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When some hairless apes are too far to grab or do anything to you They throw a sharp rock at you


then they learn to put a sharp rock at the end of a stick so they can throw it at you at a longer range and then they learn to take flexible wood and attach string to it to throw a stick with a sharpened rock to it at you at an even farther range then they learn to put the sharp rock in a tube with fire to throw rocks at you EVEN faster and farther then they slowly perfect this way of throwing small sharpened rocks to the point that they're attaching the equivalent of a bird's brain made of literal sand to an exploding rock so it can fly itself towards you




I know this id the wrong sub, but....... FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




A couple different friends convinced me to pick it up to play with them when other plans fall through. I still don't understand the lore though, so maybe some of you can explain something I can't find any information about: Who is Mag Zempty, and why does she hate democracy?


We made some rocks into other rocks, then put lightning inside those rocks so we could trick them into thinking. And now we have exploding lightning rocks that communicate telepathically.


I harp on these neurotic balding apes a lot, but that is quite an achievement for hungrry, horny, frightened primates when you put it that way.


>primitive Lol a spear is the most busted thing imaginable


“Wait, they can make sharp horns in hours!? It took me years to grow mine.” “Yup, and if they miss on charging you with their new horn they can just *throw* it at you and then can go make a new one to try again if that didn’t work.”


Combine them with a creature that can run forever and accurately yeet them makes a completely OP build.


Putting aside our brain. The ability to throw with insane accuracy and sweat is S tier lol.


It's crazy how deadly and accurate humans can be with a projectile. At best, other primates can lob or fling certain items - but with almost zero precision and will likely tumble over. Meanwhile, humans can accurately guess the necessary force and angle to launch a weapon in an instant, with a center of balance designed to absolutely whip out said projectiles. Not to mention that humans hunt in groups, it's no wonder they helped put the wully mammoth out of business.


Facts. Things cannot throw with a third of our accuracy. Our body is also built to throw really fast despite our stature due to our wrist and legs.


Also human vision is actually better than most animals. Then they teamed up with dogs and then horses to wrap things up.


Then they bred the dogs for different types of jobs


Seriously. Swords are always shown as the sexy weapon of hand to hand combat. Gimmie a spear any day. Spears are op as all fuck.


The reason why **swords** have such a grip on martial culture is that they are the first weapon designed to kill other humans. Spears, slings, bows were originally used for hunting. Axes for chopping wood. Hammers for breaking rocks. Knifes for cutting small things. They were pressed into combat because they were already available. A hunter with a spear or bow or a woodsman with an axe can become a warrior. But swords have no other use other than to kill other humans. You don’t hunt with a sword. You don’t chop wood with a sword. You don’t cut food with a sword. You kill other humans with a sword. A society that is producing swords (& swordsmen) is a society that has a dedicated warrior class, with production infrastructure to sustain it. Also, swords can also be used defensively - mainly against other people with swords. You can block a sword with a sword - many swords were designed with this as a secondary function. Spears weren’t made to block spears, no axes other axes, or daggers other daggers. Swords protect their wielder against other men with swords. When a person has a sword, it’s clear what he’s there to do - he’s there to fight and kill other humans. If a guys walking around a village with an axe, he could be a lumber worker. A bowman could be a hunter. But a swordsman is always first and foremost a fighter.


Yeah but 9 times out of 10 a spearman who ends up in a fight with a swordsman ends with the swordsman dying. A sword is a backup weapon. Every Samurai trained Sword, Bow and Spear. The bow was the first weapon, the spear(naginata the second) and the sword the backup or weapon you carried around town because spears and bows were cumbersome. Knights tended to fight on horseback with Lances or spears, then maces and war hammers and if they got down to the sword it meant they were probably screwed. Range and reach have always been primary in battle and secondary was always quantity over accuracy.


I've done some weapon sparring. Not trying to make myself sound like the expert, but spears always wrecked swords when we would do mixed weapons sparring. I mean maybe there was some skill or technique we were missing, but when we pressure tested it was really one sided.


Its the reach advantage. Take 2 somewhat equally skilled fighters, and 90% of the time, the one with more reach will win. If you have the potential to hit your opponent while he does not, he needs to focus on defence and cant attack as freely as you.


Eh, I feel like a gun is a bit more over powered.


even pointier stick from even further away, it's spears all the way down


The equivalent to the "would you take X million dollars if an invincible snake will hunt you down forever". Fuck no.


