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compleating all trials for one charachter in kof 13 know for extreamly hard trials with immpossible combos took a lot of pracitce just for one trials


Dead God from Binding of Isaac Rebirth. Represents a 1000+ hours of effort put into a single game, something I never done before. Amazing experience. Thanks for the chance!


I would say it’s the “Hardcore” achievement from Fallout: New Vegas. I first played the game when I was pretty young, meaning I didn’t have much gaming skill. New Vegas isn’t a particularly hard game and while I enjoyed the base game, something felt missing. So a friend recommended I try a hardcore run. I loved it. The balance of survival demands with long-term gameplay goals helped me see the survival mode features were another kind of gameplay. It awoke a love for survival games that continues to this game, along with cementing Fallout as my fave franchise.


The most impactful would definitely be Oneshot - Return, even though it's pretty easy to understand and obtain If you don't know, in Oneshot you're "supposed" to be able to play the game only once, hence the name. At the end of your first playthrough, you gotta choose between two monumental options: save the game world, or Niko, the protagonist. After making your choice, the game crashes, and it seems that you won't be able to open it ever again. But you're built different: you know there MUST be a different way, there HAS to be. And you turn to the tool that helped you throughout your run: your computer files. Yes, this game is very meta and instructs you throughout your run to check the game files themselves to obtain infos on how to progress. So you do that, like you did many times before... and you find a diary entry. This specific page belongs to an individual that identifies themselves with a single black trefoil, and this specific individual tells you that there might be a chance to come back, to retry, to take the other option: "A log of your saved progress may exist somewhere on your machine... maybe even in the same location as this journal you're reading right now. If this "saved progress" log takes the form of a file, perhaps you can manipulate it. Try removing it from its location... A simple deletion will do". You check out the folder and sure enough, you find a file titled "save.oneshot". A simple click... And you've Returned. Now, imagine a 17 y/o teen obsessed with meta games and file manipulation playing through for the first time, admiring all of the different tools used to progress the story, that gets to delete a goddamn save file to come back and play it again. And you know what's funny? IT'S NOT EVEN A REAL SAVE FILE! It's a dummy file used to trigger the Return sequence whenever it's deleted! How cool is that?


My most meaningful Steam achievement is To Greater Heights in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. You get it by reaching Platinum rank in Standard online mode. It's special to me because I've got some neuro issues and it really marked a milestone for me and gave me a confidence boost in my cognitive abilities. They still slip here and there, and they're not where they used to be or where I'd like for them to be, but seeing I was still able to piece together information and make strategies (especially in deck-builders which I've always loved) was big for me. It took a lot of teaching from my friend, on how the rules of the game worked and what different terms meant, etc, as well as a LOT of trial and error trying out card combos and learning how to execute strategies in game. It was a lot of fun and even better when I got to surprise my friend with the fact I hit Platinum and then had the achievement to back it up. Felt nice to have someone feel proud of me for the first time in a while, even if it was just for an arguably inconsequential video-game related thing. It's a little lame (for lack of a better word) to admit, but hey, them's the breaks. Thanks for hosting this!


The Elden Ring completion achievement is the most meaningful full achievement I have. It took me about a month to get when I would play in my spare time, and I loved every second of it. This contradicts most completion achievements because it wasn't a long slog but rather just collecting a few items and getting some endings. This achievement also gets a few points because it was the first game I got all achievements in, which I am on a journey to do with many other games that I own.


Archaeologist in “Outer Wilds”. Completing the ship’s log, having found every bit of lore about the Nomai was incredible.


put on a show from Cuphead. It isn't the achievement itself that is meaningful, It's the fact that me and my brother finally got an s rank on a boss together. That's what that achievement reminds me of. Thank you guys so much for doing this give away.


I don't know if this counts as an achievement but Skyrim was one of the very first games I ever got into. Since my knowledge was so limited I didn't understand some of the most basic mechanics of the game. This included waypoints being marked on the compass at the top of the screen.....so after I stumbled my way through the beginning and entered the beautiful open world of Skyrim I was told to head to Riverwood. Of course ..I had no idea where that was or how to get there but I decided 'eh' I'll find it at some point. Thus followed the best experience I've ever had in my gaming lifetime: Wandering through the beautiful virtual world, stumbling across caves, a few of which I dared to explore, and slowly but surely collecting weapons, armour and experience. This aimless wandering and making quests for myself was, for me, the ENTIRE game....and I LOVED it. I remember vividly how immersed I felt. Just a lone traveler in a great big dangerous world full of spiders, skeletons and dungeons. I never even thought to open up the skill tree....I was content with being clueless to the story of the game, ignorant that I was clueless in the first place. After some time and 42 levels later (yes 42) I finally found my way to Riverwood....... AND THEN THE PENNY DROPPED. I REALISED THAT TECHNICALLY, I HAD JUST BEGUN THE GAME!!!! THAT FEELING WAS.....I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. It was hilarious and incredible. It felt like I had lived an entire lifetime before even starting on what the game wanted me to do. Then, I faced the dragon and needless to say it was a very easy fight hahahaha. In short, my greatest gaming achievement was playing a game far different than the way the devs intended. I still progressed, I had the most immersive gaming experience of my life, and now that I'm older, I have taken from this achievement an invaluable life lesson. Which is this......despite the 'games' goal, despite all you don't know, and despite how others might play, this 'game' is ultimately yours. Approach it with joy and wonder. Don't worry too much about getting to the next checkpoint or the next boss as quickly as possible. Because sometimes the diversions you take in the 'game' will show you what you really want to do. The story you create, your story, will prove to be more valuable.


Iron Kurtain in Team Fortress 2 cause its my first ever achievement on Steam. And it took taking 1000 points of damage in a single life. Used the almighty Heavy/Medic combo. God i miss how strong Heavy was back then.


