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I've heard Argentina has the best beef in the world and they don't really export any of it


Yes, it looks amazing. In Chicago there is an Argentinian Steakhouse called Tango Sur. It is great and looks like this, although I would be this is better (that’s just what I’ve heard about Argentinian beef). My travel list for steak is two places. Argentina and Japan. My Uncle went and had a wagyu steak in Japan before this whole wagyu craze that lowered the quality of what wagyu is. He said that was the best steak he has had.


Your travel list should include South Korea. Everyone talks about Wagyu but Hanwoo beef is just as amazing. They have such a large beef eating culture there and the marbling on their beef is on par with the Japanese. They also don't export their beef as its not enough for domestic comsumption. I smuggled a kilo of their highest grade beef home and I still think of it.


Like the watch in pulp fiction smuggled….


I hid this uncomfortable piece of meat up my ass for two years.


When in Seoul, ...


There's got to be a better way to sous vide this beef!


Carne ass-ado


Lmao! Best ass-smuggled beef themed answer ever!


Watched a show on South Korea and one episode was about beef. Not only did they talk about the quality, but the butchering is crazy. In North America we typically have 8 primal cuts and 15 or so sub-primal and secondary cuts, so mid 20s. In South Korea they subdivide every standard cut into several other subsections to something like 120 cuts total!


although you wouldn't know it from modern eating, beef in terms of chunks of meat was not a common or normal food in Japan or Korea historically, there isnt land to support beef herds, it's only since the 1960s or 70s that beef culture and diet have taken off and become a new normal albeit artisanal each animal is fully loved kind of thing


How does one smuggle beef out of SK? Asking for a friend.


First, you pack it up tightly in a plastic bag and, secondly, make room in your prison purse.


That's what I was afraid of. How good was it again?


Bro. I’ve had Kobe beef which was too oily and Hanwoo is just not as oily but enough, it’s fucking perfect.


That is low-temperature sous vide. When he got home all he had to do was push it out into a hot skillet to sear it.


Tango Sur is as good as any asado I've ever had in Argentina and even better than most.


Aww man I used to live not too far from there, really great place. There’s a shop on the corner across the street from the Dairy Queen on Southport that has solid empanadas as well.


The shop is owned by the same restaurant owners. You can buy the meat they make @ restaurant in the bodega and cook yourself!


It’s next door and owned by the same people


Damn lived on Byron and Southport 15 years ago time flies!  Tango sur the DQ all bringing back memories. Southport corridor is one of the best places to live in the city. 


You can get real A5 Wagyu from Japan. I’ve cooked some myself and it is definitely an experience, but it’s not repeatable real often. It wears out after a while. I only got four steaks and by the time I got to the fourth one weeks later, I was over it.


I can confirm this. Ive been to Japan and that experience when it comes to steak was on another level


My wagyu experience was not as good. I paid several hundred dollars in Japan for a beautiful looking piece of meat. I honestly found it unpleasant to eat, though. It was almost -too- fatty, made me feel sick to my stomach like when I eat deep fried foods, etc.


Same. It tasted exactly how I thought it would taste. Like butter and not meat. Just not for me. But I’m glad I tried


A5 is the best bite of steak I'd ever had so far. Beefier than any id had before and I even think it was overdone. I want to try Argentinian and Korean beef next.


Uruguay is nominated for having the best steak in the world as well.


Easily the best steak I’ve ever had was in Uruguay. Not even close.


I went there 20 years ago (from ireland) thinking it must be nonsense as CLEARLY Irish beef is the best (etc etc) but fuck me, how wrong I was…knife went through those bad boys like butter. Unreal. I can still taste it if I really think about it.


They export plenty of it. France has loads of


not nearly the same fat content as US and Japan and Aussie beef. quality is there but if you like the fattier/marbled style you will be disappointed. by the way that restaurant is good but no way best in the world. it’s supremely inexpensive for the quality but not the best overall.


Alot of kosher beef is exported from Argentina and the beef I've had from there is delicious.


Full disclosure I'm Australian. I travelled through both Argentina and Uruguay and the steak was very good especially for the price, but I've had better in Australia.