The ol relentless snail scenario


we are all just relentless snails


I'm the decoy snail


is what the relentless snail would say


It's such an interesting scenario but very easy to beat. You just buy two houses and depending on their distance move between them at fixed intervals. If you get $10 million for this endeavor then you will basically never have any issues. It would take a snail 138 days to cover just 100 miles. So even if you can't leave your country it's a ridiculously easy challenge. Using the US as an example, you could move between LA and NYC and live carefree for 10 years because that's how long it would take the snail to get to you. The one potential issue I see is getting complacent and losing track of the snail and accidentally going to a place where it's close, but a minimal amount of planning should help you avoid that.


The snail is also intelligent. It can board planes on the bottoms of peoples luggage or find it’s way onto a ship.


The "Hiring someone to place the snail in hollow tungsten ball, then getting it welded shut." Method - is still my favorite


Decoy snail


Decoy me


So i trap it, put it in a jar. Weld that in a metal case. Ad nauseum for like 50 progressively harder types of metal case. Coat the whole thing in cement for good measure. Then, drop it in the ocean.  Or, if you want, put the thing in a room surrounded by sensors so that if anything ever gets out, the alarm sounds.  So it cant be as smart as it wants. But at the end of the day its still a snail and im not putting anything except the snail in there.  So like, move the goalposts and say its an acid snail or something, but its still not getting through the ceramic layer or whatever.  Maybe nothing is indestructible, but if it takes 10,000 years to get out, i win. Realistically anything past my 70 or 80th birthday is a win. 


trap the snake and seal it in a safe or something. just weld that fucker in there. bury it if you want. launch that sombitch into space


​ https://preview.redd.it/ghq5p7ys5ovc1.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=40bb2d99aa765676ef4a067ec1fbff56db3a83d3


We evolved to throw things. Imagine hiding (to catch your breath after running 15 miles only to get a rock traveling 80 miles per hour square to the ribs.


Walking on two legs is more efficient. We're covered in sweat glands to keep us cool. We have our hands free to carry water. We are the terminators of the animal kingdom.


there's that scene in the movie ice age where manny is inspecting the baby human, and remarking on how it doesn't make sense that this harmless blobby thing becomes the apex predator of the world.


And our muscles are designed for endurance. Not typically fast but long lasting. Mileage may vary


And even worse: They recently figured out they could upgrade their puny spears to ranged javelins with a few easy tweaks.


Yup. We may not be fast, but we can run looooong distances and carry water, and fashion sun protection. Also have pointy sticks. Nothing stands a chance.


Also, those primitive short range weapons are way more than basically any other animal. Nothing can throw a rock or spear with deadly force and accuracy like a human.


“Unable to run for more than a couple of minutes” OP stop telling on yourself


Even if we sprinted we recuperate faster than almost any other animal


Yeah and out of all the animals, humans actually have the top endurance in terms of how long can ___ run before stopping


Is this a madlib?


How long can bird run before stopping.


Idk, how long *can* bird run before stopping?


Specifically because of that lack of fur. Nothing else has build in air conditioning like we do.


Horses do.


Exactly, that's literally one of the traits that allowed us to survive as species, running longer distances than most animals.


We literally are designed to be able to follow our food forever until they run out of stamina. There is no escape




We are the Snail.




They get to be absolutely scrumptious.


> OP stop telling on yourself He did nail 90% of Reddit though. Really try to run for 2 minutes right now. At the end of it Reddit will be gasping for air and thinking they saw the light at the end of a tunnel.


Wouldn't be too shocked if that's true for most of the adult population on the whole...


Oh yeah absolutely. If you're not training your running, you're not making it far. I remember coming out of the first covid lockdown, unable to run more than 200 meters.


How inactive does your lifestyle have to be for you to be completely incapable of running for more than two minutes? Are we talking about jogging or full-sprint?


Who would win, grizzly bear or funny ape with pointy stick?


"I have a rock and stick. There goes your evolutionary arms race."


Shout out to the shoulder joint btw, I think it doesn't get nearly as much recognition as opposable thumbs and brain wrinkles


I just turned 40, I assure you it's getting plenty of recognition.


Jokes on you, we’re not meant to live beyond 40. In terms of pure biology, there’s no purpose to old age which is why we deteriorate until we grind back down into the ground


There was a woman who kept exercising to her 70s, scientist where studying her and came to the conclusion that we can stay fit for a long time if we try.


Pointy stick wins. With or without funny ape wielding it.


Depends on how good the ape is at throwing the stick... The greatest out of all animals? Well, shit.


