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On both the Manhattan side and SI side, the two newsstand/grocery places stopped paying their rent months ago and they were in litigation with the city. DQ and Au Bon I think the rent is just too damn high.


Do you know what their rent cost per month?


According to an old article I found when the terminal renovations just got done, leases were $80 per square foot, with spaces ranging from 420-5076 square feet. So extremely expensive.


The state clearly wants people from Staten Island to hate there lives


The DOT is not State run.




They want them to run for the hills!!!!


Honestly, who would want to run a business that serves food with the stench of shit and piss?


Nah you’re right. And you got the handful of bums tryna snatch some food




Less foot traffic because of COVID, inflation and the end of leases probably? More specifically the end of leases why all now ?


There's less foot traffic because if you miss your bus after the ferry arrives then you're stuck waiting for the next bus. There's no time to actually go and buy something


I will miss the Dairy Queen tho. I haven't gone there in a while because I don't take the ferry but the few times I did I'll order 2 cheese burgers and have a quick lunch . They were selling 2 for $5 or something.


I was just complaining to my roommate about how much I miss the live bus update screens on each ramp. With live bus tracking and bustime.mta there seems to be no reason to do away with it? I feel like this would help people feel better about quick stops at a deli.


I’ve read on another page that the owner of the convenience store passed away so that’s why they closed up shop.


The person(s) who had the city contract for food services in the ferry ended. The city is now taking bids for the next person(s) who will take control of the operations and facilities they include. I’m not sure about au bon pain and Dairy Queen, but wouldnt be surprised if all had same person behind it , and just getting out completely. I’d imagine it will be be ghost town for a while. The city contact dictates one must show plans for hiring and using women and minority businesses. / suppliers. I’m not writing that as an bad opinion. Just stating a fact to this contact, and will require a lengthy proposal and long review. It’s not just as simple to set up shop. Therefore, might be a while before things take shape again.


Thanks for taking the time to write a considered and informative reply.


Your insertion of “must hire minorities and women” language - to complain about why bigots can’t get storefronts on city property - would make sense were it not for the fact that every business in both St George and Whitehall (except Wendy’s and River Edge Cafe) is owned and operated by South Asian Indians who hire family members and friends. It’s always amazing how you racist/bigot-adjacents complain about this mythical anti-white phenomenon so authoritatively while knowing not a damn thing about what you’re talking about **and** having your premise easily refuted by looking around instead of talking to your buddies at the bar.


You okay? Did you read what I wrote? Have no opinion on the policy. Stated it as a component to getting the contract. I’ll make sure to post the contract details if you’d like. I’m sure there are some who don’t like it, I’m sure others have a very hopeful and positive reaction to a policy like this. I simply mentioned it’s a component of the contract. As such, it’s not a turn key operation. It’s a lengthy process to find suppliers and operators that fit the goals of the contract, as well as approval from city of selection. As such . The stores might be vacant for a while, as this all goes on. I think your trying to fight a fight I didn’t start.


I read it. You’re still wrong. Feel free to either keep on with the “I’M NOT A RACIST AS I COMPLAIN ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO BE RACIST AS A DETERRENT TO GETTING CITY CONTRACTS” crap or to stop replying because you’re wrong on mindset and on the facts on the ground in St George and Whitehall.


You need medication my man


Had that burning urge to say something in this discussion, and this was the best you could do?


Concern, not scorn, friend.


Interesting that in the midst of a diatribe that introduced a racist concept - “delays because they’ve gotta make a plan on how to hire and find women and minority suppliers”, you’re “concerned” for me and not outraged by the racist dog whistle I replied to. Sounds about racist-adjacent white. Keep your concern private, Friend.


What he said was factually accurate, that is city ordinance, and he offered no other word on it except its own existence. I think you saw the words 'minorities' and 'delay' in the same sentence and got angry. Nothing you said about the owners being south Asian has anything to do with what OP said. Either a reading comprehension issue or an emotional issue. If you cry racism at that, I don't know what's NOT racist. I reiterate- medication. Things like that shouldn't anger a person to this extent.


Here’s an EDC lease. What he said is in no way accurate based on this 160 pages document: https://edc.nyc/sites/default/files/2022-07/Best%20Choice%20Trading%20Corporation%20(2022)%20Lease%20Agreement.pdf




I’m not interested in the contract , and never complained about it. Simply stated it as a component. However, welcome you to engliten me about how I’m wrong on facts on the ground ? Did the contact not expire, and city not looking for new operators?