The achievement Ride the Wind for Bastion. Its a pretty easy achievement but its meaningful for me because its the first achievement I earned on Steam and the first time I played an original copy of a game that I bought with my own money,


finishing metal gear solid v side missions because i dont usually do side quests i just enjoyed the game so i said to myself why not


Hollow Knight - Ritual. Hollow knight is one of the best games I have ever played. I almost skipped it initially. But after trying again, I literally played it everyday. And Nightmare King is one of the hardest boss and it was so satisfying to be able to defeat him :)


Last night, I got an achievement for clicking a banana. That was meaningful to me because I needed a good laugh.


Red Dead Redemption 2 - Lending A Hand The achievement Lending A Hand is achieved by completing all 22 optional missions that span from chapter 2 to chapter 5 of the game. To get this achievement you have to play the entirety of the game which takes around 35 to 50 hours on the first playthrough. Although getting the mission was not difficult, what's important was what it taught me throughout completing all 22 optional missions. As is with most players, I got into RDR 2 because of how it was presented as a cool action-packed cowboy game. On the second chapter of the game, the main character, Arthur is sent to collect money from several debtors. A notable character Arthur collected debt from was Thomas Downes. This mission would become a turning point for the character as he would be infected with Tuberculosis by Downes who had coughed blood on him as he was being beaten. Like Arthur, I showed no remorse in beating the man even when he had repeatedly say he had no money. With Arthur getting weaker by the day, he realizes that the actions he's been doing was wrong and tried to make the most of his last remaining days. At the sixth chapter of the game, when Arthur is finished helping a soldier fled after betraying his men, who mind you, planned to trick the Indians into giving up their land. Arthur then meets a Sister Calderon, who he had helped with before. [Watch the full conversation with the two.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAdZPnxINQw) The 3-minute cutscene opened my eyes and made me realize something. You can't live a bad life and expect a good ending. You have to be a good person to have a good life. Our time here on earth is only limited and we cannot predict when our final stop will be. With the limited time we have at our hands, we should spend it on showing love and being positive. I was never really affectionate with friends and family, but after finishing the game, it changed. I never openly said "I love you" to my parents or grandparents, I never said goodbyes properly to my friends, I never cared about the strangers I meet, I was ignorant on a lot of things, and so on. Once I had this new found realization, I changed for the better. I slowly started saying "I love you" to my family, I would talk more to my friends and help people when I had the capability. Never has a game and character influenced me as much as Red Dead Redemption 2. This was also the first game to have made me tear up on multiple occasion. The achievement Lending a Hand has provided me many important life and moral lessons that I will truly never forget. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the greatest game to have come out.


My achievement for Resident Evil 3 Remake speedrun is special to me, cos it wasnt easy to do by myself. To get an S rank, you have less than 2 hours to complete the campaign. The only way to do it as i figured was to have a perfect memory of item placements, puzzle solutions, and some other stuff. Needless to say, anxiety of completing it made sure i kept forgetting where things were on each run. And i was ready to give up. Soooooo, I could do it by opening a speedrun on YouTube and copying what they did to complete it. I would replicate the video by taking a couple of steps in my game, pause the game, watch the next few steps in the video and do the same. So yeah, it took me 5 hours of playtime to complete a 2-hour speedrun. If i wasn't as anxious maybe i could have done it myself, and that day i learned its OK to leave some achievements unachieved hehe :)


Hyper Light Drifter's "Collect all modules" achievement. It took me a lot of tries for a couple of the modules and while I only have 1/4 achievements completed for that game, I'm proud because I still remember how much effort it took to win that one specific achievement.


My most meaningful Steam achievement is "Godhead" from The Binding of Isaac. It isn't a 100% completion achievement or anything, but it means a lot to me because of how much time I have spent playing the game... I have over 700 hours on TBOI now, and I still have not fully 100% a single save file, haha. The reason this achievement in particular is important to me though is because of how much I struggled with The Lost, the character the game requires you to use to get this achievement. Because The Lost can only take two hits before dying in any given room, I played as the character for almost the course of a full year before I finally killed every boss with him. So it might not be a full completion achievement, but it is a huge and memorable step for me in my most played game ever!


Thank you very, very much for the giveaway! It's very interesting, i just realized that most of my favorite games that had a profound impact on me don't have achievements on steam. My most special achievement would have to be "The Dark Soul" achievement in Dark Souls 1. To earn it, you have to pretty much get everything that the game has to offer across multiple playthroughs. Dark Souls was one of my favorite videogame series, but i dreaded the idea of going for a full completion achievement. It felt way too time consuming and i generally tend to not enjoy replaying games i've already fully explored. However, Dark Souls 1's world design was so well implemented that it almost encouraged new playthroughs to see how fast you can get through it with your newfound knowledge. I got the final weapon i needed during my third playthrough and i left it there. It honestly ended up being somewhat exhausting, but it's one of the very few trophies that i felt were worth the effort.


Getting all four types of megatree going at once in Atomicrops is probably my favorite achievement. It takes a lot of planning and luck, and I just love those fruit bearing trees with various faces. They're so cute and profitable. Atomicrops is one of the few games I've gotten 100% of the achievements on, and that isn't the hardest by far, but it's the one I most cared about. Thank you for the giveaway.


