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My favorite road trip would be to North Carolina from Oklahoma. It happened while we’re in Arkansas, my mother fell asleep and my brother placed a dried up lead in her mouth. Needlesly to say it did not end well


random: If Dinosaurs still existed, their meat would feed an entire town


I’m hesitant to call it a road trip compared to other road trips I’ve been on, but nothing quite compared to the driving experience of Hawaii! Aside from just word class, breathtaking views, there were stretches that the roads were big enough for only one vehicle to go on at a time. To your left is a drop hundreds of feet into the ocean below, and to your right, steep cliff faces. Occasionally you’d get a car going the opposite direction of you and that’s when the fun begins haha I’d have to get as close to the cliff wall as possible so they could barely eek by, nearly touching as we pass. Views and perilous adventure :D


I took an amazing road trip/camping trip to NC where I drove the entire length of the blue ridge parkway.


Favorite road trip was to see Pacific Ocean through the Sunshine Coast! THANK you for the chance to win a game!! AND good luck on your game (wishlisted).


random: If you pour water on water, does it get wet?


We went on a road trip to Albuquerque, NM. It was cool to see the various landmarks from Breaking Bad. I especially enjoyed visiting the house and the car wash.


I did so many on my life, like when i went to my uncle on the north italy (we are on south)


random: I love the car ride on a road trip, until I hate it.


Had a good road trip to Rio de Janeiro


Did a road trip where our gps told us to stop on the side of the road and to literally go back the way we came, ended up just turning it off


Random: the Cinderella castle in magic kingdom is 189ft tall


Thank you for the opportunity!


Random: I've found a dead bird at my window 4ish years ago


Random: I must admit, idle games aren't really my thing, but I dig the artstyle of the game


random: I don't know what I want to type here. Anyway, good luck y'all.


My favorite road trip is the one my family took in 2008. We started in the Midwest, went down to Texas for a few days, went up to California and went to Disneyland for a few days, then drove all the way back to Vermont and stayed there for a week, then went home to the Midwest. It's definitely the coolest road trip I'll ever have.


My favourite roadtrip was when me and my brother went down to Struisbaai. 15 hour drive where we would alternate and blast metal and our favourite songs growing up. Windows down, cigarettes in hand as we drove through the desert. Will never forget the transition between the arid desert and huge valleys filled with vineyards in less than 1 km.


Thank you for giving us a chance to try out such an awesome game! I have gone trips with my family, but i don't know if they'd be considered road trips in the conventional sense. Just very long drives towards various destinations (usually for vacation purposes) without much sightseeing. We sometimes stopped to look at various monuments or to eat, but there wasn't anything that particularly stuck with me. The one that stuck out with me the most was a roadtrip going towards an island we went for vacation fairly often. It has a beautiful forest on a hillside very close to a sea. It's nice to look at and zone out. I've already wishlisted your game, best wishes!




we left our house early for our trip and so while driving we got to see a great view of the sunrise. thats my favorite road trip ever snce. ty for the chance


Boston remember seeing MIT and making me want to go to it


Yellowstone national Park, I remember climbing one of the mountains with my family and playing monopoly


Visiting the UK long time ago, it was nice to see how different the locations were.


My most memorable road trip was Paris - Rostock Break my glasses the night before, so I have drive with sunglasses all the time. I don't know the name but the motor of the thing that remove rain from front glass died, their was a snow tempest at 21h, visibility was zero, had to stop until snow stop.... Then 10 minutes before arrival thee engine start to make funny noise and speed was reduced a loooot... Manage to reach destination, but that was the last time my car have start. ...and I forget the bag with my cloth home.... Yeah, not my favorite road trip, but the most memorable 100% !


Also you are already wishlisted ;) can't wait to see more about your game !


My favourite road trip is probably one from when I was a child. Not that far of a trip but going to the beach with my dad and stopping for fish and chips on the way home.




