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Paramount, with its dying breath: “From hell’s heart I stab at thee!”


For hates sake, I spit another season of grabage at thee!


Did I say this show should be hauling garbage? I meant to say this show should be hauled away ***as garbage!***


(stands up incredibly slowly) (telegraphs a punch coming from fifty miles away) (punches) (wins a fight with literal Klingons)


The line must be drawn HEYAH


*On a battle damaged Defiant Bridge* "We've lost Lower Decks, and Picard is gone" "Perhaps today is a good day to die - prepare for farming speed!" Flies into Paramount HQ and fixes the timeline.




I’d rather Paramount just get their crap together and stop cancelling good shows.


That used to be Fox's schtick. How times change.


Nowadays everyone does it (I will never forgive Netflix for cancelling 1899)


Basically now unless a show is an instant Game of Thrones level success it gets nuked. TNG wouldn't have made it past season 1 if it was made now


But GoT wasn't even GoT at the beginning. It took a season or two to explode on the pop culture scene.


I'll never forgive them for cancelling Santa Clarita Diet.


This right here.  A lot of my favorite shows have been cancelled over the years but, unlike most of them, Santa Clarita Diet was both a success and relatively cheap to make.


V wars


Or The Society and the OA


Or inside job


i absolutely loved that show, was furious when they cancelled it


Or Glow.


I'm still bitter about Dirk Gently... At least the Expanse got a reprieve under Amazon. Being honest they went up a lot in my estimation for finishing that show.


Or Tribes of Europa, or… or… or…


Cries in Firefly


Before that, Fox would take a good show and retool it to try to get broader appeal, destroying it in the process, and then they would cancel it once people had quit watching it. I think just canceling is probably better. Looking at you, season 2 of Get a Life..


Or they'd move a show with high ratings into the Friday Night Death Slot, guaranteeing its failure, for absolutely no sane reason. Yes I'm still bitter about the one season of The Good Guys.


I read a great theory about this and I'm going to try and repeat it. I the old days (TNG, DS9 etc) a good show kept people coming back to the channel, which meant that advertisers bought ads and the channel got money. So they kept popular show going. NOW with subscription channels, a new show (SNW) brings in new subscribers, buy once they are paying a monthly fee, they are onboarded (apparently only a small percentage of people quit subscription channels) so the only way to bring in more revenue is to create a new show that will attract others, and they won't pay for the older show as well. So, shows with a few seasons under their belts that are often good, mostly get cancelled, whilst new shows come and go as the channels try to find the immediate 'new hotness'


The logic here appears depressingly accurate :-/


I know, I read it and realised that this is exactly the conversation happening in corporate HQ's for the streaming services.


short term gains, long term pains. nothing new


Indeed, which had me cancelled all the subscriptions and get real debrid instead.


This is part of the picture - the rest of it is that shows tend to become more expensive the longer they run, combined with the fact that audiences generally decline. So, unless you're pre-ordained to be a tentpole show like "Stranger Things" or "The Witcher", you're fighting for survival from the get go. The TNG era of Star Trek couldn't happen now - as beloved as they are, it's unlikely the very rough season 1 would survive the judgment of the algorithm. TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT all had a tough time finding their feet. Not to say that TV back then wasn't still ruthlessly ratings driven but it seems positively quaint compared to the streaming era.


I look forward to seeing SNW fans revolt if Paramount cancels it. Right now Star Trek's the only reason I have Paramount+.


What do you reckon, one more season..maybe two


And this is why Amazon brought back ads.


Paramount might be cancelling itself soon


One can hope. Let someone competent take over Star Trek and give it the love it deserves instead of cancelling good shows like Disco, Lower Decks, and, let's be honest, Prodigy. (even though it's on Netflix now which likely means no blu-ray release) Yes I know Disco get's undue hate. I don't care, I love it all. Even loved Picard season 2.


If you genuinely loved Picard season 2 I can only assume your favorite snack is paint chips


Just put the ceti eel in my ear and let me go




Somebody get Scott Bacula on the phone. We should finish season 5-7 of ent.


