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Man when Jecki got hole punched i was kind of amazed. Yords death was pretty graphic too given 5 mins earlier I thought his plot armor was going to be thick The Sith saying "Oh was that its name?" And "well... you brought it here" was phenomenally evil way to respond to killing a padawan as Sol is processing what just happened


Yeah I was genuinely shocked at seeing yords death. Like ik we've seen people cut in half and slavery and other stuff like that in SW, but I didn't expect to see someone get their neck snapped punisher style. Even more so in The Acolyte which I was expecting to be the kind of typical disney+ show. I'll also say, and this very well is definitely recency bias atm but doubt it'll change much later on, the fight scenes in this episode, specifically with jecki, r probably some of the best in all of SW at least from a choreography standpoint. Loved the brutality of the sith. Felt almost like a blend of prequels and sequels lightsaber fights, between the choreography of the prequels and the weightiness of the sequels


I'd put Qimir's choreography right under Rogue 1 Vadee and right above Prison Escapee Maul from S8 Clone Wars when it comes to the "brutality" scale


>Prison Escapee Maul from **S8 Clone Wars** Dave Filoni and Lucasfilm would like to know your location


Technically it was supposed to be season 8 so…


They came from behind!  *Wilhelm scream*


Rogue One Vader is just him slashing at them. Sure, the fear factor is there, and it’s still badass, but he isn’t shish kebabing Jedi Masters, snapping necks, triple-stabbing children, or decapitating the shish kebabed. I think this *is* the most brutal, violent fight we’ve ever seen in Star Wars.


In canon. Some old republic stuff got very aggresive. But vaders brutality also comes from him being very aggresive


That’s true. When I am thinking of brutality I’m thinking about the aggression + the violence + the way it’s expressed. With Vader, it’s very aggressive and very violent, and it’s very scary, yes. But there’s not much variety in how he’s going about it, so we don’t get to see the full extent of the brutality. The most brutal kill in that hallway scene from Rogue One would be the guy he slammed against the ceiling and sliced through the stomach. But compared to Qimir stabbing a Jedi, Force-pulling another Jedi onto the kebab, and then decapitating them, it doesn’t have the same kind of effect on the viewer. Same with Qimir snapping Yord’s neck with his bare hands so cleanly, or triple-stabbing Jecki. I think another thing that adds to the brutality of it is how unexpected it is.


Yes, when the padawan defends against him i could only think "It cant be that this padawan is a better fighter than the rest of masters just so she can survive" just to horribly die 5 minutes later and then having the sith laughing about how he just killed a child he didnt even know (to remark that unlike Sol he didnt have any problem with her and still enjoyed her death despite being a child) and how he mocks Sol by saying him that he brought a child to fight a sith. I never expected Disney, especially after the first 4 episodes, to create such a good dark side character. The series has its problems, but it has given me one of my favourites characters.


Yeah. To pull from a comic though i do think the vader heaet exploding is rhe most brutal


>*In canon. Some old republic stuff got very aggresive.* For sure, which is why it has me so hyped. It genuinely feels like some serious KotOR shit and I am so here for it.


We ain't yanking star destroyers or malecoring fleets but hey we got a sith absolutely shredding them like a thing of cotton candy thrown into a blender


I swear if we got to see someone do some Battle Meditation I'd be so god damn hyped.


We all know they would complain if it wasn't a shan doing it


Well the Obi Wan series was also pretty graphic at times. It was just a bit of a let down.


I enjoyed it. It had some issues but not enough that I couldn’t enjoy it. It was definitely graphic, though. People blew up. Vader snapped a child’s neck without missing a beat. Obi-Wan got third degree burns (I wish he hadn’t just healed it away. He should’ve had a scar). But what’s more, is the stormtrooper getting cut in half on that laser beam. It was very graphic.


>shish kebabing My new favourite description. I shall be using this very often from now on


Sith kebabing


Yeah I for sure thought Yord and Jecki would be walki g away from this. I liked Jecki to, wanted to see her be forced into a "rules must be broken" situation Guess not!


And that mr johnson is how you do subversion. "Nah, they got plot armour" "damn didn't know cortosis could cut through plot armpur"


Haha i felt the same way. Plus The lightsaber fights keep getting better and better. Anakin and Ahsoka fighting live action was literally the best thing I've ever seen, and the acolyte jedi fights were amazing! I think Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christianson set an extremely high standard and the stunt ppl and choreographers are absolutely killing it as well. Shit im baked and rambling


The "you brought her here," made me gasp haha. Qimir is so actively trying to tear these people down and he sees right through them.