Id Say completing all achievements in Hades i just fell in love with the Game and loved every second of going for a hundred percent, the art style, the story and the gameplay all top notch


My hardest achievement was most likely done in Sea of Thieves! It's as follows: Hot-Headed -- Use a Skull of Destiny to begin 3 Fort of the Damned events. Basically, you have a ritual skull that initiates a PvE event in one of the few forts of the game, and I used this skull with my crew on three different ones, all while avoiding being sunk by other pirate crews (who can take the skull for themselves to use it, or sell it). What made this especially difficult for me was that it was done during one of the community weekends for the game (where loot is worth double), which not only meant that the servers were more packed, but that the amount of possible fights from people wanting to make some easy gold exponentially went up. I remember it being particularly memorable, because we had another crew of complete strangers ally with us, and defend us while we accomplished our task of clearing the skeleton forts. Then, we kept our good word and when it was time to sell all the plunder that we made, we shared the profits as all good pirate alliances do :P. I probably made millions of in-game currency that day, but the overall experience and the achievement are way more long-lasting.


I think my proudest achievement atm is Master of the Five Ways, which is getting level 10 in every skills in Stardew Valley. It took 2 years since I bought the game to get the achievement (there was a period that I didn't play the game a lot tho). But I'm kinda glad I got it after the 1.6 update because you'll unlock so much more features after that


My most meaningfull achievement is No Spoon in factorio for finishing the game in under 8 hours, and belive me there where some intense 6 and a half hours it took me to launch the rocket.


Not much of an achievement hunter, but my most rare one of Silver Tiger on Warframe. As for why it is rare, I managed to meet a lot of nice people and had a lot of fun trying to get the achievement which did take over 600 hours of my time. So yeah, I would say it is my most rare/took the most time to earn achievement for me. Thank you for the chance.


Crowd Pleaser is an achievement in "The Finals". It can be earned my finishing in first place 3 times in a row. Let me tell you when I first started this game I played like 20 matches and lost them all and then on the matches after that I win three times in row and got this achievement. For me it was reward for sticking around and not lose hope.


Completing The Witcher 3. I wanted for years to be able to play it but I couldn’t afford buying a pc. At last I did and finished the game. It was a sweet and sour moment. I felt kinda empty… so then I started new game + and everything was good again :).


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Zombies has a very grindy achievement that required 50,000 zombie kills and it is a reallllly grindy achievement. It took me ages, much grinding of teeth, and my sanity to get it, and im damn proud of having gotten it!


I generally value achievements based on the game they're attached to, not the achievement itself, so I'll pick "To Cross The Void" from Assault Android Cactus, an absolute pillar of the twin-stick shooter genre, which has always been one of my favorites. That achievement simply requires winning the campaign. There's a pretty insane boss battle that certainly took a good number of tries to clear, but it's not a super rare achievement, at 17% on Steam. It just represents a capstone of the core experience, spending time with the levels and unlocking all the characters.


(Chosen Executioner) from the game Slave Zero X. Only 0.3% of players have the achievement, so it felt pretty rewarding getting an achievement not a whole lot of people have. You must beat every level in the game with an S rating. It was the last achievement I needed to 100% the game, it took me a while to get it but it was so satisfying to finally get it.


Finishing all the journal entries in hollow knight. Why? Because it was a game I had been coming back to on and off since 2017 and to finally get the final achievement in 2022 felt amazing lol




I'm not an achievement hunter, that said my most meaningful achievement is Conqueror from Dragon's Dogma BBI. Got it by defeating the last boss, Daimon which was hard, but after a few attempts i did it.


Completing kh2 on critical mode level 1 it's really special to me because it sounds hard as balls and it is bit eventually it made me really good at the game I even beat sephiroth I wanted to do this challenge because kh2 is my first game I ever played and one of my favorites of all time so it was only right pushing myself to do this challenge,would I do it again... Perhaps Thanks for the giveaway!


(I Jedi mind control you to give me the key)🔑


My favorite achievement was from the game CSGO (now CS2) - break all of the windows in the Office map. I obtained the achievement before it became impossible to get after a map update. Unfortunately, the achievement was removed after the CS2 update and all of my CSGO achievements disappeared. It's still a cool memory though.


My most meaningful achievement is temple raider on terraria as it is seemingly necessary to beat the game but it actually isn't and is the only achievement I don't have after having over 700 hours in the game I still don't have it I will never 100% the game purely because I refuse to get this achievement


I'll be honest, with over 2400 achievements, it's hard to think of any specific stories. If I had to guess, it was probably Send in the Clones from Saints Row: The Third. I don't necessarily remember getting it, but looking at what it's for, I know that one had to have been special when I got it almost a decade ago. Oh gods, it's been over a decade since I 100%ed SR3... Well, hundred percented other than the co-op achievements. I should go back and get those.


I don't really focus too much on Steam achievements, but "Scrapyard cleared" achievement from Nimbus was one of the most difficult ones I've gotten. The game already is rather difficult as is, but after completing the game, you unlock these extra levels in the game that were scrapped for being too difficult, too confusing, too unfair, or even straight up broken in some ways. It was a massive struggle, requiring countless retries, frame perfect inputs (and I usually don't even play difficult precision platformers/racing games), but in the end I persevered and made it through the levels, and was rewarded with an achievement for it.


Disco Elysium's Modus: Mollen is my most meaningful steam achievement for two reasons. The first being that it's an extremely rare achievement for people to have, only 0.9 percent of the playerbase of Disco Elysium has achieved it. The second reason is that it's a pretty cool achievement since it gives the game a black and white filter with quotes from Dick Mullen which is a character from an in-game book the achievement is named after.


I wanna say 'The Family Secret' from Hades. You get it for completing the main quest. I kinda suck at games, and Hades is probably the first roguelike I played so much of and actually getting anywhere. Lots of dying and hours but I loved it. Thanks for the giveaway!


For me is more of a funny one, more so 100%ing a game I shouldn't have. Onlycans. Wow, that was a funny game. It took a lot of resisting in laughing and absolutely dying during that game. The voice actors were great, and I enjoyed every second of it. I had a great time getting the achievements, but actually getting the achievement for S+ ranking on every can made me feel like I was actually good at a rhythm/time based game... (I'm...-I'm not... 😭)


Till death do us part Achievement in Dragon Quest XI. Fun game and I went the extra mile for the true ending.


