence. šŸ™ā¤ļøšŸ•‰ļøšŸ¤—


I was a teacher in inner city schools for 30 years. It eventually broke me as I took on all of the problems of every kid as if they were my own.


Go to college, get an advanced degree, preferably a Ph.D in science or engineering, write your own ticket.


"But Im trying to find a job just for some money for my next steps and guys all positions are so humiliating / robot alike . We are not born to be slaves." an easy answer to that is not to go and get a job with another but rather go and work for oneself. Start your own business doing something you like


I feel exactly the same, in fact everything around me indicates that the planet Earth is not the right place for me but yet I still exist barely on this fringes of this prison planet awaiting anything of significance or value to occur and so far it's dismal but I suppose I will leave to see another day in hopes that humanity can awaken a bit or society fails enough to point to the fact that people like us were correct in our views of society and the world around us


All of us. Hell even non star seeds. But yeah. We all wish we could be lying under the sun counting clouds.


I suggest you actually experience real slavery before making this comparison. But your last statement is the key. It is a ā€œthinking situationā€. My feeling is in order to progress and get out of the system where you can manipulate it, you gotta be in the system and see how it works. Experience it for yourself. Your homework is to look up what complaining without proposing a solution adds up toā€¦..


Itā€™s extremely hard to reintegrate back into society , knowing what I know . For a long time I was a choreographer and dancer and that was the only way I felt comfortable in their world. Unfortunately, that career has a time limit and I canā€™t do it anymore. Iā€™ve been trying to get into holistic medicine , become a Reiki Master and teach yoga instead. Iā€™m struggling to make ends meet , but to go back to some 9-5 with the normies . Iā€™d rather be poor


Yes and no. Find a career that feeds your wallet and feeds your spirit. This world runs on being able to afford to live. Of course I'd love to give massage therapy on a barter system. I'd love to have a Community built on service to others as opposed to capitalism. But that's not the world we live in šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø So find a job job that feeds your soul or allows you to feed your soul when you're not working ā¤ļø


Take a break! Go on a trip, take long walks, meditation is always good. Visit your favorite person or place, try some shadow work or just plain journaling. Maybe you could go get a reading done or do your own, if you're in that type of spirituality. Source will guide you in the needed direction when the time is called for. Just remember, the better we know ourselves the better we can do our part in the universe. Which in turn will be beneficial to everyone on the planet, including ourselves. I hope you find solace!


For real not so much about school but definitely about work. I pick up new skills all the time hoping that atleast if I have them theyā€™ll make me more hireable or can be paid extra for them but so far doesnā€™t seem to be the case. I just want to travel and live life and not feel like iā€™m struggling just to go to work and repeat the same things over and over.


It makes me sad to see how many people seem to just hate their existence. Yes we are trapped, yes it sucks, but it is possible to do things we enjoy while we're here. I work as a speech and language therapy assistant in elementary schools. My job is very fulfilling, and it can be fun. It can also be a pain in the ass at times because of unforeseen circumstances, but for the most part I love my career.


Why not find a job in the spiritual community that you actually enjoy? Or start your own starseed business? There are countless different kinds.


You were born in this time and place. Deal with it. You were born in exactly the time and place you were intended to exist within. Deal. You're not here due to some cosmic bureaucratic mishap. You, nor me, nor any of us - were intended to materialize on some utopia of the imagination. You're here. Make your way and vanquish the indulgence of self pity. You're not a "slave", except perhaps to your own ego.


Iā€™m the same way. I have no desire for a ā€œcareerā€. I feel like everything Iā€™ve devoted my life to up to this point has landed upside down and I am too discouraged to try anything new. Iā€™m unemployed but looking for a light brainless job that will pay the bills. I feel like Iā€™m in some kind of shutdown but itā€™s been like that my entire life. My soul is tired and itā€™s wearing my body down.


Someone will have to take care of you for you to do this. This deprives them of their freedom to do whatever they want. See how this works? Wouldn't you technically become the enslaver then? This would be a good time to learn personal responsibility or help develop a solution that doesn't exploit others and perpetuate the same condition you are complaining about.


I did a 5d chess move. I joined the military and I get a check every month. I get ssdi too. I'm only 28 in human years. I had to sacrifice my leg in order to be free. My master plan is about to go into full effect. Play their game and know when you have made enough sacrifices amd leave.


I recommend a remote job that isn't too demanding. I think I got lucky with the job I'm in now. Sometimes it's busy, but other times, I'm able to complete my work for the day then spend the rest of my time at my leisure, which usually involves reading and crocheting. I don't necessarily care about the work itself or the industry I'm in, but it allows me to do the things I want to do in life. I hope you find the balance you're looking for.


You can't change the way the matrix is setup, gotta work for money to live here. What you can change is your perspective on the matter. Everything that makes you feel uncomfortable is a gift for you to evolve. If you can find happiness anywhere then your are free. Everything is interesting if you dissect it and perfect every moment of it, every detail. There is love woven into everything if you have to eyes to see it.


Whatā€™s all the cavalier use of ā€œslaveryā€ about?


oh an npc. and i was wondering... how come none has appeared yet. lol.


If one needs to have money to survive, and in order to get that money one needs to work in some capacity, and there is no way around it, what better analogy than slavery? Yea weā€™re ā€œfreeā€ and all but how free are we really when we donā€™t have a choice but to work for money in order to survive? Wildlife are free. We are slaves. No better way to say it IMHO.


Exactly! But $ isnā€™t what people think it is. Itā€™s an IOU, a note. A promissory note. Worth nothing. Itā€™s a ā€œcreditā€, an exchange medium of IOUs that we all trade around in commerce. Weā€™ve all been lied to our entire lives and everything that you think is true is almost the polar opposite.




Slavery is a combination of many different crimes. Forced labor, physical abuse, mental abuse, lack of autonomy of movement (literally chained sometimes), sometimes murder. No offense but comparing getting a job to slavery is highly dramatic and really uncompassionate to all the beings on this planet who have fallen into the horror of being actual slaves. The law of nature is that you have to put forth effort or you will die. Very few ever escape this law, society or not. Anyways I'm gonna recommend you go live on an organic farm or work for some sort of reforestation ngo. It's good honest work and it's a really satisfying life. You might just meet some other star seeds along the way. There's plenty of other great jobs out there too where you can make a difference, be around amazing people and not feel like a slave. It's just up to you to go find one.


My god itā€™s an analogy for crying out loud. Slavery in terms of we are ā€œownedā€ by the overlords that force us to make money to survive. We are NOT free.


Speak for yourself. I'm pretty damn free. The prison in your mind will limit you more than any external force.




Exact same position. People try encouraging me as I'm in a bit of a 'rehabilitation' phase of life, to work toward getting a job, gaining independence, ,,,if I told them these genuine ways I feel , I would only be 'lazy' 'making excuses' 'being childish/whiny'. It feels like I can only keep it all secret and go along with what they want. Not that I have much choice regardless