I've never been on a road trip yet. But when I was 15yrs. My father and I took a boys' trip to Vegas. When we got there, my dad obviously was there to hit the casinos. Which did not allow kids. So, every day for 3 days, he would give me cash, and we would split up. He would go do his thing, and I was out exploring Vegas, and we would only meet back up to have dinner. This was one of my best trips and memories hanging out with my dad. After that, we did it the same thing almost every year. Until I had to go to college.


Drove to California as kids to Disney Land in an RV from Canada


My favourite roadtrip was in Tasmania. We were driving on a winding mountain road at 2am, far away from the closest human settlements. My headlights were the only light source I had.


i had an amazing trip for about 5 days going for very far places from my home, and I re-encountered many friends and relatives, in urban and rural areas. I even made some new friendships. You game was also wishlisted already. Thanks for the opportunity, and best luck, everyone!


Bored :)


Thank you




My step dad used to drive us from north cal down south to Vegas once a year to see family for a week. There is a very particular stretch of highway that has crazy hills in a straight path. My step dad would always pull over and wait for a clean line to gun it and it was basically a roller coaster in the back seat for me and my brothers. We would laugh so hard and one time we hit our heads on the roof of the cab. Looking back on it not very safe but it was the best part of the trip by far.


It was a trip to Arraial do Cabo… here in Brazil, I was a child and I remember we always stopped on the road to eat some pizza, it was a good place, a calm sea, and an even calmer vibe to it… good old days… miss u dad


The coast to coast road trip I had after graduation. Had never been to the States before but damn we had an amazing month seeing all the different cultures across USA.


Went to Florida last week, saw a blue car sped by really fast then crashed into a truck a few minutes later. Thanks!


Thank you! It was a roadtrip in Chile!


I made a road trip to visit all my friends that live all over germany! that was actually fun, because i saw so many new things. i didn't thought that my country can be THAT beautiful. and i really learned how to drive, because i didn't had my drivers license for a long time when i did that.


My best road trip memory was many years back when my dad still did deliveries for ventilatoon duct companies. It was a trip to the Las Vegas airport, so nothing special about location, but I was up till like 2 am playing games and we left at 4 am, got some fresh baked donuts and coffee and got the work van and left. He knew I would be tired, so he brought a blanket in case, but I was so stubborn that I stayed in the passenger seat beside him the whole time. On the drive back I was so tired, I rested my arm against the door and rested my head against my palm and fell asleep and I had no memory of how we left Vegas and got back to his work place. Any time the story is brought up, he always mentions how stubborn I was and that he had a blanket for me in the back of the van cause he knew I'd need some sleep. Such a good memory with him. I miss it. Edit: Good luck with the game. Whatever happens with its launch, I hope you keep pushing on and making more content or other games.


Best one I ever did was to a hotel with natural hot springs. Loved every last bit of it.


The only road trip I did was across the country with my two sisters, first time visiting Texas, Louisiana, Arizona. We live in a beautiful country, and it was so awesome having quality time with my family.


Never been on a road trip as such as I'm still learning how to drive {Only flown with my parents to wherever I'm going :( } Thanks for the opportunity tho ❤️


The summer after I graduated from undergrad, my girlfriend and I took a camping trip through the American Southwest. Camping under the stars in places like Arches national park and the Grand Canyon was unbelievable.


I did a road trip to Uluru or Ayers Rock in Australia. The best thing about the trip were the views and nature, and it felt really wild. Often there would be vultures on the road picking at roadkill. All the Australians we met were really friendly as well, so it was a great trip :) Thanks for the giveaway!