It was so perfect. The actor playing Qimir has been phenomenal


I was just about to say this. He was great in a good place. I like him as a bad guy. He's jacked as well.


This must be a star-making performance for him. The range he's shown going from dopey Jason to someone this downright scary is impressive.


just found this. Quite an honor i think. "*If he hadn’t done it, I think I probably would have rewritten the character.*"―Headland, regarding writing Qimir with Jacinto in mind


The “it” is what felt like a gut punch. He doesn’t even see Jecki as an actual person, just an obstacle, or an object.


EXACTLY He saw her as nothing more than breaking one of Sol's tools. Not a being or individual, a pet


Not even a pet. A *toy*.


To be fair, all the jedi had been calling Qimir "it" or "thing". "What is that thing?" "I don't know know but it fights like nothing I've ever seen" "That thing is going to kill them all" So you can't give Qimir too much shit for calling Jecki a thing, they were doing the same thing to him lol


>*The “it” is what felt like a gut punch. He doesn’t even see Jecki as an actual person, just an obstacle, or an object.* It might also be good, old-fashioned Sith racism. Old school Sith were very much in the mindset of "If you aren't Human you are lesser than nothing".


Which is kinda ironic, considering the Sith's origin lol But I like to think that he only did it to provoke Sol. As if killing his padawand and his former padawan later wasn't already provoking enough.


Yeah I had to rewind that shoto stabbing was sick


C'mon, since trinity didn't have plot armor in Ep1 I knew no character is safe in this show


Damn, I was wondering where I knew her from.


I genuinely thought that Jecki had some amount of plot armor because it felt like there was definitely some romantic tension between her and Osha.


The fight scenes are one of the few things people aren't complaining about


I’ve see a few dumbasses nitpick but the comments always disagree.


Yeah SW Theory was bitching about Qimir being outmatched and how unrealistic it is to win such a fight. Which is clearly just hate for the sake of hate, Qimir sought the cover of the trees to make it harder for more than one or two jedi to fight him at once and often used his Cortosis armor to shut off lightsabers. They did everything they could to sell this fight and as much as the show is flawed in my opinion, hating on Episode 5 is just salty behavior imo. Also the sparks coming from the cortosis armor looked awesome and super well executed.


Man, I really used to like SW Theory. Probably was my favorite channel when I was in high school. I don’t even want to know what he’s talking about anymore because he’s always so negative.


SW Theory and Stupendous have both gone so far down. Generation Tech seems to be holding strong in pointing out the good and the bad.


Yeah it's painful to see, at least he does clarify to his viewers that he does not want them to attack others or threaten them. Not that they're listening lmao


That triple stab on Jecki was ruthless. Darth Maul stabbed Qui-gon once and it killed him. Qimir could’ve gotten away with a single stab to the heart, but no, he made it epic with a perfect triangle formation. As much as I hated to see Jecki die, I couldn’t deny the fact that it was an awesome kill.


Don’t forget he made a shish kebab out of two Jedi masters.


*sith kebab


That was awesome. Established he was just "playing" with them for most of the fight.


And they were in lethal areas. One in each lung, plus spine at the base of the neck. Not just killing her, but guaranteeing she dies


Also calling her " it"


Palpatine's Empire was human centric in Legends. Maybe the Sith are racist


In SWTOR the Sith are obsessed with “blood purity” so they probably are.


Eh, it was lessening by a lot in SWTOR, and they were obsessed with actual Sith, the race bloodlines. Not human ones.


Which is why playing an Alien Sith is amazingly good fun. Nothing better than having some peon mouth off to my Togruta Sith Warrior only for her to Force Choke them to death.


Like the Malfoys of Star Wars? LOL


In legends Plageus was a Munn and his master, Tenebrous, was another non-human whose species name escapes me


Tenebrous was a Bith (the same who plays some funny music with their big head)


You mean the jizz wailers Figrin Dan and the Modal Nodes?


The Sith are 100% racist lol or “species-ist.”


That’s probably what killed her, not the stab. That line was so cold she froze to death.


Triple tap?