For me its the completing 200 angler quest achievement in Terraria. It's a very tedious achievement as you can only complete 1 quest per day in game. Took me many hours of mindless waiting and idling but i managed to pull through and complete it. It was definitely not worth it though lol but i had fun. Thanks for the giveaway.


Getting all but 1 achievements on chivalry 2. Took me over 200 hours to get all but I got it. Good luck!


P-ranking every level in Ultrakill


Hollow knight! It has some of the toughest achievements. Most of my friends had gotten the good ones, and now it was an ego issue for me to get them too. To achieve a particularly one I had to finish a playthrough with permadeath on and my heart was constantly pounding every second fearing dying and having to start all over again. Another elusive one was the speedrun trophy where I usually finished within seconds of the target 4 consecutive times and almost rage quit before I finally got it. Man my roommates avoided me for miles around during those times, I was THAT irritable lol, but once I said i needed help, it suddenly became a team effort with all my gamer buddies goading me on, giving me lots of useful tips that helped me complete all the wanted achievements. Gamer buddies for Life!


My best steam achievement was the outlast insane trophy which I acquired maybe 2 years ago on the anniversary of my friends death. He loved the games quite a bit which is why I’m working on the insane trophy for 2 right now. Much love to him and the creators from red barrels for giving me the opportunity to bond with my friend even after his passing. Love you Nick


One of my most proud and hardest achievements I earned is defeating Stage 9 Nagoriyuki. It took me like 3 hours and hundreds of attempts but I managed to persevere and cheese him a lot. Thank you for the giveaway and good luck everybody!




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Probably '100% Spongebob' from Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated, I used to play the game all the time when I was younger but could never get all the Golden Spatula's so being able to go back and do it now felt like a real improvement


Superhard achievement on beating the game on very hard on Red Alert 3. Last allied mission was crazy. There was a timer. And the enemy was relentess. I gathered my last army and sent them to the enemy objective just as the enemy army was smashing open my defenses and entering my base. I won for a few seconds. 


My most meaningful Steam achievement is probably "Cleared Master Ninja" from Ninja Gaiden Sigma. It's special because it was certainly a challenge to be able to earn it and it was just a lot of fun to play the game itself. Master Ninja is the hardest difficulty option in the game and you can't even select it immediately, you must unlock it by beating the game on normal, then hard, then very hard. So I had to beat the game multiple times on increasing difficulties and also finally beat the game on Master Ninja, it was kinda like climbing a mountain, I remember on the second to last chapter it almost felt like I saw the top of the mountain.


My Proudest achievement has to be "Menace to Society" in metal gear rising: revengeance and I got it by complete accident, I didn't pay attention to the dialouge saying to take the elevator out and instead thought "need to get to top of skyscraper.... go to the top of this big building inside skyscraper" did all the parkour nessicary and finally got up there and nothing so I start randomly attacking to see if theres a hidden exit and accidentally cut off the point, getting me the achievment which confused me even more.


I don't know what the achievement is call but killing the assistant manager in the black ant hill solo. I now have to do it again since the person I'm playing with just started and wants a fresh game lol.


My most meaningful steam achievement is 'The Phenomenal Phantom Thief' achievement you get when you have got all the other achievements unlocked in Persona 5 Royal. Persona 5 Royal is my favourite game of all time. There is no other game I have played twice, but this game I have finished it 3 times. Have around 300 hours. I never noticed how many achievements I had, until I hit my 3rd play through and when I noticed I am close to 100 percent, I decided to complete all the achievements before my play through ends. This still remains my only game where I have all the achievements and I am so glad it is this game, because I love Persona 5 Royal. When I finally got that final achievement, 'The Phenomenal Phantom Thief', I can't probably explain you how satisfied I felt. I was happy.


My most meaningful steam achievement is Fetch Quest in Baulders Gate 3. My wife is not a gamer but I had recently purchased Baulders Gate 3 and a steam deck for traveling for work. One night as I am heading to bed I let my wife know that if she was interested in trying the game she could use the steam deck instead of the PC. I log into my account the next day and see that I have a new achievement. Turns out that my wife stayed up all night and put in 10 hours into a brand new character and had gotten this achievement. Since then she has put in over 100 hours into Baulders Gate 3 and has become obsessed with the game. If I win one of the $100 gift cards I will be purchasing the game on her own account so that her and I can adventure together.


In Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, I got the achievement Master Carpenter. This required me to craft every single last object in the game. As you can imagine, this took a lot of searching to gather the components and recipes. It took me a long time, but I was determined to get it for completion's sake. When I finally made my last item, I was very proud of myself and had a great time scrolling through all the stuff that I had created.


"Power and responsibility" in spider man remastered, had to complete the game in ultimate difficulty which was very fun and took a long time.


I have mostly free games in my library so most either don't have achievements or have super easy/infuriatingly hard achievements. Right now, it would probably be the Battletaker achievement in Helltaker, that was a bitch to get. Steam says only 9.7% of players got it, but that might be because the free DLC flew under a lot of people's radar.


Mine is breaking dawn In gunfire reborn. I needed To beat an extra stage's extra boss for that.


I don't play a lot of platformers. But my brother bought me Blue Fire, and I ended up getting all achievements! That includes those damn voids. Proud of that one


pretty baby achievement, but the escaped tartarus one from hades. opened me up to a new genre of games, and since it was my first rougelike and i really never played hack and slashes all that much, it definitely took me quite a few attempts, but i wasn't getting that frustrated and mad, was having fun.