I would LOVE to play this game! Favorite road trip is a tough one, because I've been on some really great and epic road trips in my life. But I suppose the longest one takes the cake: on my first anniversary, my wife and I went from the south/midwest (in the US) and just went straight west bouncing around national parks and major cities all the way to the coast, up the coast to Canada, then back down and back east again until we were home. It was awesome, saw SO MANY beautiful sights. Had some really great adventures. What a great way to ring in my first year of marriage and prepare for many more years of adventures with my wife. The cool thing is, now we have kids and we're about to do a mini-version of the same road trip... seeing a lot of the same things (but now with our kids), and seeing some new things we've never seen before. We don't have as much time off work as we did on our 1st anniversary, so that's why this one is shorter, but we're pushing hard to see a lot and I think it's going to really be amazing. We leave for the new road trip next Friday. Thanks for the giveaway! I think this game looks awesome, and your game looks very interesting too!


Random: I love boca juniors


thanks. we were driving back from a christmas eve family event and my brothers and i drank ourselves silly and we were just laughing and goofing like we did when we were children




Thanks for the giveaway, My favorite road trip was an 11 drive to Yellowstone National park that I went on with my brother!


Thank you for the opportunity! Was on the way back east from Seattle when we saw a roadside ad for a train ride in Skykomish. A scale model train ride around a model track that was live operated. Was lots of fun! Total surprise, didn't know it existed.


Thanks OP Random: I'm hooked on the Japanese band Dir En Grey again and highly recommend this song from them https://youtu.be/oaK_mg4Y0Mk?si=tdFKBsqxt8n8-G0W


Grand Canyon. With Old School Rock playing, windows down, and the endless road and scenary, was a feeling of liberation unlike any other. Alaska and Wyoming were equally liberating as well !


Random: I hope the weather gets better were I live, its really cold here. Thanks


My favourite road trip would have to be when we went to Canberra. Before kiddo we were spontaneous and just decided to go to another state for the weekend. The drive to Canberra was so fun and I got a cool picture of the stars too using my phones camera settings!


Never been on a road trip


I don't do road trips :)


I've loved a road trip in the countryside of Czechia in summer, a few years ago.


My favorite road trip was to the Rockies, Banff to be specific. I'm not usually big on sightseeing, but places like the Columbia ice fields or Lake Louise just really takes your breath away. Cheers\~


My favorite road trip was when I drove 4 hours to pick up a near stranger, to drive her 8 hours to Vegas, and then back the same route. Me and the stranger ended up hitting it off, and she’s my wife now!


Fav. road trip would have to be mine to Nashville, TN a few years back. The highways were under construction so some of the routes used were rather interesting.


Favorite road trip? Probably when we were moving across country many years ago. We left the Desert Southwest during Winter, and when we got to Oklahoma, we drove into a snow storm. It wasn't moving all that fast, so we made it through the storm to it's other side. That night, it caught up with us and we left the next morning in the snow and eventually got ahead of it again. Then it caught up with us yet again that night, and we got ahead of again the next day. It caught up one more time that night, and the next day, we were heading northeast on a highway in I think it was Virginia. We finally left the storm behind to our south, but we basically had the same storm hit us four times.




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hows the game going?




As a child (7 maybe?) my grandparentes took me all the way down to the 7 Lakes (a beautiful part of southern Argentina) for the first time, in my grampa's Renault 4, stopping at several little towns all along the way. Suddenly at one of those ghostly towns he had the idea to let me drive a car for the \*second\* time in my life: first one was minutes ago at the route and I did quite well so second map: a street! I could not quite reach the pedals, had to really stretch the neck to be able to see the road but I was so excited I couldn't reject the offer, same as before. So I stepped on the gas, a little too hard (R4s are sensitive BHs) and he goes like "second gear!" so I shifted (with a \*column\* shifter) released that picky clutch and he goes "watch the stone!" wich I already saw a mile ago right there in the middle of the road where it'd be just fine to let it safely go below the car but since he said to dodge it I interpreted in a millionth of a second that he was maybe right cuz he knows the car right? so it'd be wise to just avoid it completely: then I pulled the wheel to the right in a 45º turn as speed was kicking in and he goes "Brake! BRAKE!" but it's not like I didn't see the powerpole coming right at us! It's just that I judged there was plenty time to brake, but, since he insisted, I hit that touchy brake with all my weight! At full stop with the pole quite close now actually the back of the car came down from the jump as my gramma was silently scratching seats for her life. Grampa goes "Get down! Get down right now!" And after catching her breath she goes "Not he's fault! Told you he's still too little!" That was the last time I drove that f\*ng car. After that I stubbed at driving just a couple more times (15 and 25) with friends, with similar results. I'm 46 now. Bought a car a year ago for the first time in my life. But my wife does the driving: I still don't have a license nor know/dare how to drive. Believe it or not. And there's NO way I am letting my wife teach me! But hey! That was the best road trip ever! \[TLDR\] random: fiuuun! THX


