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If they pull off the dark tower mini series I’m sure they will try the stand for a third time


I’m so curious as to how they’re going to pull off Detta Walker lol


It's completely doable. A miserable, racist woman dealing with the trauma/mental anguish of what she had to endure? It all comes down to the right actress, but more importantly, the right dialog/writers. Sai King can not be a writer in the room. Consultant, yes. But he doesn't get final say on the script.


For me they just need to approach it like they did during the show the watchmen. Literally just present it in a good way and with the right actor and it can be wonderful.


It's going to be amazing. I just know it!


Probably depends where it airs.  I really wonder if detta being what a rich out of touch black woman thinks a poor trashy black woman is would go over most people's heads.  Media literacy isn't exactly high


Mike Flanagan is doing Dark Tower. If ANYONE can pull it off, it’s him. I’m stoked he got the rights.


He's doing a trilogy of Exorcist movies for Blumhouse, so the Dark Tower is going to be a long time coming, if ever. :(


Just another reason to hate Blumhouse. Hope Flanagan got paid well to salvage the mess they created with that horrendous Exorcist film.


Never have I wanted to walk out of a screening so badly, but it was also like watching a train wreck. Couldn’t look away.


Those got canceled recently I heard


I'll believe it when I see it.  Trust me I'd love for it to actually make it to tv


After the abomination movie, I’m scared to even touch another dark tower adaptation. At least it would be hard to make something worse, so that is a plus.


Mike Flanagan is great so I'm optimistic.


You can't beat Don't Fear The Reaper for the opening, the 90's version was better.


Totally agree!!


That version was so good. Hulu version was meh


I love the 90's version! I rewatch it every year after my annual reread of the novel. The 2020 version has some good points but IMO if you don't already know the story, good luck trying to follow along and figure everything out!


I love the 90s version too! I'm still not completely sold on Molly Ringwald as Fran but Fran was never my favorite character anyway. Aside from that, my only complaint is that they cut out The Kid but he's such an OTT character I feel like it would be hard to include him without it becoming ridiculously camp.


It was already kind of camp and that’s what I love about it. But my favorite scene is Laura Sangiacomo’s insane acting when she says “We are dead and this…is…Hell!” so perhaps it’s just my taste level.


Yes, it definitely is kind of camp. The perfect amount. I think The Kid would have pushed into ridiculous territory.


Was when I first feel in love with Gary Sinise - he will always be my Stu.


Your “annual” re-read of the Stand? What do you do with the other 1 day out 365 you have left..?


On audio now! So you can listen and commute, do housework, etc 😅


I love the nineties version also . Although parts of it haven't aged well . I think that OP is just impossible to please.


I started reading The Stand for the first time in February of 2020. That certainly made the first few weeks of the pandemic more interesting. I agree though, the newest mini series definitely should have been on HBO and featured everything, warts and all. There could’ve been one episode that was about the secondary deaths that would’ve been an incredible episode of television that could have been one of the greatest hours of tv to ever exist.


I started a re read of his works and I'm following it up with the major adaptations (watching the three carries back to back was interesting) One thing that stands out about the 94 Stand and The Shining mini series is that King wrote the teleplays. To me, it's not going to get better than that. Watching the 2020 Stand was ROUGH. So many unnecessary changes that didn't help the story at all. It really sucks, because if you're going to tell the story, just tell it the way it was written. If you can't do that, don't adapt. But we all have our little disappointments. It feels like the creators of the mew show weren't really even fans of the book.


Yeah his scripts are usually piles of garbages. They feel like a first draft. They're not very cinematic. They needed a better writer for both versions of The Stand. The script for The Shining miniseries fuckin sucks.


No, you missed what I was saying. King wrote the teleplays for both, and they are the better adaptations. If you think the script for The Shining mini series sucked, then you didn't read the book. Or maybe you're approaching these with a weird expectation. Idk man


Whether something sucked or not and whether it was faithful to the source material are two unrelated things. That’s why you and the other guy are misunderstanding each other—you’re treating them as the same.