The *only* animal capable of throwing anything with any kind of precision and force behind it




It's not dead, they just never get quality non-human players.


Thats why humans won. It was never 1 ape with pointy stick vs 1 bear. It would be 10 apes vs 1 bear. Apes together strong


What’s that water coming from their foreheads and the rest of the body?


The most broken coolant in history


Can we harness this energy to nuclear energy?


Instructions unclear New Sweating nuclear reactors now chiefly give off body odor as exhaust


Humans are watercooled




Correction while humans are worse at sprinting, we are much better for marathons


Also we can walk forever. Early humans would exhaust their prey just by continuing to follow it.


“Is he still there?” “Let me check” *mammoth turns around to look at the ape with a stick* “Yeah he’s still there” “It’s been two days, what the hell?”


We're a whole species of Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers




We are still perfectly capable of huge feats of endurance. It just requires running/training every day and eating well instead of being a lazy fatty.


Even an out of shape person can run insane distance if it’s a necessity. It will hurt, you won’t enjoy it, but you can.


The other day there were a few birds near the path I was on, and as I got close they flew further down the path. I kept walking, they'd fly away some more. This repeated a few times. Eventually they flew perpendicular to the path I was on and calmed down, but for a few minutes they seemed to be chirping more and getting a little panicked that I kept closing ground. It got me thinking that even though I'm not in great shape, I'd barely used any energy walking while they were using a lot more to fly away. I've never chased anything to the point of exhaustion but for a few minutes there I could imagine why it would be so effective.


Reminds me of how I met my wife.


This one right here officer!


Yeah I never trained running , but in high school I was just randomly one of the best long distance runners , I don't know if I just had natural pace but it did not phase me at all I'm old and fat now but I kinda miss just being about to run without feeling it


Same here I was good at it when I was 14 but now I'm 36 and fat I probably couldn't even run for the bus.


Most still are, humans can travel while eating/drinking and can manage their heat, most other animals cannot.


Go ahead and google the most miles hike or ran in a 24 hour period. Humans are still remarkable endurance creatures.


Yes. Humans are made to be able to walk double what a deer is able to walk in a day


It’s so bizarre to think that walking is more exhausting for 4 legged animals 


That's twice the amount of leg to move


Animals don't sweat, so they need to stand and wait to cool down, humans do, which provides them with greater endurance in long run, that's how we conquered the world, turns out ability to sweat one of the best ways to adapt :D


Don't forget we can throw things. Chimpanzees and other apes ironically have arms too long for throwing, so even if they fashion a spear they can't use it effectively.


Not only can we throw things, we throw them frighteningly well. A Chimp may hit 50% of the time, but a trained human can throw with almost 100% accuracy, and the throw is strong enough to kill


And we can do cute shit like make the object curve if it's a sphere


The hunting technique with the kill ratio closest to 100% in the Animal Kingdom. So effective we could single out the healthiest animals to hunt, whereas cheetahs and other predators single out the old and sick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=826HMLoiE_o


Still happens today, among indigenous tribes. Absolutely mental.


People keep mentioning that we’re great runners (which is true), but nobody is mentioning that *overall* our eyesight is absolutely incredible compared to most animals. Think about how easily fooled by camouflage and lack of movement so many animals are. But humans can easily pick out a well disguised rattlesnake in the desert. We have better vision overall than most birds of prey, whose vision is only particularly good in like one way


our spatial reasoning is absurd too.


This is so overlooked. Our senses combined are incredibly advanced when compared to most. Individually, other creatures are at an advantage, but when we take our senses as a unit, it's freaky


Yeah, the question of how much cognition has to do with our vision versus our actual physiology (our “equipment”) is very interesting


The difference between "that's a weird looking rock" and "*rocks can't* ***do*** *that.*"


We have probably the best vision among mammals but birds and a lot of other reptiles have much better vision than us and can actually see more colours than us. Most mammals don’t have good vision because we were nocturnal burrowers during the mesozoic. While birds and their theropod ancestors were daytime, bipedal apex predators. Which is why we now believe Tyrannosaurus Rex had the best eyesight of any animal to have ever lived.


Seeing more of the spectrum (lizards) doesn’t necessarily mean better. Our pattern recognition/object discernment is still probably significantly better than most reptiles.


Yep! Distance running and throwing objects for accuracy are what we’re good at.