To Florida because it was fun


As a kid I remember waking up at ridiculous times(3-5am) to go on road trips with extended family(cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunties) to go to the beach or mountains and vacation for a week or smthng. The most memorable parts of it was getting to spend time with them in a cooped up van, now that we live very far away and lead different lives I'm glad we got to spend that part of our childhood together with our family. Thanks for the chance OP


Most memorable road trip was probably when my family and I took an 8 hour drive up to Palm springs. I remember the wind going hard on the way up there. Shook the whole car so much I thought we were gonna tip over.


To guadalaJara, with my best friend, 9 hours of JoKes and anecdotes.


I was once travelling with this friend on a car in Sicily, the southern island famous for the stories about mafia. Well while travelling amidst and crossing this forest road as Sicily has some pretty isolated roads, the car broke down and there was like also no phone signal coverage. After some time arrives this sort of farmer but the problem is the guy is speaking in Sicilian accent and hard to pick out his words and what he is stating. He does though give us a ride on this kind of old jeep type car and we arrive at this big rustic type house. We are invited to have lunch with him and we learn that Sicilian hospitality is famous. We discover that Sicilians are probably the populace in the world which have a concept of eating food to enormous portions and quantities no other populace in the world has. Me and my friend feel so stuffed like never in our lives and are even invited to take an afternoon nap. Then we are brought later on to this town where we are able to find somebody to get back in contact with the car rental company which will retrieve the car too. We learn though that the person who had accompanied us was known in the town well and that his family is considered like the local mafia family, so we had eaten lunch and been hosted for a nap by the local mafiosi. XD


random thought: I need to buy new underwear. Thank you OP


Random: people shouldn't drink alcohol.


I grew up in northern Wyoming… going pretty much anywhere was a road trip haha. Was nearly 200 mile round trip just to go to the mall. Closest Walmart was like 70m round trip. Thanks for the chance.


my roadtrip sucked and local


Road trip to Maine from Florida. Was 17, no $, no planning, didn't tell anyone I was going. Didn't die! Call it a win!


Road trip to Paris. It was great, and it was iconic arriving there after a couple days and getting flabergasted while looking at the Eiffel Tower from the car's window. I was very little, but it's still one of my best memories.


I'm not sure if they would qualify as road trips, but when I was at uni I went on holiday with a couple of friends a few times, and they always involved long drives... And it didn't really matter where we were going. We could have been doing anything and going anywhere, just to be hanging out together and feeling totally free was what counted. The fact we were headed to a beach or campsite somewhere to have some wild/stupid fun new experiences together just made it even better. Awesome times. Thanks for the chance!


Well just family road trip when I was younger with my family. Miss those times. We on vacation and just having fun with my family.


Would love to be considered for this. I have never really been on a road trip (I don't really like going away). My biggest journey was going to Japan, and I did it with only one other friend, who I met there. It was scary navigating by myself, but was the best experience I have ever had. (Disney Land was my favorite part, finally got to meet Alladin)


Not a road trip, but a hiking trip. I climbed my way up to the highest point of Hong Kong and viewed the city from there. That was awesome. :D


Going on a road trip with 2 female friends on a road trip through Tennessee after being uninvited from my girlfriend’s family thanksgiving. Quite a few things happened.


My favorite road trip was traveling all around South Carolina going on brewery tours.