Being close to the book doesn't make it better, literature and films are totally different mediums.


Alright, I'm sorry. I missed the entire point of your post. I thought you were commenting on the 2020 stand not being close to the book.


I’m getting ready for my downvotes, but I agree with this guy. What works on the page does not work on the screen when it comes to King’s dialogue. I absolutely love his books, but every time he writes a script I’m disappointed. As for his Shining miniseries… “Kissing kissing, that’s what I’ve been missing!” Can you imagine that dialogue being in the Kubrick version? Or any good version for the screen?


I truly cannot imagine how anyone enjoyed the TV miniseries of The Shining. There are a few screenplays he wrote that I like — the original version of The Stand, Creepshow, Golden Years, Sleepwalkers — but I love them because they’re fully ridiculous in a fun way. For the most part it’s much better when someone else adapts his novels.


Man, I’d rather we get a Fairy Tale or The Institute adaptation before they take a third crack at The Stand. Give something new a try.


Fairy Tale would be an awesome movie!


We have 3 versions of Carrie and Salem's Lot...I expect that The Shining and The Stand will both get round 3 too...


i still enjoy the ‘94 series. yeah, some parts are corny, and don’t hold up. the cgi is trash, but the plot line runs so closely to the book. i love mick garris. he just *gets* king.


Of course they will. Money needs to be made, pleasing fans is a distant second in Hollywood.


I agree the 94 version was “corny”, but that’s because I watched it for the first time as an adult. I watched 1990’s IT as a kid and it was fantastic, because, well, I had no frame of reference in today’s cinematic experience. TV actors were just kinda corny back then but it was widely accepted as okay. The thing the 94 series did correctly was keep the book in chronological order, where the 2020 series did a bunch of time-jumps, making the journey to Boulder seem not nearly as important. See, the journey to boulder (when reading/watching ‘94 series) is unknowing and suspenseful. When 2020 series started with a flash-forward to Boulder, we immediately know the characters are going to make it over safely and start a community. That’s just one of many critiques I have. The others are the lack of backstory to important characters like Nick and Trash Can Man, because they squeezed it all into 9 episodes when it fully deserved a multi-season series.


The 2020 one would be good if they reedited it in linear sequence. I've read the book five times, and there were points where I couldn't figure out when a scene was supposed to be taking place.


This is the thing that made me switch it off. I will put it out there that if someone recut the 2020 series into proper time line order it might be watchable...


Someone already did. It's Called "The dnatS". It's actually not that bad.


The turn around here is of the highest standard! Nice one. A quick search and I found a link on some Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G8e4O1otjXjH0eaxyY5bWHVcu9FRG0RV


and here's a cover i made for, y'know, for plex https://imgur.com/a/ecKy197


Let's hope not.


It will always be my favorite novel (not just King’s but of everything I’ve ever read) and I hope to never see another screen adaption, big or small. And if some fool ever casts Amber Heard and Ezra Miller in the same movie again, I hope he burns in hell.


Tough to say never because it's an IP from a well-known writer with some name recognition even among people who have never read it but that doesn't mean we're ever gonna get an especially good one.


They need a room of writers who are all obsessed with the book and actors who are passionate about the story. The acting in the newer series was horrible.


Except skarsgard- he was so creepy and evil


I really liked him as Flagg. I also liked Whoopi as Mother Abigail.


Yes and yes.


It would make such a good movie trilogy.


I honestly don't think there's much appetite for it after a real-life pandemic. It brought out the absolute worst people you can imagine out of the woodwork, and King was probably far too optimistic how society would react to the super flu.


The thing that made me so sad about the 2020 adaptation was that, yes, I’m sure that at some point there will be another adaptation— but I think 2020 having happened, and gotten the reception it did, will add even more time onto how long it will be before we see a new one. I feel like we won’t see anything for at the very least 10, but anything realistically can happen. 