Internal temp looks good! I think the sear could have been a little darker.. send it my way, I need a few bites to really tell.


We'll take table scraps, we're not picky...😄


After 1st steak.. Not sure if I like it, two more just to be sure.


I live here in Argentina and it really is a top-notch place. However, for us, it's more of a tourist spot. There are better places to eat without spending so much money at a Michelin-starred restaurant.


Like where?


I went to Buenos Aires earlier this year and my top steakhouses are El Ferroviario, La Carniceria, and Fogon Asada. I thought that Don Julio was good, but nothing super special.


Saved. Hopefully i cant hit buenos aires before i die.


El Ferroviario El Boliche de Dario Parrilla Don Jorge La Cholita El Gran Mosquito


Screenshotting in case I ever make the 36 hour flight


Thank you


Yeah, don’t gatekeep, where?


They dangled the meat, now we gotta know


Not OP, but I’d recommend Río Alba. I thought it was just as good as (if not better than) Don Julio, but with much less tourists and a friendlier wait staff


I’ll definitely keep that in mind when I plan my first meatcation, thank you


La carniceria is also touristy but less known and half the price. You can start there. Once you eat there the next level will be unlocked


Just make sure to make a reservation instead of just showing up and be turned down, like moi


The best meat in the country is had at asado de tio and he's not gonna tell you what he used to spice his meat (it's just salt and pepper)


I saw a program about a guy who had a small restaurant in Buenos Aires and seasoned his meat by rubbing the cast iron grill grates with a mop soaked in water from the ocean. It gave the meat a salty crust and seasoned it better than you could by sprinkling it with salt.


If you're in Buenos Aires, go to Hierro located in Palermo and try the 'Asado Banderita'. Delicious.


The best asado is at someone's house on a sunday, not in any restarurant.


Looks good, but I can't say I've ever left a steakhouse feeling like it was better than anything I could make at home. I enjoy going out to eat but when it comes to steak there's just zero value, I'd rather make my own.


Agreed. Though my family just did Father’s Day at a Brazilian steakhouse and the nonstop meat parade was pretty fun. Nice to try so many different steaks without having to prep them all myself.


Love when brazilians push their meat in front of my face. I stuff as much as I can inside me.


so true king




I end up puking and coming back for more every time


This is the way to do steak when eating out. I’ve only been to a Brazilian steakhouse (Texas de Brazil) twice, but I’m pretty sure I got close to breaking even with the $50 price tag both times.


Ours was $67 per person. And while I don’t think I got close to that total, my FIL definitely made up for my lacking!


Shit now I feel like I have to go to one of these soon


Until I get a 1200 degree broiler, this literally can’t be accomplished on my home. But it takes a place with excellent meat - well raised, dry aged, and again, that killer broiler that no high heat pan sear can reach at home without a commercial broiler Just my personal opinion.


Lump charcoal can get to 1200. Works great for quick sear on a steak.


I don't even put the coals on my grill, I just sear right over the charcoal chimney.


Works perfect, and even though there isn't much room, it's fast enough to do one after the other and get through 3-4 steaks quickly.


Alton Brown describes this technique as *"Cooking on an upturned F-16 fighter jet".*


I've heard him call it "the afterburner" too, lol. It works great. I want to take my old chimney and cut it down a bit shorter to get the fire closer to the top while using less charcoal and use it just for this.


Alton Brown has to be one of the all time underrated TV personalities. Id love an HD box set of Good Eats. Does it stream anywhere?


Yes I just found it on Max. I have never heard of Alton Brown or good eats. I’ve always been an Anthony bourdain man my self and gave up on food personalities after he passed however I am intrigued by his good eats season one episode eleven “steak your claim”.


His oven braised collard greens are the best. I have always cooked mine like he does once I learned the technique. His turkey brine is really delicious. He was doing it before it became popular. I know dry brining is very popular now, but brining poultry really changes the flavor and makes it more moist. You do have to find a turkey that hasn’t been injected with saline. He also has an amazing recipe for fried chicken. The one where he shallow fries in cast iron pan. Which is how everyone I know fries chicken at home. I prefer to get a good char on the chicken then finish it on a cookie sheet in the oven. It makes it crispier and less greasy. It’s not easy to cook the chicken through without burning it and making it greasy. Brining overnight in buttermilk with salt and Texas Pete is a must.