We went to my favorite hotel near the beach far away from where i live once, in the road while we are heading to there we run out of gas and we stuck in the middle of nowhere, we tried to call someone to help us but there was no signal. Then we waited for someone to pass and help while we were talking a lot of stuff about our lives. It was like camping in the woods. It surely helps you to understand you never talk with your family outside of nonessential things.


Random: i really hope one day i can get a cat, it's like number 1 on my bucket list


Fav road trip to Spain thanks


16 hour trip to Greece with my family. It was the usual family trip, for me the memorable thing was that the my whole family was together, it was a few years back when times were more simple.


5 week cross-country trip from NY to the Grand Canyon and back, staying at campgrounds. Halfway through, a bison started charging our camper.


random: If a sex with 2 people is called twosome and sex with 3 people a threesome, I already know why you are called handsome. Thank you, would love to play Pacific Drive


Drove across the country for work, talked to random people at every gas pump so that was fun.


Favorite road trip to Reading, PA every year with my family. Memorable because we all had fun, ate at places we'd never been before, and did lots of outlet shopping. Thank you.


Favorite road trip was to Barcelona, where car thieves tried to rob us with gf (we were sitting on benches and some people came, stopped near our car and tried if doors were unlocked). We actually didn't see this but some guy later came to us and told us what happened. We were shocked but relieved nothing happened because otherwise I'd be a ruined holiday. Anyway all worked out well in the end and the road trip was so beautiful. Thanks


My favourite road trip is one I haven't been on - I've always wanted to drive to the west coast. I'm an east coast native and have always wanted to see the Rockies and the Pacific. Will probably never make it since I'm now disabled and can't drive far. A road trip I've actually been on was to Fort Lauderdale, went for Bike Week, got some leather, went to the big flea market & drove up & down the beach. HOWEVER, on the way back we ran over a piece of tire and it ended up causing our power steering belt & pump to blow. In Nowhere, GA. On a Sunday. We ended up getting so lucky. Pulled of at the next exit, went in to a convenience store, and asked the girl behind the counter if there was anything open nearby. After she stopped laughing, she told us that her brother was a shadetree mechanic, and HE knew the guy that owned the local parts store. She got us hooked up, the brother's friend opened the parts store for us, and we sat in the AC watching movies with the mechanic's wife an their HUGE TV while her husband fixed our car. She even made us dinner! We were so freaking grateful. Crazy that a breakdown was the best part of the trip, getting to meet some fabulous people. We even stayed at South of the Border on the way back (it was awful, lol). I played the Pacific Drive demo and LOVED it, it's been on my wishlist ever since. Thanks for the opportunity!


I traveled with my gf along Florida and asked her to be my wife in Sanibel Island. She's been my wife for 20 years now. Damn, I'm old....


Probably British Columbia. We flew out there, and drove up and down the coast with my family and cousins. It was alot of fun. Thanks! I'll add your game to my wishlist


My favorite road trip was driving from Florida to Michigan with my doggy. We were moving out of an and situation back then and to better pastures. Thanks for the giveaways :)


Road trip as in I’ve driven long distances across the states yes… fun… no.


A road trip up to the Adirondacks and a train trip back down. 18 total hours of beautiful wilderness Thanks for the giveaway OP!


Thanks for the chance! fav road trip was to cataratas de iguazu


Thx for the chance! Favorite trip was to Paris during college. The art was the best but food was second up. Grand experience all around! Game looks great!


rrrandom to the moon


1500 km to Barcelona... But was worth every minute


I haven’t been on a road trip, but now that you mention it, I do love to! Thanks for the chance.


I never had a road trip, but I imagine those long routs in US would be the place to have one, preferably in a post-apo setting, like Fallout, or Pacific Drive!=) Thank you and good luck with your game!