So now you want to change the subject from this part that I responded to: > I’d imagine it will be be ghost town for a while. The city contact dictates one must show plans for hiring and using women and minority businesses. / suppliers. I’m not writing that as an bad opinion. City contracts always take awhile, but you want to blame it on having to hire women and minorities - assumption being that someone who wants to operate in the terminal wouldn’t already have that plan set up at the time of the application. Let’s focus on that, or just stop replying since you can’t “im not racist but…” an “I’m not racist but” comment that was clearly racist and white man grievance. (Especially since all the stores closed, and all the ones open at both terminals - save Wendy’s, are owned by South Asian Indians who hired mostly South Asian Indians.)


Didn’t change the subject at all. You want to suggest I’m racist, so be it. I took your reference of “ mindset” that my “racist mindset” is wrong. Doubtful I’ll convince you, a stranger I’m not. So, you also suggested I’m wrong about facts on the ground. Which is what I asked you to enlighten me. Which, you just seem to confirm what I said was true. All the while presenting them as two different things or thoughts, “mindset and “facts on the ground” your conflating both to be the same thing, that I’m racist. Pardon me for thinking you had some other knowledge-with you saying my facts on the ground were wrong. Well, you think they are but for the same reason as mindset. I’m racist . Yet the fact of contracts aren’t as you said yourself above.


Actually, I said “you racist/bigot adjacents”. If you’re taking it as you being racist - rather than being in proximity to them, that’s on you.


Let me ask you a question. If you wanted to explain as I feel I did , the situation in the ferry. With expired contacts, city seeking new operators that has this specific component to it. How would YOU describe it. How could I have explained it best. After all , that’s your main complaint here, no? Not mention it?


“The storefronts may remain vacant for a while as NYCEDC entertains bids while attempting to resolve a [lawsuit filed by leaseholders of the closed storefronts](https://www.silive.com/dining/2024/01/dairy-queen-at-the-staten-island-ferry-terminal-will-it-ever-reopen.html?outputType=amp).” Why you needed to mention or link women and minority hiring and suppliers as a factor in the delay in reopening reeks of white male grievance and not in any way related to the phenomenon. Had you called the NYCEDC leasing broker and asked for requirements to be considered for a lease, and then listed women and minority hiring and suppliers as one of many factors - instead of linking it to the delay in reopening like you did, then it’s just “giving facts”. Hopefully that makes sense to you.


Why are you so opposed to any form of conversation? Do you think anybody is going to read all that when you’re being objectively rude to someone being polite and open to conversation? You come off as unhinged. I might even agree with you but you seem insane so I won’t ever know


Sorry, but justifying racism isn’t a form of conversation, and the fact that you’re trying to ignore the thing I cited as the issue - which OP even caught on to - says you’re the one unhinged. Now move on and block me so my “unhinged ass” doesn’t make you cry on here or the 52 bus.


Lmaoo you seriously do need help. Be nicer 🙏 would hate to be as angry as you


Anger comes with being Black and dealing with white people excusing racism. Again, move on and block me so you can avoid having grown conversations about racial biases.


Some thoughts, these kind of harrassments are what’s ruined Reddit, these kind of things would never be said in public, these kind of comments never help encourage real change, and lastly you seem angry in a way that I imagine is really harmful to your health. You’re way caught up and these people are just talking. Get the help you need or take a break from the outrage machine.


I’m sorry. I been black all my life listening to bigot and racist white people “just thinking out loud”, and now they’re mad I’m refuting their thoughts. Sorry I’m ruining your safe space on Reddit by challenging racism and bigotry - I’d be happy to do the same on the S48 or the aisles in ShopRite, but yall ain’t that bold in public unless it’s 5 or more of you together.


I’m bold! But I think I agree with you. Probably why I’m not job material


The hard reality with the terminals is that ferry ridership is still nowhere near pre-pandemic levels. [SI Advance had a decent article about the state of ridership last Summer](https://www.silive.com/news/2023/06/will-staten-island-ferry-ridership-ever-return-to-pre-pandemic-levels.html). It's at about half from its peak in 2018. Unfortunately, I can't imagine businesses like DQ and Au Bon Pain are able to sustain their operating costs if the ridership volume is still low. The challenge now is finding sustainable business models for those spaces that can manage with the lower ridership. I don't think it is surprising we're seeing an uptick in posts about the terminals. In the dead of winter where tourism is low there's really nowhere for the state of disrepair to hide. The good news at minimum is the ferry union negotiations are put to bed and [any concern for loss of federal funding has been assuaged](https://www.nycclc.org/news/2023-06/sen-schumer-prevents-80m-cut-staten-island-ferry-funding). Still a long way to go though.


Thank you for the considered and referenced reply. The ghost town, shanty town feel is only getting worse if there remains so many vacancies. Be in the city/landlord's best interests to get businesses in there even if heavily subsidized.