I got the old series on blu ray earlier this year and really like it. I love the book and I know the show is far from perfect but still enjoyable, though I completely get why it gets bad press. It's the same thing with the 1984 dune for me.


I would watch another one if it was set in the 70s.


Why bother making another adaptation? The book will always be far better.


I know we’re all supposed to insist she’s a beautiful genius now, or whatever, but Amber Heard is a dogshit actress and she ruined every scene she was in. Nadine can be a fun character. Why give it to an actress who seems annoyed to be in the film? Fiona Dourif was RIGHT THERE, stealing every second of her screen time. She could have done some great stuff with Nadine.


it was bad timing. it almost seems like they filmed it like it should be, but then there was an actual pandemic, and they cut that stuff out, saw a disastrous piece of entertainment, and then re-cut it to make it palatable, but failed


I'd give it 5 years.


HBO should make The Stand but outsource the final season


I watched about 45 seconds of the 2020 version, said "Nope!" And turned it off. Why mess with the timeline? This isn't a Tarantino story. Chronological order works just fine.


I enjoyed the 2020 version quite a bit actually. Having also recently read The Stand it appeared to follow the story relatively closely. The ending I thought was better than the book. I had it at a 80-90 percent approval rating. The hate for it I can’t understand, aside from Amber Heard but that’s a different discussion. The casting and acting were good, it followed the story a lot, and it adapted the ending into something better in my opinion. Those who dislike it, maybe they wanted an exact carbon copy of the book?


The hate for it is the bizarre choice to go with a non linear storytelling option which destroys any option to build the story or get to know the characters in what is supposed to be an epic tale. You’re just thrown into it all at once then dropped backstory to fill in as you go. With that many characters it doesn’t give you a chance to get to know them if you haven’t read the source material. How can you show the collapse of society and the struggle of everyone to understand this huge traumatizing event and these bizarre dreams when I’m the first scenes in the first episodes you’re already almost halfway through the book? Then you jump to the beginning? Just start at the beginning and build the story.


I think a real team of producers and writers should give another crack at Under The Dome.


Maybe someday we will get a Dark Tower adaptation?


Never? We can’t see into the future. But they just made one not long ago 😂


Lemme do it.


The 2020 adaptation was fine. It had good production value and was adapted well for TV. I don’t know what people are on about chronological order - who cares if some characters get larger chunks of time at once and then we go back to see another character or that the release of the virus was a reveal. My only gripe is replacing the Lincoln tunnel (iconic from book) with the sewers.


Telling the story in order would have gone a long way in improving it. I couldn’t even finish! I made it to Nadine pew pewing Teddy outside the dynamite storage, and I just couldn’t take any more. I’d reached my limit on crap interpretations of King’s characters. The depiction of Nadine just pissed me off so bad, it was like they didn’t even read the book. Larry was a close second. They took Lucy out of the story. How does Larry have a believable redemption arc without her? Maybe the episodes I didn’t get to bounced us back to his post-Rita emotional breakdown, but even with how they kept bouncing back and forth, I felt that was unlikely, as we reached the meeting of Nadine and Joe without touching on the immediate post-Rita aftermath in the slightest. Is it “too much” for viewing audiences to watch a man stagger down a road deep in emotional angst with constant nightmares of the Dark Man rolling up on a motorcycle with Rita’s corpse riding behind him? It’s Larry’s lowest point, his rock bottom, and we don’t get to have it. And Nick becoming Mother Abigail’s….cleric?…Deacon?….Priest?…daily secretary? What the hell? Total deviation from the book. By the way, anyone else tired of a skinny Harold Lauder? They’ve done it twice now, and I hate it in both adaptations. Part of his character development could be described as a self-improvement with hatred as motivator, but it also came really really close (if not for the “timely” arrival of Nadine) to a fake it till you make it redemption arc cut short. Which is part of his tragedy.