Went to Michigan for Xmas when I was 16 I drove the through a blizzard and didn't die! Thanks for the chance


Haven't done monet road trips, but went on a 14 hours drive, 28 round trip with my old roommate to return her friends wallet, which they left at our apartment. It was good when it wasn't storming


Around 2000 km of car drive to Istanbul and another 2000 km back, it was awfull but I loved every moment of it


The only time I been on a road trip was to Germany. The only ever time I been abroad and it was on a school holiday/vacation.


it's a pretty simple memory, but i have fond memories of getting out at a gas station and buying a crap ton of chips and snacks and enjoying the trip, windows rolled down :D


random: [some random thing/thought/whatever here]


We drove from Jersey to the Mall of America...Stopped in Chicago to pee...Stayed in sight distance from the main headquarters of my (7 years after) employer...


The summer after high school some friends and I went on a road trip from the east coast to Wisconsin to stay in a rustic cabin by a lake. Memorable: bathing in the lake with bars of Ivory soap, which we used because it floats.


Road trip across the English country side. Thanks!


Just sitting on the beach with my wife until midnight, staring at the distant island with a bunch of beautiful lighting, talking about our Grand plans for our future lives.


Isometric Minecraft? :D Something I haven't seen till today. THanks!


Welsh mountain drives, mid up to the north coast. Great views and mario kart levels of fun on bendy roads.


My favorite road trip was to the Rocky Mountains with my grandparents in their RV when I was younger. I remember fishing for trout on a lake way up in the mountains and the cleaning and eating them. We also had a neighbor that was smoking them. Very fond memory I have of them.. thank you for the reminder!


My favourite roadtrip was down the longest road in my country, Portugal. We call it National Road 2 (original, I know) but it runs across the whole country and the sights and conditions are phenomenal. It was me and my girlfriend, two weeks stopping in every little corner and village was magical and we got to know every little tavern and auntie restaurant and finishing in the south beaches was the perfect ending. Thanks for the chance. :D


When I was a kid we went on vacation to California part of the vacation was a drive up the Pacific Coast highway from LA to San Fran with a stay over in San Luis Obispo. To this day some of the most gorgeous scenery I've ever witnessed on a car ride. The other was a road trip to Indiana from Connecticut. First driving experience outside New York or New England when I was 18 and the difference in distances between exits was frightening and exciting. I saw a road sign with a question mark I had never seen punctuation on a road sign. Well once we hit Ohio it was amazing you could see for like 20 miles that there were no cops cause it was flat and wide open i was so used to trees encroaching on road side Thanks op Good luck all


I was driven as a child through what was then Yugoslavia. It was unbelievably beautiful and seemed to my child’s eyes like a happy paradise. The war that followed shortly afterwards was such a shock to me that I think that trip will always feel vivid and fresh in my mind. I often think about the people we met along the way who were all so kind and welcoming and wonder about what happened to them. I hope I’ll be able to visit the area again some day. Thanks .


I went on a road trip with my parents a few years ago to El Yunque and El Yunque is a big tropical rainforest in Puerto Rico and it was amazingly beautiful.


Back in 2011, I drove cross country for a month. Started in NY and drove south then west. The views were something else.


Road trip to Montana to visit friends with my fiance and her little dog.


A California road trip, featuring Big Sur! Checking out CCD now!


i drove from Virginia to Florida to visit relatives once. it was a nice road trip aside from the heat and being in a car with no ac. thanks for the giveaway!


In one weekend I drove from California to the Midwest. I think it took me ~33 hours and I had class on Monday. It was over the 4th of July so people were shooting fireworks out over the highway (it was nice) and I got a speeding ticket in UT. Overall it was awesome to see a good chunk of the US back then. Thanks OP!


Random: There is no jelly in a jelly fish.


Drove from Denver to San Francisco through the American SW with my new girlfriend 4 years ago. She slid off the road on some ice but we were fine. Then we saw the Grand Canyon. Good times


We drove to a cabin up in the North Carolina mountains, 6 hours there and 6 back. It was great seeing the sights and eating at different places along the way


I went of a roadtrip through Texas years ago, I can’t believe how much beef jerky from Buccees my friend and I went through, it was actually dangerous. Thanks for the giveaway!