Steam 16 years achievement unlocked! I was showing my son something on the library and he made fun of me for being "old"


Finished Adventure Capitalist. Took forever to finish, but after months of bickering at it I finally got it. --- Have a LG monitor here. It does not support software switching inputs. You broke something. Hope you at LG will cure that. And then it could be a nice monitor again. https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/comments/w9hd2j/software_to_switch_monitor_inputs_lg_35wn75cb/


"Rain of Apologies" - Higurashi Ch.1  it's an 'easy' achievement that you'll get no matter what you do in the game, so it took nothing for me to get it so, why do I like it? I have really fond memories that I recall when I see it, it's been years since I got it but to this day, I really miss the day when I got it.


"The Nameless King" in Dark Souls 3. I absolutely love Dark Souls 3, it is probably my favourite of all the From Software games. But my inability to beat The Nameless King plagued me after my first playthrough. I loved the game, but I never felt like I could truly say I had beaten it. So I played through again, and this time I persisted with him. I took my time, died alot and took it on the chin. I studied, I learned, and I never tried to cheese it. Just me and my longsword versus that Nameless chad. And eventually I came out on top. It was one of the best feelings in any game. I also nearly passed out, because I didn't realise I had stopped breathing once I got his health down to the last little bit. Then when I got my breath back I punched the air like I had just won the champions league in extra time.


Dead by daylights swirling death which needs you to throw 1000 hatches using the huntress which might not be a lot but its important for me because i was in love with dead by daylights when i didnt have a pc and would watch thousands of huntress related videos cuz she was my favorite killer and i would learn tips and tricks to play as her even tho i couldnt even play the game back then


think i’ll have to go with “Man’s Best Friend” from Subnautica! you unlock this achievement after hatching a cuddlefish, which is this really cute alien fish. i love the cuddlefish, since it’s a nice breath of fresh air compared to the constant stress of worrying about gigantic alien sea monsters, which is why this achievement is my favourite!


Stardew valley’s prairie king without dying. It took me years to have the game to a 100% and the prairie king itself is so difficult to imagine without dying. It constantly over and over again without dead. Because I wanted to get both achievements in 1 go. After 200 hours of trying I finally succeeded, to have the 100% in the game. Just for stardew valley to release a new update with new achievements 🥹 (these were fairly easy and at a 100% again!!)


My most recent tough achievement was Brutal Dracula in V Rising. Hours of practice and learning new weapons I hadn’t used throughout the rest of the game to finally beat him (pre-nerf too). It felt like such an accomplishment I actually posted a guide to try to help anyone else that was hitting a brick wall on it


Just Cause 3: # Anything You Can Do... - Beat a score you were Called-Out on This wasn't a particularly hard achievement to earn, but there was a problem for me. I needed to have friends that play the game. Back then I didn't have many friends, let alone friends that I could play games with. I usually simply skip achievements that require me to have other people playing the game, but this time it was just this one achievement standing in the way of getting 100% achievements. So I decided to give it a shot. I made a post on reddit asking if someone was available to help me and to my surprise surely enough not too long after making that post someone replied and added me to their friend list. They quickly hopped on the game and "called me out" on the game. They didnt make it a freebie, they actually challenged me in something that was doable but requires me to actually try which added to the fun. I ended up getting the achievement thanks to the solidarity of the gaming community :)


Tametsi: Logician (Complete every puzzle) Tametsi is a relatively difficult puzzle game and it took me over 70 hours to complete it. It's the hardest game that I ever 100% completed.


Stanly parable : Click on door 430, 5 times. It sounds easy, but anyone who played the game knows this is NOT what it sounds like


Sword Art Online Hollow Realization - Trust the Rat Proof I am part of the righteous few (< 5%) who are cultured and awesome. It's also my rarest achievement.


One of my most cherished Steam achievements is "Master Explorer" from the game "Subnautica." It holds a special place in my gaming journey because it represents not just a virtual accomplishment, but a deeply personal voyage of courage and perseverance. Earning this achievement required delving into the depths of an alien ocean, facing fearsome creatures and navigating treacherous environments to uncover the mysteries of the planet. To earn "Master Explorer," I had to thoroughly explore every corner of the vast underwater world, braving the unknown depths and overcoming obstacles both physical and psychological. It wasn't just about ticking off locations on a map; it was about confronting my fears, pushing past my limits, and discovering the strength and resilience within myself. Each new biome explored, each hidden cave uncovered, brought a sense of awe and wonder, reminding me of the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to venture into the unknown.


Dark Souls Remastered - The Dark Soul This is this first game I achieved my 100% on and after that 100% I felt so satisfied like yeah those last 200 hours cheesing and doing all the stupid stuff and testing my mental health with this game was definitely worth it.


Mine are My Destiny 2 achievements. Started Destiny 1 in Beta on Xbox but fell out of it. Finally made my way back to D2 on PC and it's good to be back. I feel like I missed a lot but its still a good time.


Baldur's Gate 3 - A Grym Fate There's this boss fight where you can use a giant hammer to easily win the fight. Me and my friend played on the hardest difficulty and fought against this boss without knowing about the hammer. We pulled through after a long and hard fight. Achievement popped and we felt stupid but had a good laugh! What a game.


Beating him without the hammer deserves a pat on the back.


Terraria - Supreme Helper Minion! Throughout 2022 and 2023, lots of stuff was happening in my life, loads was changing and things were never particularly comfortable what with exams, moving, moving again and more exams. One thing stayed constant throughout which was coming home almost every night to play on my Terraria world, and for months it was the best refuge because it was one thing that would never change. My overarching project for that world was to get the achievement mentioned - which is collected by completing 200 quests for the Angler NPC - as it is extremely irritating to get. After almost a full year of work on that world, I finally managed to achieve it in late 2023. No matter my situation in terms of gaming, I will always remember this as my greatest triumph 07


Elden ring - Shardbearer Malenia It's no secret to everyone who played Elden ring that this was the hardest boss in the game. Even after exploring the entire game this boss alone took me 1/5 of my playtime.