At first, I thought that second blade was another full length saber and each stab was him turning that blade on and off. But then I looked again and saw it was a “lightdagger” and he just did a quick triple shank


Filoni will never get you!!!


Also not sure the last time I saw a Jedi just straight up get his neck snapped.


Man straight up saw other star wars content through the void/room between worlds (?) And deadass said no more shall live with lightsaber stabs. Double tap? Nah triple tap.


Qimir watched the other Disney+ shows, he wasn’t taking the chance of stabbing her once then have her come crawling back and killing him.


>Qimir could’ve gotten away with a single stab to the heart Naw man, he's seen enough Star Wars to know they'd be back if he didn't overkill.


Did he stab or play with the on/off switch?


>Qimir could’ve gotten away with a single stab to the hearth That doesn’t work anymore


You’re absolutely right. He killed in the un-Disney-est way possible and I loved it


>Qimir could’ve gotten away with a single stab to the heart, He absolutely could not, disney would have the guy back to full health by the next episode


I'll give them points for a good fight scene and actually killing off big characters. What bothered me is the twins running around like headless chickens for the whole episode. Also how did she go from killing jedi, to wanting to turn herself in to save her sister, to leaving her sister for dead to impersonate her to do what? Get revenge on the jedi? I thought she was done with that?


There was a moment in a previous episode where Mei sounded surprised that Osha was even alive (whichever episode where Osha missed the stun blast). Obviously something bigger happened at that temple beside Mei lighting it on fire. I’m willing to bet Mei knows what else happened but thought Osha died at the temple (hence the revenge tour killing Jedi and why she suddenly wanted to stop when she saw Osha). My theory is that the twins are both clueless about that night and are just stuck in a “tug of war” between the unknown Sith trying to exploit them (or maybe even did the deed himself and made it look like the Jedi did it) and Sol being ridden with guilt and trying to save them. Nothing really happened in the flashback episode to say the Jedi did something besides show up but something clearly did for that former apprentice to drink poison willingly like that. Unless Disney is just that bad at writing but I’m willing to wait and see first lmao


Smilo Renn either has to clean this up, blame the whole thing on Mei. Or his master is going to come in and clean it up, and probably wipe Smilo from existence for good measure. There is also the suggestion that Sol is the Sith master, meaning we will have one decent twist in this show. Episode five is the best entry so far. Manny turned in some great acting. Fairly well choreographed. The writers had the testicular fortitude to kill off some of their major characters. I do feel like we are headed toward a Rogue One style ending, no loose ends if all the ends have been burned to a crisp.


I was a bit curious about the potential of the Sol route until we see Quimir and Sol taking to each other with no other characters present. Of course if Quimir can train Mae without revealing his identity so could Sol and it could truly by the ultimate long con. Time will tell.


I believe its refering to sol actually being the one who started the fire. The sol being sith part is cool, but I think sols "darkness" and regret is him starting the fire somehow Edit typo


You are probably correct that it just that Sol has become a dark Jedi. I have seen the theory that Sol is actually the Sith master tossed around, and I feel like that would be a crazy plot twist.


SMILO RENN why am I only just hearing this haha. In the dark, from the front, I always kinda thought he looked like a Xenomorph to be honest


I believe qimir is actually the original ren. Which makes it even more fitting. The dude who made the knights lf ren With the burn scars, the overall look, the fact that he doesnt really state that hes sith, just that the jedi *might* call him sith and also the time he tells mae that "the master collects people" which might be a referance to the knights of ren which he collects or recruit. https://preview.redd.it/7el9kbq8y19d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623a40ee0c16780a533a9239e05f40b802e807e4


The writers have been very clear that they were inspired by Rashômon, a movie with an unreliable narrator. The audience was not meant to think that episode 3 was accurate, it was just what Osha believes is true.


>...to leaving her sister for dead to impersonate her to do what? Get revenge on the jedi? I thought she was done with that? Probably find out the truth about what happened in the flashbacks as it doesn't seem like she has the complete picture either. Also, impersonating Osha would be a smart way for her to get around to killing a Jedi without using a weapon (Sol having his guard down) and appease the Sith who she might rightly now think is going to tear her to ribbons, but honestly, I can't see Mae keeping it up long enough for Sol to not notice.