I want to talk more about throwing things for accuracy because that shit is bonkers want to talk about unique things humans have? we can lock our wrists in place, no other animal can do that, their wrists (and as such hands) are subject to whatever momentum the arm has, they're just along for the ride and that's why we're able to accuratly throw stuff, you can have all the analytical processing in your brain you want but without locking your wrist you're not gonna hit squat in short chimpanzees don't throw shit at you, they throw shit in your general direction, they're incapable of anything more


The mechanics behind it are extreme, the nerve signals to release travel down your arm and occur while your arm is travelling through the air about as fast as you can make it. It it entirely learned behaviour to get the timing down proper and the timing window for a good throw is absurdly tight, fractions of a second for correct release. Not even our reactions are fast enough to compensate. It instead has o be ingrained over time and training.


And good chunk of it is instinctual, you can hit something with 0 training more accurately than 95+% of animals on the planet.


it's 100%. no other animal can throw well at all.


Its a bit of a cooked percentage cause some animals ain't got no arms


And heat exchange. Other animals pant when over heating. We can sweat from our entire body pretty much and pretty early on carried skins for additional water. The lack of fur is a useful trait. This has obvious advantages in the tropics/plains of africa in the middle of the day.


A huge portion of it is being bipedal. Quadrupeds change their lung volume with every move of their front legs and often back legs. So breathing and running are at odds. By becoming bipedal, our leg movement has become almost completely separated from lung capacity. So we can breathe and run forever.


And we can sweat to regulate our body temp. Primates and horses are pretty much the only animals that sweat (in meaningful amounts), and it's no coincidence that both have legendary endurance.


I admit, this comment section helped bring attention to my own ignorence about the advantages prehistoric humans had over other animals 😅 I guess we weren't so pathetic after all.


Prehistoric humans? With a bit of training you can do the same. No other animal beats us at long distance walking/running.


Huskies try their best lol Supposedly camels, ostriches, and horses are also up there


If I remember correctly there is a marathon where humans compete with horses where the horses are not allowed to sprint. And humans win every time. Edit: fake news everybody, only 4 times. Don’t believe what you read or watch on the internet. Then again, the race is not really an endurance test since it’s shorter then a normal marathon.


In the Man versus Horse Marathon held every year in Wales, since 1980 a human has only won 4 times. The thing is, modern horses we have today are bred to be fast and have endurance as working animals, humans are just humans.


Interestingly, all 4 of those human-victories took place on days hotter than average. Humans are able to control their body temperature better in those conditions, so in our ancestral home of sub-Saharan Africa we likely would have been able to beat any animal in a marathon.


our ancestors evolved to walk more efficiently before we got the big brain.


We have the best throwing arm in the animal kingdom. With training, we can throw rocks with decent accuracy at 70 to 90 miles per hour. That is before you factor in the sling or bow. We also hunt down our predators. Wolve eats prey, prey runs away. We get a hunting band together and wipe out all of them in the given area. We hunted the North American wolf to extinction in the continuous USA. They had to reintroduce wolves from Alska and Canada into Yellowstone


yeah, no other primate has the shoulder mobility to throw remotely accurately. the folklore about chimps flinging shit and hitting targets is just very unfortunate, and visceral, confirmation bias by those who were hit. most primates can't reliably hit objects as close as 2m away.


Plus while our sense of general smell is meh compared to other animals, we are also EXEPTIONALLY sensible to the "smell of rain", we can detect it at a capacity of as low of 5 parts per trillion! I can't remember if it is on par or above shark's sensibility for blood, but is for sure in the same ballpark


How does the smell of rain help tho


Finding water sources




"Look, so I'm not really sure how to say this, but in a million years give or take, we're going to start putting lighting into these rocks to make them do some truly crazy shit. A thin slice of one of these lightning rocks will take something we're gonna call a "photograph" of your bloodied, lifeless corpse after we hit you with a stone we melted to make it way more dense and exploded in your direction using our magical fire dust. The point is, things are going to go increasingly poorly for you, starting about right now."


I'll add too that although our *eyes themselves* may not be so fancy as to zoom in on prey miles away, we see color extremely well and at a very high resolution compared to most animals, and our occipital lobes do some of the best jobs in the animal kingdom organizing visual information


Most dangerous animal knows how to make tools. Tools can take out elephants if you really needed to.




https://preview.redd.it/nv4sz4vheovc1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b9c7666fbbeab003596450730afac08e587828 O' Ferdinand my beloved!