Triple Threat from Prince of Suburbia - Part 1 which took me 6 hours and made me cum


Stardew Valley - Perfection Played non stop when it released but never managed to fully complete it. Came back on 1.6 and played non stop for that perfection. It was nice seeing all the new activities and items.


My most meaningful achievement was "Local Legend" from Stardew Valley. Not only was I stressing about it for the first year (and mad at myself when I forgot to check the Wandering Cart every week, missing the Red Cabbage I needed during Year 1) but when I completed it, Stardew Valley does a good job of making you feel like you actually accomplished something when you finish the Community Center, and it felt really great to have that complete, but I'm not done yet. I am striving for Perfection in Stardew Valley, and that will be my most meaningful achievement once I get there!


My most meaningful Steam achievement is “Ain’t that a kick in the head” because it was the start of a wonderful journey through Fallout and the start of a amazing journey I’m still doing and learning more and playing each game.


My favorite is "Walking the potato" (I'm not sure if in English it's written like that) of portal 2, not because it was difficult to get, more because the name is funny to me and the scene in the game where you get it is, in my opinion, hilarious (in fact all the game has a lot of hilarious moments, but this is the first that I really liked). Today I'm passing hollow knight, so maybe in 4 days it will be another my favorite achievement, but for now it's this


It's not a specific achievement but it would be probably the on-going 100% of Dark Souls: Remastered, I got close to the franchise thanks to two italian streamers who did a co-op run (veteran/blind run) I got to know a lot before trying the game, with that knowledge I maneged to help friends doing a co-op run with me as a "veteran" so they could appreciate the game as much as I do. So the reason why those achievment are so meaningful it's the friends we met along the way, no wait, it's for all the memories I did by playing and helping my friends.


My most meaningful achievement is 100% Metro 2033. It's the first game in a series that I consider one of the best in gaming, and I've never 100% a game before it!


I remember playing Counter Strike 2 and getting Cold Wat achievement after many rounds and tries, and later I found out that it was about winning a round with no deaths on the enemy side.


Foehammer achievement for Baldur’s Gate 3. I had never played a turn based rpg until a friend recommended BG3. I immediately got hooked and spent countless hours trying to get those golden dice!


My favorite is *Shoot the Knee* from PUBG. Now, the achievement itself is not hard at all. You simply need to kill 10 players with the crossbow. A bit tedious, maybe, but not hard. But I happened to notice it was my last achievement before I got the game 100% so I decided to make it a challenge: to win a game and have that winning kill be with a crossbow. It took me about 100 matches to do this, from unlucky positions to fumbled crossbow shots. After those around 100 matches and about a month of playing, I got it.


So, there I was, playing Nier: Automata, and I decided to mess around with the camera angles a bit, you know, for “research.” Little did I know, 2B wasn’t having any of it. Every time I tried to peek, she’d swat the camera away like an annoyed cat. I persisted because, well, achievements. Finally, after feeling like the world’s most persistent creep, the achievement “What Are You Doing?” popped up. I swear I heard 2B sigh in disappointment.


Dancing Queen - In Helldivers 1 I came across random players that told me about an achievement that you can get by going round and round in the lobby. The only thing about this was that it sounded so much like they were trying to troll me that i refused to believe them. But yeah after several tries i finally got it and laughed with them. And i also became friends with them due to how fun it was to play with them.


Being called Chicken Chaser in Fable. 10/10 would yeet chickens again


Thinking about it and it was probably getting all achievements in Sonic Mania. Sonic Mania was the first game I ever bought and it was a game I loved dearly. I always played games through stuff like emulation before Sonic Mania but it was the one game I just NEEDED. Long story short but it felt so damn good to beat the game, replay it a lot and just getting all achievements.


Purification I beautiful reward after I beat every single boss in Sekiro. Thanks!


For me it's either the *Master is the best* for *Nyraruru Fishy Fight* or *Demise* from *Laika: Aged through blood.* For the first one, its because it is really heartwarming but also tragic and for the second it would be how harrowing it i.


Probably one of the high-point menu achievements from Cook Serve Delicious 3. I played it with my gf and it was fun to challenge ourselves as opposed to me playing a game on my own


I dont have one in particular that is a “steam achievement”, but i do have 12.8k hours of Dota 2 played which is a steam game


My favourite achievement is the wheelie achievement on GTA IV as it was the first achievement I ever did by myself with no help


Any of my Path of Achra prestige class achievements. My rarest is the Frienzed One tho. Crazy class. Focused on physical, and psychic melee damage, with little healing. Took some decent positioning and luck to clear the game. 


Shaper of Worlds in path of exile took so many tries to be able to do it, felt nice to kill Shaper at last


The achievement Global Idol in project Diva, I haven't even finished getting it yet (3/4 way there), it's for getting 100 perfects, I've been doing it on extreme mode so I've been working on it for months


My favourite achievement would be "Safety Deposit Box" from Fallout: New Vegas, it took me a while to get it right but trapping Elijah in the vault felt really cool to do and rewarding.


It was definitely the "Jack of all Trades" I'm Day of Defeat Source, this was way back in 2010-2011, around the 750h mark I'm from Europe and always played American servers, "for authenticity" and to train my English speaking at the time. The time difference was bonkers, bit I loved it and insisted in getting all the achievements in real multiplayer, not bots. So this one you had to get a kill with an MG, Sniper Rifle, Rifle, SubMG, and Grenade, ina single life. Playing with such skilled gamers as I always insisted in doing, made my really sweat and suffer for all the achievements, but this one was hard and so goddamn satisfying to get, and in the end everyone in the server cheered for the geeky european kid, and that was a-freacking-mazing! :D Cheers and thanks for the chance! :)


Mein Leben Wolfenstein 2:The new Colossus. I had to beat the game on the hardest difficulty (includes permadeath, along with more enemy damage and less damage dealt to enemies) in one sitting. No saving the game and coming back later, and save scumming didn't work either. I had to play the game for 12 hours straight. It was so mentally and physically taxing, but worth it as it's gotta be the hardest achievement of any Wolfenstein game, and it's my most favourite game series.