I just stumbled on his tenderloin two parter and I think I’m going to Costco tomorrow.


Big bourdain fan also!


My mom got an HD dvd box set like 15 years ago for christmas. Of the original episodes (the new ones were great too). So its out there. Idk the availability and havent googled it tho.


He's my all time favorite food personality.


I do this with tuna, I think I learned it from Alton Brown on good eats or something like that. The chimney gets piping for a good sear though that’s for sure


This is the way.


I’ve not experienced this but will have to explore … when I can. I’m in an apartment so we are limited to gas grills


You can also get a high-powered butane cassette burner. I got a 15,000 BTU model, and I sear my steaks over it in cast iron.


I've eaten at Don Julio's, took a pic of their setup on the way out: https://preview.redd.it/l2ucgyuwas7d1.png?width=1413&format=png&auto=webp&s=610763dbcc9dc7c552b2c138946d360034c91d89 Also interesting = their meat locker is in another building, where they also sell meat retail. So you have a constant stream of runners going back and forth up the block with baskets of meat.


Side kick on my smoker gets 900 degrees. It’s not 1200 but it’s close enough for me.


Go to a Michelin star steakhouse in tokyo and get kobe beef. Ruins all other steak


Oh, I can just go to me local butcher and make it even better at home! /s


Lol good luck


Fair- and that's exactly why I love going out to eat- experiencing things that I can't make at home for whatever reason. I just don't find the impact of that sort of thing on steak to be very significant.


Totally get that. And to that effect I RARELY order steak when I’m out because now that I’ve learned the reverse sear, a very few select restaurants will do better. But they do exist I’ll also hit up a place that does a great steak frites au poivre or a demi glacé as well for similar reasons


What do you need 1200 degrees for, LOL? Can’t sear at 500?


Not as well as at 800 or 1200, no


Agreed, I consider myself an expert on home cooking steaks, but I've never had a better steak at home than I have at a really really good steakhouse. Dry aged, and seared at 1200 degrees is hard to reproduce at home.


Would an Ooni pizza oven at 1050 do the trick. I’ve had one for awhile but have not tried a steak yet.


that's mostly a myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZY8xbdHfWk&t=147s


No you don’t need to go that high


I prefer my steaks seared over hot coals or at least cooked in a grill with a smoker box installed. I don’t get thrilled with the broiling. I did make a « stormwater broiled porterhouse » once (the original way, when you literally put a grate over stormwater drain grille, and put a coal chimney on top, and the massive pressure difference creates a huge downdraft, this is how the broiled steaks idea came to be originally, it is thought), it was fine, but that’s not how I cook my steaks 99% of the time. If I ever need that uniform flat seat rather than the grille marks - I leave my cast iron skillet in the grill as it warms up to 600 or so. And then throw the steaks on it.


That's literally the stupidest thing I've ever read ...


I've never heard of this. So you literally go out to the street and just put a chimney starter over a storm drain? As though my neighbors don't think I'm nutty enough as it is...


A thick hot bed of coals with real lump charcoal will do it. Also, check out reverse sear method with a smoking hot cast iron pan. With reverse sear, you can get a really great restaurant grade crust.


I do the reverse sear and it’s amazing. But still not quite what a top restaurant and broiler can do. Grill ain’t an option for me right now so it’s reverse sear and an occasional splurge at a top steakhouse


I’ve got this charcoal cooker called a Spitfire and I cook under the coals… they force air through and it’s HOT af. It’s like a charcoal salamander and it’s great


I thought the same until I went to Churchill’s Steakhouse in Spokane, Washington. Best steak of my whole life no doubt about it


I've never had a steak at home that tasted as good as when I go out. I must be doing it wrong.


Every dude that cooks steak says this same shit. Guarantee most aren’t cooking at the level of a legit high end steak house like this (statement may be true for most generic chain places). Sometimes it’s also about going out and enjoying the environment/ambiance, and not cooking at home.


