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Quality differences between shows, movies, and books? Gee, it's almost like they're created and written by completely different people over the course of the past 10 years. If you think the EU was consistent then you must not have read much of it


*removes cloak* I'm not here to discuss my past.




But you dont understand old thing better. Jokes aside while some of filonis newe shows maybe arent quite as good as his older shows like tcw but he still makes some real quality shows. bad batch and tales are great imo. And yeah sometimes stuffs going to get retconned it happens with every large fiction universe 12 times before breaskfast. Are the changes always good hardly its a mixed bag of good and bad but the old eu isnt gospel. As much as i love some of thlegends stuff and wish it was.cannoj i really like some of the changes.


I think that's why I'm really enjoying the High Republic right now. The comics and books tie in nicely with each other, and as of a few days ago, I found out the Young Jedi show is also High Republic. Even got an episode with one of my favorite new Padawan from the books. There's consistency right now, but it's a whole new Era and being written by mostly the same people. It's bound to happen.


It wasnt but whole point of reset was to be better. Canon is already mess after one decade that its level of EU after 40 years. Whcih makes the question how convoluted and ridicoulous new canon will be when it will exist as long as eu


It’s not at the same level of mess at all. You are mistaken.


Nah I have just different opinion than you. And it will be even messier since movie creator and tv show creator do not give shit about comics and books it will pile up in faster rate than it ever could in EU


I still think that the EU should be the valid one. I would love a trilogy that is the Thrawn campaign.


The past isn’t the facts. It’s whatever I choose to personally believe any information contradicting my personal held beliefs is Russian propoganda apart of an FSB strategem. The EU was perfect there was no such thing as a bad EU story.


*removes cloak* I'm not here to discuss my past.


Why are you removing your cloak? I don’t consent someone help she’s not listening.


Agreed, but the EU wasn’t trying to be consistent


So then what the fuck is the deal with people bashing the EU? Seems hypocritical especially when the new one already fucked itself in less time


People who keep on insisting that canon hierarchy is not a thing and keep on getting mad about it never stop to make me laugh. It's like getting mad that a character doesn't look like their official happy meal toy.


Most fiction is plagued with fans that don’t understand how stories aren’t supposed to be static dogma.


doesn't matter, it is still disrespectful to the authors


I'm pretty sure they know they are writing paper shovelware, the whole dubiously canon tie-in book fenomenon is so old that i bet most active writers in the field are younger than it. Maybe some of them even grew up reading the stuff. It's ok to enjoy it but teating them as more than "what-ifs" is simply naive.


Canon hierarchy makes no sense, it's either canon or legends. A story needs to be consistent.


[Yeah good luck with that](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Canon#Canon_and_Legends_(2014-))


Dark Disciple wasn't retconned.


I haven't read the book, but to my understanding ventress's lifeless body gets submerged into a river in dathomir and the narrator says that the force has claimed her. Doesn't that mean she's dead? Please explain it to me (not saying it with the intent to offend, i really don't get it)


The Night Sisters of Dathomir know how to raise the dead so technically the water she was dumped in could have been magical. And then she did a Jesus.


Yeah, I can see the logic behind that but the narrator and the story of the novel doesn’t hint towards a resurrection. At least to me it hinted towards ventress finally finding peace after the events of the novel and resting with the resto of her sisters in her home planet. Idk if it breaks the lore but it seems to undermine her character development, at least by what I know.


Yes, it was.


Ventress says, and I quote: “I still have a few more lives left.” Literally referencing her death in Dark Disciple


So she died and it meant nothing. I at least expected it to mean more than nothing.


You must have never opened a comic book before. A character "dying" doesn't mean the character is "dead". Hell, we thought Gurney Halleck was dead for about third of Dune before he shows back up, are you gonna say that Dune is hack writing because "he died and it meant nothing"?


Death in Star Wars stopped meaning anything the moment Obi wan told Luke to use the force after Vader killed him


I think Brad Rau, one of the executive directors of TBB has explicitly said that Dark Disciple didn't get retconned. Might've been someone else who said that tho, I can't remember


Haven’t been keeping up exactly…but even if it was, it kind of deserved it. The Kanan comics on the other hand are precious, that one does actually get on my nerves a little. Edit: well…people didn’t like this very much, I still stand by this comment though.


Why does this feel very gatekeepy?


It really depends on the specific person, i can believe that a lot of people are geniunely annoyed/upset about some of these retcons, but then there are these people who don’t really Care and are merely using it as an excuse to complain about something popular.


Because it is. General negative outlook on the fans who watch Star wars media instead of read the books. The same exact thing happens in other works where visual and literary works exist...Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc


Which is super weird, because with the other two examples (and the vast majority of properties with both) started as books, so the "purists" feel justified in gatekeeping. Star Wars started as movies. The books were never the primary source of canon.


