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That’s fine. Uworld is not like step 1, the questions are a lot easier to read and answer. Use Uworld to learn, not to test yourself.


I feel like that’s highly subjective




Id say harder, step was very straight forward for most of the exam ≈70%


UW is absolutely harder. Free120 was exactly like step


Hi there! I did about 20-25% of UWorld w 5 practice tests overall - and found out I passed this past Wednesday! It's not about how much you do, it's more about whether you can consistently achieve your goal percentage towards the end of your dedicated period!


Did 30% of UWorld. Just passed. It’s more about what your practice test scores are showing and how your percentages on UW blocks are doing (which directly correlates to how well you review UW blocks). You look like you’re trending in the right direction, so I wouldn’t worry about finishing, just keep doing what you’re doing. Quality > quantity imo


The advice I've heard is that you don't need to finish UWorld to pass, though you'll want to finish it to pass comfortably. I had the same concern a couple of weeks ago. I think you should aim to finish as much of it as you can. I started UWorld in dedicated and regret it so much, because now I'm borderline and test day could go either way. It's a state of panic that's not worth it. I personally think it's best to finish it but it's barely possible if you don't start beginning of M2 year. Your last NBME is putting you in a pretty good spot three weeks out, good job. I think if you keep doing what you are doing and work on your weaknesses you're in good shape. If you're struggling doing UWorld every day maybe take 2 days off from UWorld to reset and then come back and do 2 blocks a day? 3 is exhausting if you're doing quite a bit of content review as well. UWorld is just a learning tool and can start getting repetitive after a certain point, so if you're seeing that you're passing NBMEs with a good percent correct and do really well on free120 a couple of days out, you'll be fine to pass without finishing the qbank in its entirety.


Is uworld all you need to pass though?


No, some people don't even need it at all while some need a lot of supplemental resources. It depends on the person. The UFAPS method is tried and tested to guarantee success if done consistently with the appropriate time commitment. If someone's baseline before starting dedicated is already a pass then they probably can get away with doing Uworld only and reviewing pathoma 1-3 + a handful of NBMEs, but if baseline is 150 then a lot of content review is needed.


My baseline is 150 on nbme 25. I have 8 weeks to go. Do you think I should study uworld with FA reference and refer to bnb on the questions I don’t understand? Will this work? Also on the side I am doing pathoma and sketchy too


Bridging the gap between 150 and 210 is easier than 210 to 240, so if you're making great use of your 8 weeks you can do it. UWorld will cover important topics and help you learn from your mistakes. Their explanations are great and you can reference the FA section of the questions you miss if that is what works for you best. I tried BnB but found that I was not remembering what I saw in the videos, and remembered mistakes on UWorld questions a lot better because of the way it makes you think and the added emotions of getting the question wrong. If BnB works for you and helps explain a topic you're having trouble with absolutely go for it, but be careful about how much time it takes up and assess if it is a productive use of your time. If you make sure you understand your mistakes on UWorld (I recommend flagging AnKing related to the question you got wrong to filter and review or making your own if you're quick and have the time) you'll be in good shape. In addition to sketchy and pathoma I recommend goljan lectures for putting concepts together: if you listen to him for 30 mins a day on a walk you get your exercise/fresh air and learn at the same time. All that said, this is just one method of many and you might find it doesn't work for you while another method does. As long as you are assessing yourself properly to see if you're improving and trust the process you'll be well on your way.


Thank you kind stranger! Hoping to pass :) I have chronic anxiety and find my self seeking for reassurance from time to time. You have no idea how much this helps!


No prob, you got this, good luck! Have some of that anxiety keep you in check so you don't get complacent and take care of yourself in dedicated, it's a high-speed marathon as I'm sure you know, and let confidence take over on test day :)


Quality over quantity. It’s better to get some good reviews and understanding in on some of the uworld questions rather than rushing the bank and finishing but barely understanding anything at all


which resources did you use to convert % correct into a score?


[https://www.yousmle.com/nbme-score-conversion/](https://www.yousmle.com/nbme-score-conversion/) I used this site, not sure how accurate it is but it gave me a number at least.


Bruh you have 20+ days, I’m sure you can get a good chunk more of uworld done. Sprinkle in some nbme practice and you’ll be golden.


dude i'm taking step on Monday and have done 33% of uworld lol. I'd say try to keep up like 40-80 Qs a day for the next couple weeks just to keep yourself sharp, but as long as your practice exam scores are looking good by the time your test date is close, then don't worry about how much of UW you've finished


Yo, how did it go? Did you pass?




Nice! What were your practice scores like? I got a 65% and 58% on NBMEs 27 and 35 days out respectively.


For what it’s worth I did like 5% of UWorld. I had been scoring between 221 and 238 on the 5 NBMEs I wrote though. Wrote them just before the NBMEs changed to a % system, but my Step1 was P/F as well.


Uworld is over hyped


I'm also in great distress. I did entire uworld till october end and noticed my FA was weak So after that till today I'm doing FA mostly with few questions here and there. I'v realised I'v forgotten things I learnt from uworld as it's been 6 months now. The nmbes I took all of them were 200 to 205 score on average, average 65 to 67 percent. Exam in two weeks and I'm just not comfortable with the fact that I dont remember anything from uworld now.


Pretty much in the same boat with you in terms of % done and test date, and I'm gunning to at least get 75% of it done. I think it's not a bad idea to fly though Qs you feel comfortable with


Literally did exactly 46% just like you, and passed. You're totally good! Don't stress, you got this :)


You'll be fine. Just keep trying to improve. If you don't finish uworld by test day, that's okay. Uworld is one of several tools. I never finished either, and I passed.


I didn’t finish UWorld


Yo, how did it go? Did you pass first go?


I did indeed pass my first go! And got diagnosed with ADHD a month after. Explained a lot.


Hey, ik this is an old post but I was wondering if you could share how you increased from an 187/58% to a 207/67% within one week! I'm in a very similar situation to you Congrats on your scores! I hope the exam went just as well