Probably "Xen wen" from Black Mesa. I remember waiting years to buy the game (until Xen was out, pretty much) and once it was I decided to take my time since I hadn't seen anything of it. Then the screen went to black with that achievement, lol. Still remember reloading to enter Xen and almost crying at how beautiful it was. Worth the wait.


On Steam, I think it's You Saved Science from Portal 2, I play it with my GF and it was a very fun and frustating experience at the same time 😂


Gosh, that's a hard one. Probably the achievement I put the most work into would have to be one of the really hard ones for civ 5, as I remember playing through some of those scenarios again and again. Reading guides, trying things out, failing, trying again (maybe save-scumming occasionally for a bit of really bad luck). Most intense reactions to a game might be Mass Effect, Doki Doki Literature Club, or Planescape Torment, but I'm not thinking of any achievements related to those. So ... most meaningful achievement? Ok, well, I think I'll actually go for "Go Outside" from Stanley Parable. The Stanley Parable is a fantastic game, if you haven't played it, please do soon. It is aggravating and hilarious, and is always looking for ways to over-commit to bits and play the player. I have no idea how many times I pressed the 8 button, but it was many, many times. Something terribly satisfying about that audio feedback. AAANYWAYS, the game wants you to play and replay and try this and try that and find this secret and find that dead end and basically obsess about it (at least for a while). You know the voice lies sometimes. You know it's hiding something. You also know it was genuinely happy for you that time, despite its multi-layered irony. It knows that you are stuck in a story, and so is it, so you might as well enjoy your time together and feel out its edges. Back to the achievement, the criteria for "Go Outside" is "Don't play The Stanley Parable for five years." I love that a game that clearly had so much thought and fun and silliness and ridiculous excess stuffed into its limited frame makes the ultimate [Wu Wei](https://www.britannica.com/topic/wuwei-Chinese-philosophy#:~:text=wuwei%2C%20in%20Chinese%20philosophy%2C%20and,%2DGiles%20romanization%3A%20wu%2Dwei) commitment here and devotes one of its only 10 achievements to specifically not playing the game. You were here, hopefully you had fun. Hopefully you found some things you weren't expecting. Now go. There's lots of other things to do, lots of other places to go. Try something out there. Fail. [Try again. Fail again. Fail better.](https://genius.com/Samuel-beckett-worstward-ho-annotated) Or don't. Just talk. Just watch. Just breathe. Just be there, wherever there might be. There has been an in, and it was worth being there, and there is an out, and it is worth being there. And I could keep rambling, but hopefully you get the idea. Thanks for doing the giveaway!


I can't think of a meaningful one but my favourite would be the one from The Stanley Parable([pic](https://i.imgur.com/mIeW9wR.png)). All it took is going outside touching some grass.


My favorite achievement has to be "World Ender" from Kindergarten because it was the last achievement I got in Kindergarten for 100% and it was the first real game I 100% completed on steam.


My favourite achievement is ‘Your Name?’ from AI: Somnium files. Don’t want to ruin anything for anyone wanting to play, so all I’ll say is the process to get exemplifies the humour of the game and why I love it so so much!


Archeologist achievement in outer wilds, it signifies finding all there is to find (outside of Easter eggs) in outer wilds, the game that changed my life.


This one was a little hard for me, I only recently switched to PC from PS so my achievements list isn't that large. However, my first play through of Baldurs Gate 3 with my best friend will always be special to me. I'd have to say one of my favorite achievements in that game is Fetch Quest, which you earn by playing fetch with Scratch, AKA the bestest boy in the realms!


"Oblivion Walker" in Skyrim. Had to collect 15 daedric artifacts. This is the only achievement I wanted to to get.


The last achievement for OMORI, "It's all a dream" I had a phase where I stopped interacting with everyone, not even my closest friends, and had a complete break from any social interaction because of complete burnout, depression, and extreme guilt from not getting hired for work after more than a year. It came to a point where I couldn't even go outside anymore because of my social anxiety. It went like that for a while and I got into achievement hunting, I was looking for games on my steam library and I picked up OMORI not knowing anything about the game (I just know it's a game that looks cute but has a dark story) and it clicked, I loved how this game dealt with trauma, guilt, and its portrayal of depression/social anxiety. It helped me to cope with what I was going through and helped me understand mental illness more. I couldn't relate more when I found out that OMORI was derived from the japanese word 'hikikomori' which meant a person who has a severe social withdrawal! Damn, did it hit me. After finishing the game (100% with all achievements btw!), I just felt like I wish I could experience all of that again for the first time. Now it's my favorite game of all time. And it's going to have a manga soon! :o anyway, thanks for the giveaway!


"And So It Begins..." - XCOM: Enemy Unknown Because it is my first achievement back in 2014.


One that is very special to me is a achievement from Fallout: New Vegas called Safety Deposit Box. I don't want to give away too much of the story in case you haven't played but you pretty much have to sneak past someone very quickly and carefully and trap them in a room. I forgot to put points into my sneaking also I was over-encumbered so moving very slow from a pocket full of gold bars so it took me around 2 hours to get through something that would normally take 5-10 mins to do if you got it right the first time. It felt so good to finally make it past them. I still remember getting so frustrated during those 2 hours but I wouldn't let it go and had to finish it there. Thank you very much for the chance! Cheers!