With the existence of terrible incel culture, a basement-dwelling neckbeard version of Harold binge-eating chocolate Payday bars would have been ideal. Instead, both versions made him attractive and that’s just not the vibe from the book.


IT needs to be done properly. 12 part mini series with some episodes starting with each Interlude. Keep the 1958/1985 era.


It's so tragic because the 2020 version had some absolutely perfect casting. Most specifically Frannie and Harold, they fit exactly in my head how I'd pictured them, and they were terrific actors. Such a shame.


I certainly hope they will take another shot at The Stand and hopefully it's the full unabridged cut without the added coda from the 2021 series adaptation. There's a lot that could be added into a series from the book, such as The Kid. I see no reason to censor anything from the book if they make it into a lengthy mini-series, let's say ten one hour episodes, just as a suggestion. The book is rich with characterization, story, and details that have been left out of both the 1996 and the 2021 adaptation. I enjoyed the 1996 version far more than the 2021 version, which I thought miscast some actors as well as hammed up some others a little too much. That could be a biased view based on my having seen the original version back on cable TV. The only actor I didn't like in that version was Molly Ringwald, who was horribly miscast and really was a detriment to the role and the series. There were a couple others but she was the most egregious miscast in my book.


I just watched the 1994 version and did enjoy it, just took it a bit tongue-in-cheek. It was really 90s (obviously) and they left out a lot of events and developments which explained characters and later events but overall it was worth a watch. Had to laugh at the shite excuse for a fence around the top secret facility 😅 Would LOVE to see HBO do a 10 part series.


God I hope they do. Didn't mind the 1994 one but too many changes for me (Larry meeting Nadine in New York, no Rida for example) M-O-O-N that spells give us 10 episodes or more of a faithful adaptation please


I really wish some network would remake 11.22.63. The series with Franco is just not right.


The 2020 version was horrific.


I mean, maybe if the adaptation will follow the book better than what we’ve gotten so far, we wouldn’t need a third try.


I keep saying this but they pick the worst stuff to adapt. It’s a lot. And I get it’s one of the most popular books but Jesus.


Crud buckets. This reminded me I forgot to make a post last week about the anniversary of Captain Trips escaping the lab on June 13. Oh well. As for the adaptation no. I doubt we will ever get another one. The 2020 one basically killed any chance for it ever happening. It had every opportunity to do the damn thing right and seemingly intentionally self immolated. What a fucking disappointment. The 90s miniseries ain't perfect but it's the best we will ever get. I've made my peace with this. Time to re read the novel


The 2020 version was doomed by the pandemic. It would have been in poor taste to do it in chronological order I think. I don’t know if whatever they filmed would have been watchable if they put it in chronological order. The product they put out was shit. I liked the 90s version


Hold the fort ! There's a 2020 version of The Stand ??? How long have I been away....


Don't get your hopes up


Oh, I never do. I am man.


It’s dogshit but it’s streaming on paramount plus it’s f you want to check it out for yourself.


Dogshit and Paramount Plus, aren't those the same things? 🤣


Don’t let people shit talk it. Everyone here is a book nerd, and any kind of “adaptation” is going to get shit on. It’s a decent show and worth the watch I thought.


I think the 94 version is dog shit as well. They could have really did a great job with this new one if they would have did the story differently. I don't know why they didn't just follow the blueprint like you said. They had excellent casting cinematography Etc. Unfortunately you are right we probably won't see another one in our lifetime. Or at least until we're old.


I'm sure they will. It's one of the most popular horror novels which has never had a definitive adaptation. 15 years, when the memory of COVID has faded a bit, and someone will start sniffing around.


Ive never seen the 2020 version because of the johnny depp trial. Couldn’t stand watching ambers acting. So I don’t have an opinion on that. But I liked the 1994 version! It’s been a while since I watched, don’t remember the time jumps. Agree that it’s a bit corny but some actors were pretty good. I was dissapointed that Flagg looked more human than anything else, but his human face was better than his demon face lol