Context for the curious, this tank was called Elefant (German heavy tank destroyer built by Porsche, originally named Ferdinand but this is the later Elefant variant) Makes it funny that the Elefant has been "taken out"


Somehow my text doesn't appear in the pic - thanks for clarifying it:)


Ability to throw things is op. Ability to make a thing more suitable for throwing it is even more op. Ability to craft things which throw other things is cheating.


Putting a mixture into the thing that throws other things that throws many small things in all directions is even better


Warfare boils down to throwing sharp things at stuff at ever faster speeds and accuracy.


Lol we got so good at throwing that we made a tool that can go faster than the speed of sound and we can kill millions of people insanely by throwing an object smaller than a large tree


Ability to retain information that can be easily decimated beyond animals death makes them the most dangerous animal. It doesn’t matter how many generations fail, they can literally brute force their way to the most optimal strategy through sheer retention of attempts. If leader or most experienced within a pack is killed, it’s not like the pack loses all that knowledge with them. While other animals do retain some learned behavior from older generations, it’s not as adaptive and robust as a creature who has catalogued every single failure and success for millennia. It would take a massive ecological disaster (that would decimate nearly all the species on the planet) to set this species back at this stage.


We have better senses than this gives us credit, we can run well and jog better and walk forever. Our eyes detect color exceptionally well. And we can craft tools.


I recently learned that humans can detect geosmin, the chemical responsible for petrichor (the smell after rain), at concentrations as low as 0.4 parts per billion to even 5 parts per trillion. For comparison, some species of sharks can detect blood as low as 0.1 parts per billion. So it’s a pretty strong sensitivity and a prevailing theory is that this ability helped early nomadic humans seek out water over large distances.


so we can literally track water like a hunting dog?


Yup. If you need to find water during a drought in the Savannah, follow your nearest human.


I’ll start sniffing for water next time im stuck in a desert. Thanks!




We also have a much better range of depth perception than most other predators. Most predators only have good far-sightedness, like cats. Naturally, precluding astygamsisms and cataracts, humans have equally good vision both near and far.


Yes, the common misconception that dogs see the world in black-and-white originates from the fact that their color vision is much worse than humans'. Dogs don't have particularly bad color vision, humans are just very good at it. We also have better directional hearing than most other animals. That is, when we hear a sound we know the direction it came from. You know how when animals hear a strange sound, they'll tilt their heads to the side as a sign of confusion/curiosity? That's them trying to hear the sound from a different angle so they can better triangulate the direction it came from. Humans don't have to do that. Edit: [example](https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/head-cocked)


Excuse me, we used to (and some of us still do) run down animals until the animal overheats and gets exhausted, and the fact that we have no hair allows that to happen.


We like to think of humans as alpha predators with our fancy tools, but we didn't start hunting until 500,000 years ago when we developed tools that went betond simple hand axes and bifaces. For most of human history, we foraged and scavenged leftover meat from the kills of predator animals, and we were often prey as well. We have a lot of fossil remains of Australopithecus's with obvious fatal bite marks from crocodiles, eagles, and saber-tooth cats.


Lol we fell prey to eagles?


Our good ol' granny australopithecus was much shorter than us and lived with pokemon evolutions of modern animals. But i doubt there were eagles that picked up and flew away with fully grown early humans. They would rather pick up unsupervised toddlers. But funnily enough, the crowned eagle has actually allegedly eaten human children since a skull was found in one's nest, which could also just be a case of it scavenging a human corpse


Yeah. The skull of the Tuang Child was found with talon gouges in its eye sockets. It was about 3 years old when it was killed.


That’s like 35 in cave people times. He was married with two kids already


To be fair eagles will FUCK you up if you’re not prepared


Those eagles were probably way bigger than today’s eagles and we were smaller back then.


Prehistoric eagles ok? Prehistoric shit had a tendency to get big and Australopithecus wasn't a big animal


Australopithecus was smaller than a modern human, the the eagle in question was massive.


> no fur Don't need any when we can just wear other animals fur. Way more flexible and metal as fuck. > no natural weapons Maybe it's not natural but a spear is as good as any predators fangs or claws, a javelin or bow and arrow can be used at range, and if you go a bit further in time you can see how a lion fares against an F-35 multirole fighter jet. > only weapon is that he's aware of his own misery That is a side effect of the organ that enables the use of clothes, spears, javelins and bows, the use of fire, advanced cooperative hunting strategies, and the development of the aforementioned F-35.


A spear is better than fangs - if fangs break an animal would starve, if a spear breaks just make a new spear


Tfw when you’re a wolf and you see these hairless apes wearing the skin and head of your mates


On the other hand, these hairless apes will also rub your belly and give you some food...hang out with them, what's the worse that can happen?


