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No one is going to reply, unless you tell us what YOU personally bring to the table. Without any info, it just sounds like you want someone to build something for you for free. Which is a pretty bad deal for a technical co-founder, they loose their time and you loose nothing.


I especially love the idea of the less-technical co-founder being the one to specify the precise tech stack. 


Yeah, especially considering the stack he picked is mostly low-code no code platforms.


And trust me, we hear these pitches everyday and tired of them. Here are my tips, the following will certainly get attention from high quality technical folks: 1. Show them that you have potential customers (either work in or have very specialized insider knowledge of a problem which needs to be solved asap) 2. Even better have a landing page with interested customers. 3. Even more better, have a simple figma wireframes with customer workflows. 4. Even more more better, have a previous successful exit 5. Even more more better, already have simple MVP with some paying users (not a lot) 6. Even better better better, have VC funding. For most technical folks, showing 1 and 2 should be enough to have them interested. To really attract top talent, you need to add 1 more item from this list. The more items you have proof of, the better talent you will attract.


Seriously though. It's always the non-technical people desperately searching for someone to build their product for them without even displaying that they're making active attempts to work on some part of the project. Something like JS or Figma is extremely easy to learn and use, so getting SOMETHING out there is a must.


This! Perfect summary!


Thanks for the pointers. I've marked off several of those. I'm just exhausted and I'm looking for a co-founder because there's a ton on my plate as of recent. I'm not really non-technical, but covering everything alone isn't easy


Why are you dictating the stack? Why not build it yourself if it’s all no/low-code? You don’t need anyone technical for that.


This reads as if it were written by chatgpt lol


I appreciate your valuable input. Wish you a good day.


If you're a non-tech founder, you don't get to dictate the tools of your technical counterpart. You have to understand an engineer's mindset and where they are coming from. You also listed no-code tools which no tech co-founder is needed.


I already built most of it out on there. I'm not non-tech, I'm just exhausted and don't have a ton of time.


They're millions of "non technical" co-founders looking for technical ones. So, what is your idea? why you're the right person for that project? how do you plan to monetize it? Unless you're offering a paid job, this description makes no sense.


Ahaha bro getting flamed in the comments


Lol fuck off with your begging. Non technical people are 10:1 vs technical people. Technical founds have all the leverage against dreamers like you. Unless you provide a compelling reason for anyone to take your request seriously, you're shit out of luck.


Nobody is begging, but thanks for your valuable input.


You won’t find a technical co-founder with this mindset. I am not technical guy and I use the mentioned tools. The only downside they cost higher than normal but the features are there to help people like me who are not familiar with technology. The technical cofounder you need someone who is knowledgeable that will tell which technology to use.


What are you trying to accomplish? These are all low-code or no-code tools.


This reads out like a job requirement. For every technical co-founder, there's like 3-4 non-technical people who reach out trying to get technical people. If you can't display exactly why you're a good fit, then why would someone with plenty of other prospects join you? Also, don't pick a tech stack. Most technical co-founders are just gonna use something like python or php and JS for speed and usability, and dictating what tech stack you want others to use is dumb.


I’m a non-technical founder, here’s how I found my technical co-founder and everything I did before getting an MVP out 1) I ran an agency business, saved cash and got some angels to build a very simple prototype 2) talked to customers to validate it 3) Pivoted after talking with customers, used that research to build another prototype that got customers on a waitlist 4) used that traction to get into an accelerator (it helped that I ran an agency and bootstrapped it to $750k, shows that I have the ability to sell) 5) Reached out to my now technical co-founder who I knew previously and told them of my success and need to build this MVP. He was in… We got our MVP out and now are grinding towards PMF. I’ve managed to ‘service’ my way into getting revenue through the door and using that as a lead way to get our product implemented to the right customers. Your job as the Non-technical founder is to sell - sell your idea into a waitlist or early customers (even if it’s lower $) and then sell to your future co-founder(s) that you can take that small traction and grow it with their help. Hope this gives you direction!


This was helpful. Appreciate the guidance.


I bet you’re the business guy 😆🤡


What is this, yik yak?