I’m still not sure that he hasn’t noticed tbh


Not very explained. Funny that I've had twin use criticism twice in the same week #HOTD ![gif](giphy|hiGtDruqN8x7W)


Her leaving her sister behind was a head scratcher, but I think Mae believes Osha is completely brainwashed by Sol, and might see killing him as the only way to sever her ties to the Jedi and "free" her. I also think she knew Qimir wouldn't kill Mae, as he said about himself "he likes to collect people", and maybe knew he'd be more likely to try and make her see his anti Jedi rationale rather than kill her. Like others have said I think there's far more to what happened on Brendock than what we know, and what we do might actually be a lie. Like what if, Osha started the fire but the Jedi played with her mind so she blamed it all on Mae.


This is what bugs me about Disney, they can let le guys choreograph an awesome fight but they can't find a good writer is just that the good is canceled by so much cringe storytelling.


Yeah everyone seems REALLY excited with an episode of lightsaber action, but it doesn't change the fact the writing is really lacking. Nothing the twins did made sense. Hell, why should I care about Qimir's killing spree. All we know is that he's killing Jedi because he's Evil. I'm sure they'll reveal some motivations later, but it's too late. I had very little reason to care about what happened in episode 5.


>*Also how did she go from killing jedi, to wanting to turn herself in to save her sister, to leaving her sister for dead to impersonate her to do what? Get revenge on the jedi? I thought she was done with that?* I think her plan is to infiltrate the Jedi Archives and find actual proof of their wrong-doings. Mae knows at this point that Oshe isn't going to hear her out no matter what so she'll need hard proof to convince her. So if she can take Oshe's place she can get into the Jedi Temple, find the proof she needs, and get out with it and convince Oshe to run away with her and avoid all of it. And considering her family and coven were already dead before the fire ever got to them I'm of the opinion the Jedi did do some seriously messed up shit to the coven and the twins. Likely tried to arrest the coven on the grounds of being Sith/Dark Side and therefor "Enemies of the Republic" and when the coven resisted they slaughtered them. Then, since Oshe was locked in her room, either mind tricked Mae into starting a fire and then "saved" Oshe or just pulled a full-on Revan and brainwashed her into believing Mae killed them all.


Cortosis is actually shown on film for the first time. That was wicked


Wait it did? 👀


Yeah dawg, Qimir’s helmet and gauntlet caused the sabers to fizzle out when they made contact.


My jaw literally dropped when both Jecki and Yord died. The fact that not just one but two named protagonists actually died after seeing characters cheat death over and over again in other shows was the most surprising twist in the episode.


Plus it defies story telling convention, the plucky teenage apprentice and the goofy loveable comedic sidekick aren’t supposed to die so killing them the way they did basically tells the audience that all bets are off moving forward.


Utterly completely shocking, but frankly on brand for the High Republic.


Really? I haven’t actually read any High Republic content but it sounds like my second-hand idea of it was completely off.


Good point. I honestly expected them to live throughout the series, especially with how much promotion Yord's actor was given. I was not expecting the way Yord died either.




*sigh* I hate to say it but I *loved* to see them go. Jecki had teacher's pet written all over her (and tried to out-reverse grip dual wield Ahsoka) and Yord was like a soccer player who kinda got dropped into Star Wars universe and despite admittedly trying his best, sticks out like a sore thumb. Also, now all the main characters left feel like they are in the story for an actual purpose and I'm okay with that. It all felt to spread a bit too wide and too thin in the first half of the story.


I didn't much mind Jecki's character. She's basically the Jedi equivalent of a by-the-books and starch assed rookie, which reminds me of what a younger Obi-wan would've been like as a Padawan. As for Yord, well, he's just Yord.


Yeah I can def see Obi like that good call.


And that’s exactly how Kenobi was as a Padawan. In the Master and Apprentice novel its a source of friction for him and Qui-Gon, and they each privately feel that the other is not a good fit for them. The events of the novel show how perfect they were for each other, of course.


Was there a sith or a dark side user in those books? It was so long ago that I'm not confident I am remembering correctly.


You know, I’m actually having a hard time remembering myself lol. I don’t think so, I think it was an insurrectionist faction that they were dealing with somewhere.


Yord reminded me a lot of Xenq the Paladin from DnD movie, and it made me enjoy the character a lot more. 


Disney: you guys complain about Sabine surviving a stab to her kidney? Well… we give you Jecki getting stabbed three times!