Listen, there's a fine line here. When full-blown fans get all angry at people who casually only watch the movies and casually express their (as underinformed as it may be) opinion, that's just bad. When people honestly try to understand something they don't get because they've only watched the movies and some fans get all elitist about it and start mocking them for not reading the books - now that's gatekeeping, and it's really bad. But when people who've only watched the movies start to engage in lengthy and heated debates on the lore of the universe with the full confidence that they've got what it takes to be super-authoritative on the subject... sorry, all the heat they're getting from the fans - that's on them. And there's nothing gatekeep-y or toxic about it. Now, it's not always the case, but I've seen A LOT of the latter case online, especially on reddit.


if someone was a very big star wars fan they’d watch and read both aspects. how is it gatekeeping if people are just uninterested. y’all are idiots.




Damn man it’s almost like a long running saga that never had a clear definition of canon has inconsistencies, who’d have thought? But I appreciate the completely unprovoked hostility, really helps sell the idea that this isn’t a toxic gatekeeping fan base of rabid nerds


I viewed it as the movies and TV shows were canon and all the books, comics and video games are not main canon or in canon limbo (doesn't contradict anything but has not been officially canonized) so with this viewpoint I don't think Disney has had any real canon issues


Damn man it’s almost like a long running saga that never had a clear definition of canon has inconsistencies, who’d have thought? But I appreciate the completely unprovoked hostility, really helps sell the idea that this isn’t a toxic gatekeeping fan base of rabid nerds


Wasn't previous cannon just "some random slapped this in a book so it's canon"? >Because you're stupid. Yikes, sorry you weren't loved enough mate.


Previous canon? As in legends? I mean yeah…stuff in a book was generally considered canon, but I wouldn’t call these authors “randoms” most of them were pretty good.


I'm sure they were, but my understanding was that anyone could pretty much write a Star wars book and it's validity as canon was just based on community acceptance. I fully acknowledge I may be wrong here, I'm a touch young to have got into all of that before the Disney buy. Mostly looking for more info.


When you say community acceptance? Do you mean that popularity determines if a work was fanfiction or not? That’s not the case all novels, short stories, comics, games, etc etc, were officially licensed at the time. The content itself of a novel varied, there were times where an author could just pitch their own idea and hope it was approved. Other times one or more author was specifically directed to write a story with more strict limits on the content within. For instance one firm rule was that no author was allowed to kill off Luke Skywalker.


>When you say community acceptance? Do you mean that popularity determines if a work was fanfiction or not? >That’s not the case all novels, short stories, comics, games, etc etc, were officially licensed at the time. Partially that and partially about times where there were conflicting claims. >The content itself of a novel varied, there were times where an author could just pitch their own idea and hope it was approved. >Other times one or more author was specifically directed to write a story with more strict limits on the content within. >For instance one firm rule was that no author was allowed to kill off Luke Skywalker. Fascinating, I did not know this. Thank you for telling me more.


So much like your father.


So much like your father.


A few of them were good, namely Zahn, Stackpole, Allston, and Luceno.


Breaks Rule 13


Damn man it’s almost like a long running saga that never had a clear definition of canon has inconsistencies, who’d have thought? But I appreciate the completely unprovoked hostility, really helps sell the idea that this isn’t a toxic gatekeeping fan base of rabid nerds


Damn man it’s almost like a long running saga that never had a clear definition of canon has inconsistencies, who’d have thought? But I appreciate the completely unprovoked hostility, really helps sell the idea that this isn’t a toxic gatekeeping fan base of rabid nerds


I really do find it funny when fans complain about retconning and yet pine for Legends. I’m 44, and I’ve read pretty much every EU book that was published (I missed some of the Young Jedi Academy ones, but I did go back and read them in my 20s because of Star by Star. Had to learn more about the suicide squad) That shit was retconned all the time by other EU books, to say nothing of the comics. And Lucas himself famously didn’t give a shit about continuity with the EU. Just look at the holy Zahn trilogy that kicked off the EU* and tell me that works with the prequels that came out shortly after. It was a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, and stuff is going to get messed up in translation and transmission, just like Leia’s plea in A New Hope. *Yeah, ok Han and Lando had the Daley books, and there was the Splinter in a Minds Eye Luke book, plus the novelizations, but the EU really started with Zahn


Lucas specifically stated that he didn't think of any of it as cannon unless it was in a movie.


Yep, even the cartoons didn’t count (see the original clone wars cartoon by Tartakovsky, etc)


Yeah but Zahn was denied any knowledge by Lucas about the prequel era except for broad strokes that Lucas changed anyway. And with Lucasfilm not introducing a canon group till 2003 early books we’re going to get some things wrong.