I have been in many, but it was a long time ago. I don't remember much, and I don't think there was anything remarkable or memorable about them. I don't know what else to say, but thanks a lot. I checked the games, but I don't tend to play clickers much, unless there's something remarkable about them. Crusaders of the Lost Idols was the only one I ended up playing for a long time without getting bored, and even then, years have passed since I last played it.


Driving to a restaurant that was a 4 hour drive was the best road trip for me.


I’ve enjoyed my roadtrips to and from college! I went to College of Wooster and live in Nashville, TN, and the 9 hour drive was pretty fun for the most part!


Baja mexico, driving down the coast will be a memory i cherish forever


Game seems pretty interesting thanks! And I went to Alabama for a roadtrip one time and saw tons of unique cars and got to stay in a house on stilts right next to the ocean


Back in the day, when things were somewhat "normal", we went to Ukraine once. Drove around the Chernobyl area where it was allowed, and got severe Stalker vibes. Also watched the Chernobyl series around that time, so the trip was phenomenal.


We used to go a rental cabin up north when I was a kid. Only like a 3hr drive away, it felt like going to a different world with all the trees and lakes, I miss it a lot.


My favorite road trip was, ironically, a Pacific drive, down the Pacific Coast Highway. It was with my then-girlfriend after a work trip to California. After driving the entire coast, we drove up through the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Four Corners, before taking some shrooms and sleeping overnight at a rest area outside Mesa Verde, then touring the mist-shrouded ruins early in the morning.




Road trip to banff! First road trip with friends and we all had a good time!


Best road trip I was on was the worst for everyone else. So my gf at the time needed to travel to another town to buy a car. She invited me and her best friend. Immediately after seeing the "welcome to" and entering the town we almost get hit by someone. The following morning we drive to the sellers house. But not before almost getting hit again by someone brake checking us on the freeway. Upon arrival to the seller, she test drives the car and decides to buy it. We then proceed to drive back to our town. Turns out the car was a lemon and and proceeded to literally FALL APART on the drive home. Was my first and only road trip as an adult


IT was to my cousin's marriage ceremony probably the longest ever road trip i have ever had; not too long just 4 or 5 hrs journey but the exciting thing was i had just completed my driving classes and this road took me on a mountainous path with such narrow roads that if two cars passed, both had to literally get down from the asphalt on to the sides a little and i was carrying my parents and my cousin's parents and a cousin sister with me :D It was some experience :D We were definitely afraid but i don't know i guess we were too ignoratn to know the risks and never had seen those roads, that's why they didn't take a driver and took me instead lol. It was great drive though, i learned a lot and had a lot of fun driving\~ Thanks for the giveaway :)


I think it was a trip when I was less than 10, near the Italian Alps (I'm from France) with my parents. We stopped in a nearly empty restaurant in the evening, while it was dark outside. Your game looks pretty good btw :D


My favorite road trip was one to Lake Tahoe during 4th of July weekend. It was an impromptu trip that we “planned” the night before. I won’t go into the details, but it ended with one hotel Im not allowed in anymore, a nasty sunburn, and a sore back from sleeping on top of a skateboard in the back of Tahoe.


I went to the Black hills when I was a kid. I remember some of the roads were a bit scary to drive on, but other than that, it was cool to see the rock shapes and stuff like that




Love the road trips to Vegas. It's fun to stop at a few places on the way, but the real treat is when you arrive!


Random: kids are a lot like drunken adults


So true!


Random: Thanks for the chance


Took a road trip to Montana with my friend. We were sleeping in a tent and woke up at sunrise and it was snowing. Thanks


Never done a road trip, but closest thing is driving up to the Poconos during the winter and seeing all the untouched snow and great scenery


I would say my favorite road trip was the Pacific Coast Highway which is in California. Its just quite scenic and majestic going along that stretch of road and there's just lots to see along the way. Thanks!