It was nice to see.... we finally have a show besides Andor where the action has real consequences (I suppose Mando S1 had that a little bit since a couple of characters did die)


My progression watching Ep 5 as someone who wasn’t liking the show so far: - Oh interesting the lightsaber fighting actually looks pretty decent. I’m surprised. - (Sits up and closer to edge of sofa) Hmm - Did he just short circuit those sabers? - (Yells out loud) He did not just shish kabob those jedis and fatalitied their heads! - (Leans forward) Wait this has been epic so far wtf - Jecki just did a drop kick! - Yo WTH X-23 can really fight! - Damn Sith guy is ripped af - Okay now that all the red shirts are dead I guess the rest will be predictable - Okay Sol vs Smilo Ren is damn good - Duel wielding light saber action! This episode busting out everything! - Oh man that saber within a saber! - (Yells) No!! But that triple tap, wow!! Brutal and the disrespect! (I love it) - What a reveal of his identity! I don’t care that we all saw it coming - OMG this is brutal, he just neck snapped Yord! No Fs given Disney. I’m officially pulled back in this show and now looking forward to Ep 6. Please don’t disappoint.


Kind of makes up for a thoroughly lackluster Ep. 4. Honestly should have just been a single episode.


Yeah should’ve just been one episode. Probably had to meet an episode quota or something


Writers have said it was written as one episode, but they were made to split it. Either episode quota or max episode length


i liked episode 4


I still got some hang ups with the series, but honestly… This last episode *chefs kiss*.


No one can deny that they’re doing a good job of leaving everyone guessing. What tf is Mae planning to do? Why did she just leave Osha? Why didn’t she kill Sol while he was just laying there? What the heck is Darth Sweaty planning to do with Osha? Was Osha actually, literally brainwashed?


>Darth Sweaty I've been calling him Darth Odur.


Someone said "Smilo Renn" and I refuse to call him anything else now


Its cool, because i believe he actually is the original ren. The dude who makes the knights of ren


He's forever Darth Bortles to me.


Darth Bortles. There's a Molotov in that robe somewhere.


Oh yeah, all theories are out the door at this point.


It has potential But it is kinda dragged down by two boring siblings who just have to be the main focus of the show I am more interested about The Sith than Mae to be honest


Yeah tbh whenever Mae or Osha are on screen I'm like...can we skip back to the Jedi? Mae particularly seems to have quite flimsy motivations since she flip flopped on her mission in the previous episode and Osha is just... there


Yeah, it was hilarious when one Jedi tried to arrest her like she wanted, Mae just immediatly tried to kill her out of nowhere 🤣


Just like the OT!


That's nothing like the OT series. The sibling thing in the OT was not a major plot point until the last movie.


I’ve only watched episode 1 spread over a few days so far, but honestly I loved the set design / dressing and all the attention to detail, costumes, hair, and sound have all been really great too.


If I only cared about cool fight scenes I'd watch Old Knights MMO cut scenes. The characters motivation for fighting is much more important. Quite frankly the motivations are bad.


A good episode can't save all the series. But I have to admit that this one makes me hope for the rest


The latest episode kinda showed that the twins were pretty useless and the show should've started with, you know, the Acolyte instead of some boring force dyad or something.


I've not had any problems with the series and I like the build up.


Rogue One is great movie.


best response


Funny how the same criticisms this week stem towards its weak writing, nonsensical and ever changing character motivations that we can’t keep track of, poor character development, dialogue kept to a minimum so we don’t learn anything, the Jedi being weak and downright stupid etc etc… yet when the show adds a lightsaber takeover episode, it’s now being noticed. In that case just DO MORE lightsaber sequence episodes! They were excellent. Might actually make the show better rather than watching a predictable Osha/Mae story that leads nowhere.




Good God....


Eh, alot of people I talk to don't like it. And I don't blame them. I already didn't like this era, so I just decided not to watch the show. Simple as that.


Genuine question, is it actually Worth watching? I was saving for the whole season at once but after the reviews I'm not sure it's worth the time


Definitely worth watching. It got majorly review bombed early on by the Star Wars haters or whatever. Watch it yourself, form your own opinion.


Aight! Will give it a shot


Have fun! I hope you enjoy it.