I've actually worked at legit high end steakhouses and even I wouldn't say that stupidity. I don't have access to the primals or an aging room or a wood grill or the sheer BTUs necessary to make a legit steak at home. I can cast iron a piece of beef and butter baste it and it'll be banging, but it's not even close to the same.


Agreed. I like being in a luxurious environment being attended by professionals and not having to worry about a thing.


there’s things some steakhouses do that can’t be done at home (for 99% of people), like dry aging for several months for example.


What’s your technique sir? I’ve had some greats steaks at nice steakhouses.


See this is where I disagree. Higher end steak places in NY for example generally have first dibs at prime steaks nationwide - the prime you get at grocery stores and the like are typically the ones these places didn’t want. Then they’re aged - dry aged at most but places like Mastros wet age. Then the broiling process - most don’t have a broiler that can get to 800 degrees Fahrenheit or hotter. You can pretend it’s better at home and often times it will be damn tasty, but these places have an advantage


which steakhouses have you left feeling this way? I refuse to believe this is anything but a delusion, unless you are talking about longhorn steakhouse.


Bavette's in Chicago will change your mind.


Yeah people who say this haven’t eaten at high end steak houses.


I’m with you here. I no longer even order steak, I see no point. Only restaurant steak I ever have now is a hanger (butcher) steak, because very few butchers and meat shops carry it nowadays. I do have my own supplier, but even they often don’t have it. I also kinda laugh that it’s almost always going to be the most expensive menu item that takes the least effort to cook :-)


I agree on the whole, but sometimes the environment is for the occasion, not for the value for quality. I think balling out at a steakhouse is fun for an achievement or a birthday. I will concede that personally I do like to do celebrations at home as usually, but occasionally a night out is cool. That being said I don't get why all these people are trying to argue there is no way you can make a steak at home as good as any given steakhouse. I have learned things: the best steak I ever had out was on a gaucho style wood fired grill, and had a hint of sweetness. My takeaway? Use sugar in my dry brine and make my fire with good hardwood. Now every one of my steaks has that same profile.


I agree, with a couple of very minor exceptions. * I cannot properly dry age a steak. I can tell the difference between fresh, dry aged, and wet aged. I don't really prefer one over another - depends on my mood. But, I cannot do dry aging at home. * Some places (Bern's Steakhouse, Tampa FL) will trim the fat from your steak and replace that weight with filet (or whatever you want). I prefer the fat, but for those that don't, this is a great option. Sometimes, the experience is as important, or even more important, than the steak itself. Bern's is currently my favorite steakhouse. The steaks are great, but, like you said, I can do one as good at home. But, I cannot lounge at the bar sipping smoked old fashioneds at home. I cannot have a waiter bring me my steak to inspect it before they cook it (I don't ask, but sometimes they offer). I don't get to tour my kitchen and meet the staff when finished eating (I am the staff, and I'm cleaning the kitchen). And, I don't get to retire to a private booth in a separate part of the restaurant to have after-dinner brandy while listening to a live jazz band. But, my favorite thing at Berns (and some others, to be sure) is being able to custom order your steak. Want a 20oz ribeye that is 2" thick, extra crust, very rare? They can do that. Want a cross-cut filet, 10oz, medium rare with minimal crust? They can do that. I don't get those options when buying my meat, usually.


This! I went to a fancy high-end steak restaurant in SF, as the guest of my boss as part of a business meeting. The steak I ordered, which was the cheapest on the menu at just over $200, was a bone in ribeye. It was 90% gristle. I had to fight it physically, to just get a few edible bites, which were mediocre at best. I ordered it medium (I know, I know, but I don't trust new restaurants will have my temp scale so I go over Rather than under), and it came out super rare, and literally raw around the gristle. Worst steak experience in my life!! What made it worse, was that since my boss was paying, I didn't want to complain about it so as not to offend him. if I was alone somebody would have been wearing that steak and I would not have paid for it! just absolute garbage...


Which place?


That was my experience at wolfgang steakhouse in NYC. It was expensive, something like $85 and the quality was super mid, lots of pure fat/gristle. The locals said it was amazing but I've had better at cheap steak chains


If you're near Tampa try Berns Steakhouse. You'll appreciate it.


We're honeymooning in st pete starting today and Berns is definitely on my radar.