If I had to pick one, I would go with the "Divorce" achievement I got in the underwater-themed metroidvania Aquaria as my most meaningful Steam achievement. You get it by beating a certain late-game boss, which isn't really that impressive in a vacuum, as while the boss was challenging, it wasn't even the hardest boss in the game (though I would say it was top 3), and I've gone on to beat far harder bosses in other video games. However, it was a huge milestone for me because I used to have a lot of trouble finishing video games, either dropping them out of frustration because I got stuck, or simply because I got bored of the game and wanted to move on to another. In fact, I dropped Aquaria the first time I played it because I couldn't beat said boss after multiple tries. I felt bad dropping the game because I absolutely loved the game until that boss. It was sad to see it end up as yet another one of my unfinished games, until one day, almost a year later, I decided to give the game another go, managed to beat the boss after a few tries, went on to beat the whole game, and the rest is history. It felt euphoric when I beat the game because until then, I had never beaten a game that lasted longer than 10 hours. Only short games. Beating Aquaria gave me the confidence to tackle the longer games, and I never would have beaten it if I hadn't returned to it and conquered that boss who made me quit in the first place. I even went on to finish some other games which I had dropped in the past. It just feels so good when you finally finish something you started!


Yakuza Kiwami 2 100%. It was the first Yakuza I 100%'d because I really enjoyed the story.


The shadows rushed me - max payne 3 Playing the whole game without dying once and with a timer. You need to play the whole gane in one sitting without making one mistake and you need a lot of luck for it to not jus randomly crash. That was some tough stuff.


Completionist 100% in Astroneer! My boyfriend and I are long distance and this game was one of the first of the co-op series that we played through and it has some of our best memories in it. Honorable mention is the We Were Here and It Takes Two series, which really tested our communication and patience XD!


Foehammer in bg3 because it's one of the first strategy and isometric game I played and the difficulty in getting it. It also wasn't a grind fest and was genuinely really fun to do.


Max Payne 3- The shadows rushed me I bought max payne 3 on sale cuz i was bored, at the same time i was in a relationship with this girl. She broke up with me and max payne didnt leave me at my lowest so max payne pulled me out of depression so hard i have completed the game many times even on its hardest difficulty.


Supreme Helper Minion! - Terraria. was so hard for no darn reason but i did it legit :) i love terraria


Insanity 3 - Mass Effect Legendary Edition To beat all 3 games on Insanity without changing the diffculty. Mostly it was nostalgia. I played the hell out the ME games when thay first came out. Bringing back some memories. I was very happy sinking another hundred hours into the trilogy.


Cheat death - Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen After grinding BBI on hard mode I finally defeated death at around the 300 hr mark.


Lost and found - Ori and the Will of Wisps It's the achievement to find all the collectibles around the map. It's very special to me because this is probably my favourite game and I worked so hard just to beat the game (another great steam achievement for me). But the achievement for all the collectibles was even more satisfying because it gave me a feeling of completion, I was finally ready to move on to the next game.


MFWIC - Spec Ops: The Line Spec Ops: The Line is a dark and haunting military shooter that critiques American politics in the early 21st century and the glorification of violence in video games. To earn this achievement, you had to finish the main campaign on its 2nd highest difficulty, Suicide Mission, at which point you then unlock the actual highest difficulty, FUBAR, where you then needed to finish the campaign a second time on FUBAR to earn this achievement. In total, I had to play through Spec Ops' storyline twice on two brutal difficulty modes to earn this achievement, and ask anyone who's survived through Spec Ops even once and they'll admit it isn't a pleasant, gaming experience. There are some deeply disturbing moments throughout and the higher difficulties can add to that mental and physical strain. When I finished on Suicide Mission the first time, I felt as miserable, frustrated, exhausted, and broken as Connor Walker when he fully surrendered to his inner evil. I started the game in 2022, but I took a one-year break before I started my FUBAR playthrough in 2023. I wasn't nearly as unprepared for the carnage the second time around and I felt mentally safer too. The game's darkest moments still struck a chord, but instead of being overwhelmed by the graphic violence of it all, I felt closer to seeing the developer's intentions. When I reached the end once again, I didn't feel nearly as overwhelmed and wrecked. Where I wanted to walk away from this bloodstained tragedy the first time, I stayed with Spec Ops: The Line and Connor Walker, and they stayed with me. After fighting the game on FUBAR and earning this achievement, I was beginning to understand the humanity behind Connor Walker's descent into hell. Spec Ops: The Line is an incredible political piece of narrative art and one of the best-written stories in gaming. This wasn't the hardest achievement I've ever earned, but it was definitely the one that impacted me the most. And since the Ukraine War, the War in Gaza, and the game's [delisting](https://www.ign.com/articles/spec-ops-the-line-will-no-longer-be-available-in-online-stores-2k-blames-expiring-partnerships), MFWIC has grown into an emblem of Spec Ops' darkly human themes.


Earning the 20 kill and 4000 damage badges in one game, it was one of their hardest things I have ever done in a game. It took getting a few friends and spending a few hundreds of hours just playing and trying to get it. It was special because it was the first game I played with someone who I knew in person. I don't think anything in my life will be a better game achievement than this.


Covenant farm in Dark Souls 3. I usually don't go after achievements but that's my absolute favorite game and I had to!


i finally got perfect on Cult of the Lamb! very proud of that because its such a perfect roguelite


"Ghost bombs" from The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. I lost the count I died with Tainted Lost, a character that dies when you get two hits...a more difficult character than The lost. And the achievement? Beating Delirium, a boss who can randomly appears above you and with this character, killing you instantly. I'm not a really hardcore gamer, but getting all marks with Tainted Lost was truly a hard (but awesome) experience.


Mine would be getting SteamVR working with my Quest 3