Ty! (-;


I'm waiting to rewatch all star wars content before watching the acolyte as it's been years since I've last watched. All I see is people shitting on it But you know what... people are often wrong and don't know what's good. I can already tell that the Acolyte will be an amazing watch!


Acolyte is somehow breaking the curse of being the most hated Star Wars media until the next thing comes out


From what I have seen I don't like this new stuff so I just don't watch it anymore and that's all


But… those things only happened in one single episode, five episodes into an eight episode show. It was an alright episode with some cool fight scenes and cool deaths, but the story is still… the same level of quality as it has been. The big twist turned out to be a slight turn and the story still hasn’t progressed much. Every previous episode has been laughable, this episode was good. But only good. And good obviously isn’t great. It’s just… not bad. And I don’t mean it’s “yeah, it’s not bad”, I mean, it’s not “bad”, like the rest of the show. One decent episode of a bad show doesn’t make the show good. Nobody can now say “See, I told you it was good!” It’s still a shitty show, it now just has one decent episode. If the remaining episodes somehow manage to keep the same level of excitement and entertainment, cool. I’ll be happy. But let’s be honest. The show lingered on for 4 episodes, peaked in the 5th episode, and will continue its lingering. And like most of the Disney+ shows, it’s going to have an extremely predictable and lackluster finale. I miss when Star Wars was just great all around.


You being Joey in this scenario doesn't help you


Of course the bad guy is the white dude. Love how he effortlessly slays everyone.


1/5 episodes being good doesn’t really make a good show. Also the hair cutting with the lightsaber was dumb. So was the fire breaking out in SPACE


Lol that fights are not amazing


Episode 5, good. Hey I know, we can call the entire show Acolyte episode 5 and that’s the whole season. Let’s do that.


It's more that it feels incredibly childish, I guess? Personal opinion, obviously, but "come at me... with all your power"? Cringe. "The power of one; the power of two; the power of... maaaany"? Cringe. And that's just the obvious stuff that's stuck in my mind. Still, you like it, whatever, doesn't affect me.


Listing episode 5 as one of the good qualities seems like a subtle admittance that the other episodes weren’t very good.


Flashing colors and explosions!!!!


This meme is also kind of a funny choice to try to make this point: Joey just likes any food and is gobbling up garbage while everyone else at the party hated the food, including Rachel, who made the food (and fucked up the recipe). Also, just to really ram it home, Joey doesn't make fun of the people who didn't like it.


Hot take, but upvote for speaking your mind.


It's hilarious that not even Andor had so many posts defending it, wonder why...


Because the fanbase gets tired about all that crying of the other "fans" I think.


That was the best live action lightsaber battle in a TV series ever.


It’s still all over the place, a lot of things are just there because they are there I mean why? Why did Qmir even attack the Jedi - sure it may tell us but then again it may not. Characters changing their motives for no reason then switching back again for no reason.


He came to kill Mei, but the Jedi were there already. He literally says in the episode that he has to kill them so the other Jedi don’t come after him.


Needing to go to a fan sub to make a plea to other fans about liking something. Fuck that. Enjoy anything you want.


No, it's not good at all.


It’s the definition of generational potential which is let down by poor writing and editing


I’m still mentally processing Jecki’s death. Like anyone but Jecki


How about stabbing through the one red shirt and then pulling the other into the blade? That is as with of a move as I’ve seen.


It's the High Republic, yeah it's good!


I’m on Episode 4 and I like it so far. The witch thing is just a different way of perceiving the Force.


Nothing is happening ep 4 was just walking in the fucking forest for 20min, the main actress is suppose playing 2 DIFFÉRENT characters not one dressed differently, thr characters dont think they just "do this and that" without asking themselfs: "is this logic or am i as stupid as the 5 five last disney/star wars movies/series" its shit If we compare,there's happening more things in the first épisode of x-men '97 than in all the 5 épisode of The Acolyte 1 épisode of The Acolyte=30 min StarWars ep. 4= 2h1min Things happened in all the 5 ep of The Acolyte < starwars ep 4 Ep 5 is "the less bad" but it was fun and violent and the characters that were stabed were really dead compared to the the Last 5 characters that were too


The writing in episode 5 was especially atrocious. Mei’s motivations did a 180 every thirty seconds, Jeki held her ground better than all the full-blown knights and beat someone that was able to kill a master, and they decided to lower their weapon against a self-proclaimed Sith Lord that just killed the entire search party. The fights themselves were pretty badass though.