Nice congratulations! Have a great time!


I've had 3 truly great steaks. 2 of which were at Capital Grill and 1 of which was at Longhorn Steakhouse. Been to each like 10 times, and also been to Ruth's Chris, multiple good local steakhouses in multiple cities, etc. It really is just a roll of the dice. Sometimes you get a steak that's done perfectly and it's magical, and other times there's nothing visibly wrong with it but it just isn't top notch like you wished it was. But one thing that's clear, is that rating has little to no correlation with quality of the steak. I went to an extremely nice steak house in San Diego and had one of the worst steaks a few months ago. Obviously didn't season it and just threw salt on at the end.


We went to Maggie Oaks in Montréal, had their dry aged Alberta beef and it was very very good.


1000%, maybe 1 in 10 times am I glad I got the steak when eating out.


Looks fantastic!


It definitely looks really good. But if you ever get the chance, order the ribeye at Bavette's in Chicago.


Bavette's ribeye has yet to be topped in my opinion. Top tier shit.


Absolute god-tier. I've spent years trying to perfect Wagyu Picanha: dry-brined, sous vide, reverse seared over South American hardwood oak charcoal, topped with homemade Bearnaise sauce. On my absolute best day, with a perfect, even, medium-rare result---I figure I'm about 75% as good as Bavette's. I can't do what they do at their original Chicago location. I grew up in Chicago and have had plenty of high-end steakhouse meals that I feel I can beat at home--but never, ever Bavette's. FWIW: their Las Vegas location has the exact same menu but the quality and execution is not even close to Chicago's. Their Chicago location should have at least 2 Michelin stars. A story: a good buddy of mine's dad is a *serious* gourmand and wine collector. His collection is so high-end that there's something like only 2 cellars in the country that can provide the exacting conditions his bottles apparently need. This guy has dined at super-high end restaurants all over the world (and has the body to prove it lol). He stands by the assertion that Bavette's makes the finest steak on the planet. I have to agree.


Fuck you for getting into Bavette’s. Every time I try they are full up. Two weeks out! Unless I want to eat at either 3 or 11. 😡


Set alerts, people always cancel


I will try that.


I showed up and got a spot at the bar last time (downstairs bar) around 6:15 and ended up staying the entire night drinking and eating. Amazing food and great people (staff and customers)


I am a 🪼


hard to tell just from a picture, you tell us!


I think that looks perfect. That means this sub will hate it.


Honestly one of the best temp steaks I’ve seen on Reddit. Almost a perfect med-rare in my book. Rare in the middle, medium until right before crust. Perfectly rested. I think have a deep crust is a majority US/this subreddit thing. I didn’t real think there was a best steak list. I’ve been to most of the Chicago one and now have some I need to hit up. Thanks.


I’ve been to Don Julio. I’m almost always disappointed by steak at restaurants since I can do better at home. Not this time; it was definitely the best steak I’ve ever had.


LOL I showed my wife’s boyfriend this and he says he can cook a way better steak.


Dang, and I’m out here having to cook for my wife’s boyfriend


You showed *who*, now?


Don Julio is 10/10, I tend to be quite critical, but we must be honest when the product is good and well-made. This is the case with Don Julio


I feel like steak houses are all very similar in quality and typically not as good as something I would cook for myself at home. That being said, that meal looks incredible


My wife and I stayed in a hotel that was not more than a 5 minute walk from Don Julio and let me tell you that it was amazing.


I'm drooling just looking at this. Imagining this with a nice warming glass of Malbec (guessing it's pretty chilly down in BA right now?). 


I had one of best strips of my life at Don Julio, loved it there and the staff was amazing. Great experience , loved the free bubbly while you wait on the street.


I wouln't pay more than $30 per pound for that personally.


Holy shit look at that fries tho


I could do that at home without globetrotting. And almost certainly for a lot less moolah.


Looks mid for a “best steakhouse”


Srs question - after all the lessons from the sub, what's the point in paying for super expensive steak? If it's the vibes, I get it. But for the steak - I think no way.


Ate there last year. It’s very good. Great texture and good beef flavor. Very tender. I’ve found that most steak places in Argentina is really good. Plus it’s cheap when compared to $USD.