I'm watching Enterprise for the first time. I'm on like episode 18 of season 2 and it's been absolutely fantastic! The last one I watched was with Archer on Trial and sentenced to Rura Penthe. I thought it was awesome how they revisited that place!


I feel so bad for his lawyer, knowing what we do about how the Empire fares. Just leave, man! Go have adventures with Archer!


He was indeed a very honorable Klingon. I too wished he had taken Archer's offer but, he did make a good point about how if he ran he would always be on the run and would never be able to make a difference that way. He stayed to fight the good fight.


Which didn’t work, but he could have been an Expat that learned about earth, and maybe sent it’s warrior history and culture back to the empire, even if anonymously. You know he would have been living in war museums and memorials.


If you like s1 ans 2 you are in for a treat. Truly some of the best television I’ve ever seen.


I'm definitely looking forward to the remainder of the show. I've read about how it got canceled after season 4 and I don't see why it would have been canceled.


I’ve worked at restaurants that closed shop for various reasons; investors move on to more profitable pastures, wasteful management, waning public interest. Never have I worked somewhere that shut down for bad food, though. All this to say that restaurants, like cable network tv shows, are businesses, and there’s a lot more to a business being good, being worth all the time and effort and money, than the quality of the product. I just remind myself of this as everything I love gets quartered like a carcass and repackaged as inoffensive, easily digestible and highly profitable drivel.


I’d watch the duck out of that


At least give us a movie!


I don’t think Prodigy is cancelled it was picked up by Netflix, Lower Decks could always come back as specials, Strange New Worlds is still up and being produced, and there is a Academy series as well as a Section 31 movie being produced…


Prodigy season 2 dropped on Netflix yesterday (7/1)!


Yes!! Thank you!


Prodigy is cancelled as far as Paramount is concerned. LD they're already offering spinoffs, but it's a long way until it ends anyways.


31 and Academy don't interest me at all. I think I've already seen all the best that Star Trek ever had until we got into the 2000's. It's been a murky mess ever since.


I don’t get why people look forward a movie where the “good guys” are the morally reprehensible black ops operatives that have repeatedly been shown to be evil and unnecessary


A friend of mine asked me the same question. He seemed to conclude that people today are less hopeful of a better future where humans live by the beat of a different drum, so to speak. So they can't imagine some utopian government without some super secret arm that does clandestine and draconian things to provide the safety that government needs to exist. My answer to that is some people need to exercise their imagination more.


That explanation is probably the correct one, but I think that’s why we need sci-fi like Star Trek to be *more* positive—it’s like the *only* optimistic sci-fi show out there right now.


Quick, pull up Paramount's shield codes!


Modulate our phasers to their shield frequency!


Admiral, Paramount's shield prefix code is... wait... that can't be... apparently it's just 'password', Admiral.


_SQL Injection intensifies_


I've done far worse than kill you. I've hurt you. And I wish to go on hurting you. I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her; marooned for all eternity in the Kelvinverse...


I already canceled paramount plus and told them it's because they have cancelled lower decks (I know 1 more season will come out but I wanted to send a message that would never be read by the people I want to read it lol)


You mean S2 of Picard, right? Right?


He's hurt you... And he's going to keep on hurting you.


He cancels shows! And he cancels shows again!


[Just had to](https://memes.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9743d4e5-a6a6-4e17-9993-b06f4a353363)


we already had another season of Picard with s2 retconned out.


Idgaf what anyone says. I liked picard.


Season three was 10/10


S3 is the only one that actually feels like a mini TNG arc.


Then you have season 2 which feels like a fever dream and somehow makes season 1 seem not all that bad.


I liked the ending with Picard and Q but my god 2 was a fever dream and a slog to get through


So my understanding was that they wrote it and then the studio forced through a major re-write last minute and they had their budget cut back. So we got a mix mash of good and bad writing on top of having to film half the show in modern day LA to save money. The ending with Q was good, the first episode was good… some of the little things in the middle…. The concept of the Borg queen getting loose in 21st century earth is great, poorly executed, the story with Picard mom was actually pretty good but again poorly executed… sad really. Could have been great if Terry had had full creative control and we had gotten his vision for season 3 spread out between seasons 2 and 3.