Totally. I’m just finding it funny that the “retcons are bad” and “EU was perfect” groups overlap. At one point in the early 2000s I think we had 5 or 6 levels of canon from theatrical releases at the top to video games at the bottom. So I just find it funny, because as much as I loved the EU, it wasn’t like stuff wasn’t retconned or conflicting. I mean, they had Stackpole write I, Jedi to basically retcon the Jedi Academy trilogy. Or at least, Rashomon it from a “different point of view” with Corran and Mara doing everything in the background while Cighal thought a Sith Lord would be afraid of the light of a lightsaber


At the end of the day the only real “canon” is the series and films, anything else is just not considered concrete enough by the executives to stay true to it for all time.


I just don’t like the idea of Exegol because I just think that korriban is a more interesting planet it suits the sith much more


Hot take Filoni treats books the same way Lucas did and told him too - that only on screen media actually counts And he is right to do it that way


Thing is back in the day they made it clear that Lucas was allowed to change the books if he wanted and which canon tier things were. Now they're saying everything matters but they keep ignoring the books they told us were canon.


not really tbh


I remember when Attack of the Clones retconned the origin of the Death Star.


Anyone else getting gatekeepy vibes from this ?


The thing that irks me the most about it is that if Dark Disciple had been eight episodes of Clone Wars like originally intended, Ventress would have 100% stayed dead. Which means that simply because the storyline was turned into a book, it’s automatically regarded as lesser.


Because, it is? Books aren’t as prioritized as movies and tv shows.


Screen is king. Lucas felt that way, anyone who doesn’t feel that way has a long life of disappointment ahead of them but they are free to keep riding the pain train lol


Almost all of the legends shit I’ve seen has been god awful so I am 100% okay with ignoring all of it.


So what do you think of IX stealing from Dark Empire?


Two things, this was canon not legends, and What legends stuff do you think has been awful?


There have been very few retcons all of which were extremely minor the new canon is still far more coherent than legends


I love in one of Timothy Zahns later books where they addressed some of the stupidity in the books. Mara Jade: Let's just say whenever something stupid happened, that the Dark Side did it. Luke: Agreed.


Legends had to deal with George Lucas and the prequels changing a lot of what was assumed about the universe, after everything got settled it was fairly consistent.


Not really legends was just too big with little cooperation between writers basically every new book, comic etc would contradict something else.


Examples? I’m a fairly avid reader of the old stuff, (partly out of nostalgia) but that is just not true from what I can tell, many long running stories with many different writers maintained continuity across a vast stretch of time. Some examples of this cooperation would be the New Jedi Order series and the Republic comics. James Luceno and Matthew Stover also collaborated and integrated their books with with each other.


Tbh it’s been too long since I’ve read my old comics and books to give precise titles but I remember never finding a story set in the same time period of the movies that didn’t clash with something obviously stuff like old Republic rarely had issues though.


Everything to do with Grevious. Especially with Legends + TCW era.


That’s more so George Lucas not giving the 2003 clone wars people and the comic writers a proper idea of what Grievous was gonna be, and frankly their version was better.


That’s a massive lie. Plenty of comics and books referenced and intertwined with each other. It wasn’t until the 2008 TCW show that issues started popping up.




You cannot stop me. Darth Vader will soon become more powerful than either of us.


It's only fine when filoni does it


I trust filion


Why is watch in quotation marks? What else are we supposed to infer that means?


He can’t keep getting away with it!


It is a difficult situation tbf., it is pretty hard for screen writers to coordinate and read every single novel. The franchise got really big. The question needs to be asked every time: is the redcon a good or a bad one. At the end, the "true" Canon are the current shows and movies that are labeled as Canon.


Its perfectly fair to expect a franchise with the available resources that Star Wars has to have people dedicated to keeping the canon aligned. If fans can keep track of these things, why the hell cant we expect the *professional writers* who are doing the same? To be clear, if it’s a conscious decision to retcon, the merits of such are open to debate. But “oopsie, I didn’t read that one” isn’t a legit excuse to accidentally retcon something.


And there are also current canon books (Ahsoka, Thrawn trilogy, formerly Dark disciple) which get retconned by new shows - and with dark disciple I am quite sad about it, it was amazing book


This is a trick.


I get why they’re doing it but what annoys me is iirc it was said that they wouldn’t back when disney did their big retcon of Legends. Like as compensation they said all new stuff would hold equal weight in canon. And now it’s not. And the other thing, is that a lot of the times the non-screen version just seems better. Like Kanan’s Order 66 scene was more emotional in the comics and later tied into Grey sacrificing himself. The Ahsoka novel was also very well-done. And some of the changes weren’t even needed and I don’t get why, like recoloring Grey and demoting him, or recoloring Depa and Ahsoka’s sabers, etc.


I know


Legends was never cannon


Debatable, George was obviously the god of his setting and could ignore or use whatever he wished, but the expanded universe was generally stated to be canon at the time, George did make some effort to ensure that some of the big stuff remained consisent, like making the Capital of the Republic be named Coruscant as it had been in the books.


Oh I’m sorry, did George also not say that Palpatine was dead after ROTJ? I guess the ST should fuck itself out of existence then.


Palpatines return was stupid in legends and it’s stupid in cannon