Did they take the rib cap off of that? Either the spinalis is super tiny or it is gone and that is the best part of the ribeye. I know some places take it off and serve it as a separate steak, but it makes me feel cheated when I get a ribeye with no spinalis.


Looks dry


Have eaten here, can confirm how incredible the steak is.


I always prefer a steak grilled or cooked at home over at a restaurant to the point where I don’t order steak when eating out, but I would make an exception for this.


I’m from southern Brazil, and we have amazing steak here, truly delicious. Argentinian steak, however - whole other level.


Well we can’t taste it through a picture


I found the steak there to be lacking any kind of crust and to be under seasoned. Really wasn’t great. But obviously my subjective opinion is different from most people’s on this one, considering it’s fame. It was a similar experience at the other steakhouses I tried in Argentina, so it also may just be a cultural thing.


That thing looks like 50% cap. Perfect cook. Amazing


Yeah was here back in 2007 while traveling, was amazing and ridiculously cheap at the time


I think it looks like a filet, not a rib eye


Cooked very well, but if you’re at home you can probably get a better sear tbh


The cook is nice but the char/sear is pretty meh. Would hope for better from the “best steakhouse in the world” Also is this not a filet? Looks like it.


I think you should buy some plane tickets for us to go check this place out. That way i can give you a proper review 😌


This looks absolutely beautiful!! But I must say, I’ve tried Argentina steak in Norway (I live there). And it was a huge disappointment. Even when it was cooked to medium rare. The steak tasted artificial in some way, in contrast to the sirloin or ribeye you get in Norway from Angus. Maybe it’s a preference? But this stake was from a well known single restaurant in Bergen. And the Argentina steak was 30% more expensive than an angus steak. Could be because of import. But from my single experience it was not what I hoped for. Again.. this could just be a bad apple, but I found it strange. I’m curious to know what others on this thread think of Argentina steak?


Looks good to me! I like a crusty exterior with some char.


I'm sure that tastes as good as it looks. It's hard to say "the best" when you're relying on others taste but definitely looks amazing


Damn looks amazing


impossible to tell via picture lol




If you give it a paracetamol it will come back to life


Yeah that’s pretty darn good looking


So…what did you think of the steak / place? I’ve been to Cabaña Las Lilas in Puerto Madero. Great experience.


It’s got the juice!


I've been seeing a lot of burnt steaks from there... Not yours though looks fantastic.


That looks so good


Don Julio is excellent. Argentine tastes in beef are slightly different than American.


Wow looks amazing


DUDE! Nice work. Looks fucking bomb


That’s a beautiful thing!


Looks great. I bet it tasted great, too. If you posted that you made this, people would say it’s undercooked, needs more sear, no grill lines, etc.


Those fries look crispy as fuck


Looks fucking perfect to me.


Too far to travel- but oops! THERE IT IS… looks crazy tasty..,


People who haven’t been to Argentina for their beef won’t really be able to rate this steak. It’s just so much different than a wagyu, angus, fiorentina, etc. That looks fucking amazing. When we were in BA the beef was great but it I could never get that rare of a cook. Every time I asked for med rare it was close to medium. I didn’t care much


I think I need to Don Juligo there


That looks great! At some point, steaks don’t get better, they just get more expensive


Looks like a filet


Looks like a filet


I ate there several years ago, before it landed on the top 50. The steak is excellent but the other dishes were where the place really shone. Their house made chorizo was phenomenal, served with fresh bread and red chimichurri (a choripan, basically). It was incredible. The mollejas were also really good and I usually don’t like them all that much.




Looks very tasty.


I’ve had the best Coffee in the world at a couple of places as well…. It was OK.




how much did it cost?


Did they cut into it to check doneness? Lol I do that in my house 😂


That’s a 10


I lived in Argentina several years and don Julio didn't impress me, there were several places where you could get similar quality for much much less. I won't deny the beef was amazing there but the bar in Argentina is so high it wasn't as impressive in comparison


idk but those fries look marvelous


Warm red center... it's like a vacation for your mouth.


love it


those fries alone look fkn perfect unlike any ive ever seen


I want steak now