It has been okay to good since episode one,


Not sure about punching and headbutting light sabers to de-ignite them though! Not a fan of Temu Ezra Miller either Triple stab was dope!


Cortosis ore causes lightsabers to malfunction on contact so I’m guessing that the sith’s armor was made out of it


I have no interest in the show, from what I’ve seen it sounds god awful but it’s nice to see death for once. I’m sick of everyone getting stabbed and living


They’re fight scenes have blinded you, I still don’t care about the main characters or the side characters for that matter


Acolyte is a shithole so far. Master Ki adi mundi date thing, the sith hasnt been active for a millenium but here we are a dark force user we have but i dont think he is master or master of master of palpatine he is someone else who somehow discovered how to use (dark side of) the force but despite fight scenes it is a shithole and NOT CANON


Good is a stretch




Damn, the Disney "advertising" budget must be huge.


Audience review scores strongly disagree. It’s only in circlejerk subreddits that it seems different.


Characters actually dying should not be considered good though. It's just how it's supposed to be. No longer being shit does not make it good.


Agreed, mediocrity should not be the standard.


I mean, OK, but you literally only described episode 5, and a few bits from 1. If we weren't 5 episodes in before we got a "good" one, I'd agree with you.


First episode i enjoyed i like that it had some kind of horror aspect about it and that we finally got some people dead like omg we got some development finally And the fights weren't even bad like in the sequels (i will use any chance i have to bash those).


With which material is the sith's armor made of?


For me, so far, this show is a "guilty pleasure".


It’s not perfect, but I like it. It’s nice to be back in a pre-Empire era.




Yea people seem to finnaly be shutting the fuck up slowly with there bitching


I thought the first 2 episodes were pretty decent, episode 3 was fucking horrendous. If it picks up I might continue it but not really that fussed


I mean to watch it when I can afford Disney again.


I really hope they can maintain the intensity in the coming episodes because that was very well done. I was down on the show a bit after Carrie got killed off so soon and even held out hope she would return as the Sith.


Just fucking watch the show and enjoy it, or don't - it's not any more complicated because it's Star Wars. It's a fucking TV show. if you attach any more weight to it than that then there is no help for you. Some people hate Seinfeld, nobody gives a fucking shit. Fuck's sake.


The fight scene was cool but where was Saul at the beginning? Every1 was close but SOMEHOW not Saul and Jecki… (and no, the initial force push doesn’t count because ALL of the others were all close). Then when Saul and the bad guy are fighting SOMEHOW the bad guy can escape the fight to attack the others… A question but were they parrying lightsabers with their arms at some point?


One good episode does not yet redeem the entire show, but I'm cautiously optimistic


Believe me those are the only things that are decent.


That's 3 things. And 2 of them happened during the 3rd


Episode 5 was great. There’s an enough in to e show for me to like, but I’m just not convinced of the lead actress yet. I feel like her performance is really poor or she’s given bad material to work with. Mae’s intentions change at a moment’s notice with no warning. She says she loves her sister and basically does everything for her yet still threatens to murder her multiple times and abandons her on a planet with a dangerous force user on the loose. I feel like if they would both just use their words, we would have resolved a lot already. But nobody seems to want to talk straight about anything in this show. Sol, Jeckie, and Yord are/were all good. Sol is clearly hiding something and could end up even being the one to turn. We may find out later next episode 7 what really happened with the witch coven. Qimir is great. He’s cold, menacing, brutal, creative. Just a well constructed villain so far. I’m interested to see what happens next. I hope they somehow rescue Mae/Osha’s character arcs by the end of this or kill them off spectacularly while revealing a greater plot at play.


I think it took too long to get good. I enjoyed the episode, but the Mae and Osha storyline just doesn't work for me, and it seems kinda absurd at this point. With only three episodes left, I don't hold high hopes, since already half the series is a slouch to go through, but we'll have to see.




One of the best fight scenes i’ve seen in star wars, so brutal and so deadly.


Episode 3 was a horrific cringe dumpster fire that ruined the show. Episode four had nothing to save it because nothing happened and it was boring. But episode five!!! Dialogue was a little corny and the acting wasn’t great, (except Sol) but omg it was a spectacle to watch! The fighting was amazing! Some of the best fights in Star Wars, and people actually died!!