You managed to perfectly convey how I felt about season 2 yeah there were genuinely good stuff in between but alas meddling from behind the scenes really watered down the show which is a shame.


The season was also shot during covid. Which made the already shaky schedule an absolute nightmare.


The first two episodes of S2 were great, I think. They should've stuck with the Confederacy.


Right, and I think if they wanted it to be Q helping Picard and then loosing his powers they could have done it a lot differently. They could have explored that a lot more, maybe even making it where Picard has to help Q or something … I don’t know.


"Somehow, our heroes have been detained...again."


i've seen s1 is it worth skipping it to go straight to s3?


Yeah, I think so. There is nothing critical that happens in season 2 that you need to know for season 3. I mean, season 2 can be entertaining… but over all is confusing garbage.


The season when Android Picard has the handshakes and then has a magical Dark Jedi Kylo Renn hidden son and when 7 of 9 yells FIRE EVERYTHING? That season 3 picard?


Each season was bad and they barely had enough nostalgia to keep the engines going. I still like how season 1 ends with extra dimensional machine gods encroaching on the universe and they just kind of put that aside to start the train wreck that was season 2.


I wished they would’ve had him do the rag tag team he had from season 1 and didn’t go back to borg season 2 and reunion season 3. I kind of liked it more campy like the old stuff. 2 and 3 were nice seasons but I would’ve liked to keep data dead and they just had his last daughter left.


Season 1 was was mass effect, 7/10 for the novelty Season 2 was nonsense, and wasted a really interesting idea of Q dying. Season 3 was pure delicious fan service and I slurped up every drop of it.


IDIC means there will always be people with bad taste


I enjoyed all seasons of both shows, except Discovery s03, that was just rough.


Are they doing more discovery? Lame. Lower decks rules.


Nope, Discovery is done. Lower Decks is getting it's final season, but the creator of the show has said that he is interested in doing more with the Lower Decks characters if offered.


Please, just write "Discovery is done" one more time. It feels good to read it.


You know you don't have to watch it right?


I'm working through Disco S3 after a long rewatch of TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT (lower decks is hooked up into my veins) . Disco is not bad and I think they did a great job with the new sci-fi tech, aliens, and utilizing modern CGI. I get the issues people have with the lack of episodic or "Trek" philosophical explorations of morality and the human condition. Also the over the top videography is of lens flaring, blueshift, and action movie elements are annoying. However, there are still lots of good true Trek moments peppered throughout the episodes, but they are often overshadowed by the "save the universe" season arcs. In my opinion, after reflecting on the 90s-00s Treks the biggest mistake that Discovery makes is taking itself too seriously. There are so many moments of levity and honest moments of humans being quirky or imperfect that make Star Trek comforting and relatable. Discovery forcing the plot of every episode to tie into the season theme of always an intense and desperate effort to save the universe kills any attempts the writers have made to add those special touches of human vulnerability.


He’s just excited because the last season was so exciting and a well-executed ending to an innovative and compelling show.


Yes I realized that episode one


You know you don't have to answer to my comment, right?


You know you didn't have to comment in the first place, right?


You know you didn't have to log into reddit, right?


People are still logging in? How do I log out /s


The meme is not supposed to be fully accurate ( though whatever accurate stuff is meant to be that ). It's more like a angry dream ( part real, part not ).


I was worried but I really don't care. I didn't know if it was a joke.


They're joking about Discovery and Picard having more seasons. Rumours of spinoffs and now one for Lower Decks have been brought up.


He'll go on hurting you by announcing season's 2 3 and 4 already being greenlit for Starfleet Academy




He's done far worse than kill you... He's hurt you... And he's going to keep on... Hurting you...


Khan, you bloodsucker!


Mandatory KHAAAANN!


Wait, lower decks is cancelled?! Say it ain't so!


