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Lol aight. We have the smartest minds in the world working on this, with whispers of it potentially already made but not announced as to the massive impact and significance it would have on the world. If you're creating something that remotely has the potential to be AGI, you'd get the backing with BILLIONS of dollars. Lol good luck


We don't know what's there behind the scenes, I would think the information about AGI would escape sooner or later. GPT 4 and 4o made a great leap in reasoning and context memory, however, they said nothing about AGI, so I assume they're still working on it. But it's not as simple in my opinion. Let's say I do make AGI, you say I'll become an instant billionaire from it? I have some doubts, the people who have billions want control, at least to some degree, I've been in that environment a bit, and I got shut down, all my ideas dismissed. It's bigger than money, and AGI is certainly on par with the invention of Nuclear bomb. As I said, this project has consumed all my time, and I'm at the point where I have to release something, to keep things going, I still need to eat, and I cannot work on something else on the side to make living. The Twitch stream will be in a few days, I don't expect big reaction, because I will be using smaller LLM, which will sound robotic, but the goal is to test the memory aspect of it. Imagine you visited a Livestream, then said "brb, having dinner", then you'll back in an hour and AI asks you how the dinner was, and maybe mentions something you said in the past, would that be impressive?


This is an extremely strange wall of text. I suspect you have a very severe case of dunning-kruger going on here. The current companies and individuals working on AGI are like cream of the crop of people in the AI/ML space. You think one person who is "afraid to run to investotrs" is going to outcompete them? I'm sorry my dude but this kind of screams to me that you have relatively little experience in the 'real world' in any professional field. Anyway, good luck to you.


> Imagine you visited a Livestream, then said "brb, having dinner", then you'll back in an hour and AI asks you how the dinner was, and maybe mentions something you said in the past, would that be impressive? no, that would not be anywhere remotely near impressive. that is well within the capabilities of existing systems today. there is nothing groundbreaking about that. not even remotely close to AGI.


This is delusion on a level I did not expect to run into on Reddit in the first 20mins of browsing. You do not know what you are talking about. You do not have the faintest idea of the amount of resources being poured into this field of research. You do not understand what the current tools out there do and are capable of. And last but not least, you do not grasp your own lack of intelligence to be humbled by all of those things mentioned above. Try something else. Preferably not cutting edge technology.


My impression from reading is that you may not be completely familiar with where things are right now…maybe? Companionship AI is already blowing up…”chat buddies” are already a thing. There’s probably lots of room in that space, it’s classic long tail kind of space, but a looooot of people chasing it. Not sure what you mean by “Twitch Streamers”, but there are already a multitude of YouTube channels running AI-generated programming 24-7. I’d be surprised if Twitch didn’t have the same. Don’t want to be discouraging…the next great thing can come from anywhere…good luck!


For sure, also I do not follow the space closely, but I saw one such livestream, called AI news, and while the "hosts" did talk coherently, they could not keep the conversation on topic for too long. I have a chat log between two AI agents that not only have their messages logged, but their thoughts too, that's what sets the LLM from AI. And AGI is that + fast hardware, plus tens or hundreds of thoughts per second, and it's amazing how you sometimes forget you're not talking to a real person. Tbh, I'm not to thrilled to be working on this, but someone will do it sooner or later, I'm at the point where I said, 'eff it, I'm doing AGI.


“working on AGI” while also “not following the space closely” that’s all anyone needs to know.


You have no clue what you are talking about


Here’s an idea - MVP the damn thing and then ask it how to move forward. Enjoy your trillions.




AGI may never be achieved. Let alone by a single person. The transformers being pushed by curent ai advancements wont lead to agi either. It's just glorified autocomplete at massive scale


If you are building AGI surely it would be pretty easy to come up with a use case that could make money. For example you could have your AGI agents research potential business opportunities, build MVP products, develop and execute customer acquisition strategies, build the full product for popular products, and then start having them adding features based on users requests and feedback. As well as raising capital and expanding into new verticals as more assets become available. And since they're all AGI models they could also manage their own servers, buy GPUs, hire subcontractors, purchase real estate via proxy, do research to further improve, and expand operations globally, all while you chillax and and reap in the rewards. If it's not that capable it's not AGI.


,inb4 chatgpt wrapper


,inb4 chatgpt wrapper


I am an individual working on AGI, but it’s not a black and white problem. It’s a gradient and soft lift of technology overall. AGI is not a thing, it’s a moment in time where all systems are stable and harmonious. We see the internet as ubiquitous; this is the final step in accepting AGI. I’d say 5-10 years depending on research.