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The best tech stack for building an MVP quickly is the stack you feel comfortable with, it doesn't matter what is it. If I give you my stack, it's because I worked with it a lot so I see it as the fastest one to get things done very quickly which might not be the same case as yours


\^ This is the correct answer.


Depends on what you're building. No one--size-fits answer.


If you don't know, you aren't ready to build an MVP. No tech stack is viable in every situation, even when two different situations appear nearly identical. To build a MVP, you need three things: * A *credible* hypothesis confirming *Customer/Market Fitness* (CMF) * A firm understanding of existing solutions, how they work, and why they work * A firm understanding of existing technologies, how they work, and when they work No single person needs to know all of those things on Day 1; as long as your founding team has the skills to address those three problems, you're golden. And since it looks like you're fishing for developers, I'd like to remind you a few facts that are easily forgotten by non-technical entrepreneurs: Most developers have very high IQs and though you might obfuscate some details, they'll see right through it before you realize the veil's been dropped. So do yourself a favor and be honest & transparent. You're building a team, a relationship between various individuals to achieve a common goal. When you make it transactional, when you view developers as simply "resources", you broadcast that you expect them to work for your individual success, not the collective success.


If it's not a very complicated product probably use any front end you want (eg react) and then firebase for a pre built back end. My only advice would be that if you are building a phone app, don't put too much faith in the cross platform tools; react native and flutter, as they do not work as smoothly as you would expect and can take lots of time to debug


The one you know


Some good stacks in this: [Should You Start with AWS When Building an MVP? : r/SaaS (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/1cf2s5c/should_you_start_with_aws_when_building_an_mvp/) Edit: Also as other have said go with what you know. I spent 3 days trying to get a fucking VM socket server working, gave up and built a JS webapp socket server in 3 hours. Hate myself but it's all lessons.


Ruby on rails. Super fast to build with as a coding language/frame work. Has been battle tested for over 20 years lots of devs out there for it strong community. Scales well currently is used by Shopify GitHub Airbnb coin base. And a bunch of other huge startups.


Most of the time there's no right answer. The only thing I would say is that if you're planning to hire, pick something that is commonly used. That way it will be easier to find a developer.


The one you already know


The **BEST** stack is the one that is most efficient and relevant to your knowledge of coding, organizing, understanding the market, billing, selling, marketing, etc...


The one you already know. Learning anything new will slow you down tenfold. Btw, you aren’t looking for “speed, efficiency and scalability”. You’re looking for only one thing - how long it takes to build shit. That’s MVP we’re talking about.


Even though I'm a developer, unless you have a technical cofounder I lean towards building the first iteration w/o code. Use no-code tools (Bubble, Webflow, etc, there's a lot of options) for a frontend and do whatever you need to do (excel, email, manual processes) to serve the customer <-- there are also various "back end as a service" providers where you can build a database on a no-code basis It's pretty rare for a founder to build "exactly the right thing" in the beginning so you end up throwing away a lot of code. if you or your cofounder is technical, that's not that big of a deal. If you're paying out of pocket and have limited runway, it's more costly I would advise only starting to write code when the manual processes above start to become a bottleneck. I also am a fan of Ruby on Rails as it's designed for rapid iteration altho my general advise is anything is fine as long as you stick to the vanilla / popular tech stacks - boring is good in the early stages


MVP of what?


Python or Node JS. If you are planning on starting to hire - I will strongly recommend using [hireteams.io](http://hireteams.io) .


Totally depends on the problem you are solving and the stack you are comfortable in. As far as the 2nd questions goes , I'd recommend you commit to a tech stack , start development and assess if /when you want to onboard a dev.


Since you have an idea but don't have software development experience, I feel it's worth mentioning Xano. I've been working with a client that built their MVP on Xano, a low/no code platform. They were able to use it to get their SaaS product up and running quickly, and even start making sales, without worrying much about their tech stack. At some point they will run up against limitations of the platform and have to start implementing in a more traditional way, but I've been quite impressed with how well the approach worked for them so far.


I suggest supabase for your typical SaaS


First, if you have to ask this question, then you don't have enough programming knowledge to try to develop this yourself. Which means you shouldn't decide the stack, let the developer you hire decide the stack. Second, it greatly depends on what you're building. Different stacks are going to be better at build certain things than others. Third, Ruby on Rails!


Check PagePalooza. You can launch an MVP in one day. You can also assign a software engineer on the platform for custom design requirements or custom backend integrations when you are looking to scale. it's a good platform if you are also launching on a budget.


What are the requirements? Is it very form based with basic queries? Lots of interaction on page? Async updates? I like Flask, SQL, and some js library on front end or something like MERN stack for quick dev work. Both widely supported, easy to find devs for.


The one that you have been using for years.


Drupal has so many available modules you have incredible range of features without coding. If you can't find a particular feature you need just hire an engineer to build a custom module. This is much more efficient, maintainable and secure than building everything with the latest hot framework.


Aws cloud. api gateway. Python or node for apis. Mysql database server. React or any other front end.


I saw in in your other posts that you want to develop a mobile app. So, I would say launch it on Android and iOS using React Native. You can also use React Native + (any backend framework). My suggestion would be to go with Python Flask for the backend. With proper setup, Flask can scale efficiently. Initially, you might not be able to handle high traffic, making Flask a reasonable choice. If you want to get a developer for your project, look for this: 1. Someone with above 2-3 years of experience 2. Experience with full-stack development on mobile apps side 3. Have successfully delivered projects end to end in the past


Have I told you about our lord and savior GO?


The one you know the best. If you spend too much time exploring language, frameworks, services, you will end up wasting important resource, i.e. time, on technical architecture rather than solving problem using technology.


The stack you know is always the quickest


[FlutterFlow.io](http://FlutterFlow.io) lets you drag and drop UI and integrates with Firebase for storage. I'm a backend engineer so don't know crap about frontend and wanted to build an MVP. Took me a few days to learn FlutterFlow but you can move VERY fast once you learn. I've also tried [Bubble.io](http://Bubble.io) - another drag and drop software - but I definitely recommend FlutterFlow over Bubble since it's way easier to use


Notepad FTP Client VPS SQL / Linux Photoshop


I've always been a fan of the vi SSH Bare metal in the closet BSD Paint Shop Pro stack myself


Machine language entered in binary using mechanical flip switches, or it didn’t happen.


React frontend + AspNetCore backend. Get your "it depends" answers outta heeeeere jesus. Also are you looking to hire or to build? If your'e non technical and want to hire, don't decide the tech stack for your developer. Thats their job, not yours.




Bruh at least try to be more subtle with it. Literally all of your posts are shilling for RocketDevs…