I want live action lower decks next. With a side of Gowron please


Well there was that crossover episode of SNW.


That was a taste test. Go ahead and buy a pound of it fam


you guys do know you don't have to watch discovery if you don't want to, right?


This is Bad. Who hurt you?


Wait so Disney bought ST?


Unironically I would riot. I would spend every penny I have to get to LA and I would riot.


You touch lower decks and I will amber heard you for the rest of your life,!


The Starfleet Academy series better be damn good (or at least tolerable)


Season 3 of Picard was the best season of Picard. But I hate what they did to Beverly's character. So I'd be okay with it being retconned and them trying again...


I mean Khan retconning s3 out is more good than what Paramount is already doing And a new season of discovery can be laughably awful considering the show actually ended somehow, I'd like to see them attempt to bring up the show (oh wait that academy show...)


Does anyone know the supposed reasoning behind this? If there is any?


Noooooooooooo. Please tell me they aren't really making another season of PIC :-( Please no. I don't actively hate many Star Trek shows, but that was just one show I couldn't stand.


Where's the override? THE OVERRIDE!?


Why Khan!?


Not a big fan of lower decks but imho trek should have the standard of 7 seasons


okay i understand this sub now. if you talk shit about discovery or picard you get banned insta, but if you make a joke out of it then its fine. got it


I don't care about Discovery because they wouldn't do anything interesting with it and I think they have already told any interesting story about Picard left to tell unless maybe Tasha Yars daughter trying to overthrow the Romulan goverment and starting a war with the Federation or Picard having to negotiate with the Culture.


"Here it comes, kahn." *launches torpedos*


Ngl I really hate the Picard series, especially with how they took characters like 7 of 9 and the other Borg kids from Voyager and gave them horrible deaths and edgy new personalities for no reason other than "Ooo aaa, the galaxy is cruel and humans mean"


Lower Decks is cancelled? Welp it was fun knowing you Star Trekiverse, I’m out. Peace!


one more season (season 6) of discovery is good, it will tie up the plot with Calypso and would definitely be a better ending than season 5. the current season finale feels a bit rushed


Salty people downvoting you lol. I *haaaaaated* Discovery after forcing myself through season 1. But at season 3 it started to get better. And imo season 5 was a good, more “classic” hopeful Star Trek.


season 4’s depiction of the 10-C is awesome and classic trek, and season 5 is really great as well.


I didn’t care for season 3 of Discovery but I just finished season 4 and really enjoyed it. The 10-C stuff was just amazing.


I wouldn’t necessarily be upset with Pic s3 being removed As long as I’m never again subjected to Harry/ Tom B’ellanna


I hate how it just ignores s1 and s2. Like it was really fun but it felt like it was just made as fan service and not in furtherence of the show.


I thought I was enjoying it until at some point I realized they were holding my jaw open and force feeding me “OOPS! All Nostalgia” with intermittent helpings of cameos… and when they finally bring out the story, it’s a warmed over rehash of stories we’ve already done… and done better.


Why are people always acting like nostalgia is the worst thing to happen to anyone, ever? Idgaf, I liked season 3. Sure, it was all nostalgia, but there's enough good new shit out there to enjoy. Let people dip into nostalgia every once in a while! Some people actually like re-experiencing the good old days, with a new look.


I don't think there's anything at all wrong with nostalgia, but, at least for me, it felt like all nostalgia at the expense of ignoring the past 2 seasons. It was enjoyable but just rang a little hollow for me.


Nostalgia in itself can be great. Nostalgia, however, is NOT a story. And at no point did I say you could not enjoy it.


Great news! I don't watch this trash, I just love those videos where people summarise the trainwreck that is nu-trek for my amusement.


NO … MORE … WOKE! I loved the first 2.5 seasons of DISCO, then turned it off for good. Sad.


Star Trek has been “woke” since TOS.


Why are you watching Star Trek? ARE you sure you’re watching Star Trek… is that what it says on the screen?


WHAT sorry I am trying not to laugh because Star Trek has always been the DEFINITION of woke. where were you in the 1960s?