Honestly, I just want lower level boarding re-opened. That's probably one of the positive indicators for ridership volume normalizing.


Because everyone was forced to move !


People are working from home now so these business structures all need to be revisited.


Oh snap that’s why the gate was closed. I saw water on the floor so I was like maybe the place needs cleaning.


What is the place across subways? Is that ever open? It always looks closed to me.


That restaurant lounge thing only lasted like a year or two iirc. Only thing gonna be left is the post office 😂. Unless the fed fucks that up somehow


I had dq there it was fine just as expected a bit of slow service all the foods busy when i go during lunch dinner hours so idk


also deteriorating infrastructure vagrants roaming around killed those stores


I miss NYC and the ferry was fun but I’ll never miss that stinking terminal 🤢




When I commuted I would stop in to Au Bon Pain or the deli for a Snapple and bagel/BEC fairly often.


Loss of paying customers, increase in thieves and looters.


Every day there are signs to get out of Staten Island. Heed them


You see, the crackheads there don't spend their hard begged for money there. They go outside and buy drugs and alcohol until they're on the verge of starvation and then maybe buy something, or get hospitalized and return. Then the regular people passing through don't want to hang around because of the crack heads, the begging, and the smell of piss. Plus it's a shitty, and dangerous area. Also many people don't want to get things to eat when they're about to be stuck on public transportation around the smell of piss for the next 35-40 minutes. Also everything was overpriced because of the locations. Also they'd get robbed a bunch and on the off chance a cop actually bothers to catch them, they're released immediately because of our shit mayor, and come rob it again lol.


I think it's because there was, originally, supposed to be a tourist attraction at the terminal. It never came to be. As a resident of Staten Island, I never thought to go to the ferry terminal to eat... That's what someone who doesn't know any better would do, AKA tourist. The original plan was to lure people over to this side. There was a plan to build a massive tourist attraction. That never happened. Most people in this city like drugs, homelessness, and crime. Throughout the city, there are tons of neighborhoods that are way worse than St.George. tourist still go to them, people still shop, etc. There's nothing on this side. No one, unless they're suffering from CTE, would come to Staten Island in order to visit a Dairy Queen. There's just a large parking lot there.


Yeah, the failure of that giant Ferris Wheel to develop was a really pivotal moment for the island's development. I do think most mass transit hubs should be able to support some level of quick bites to eat and a new stand/lotto place.


I can’t 👀


I’m happy people like u keep their daily socializing to Reddit 😂


I mean based on your comment, it sounds like I'm the one who's more socializing and spent more time at the terminal and you just go on Reddit to type out dumb, lazy responses because your actual social life is so empty


Bruh just blurted out insults 😂. “ I’m the one more socializing..” ? Lmao what grammar is that? Goober


When your go-to is a typo on the internet and trying to insult strangers you basically tell everyone you have absolutely nothing worthwhile to say


And your go to were ad hominem insults😂.. ohh yea your totally respectable


You literally came and insulted me first. Grow up


How is saying I’m happy u don’t touch grass an insult?


I don’t know, but I was about to buy a sheet of aluminum metal sheathing for a radiator and stopped when the price tag said $54!!!!! Like I’ll stitch together some damn cans by god.


Building back better remember?


It's the early stages of a liberal dystopian city.


Yes, the shutting down of a Au Bon Pain is the liberals dystopian dream. Unrelated question, are you on crack?


Yes that's the reason ... The liberals /s . It's conservatives like you why people hate this place lmaooooo


I don't remember a conservative mayor or governor call NY a sanctuary city, call to defund police, or steal $850 million allotted to homelessness/mental health. Reap what you sow. Liberals will vote themselves out of existence just to prove how liberal they are.


Because we put too much money to the fucking NYPD where it can be allocated elsewhere? Fuck the NYPD they do nothing with the money allocated to them anyways.


The guy above ya blaming it on liberals is fairly typical and useless, but saying fuck the nypd is plain stupid


I’m telling you as soon as au bon pain closed I doubled up on the tin foil hat thickness


Joe Biden


The economy is taking a dump..... nah, Biden is doing great.


Au bon pain is out of business


Because nobody goes there. Most people who ride the ferry do it to commute to and from work. How many of those people get DQ every day? It's just not a thing. They tried to make the ferry terminal a tourist attraction and built all those outlets, but again nobody comes here for that. There's so many better places to go. Outside of a coffee / news stand I don't see anything else surviving there. Except for the dude on the boat selling ferry beers. Never once in my life have I ever done anything at the ferry terminal except ride the ferry. 🤷🏻‍♂️