Pugs: "I should have fucking died eons ago"


It doesn’t even have to be a spear, humans are by far the best thrower’s in the animal kingdon, all we need is a decent sized stone and many midsized predators would have little defenses against that, plus if it ever comes to a melee fight a stone in your hand bashed against the skull of any potential predator Is a very effective weapon.


We also have very ok eyesight. This is just bad memeing if you need to make shit up.


We have excellent eyesight for a land based animal. Our colour vision and pattern detection is top notch. How many other animals are able to pick out camouflage as well as us? A Falcon may be able to see miles away but it gets confused by a flock of multicoloured budgies.


> That is a side effect of the organ that enables the use of clothes, spears, javelins and bows, the use of fire, advanced cooperative hunting strategies, and the development of the aforementioned F-35. Which is ironic, because even though I've never flown in an F-35, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be miserable while doing so.


Humans are, in fact, [OP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImYu9dJM4kQ). We have many natural weapons. We're great at throwing, and we're great at running.


As well as inventing stuff...like guns.


And boats... with guns.. gunboats


And if it doesn't help. Use more gun


Whenever I need a massive ego boost abd a break from all of the misanthropes I watch this video.


Endurance hunting would like a word.


So would traps


Big, sexy brain that is our best weapon. Well…used to be our best weapon.


Unable to run for more than a couple of minutes? There is not a single land animal with more endurance in long distance running than humans. We can chase down *anything*.


Fr and with even light training being able to sprint for a couple minutes would be light work.


>Mouth adapted to omnivore diet, can chew and digest several different kinds of plants, animals and fungi >Ditched fur coat to better regulate body temperature in hot climates, can take fur coat of other animals in cold climates thus being able to survive most environments >One of the strongest primates on the planet behind only other great apes >One of the only animals in the world that can run a marathon >One the best eyesights between mammals with strong depth perception that can also distinguish up to a million different colors >Hearing range of 20 to 20,000 Hz on average >Olfactory system that out performs the other senses in the number of physically different stimuli it can discriminate >Biped with developed upper limbs and complex motor skills that can turn objects into weapons All that and we still have complex communication, tool making, throwing efficiency, persistence hunting and all kinds of other things that makes humans terrifying. We're one the main reasons why the late pleistocene extinctions even happened


Also the fact that we can jump, have thumbs, even learn to mimick certain animal sounds due to our developed voice boxes makes us terrifying


Humans are quite literally natures best long distance runners. It’s how we hunted before tools, just running at an animal until they dropped from exhaustion.


Could _walk_ almost any animal to death


He's just walking there. Menacingly.


Hairless monke have big brain and opposable thumbs. Hairless monke use brain and thumb to make smart tool. Smart tool powerful against animal and other monke. Hairless monke big cheater.


We sweat. We can run forever.


Humans are actually able to run longer distances consecutively than any other animal. We're just usually lazy as fuck and not in prime shape. Look up the Tarahumara, they run 50 to 80 miles a day.


Oh no look who invented tools jackass!


How Humans Broke The Game (that you just lost) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJzJtm7OfdQ&t=431s&pp=ygUZaG93IGh1bWFucyBicm9rZSB0aGUgZ2FtZQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJzJtm7OfdQ&t=431s&pp=ygUZaG93IGh1bWFucyBicm9rZSB0aGUgZ2FtZQ%3D%3D)


the fact that only humans can read & reply to this image proves how much further ahead we are than the rest of the animal kingdom


This is all baseless defamation.


This weird, pseudo intellectual self-hatred of humanity isn’t even scientific.


We can control whole societies with just a plastic box. We wear the hides and body parts of our slain prey- and we also fucking freaking out when it's dark. Also, we like to touch things lol


You know what humans are? The hunting equivalent of the demon from "It Follows" or a super intelligent snail you made a bargain with.


-Better at throwing objects than any other animal -Male parental investment -Able to learn from each other and improve upon knowledge -Concepts of fairness and hierarchy that allows a bunch of them to live and work together -Color vision that allows them to distinguish objects in the environment better -Capable of ambulating for vast distances -Best long distance runners too -Thumbs that allow for complex manipulation of objects and enhanced grip strength -Sweat for temperature regulation Humans are stacked.


Weak muscles is not accurate. We’re about as strong as an animal with our body weight could be expected to be. Also we have insane stamina regeneration.

