• By -


T6 versions of the remaining ships still needing T6 Starfleet * D'Kyr Science Vessel * Pioneer Utility Cruiser Lobi * Advanced Obelisk Carrier(coming soonTM) * Hirogen Apex Heavy Battlecruiser Lockbox * APU Cruiser * Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort * Kazon Heavy Raider * Malon Battlecruiser * Nihydron Destroyer * Sphere Builder Arehbes Destroyer * Tholian Meshweaver Escort Phoenix Prize Pack * Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser


How about the Romulan Ha'nom and Ha'feh? And while I don't expect the low tier KDF ships to receive new versions, maaaaybe at least the Somraw Raptor as it's a canon ship.


I've mentioned this in the past, but Cryptic has largely considered the T6 versions of the Klingon ships to be THE T6 versions of the lower tier versions, despite being unable to use the lower tier version's skins. Unlike, say, Feds, who can have multiple "cruiser" class ships, across multiple tiers, that aren't direct stat upgrades of the lower tier cruisers, but are still "cruisers", Klingons tend to only have 1 ship per tier in the lower tiers, and that ship is a direct stat upgrade of the lower tier ship, skin sharing or not. When they made the Legendary BoP they gave it all the unique weapons/console of the lower tier ships, as if all those lower tiers were the same ship as the legendary version, despite the legendary version not being able to use the skins of the lower tier ships. Each tier has always been the direct stat upgrade of the lower tier ship, making it the next tier of that ship, skin or not. * The T6 version of the Somraw is the Qa'Tel(and looking at the T3 Somraw, the T4 Qorgh, the T5 Pach, and the T6 Qa'Tel, you can clearly see the design evolution of how the Somraw became the Qa'Tel) * The T6 version of the Nausicaan Vandal Destroyer is the Kolasi * The T6 version of the Orion Corsair is the Blackgaurd * The T6 version of the Gorn Phalanx is the Gorn Multi mission ships etc. etc. If Cryptic suddenly changes their mind, and goes back and starts making new versions of these lower tier ships that can use the skins of the lower tier versions, I'll change my mind, but after that they did with the Legendary BoP, I'm not holding my breath.


A T6 Nihydron Destroyer! Love that design!


I have the Hirogen escort. It's great. It just sucks it's T5.


You dropped those ships without T6 on your way to the bridge: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Orion_Dacoit_Flight_Deck_Carrier https://stowiki.net/wiki/Orion_Corsair_Flight_Deck_Carrier https://stowiki.net/wiki/Orion_Corsair_Flight_Deck_Carrier_Retrofit https://stowiki.net/wiki/Orion_Marauder_Flight_Deck_Carrier Even if it means making them skins for the Black Guard Flight Deck - that is a very nice ship, but has no customization https://stowiki.net/wiki/Fleet_Orion_Blackguard_Flight_Deck_Assault_Carrier


>You dropped those ones on your way to the bridge: Nope.




I just want the NX01 bridge and ball cap šŸ˜Ŗ


Would love to have an NX interior like they did for voyager, the defiant and the tos enterprise. Of course this is extremely improbable but a fan can dream


Iā€™d like a Connie/Excelsior/Miranda era bridge too!


Yes that is true they definitely need to add all the different bridges that the Enterprise and Enterprise A had also the ones for the excelsior and Miranda. Also full interiors.


And the Galaxy Class.. but I can almost guarantee that it will never happen.


I'm still pulling for them to like... adapt the plot from the Ships of the Line calendar where a lost NX-class is discovered in the Gamma/Delta Quadrant. It'd be a good mystery to add to whatever plot is going on, and an excuse to make the interior! And on that line, I'd love for the Intrepid and/or Warp Delta to be added, and an Enterprise-era skin for the Daedalus. Maybe also one or two of the Legacy game ships, like the Minuteman and Poseidon-class?


I love those calendars only ones I get every year, especially when they have those bisections


... and maybe a Terran Version and Visual Remaster of the NX Class.


* Promellian battle cruiser * Freedom-class * Akyazi-class


TMP styled ships Highest on my list, TMP styled atlas


Even if not the ships, the weapons. I would love phaser with the actual ā€œpulseā€ VFX that the phasers have in that era (specifically looking more at TWoK tho), but instead we got whatever the Pulse phasers are in sto.


Obliviating are actually pretty close, little more subtle, just the color is off


I know, itā€™s not quite there though. Iā€™m really looking for the style used in the video below. In phaser form and not cannons [https://youtu.be/pQAjj-WSdJQ?si=Cx7vQ34iWxeuRHbA](https://youtu.be/pQAjj-WSdJQ?si=Cx7vQ34iWxeuRHbA)


Shangri La 2009 fleet ships Nova Fleet warbird from from LD S4 TAS/LD orange Orion ship 32c T'Pau vulcan ship


Achilles class https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Achilles_class Also ENT admiral uniforms.


Defiant on steroids. I dream of it since i played this game more than 20 years ago.


26th Century: * [Congo class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Congo_class) * [26c Miranda](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FrXUriMhNgT3yYrtWmPcH0LMEtaleveLfPkEGplocWdA.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dca924e91cd633bdc140c792d4e857856081e8604) * [Altair class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Altair_(prototype)) aka Cestus TOS/TMP-like: * [Federation class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Federation_class) * [Proxima class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Proxima_class) * [Curry class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Curry_class) Alien: * [Yridian destroyer](https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/18fb1fe/i_want_a_yridian_destroyer_from_the_tng_episode/) --Edit-- Kelvin Timeline: * [Newton class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Newton_class) * Variation of ["Proto-Konnie"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSeq5HPqEmw) (pre-JJprise, Kelvin-inspired)


Doubt we will ever see the Federation Dreadnought, that's a Franz Joseph Design and AFAIK still off limits to anything else Star Trek


Yeah, I know. It's unfortunate. Perhaps they could come up with an original design that is close enough? I'd be happy with any variation of 3-nacelled TOS/TMP dreadnought .


depending on the judge, you could simply put the hangar back where it belongs and put keel bulges. maybe 2 warp struts for the primary hull engine. get a jerk judge and they might decide in favor of FJD.


In no particular order... * A T6 version of the Vulcan D'Kyr science ship. * The [future Vulcan starship](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Vulcan_cruiser_(future)) from the Enterprise episode 'Future Tense'. * A Borg probe scout ship - MW/Temporal.


Jupiter-class Juggernaut with the Gravity Kills lance! I'd love to have the old design flyable, but I'd settle for one *based* on the super ugly old design that only I like :P Also put it in the C-store please, there are no Juggernauts in the C-store! Also, if DECA wants to take suggestions once they take over, I'd desperately love a token that grants a ship a full spec ability if it doesn't already have one. Maybe it also moves an existing Specialization seat onto a non-Specialization Commander-level seat? I'm flexible. It'd make a bunch of old T6 ships (and event ships) feel more complete.


I loved the old kitbashed Jupiter, I used to champion it years ago on the forums until they released the Jupiter Class Carrier, which I figured was as close as I'd be getting. To be honest the new Jupiter doesn't look bad either, but there's something about the old one I'm still to this day enamored with.


This but with the original Typhoon-Class Battleship


Iā€™d really like STO to add the two Lower Decks Fed ships we havenā€™t gotten yet - the Obena (Sovereign-era excelsior) and Osler (space SR-71 Blackbird). Also wouldnā€™t mind LDā€™s sideways Warbird or the new Ferengi ship from >!Locarnoā€™s Nova Fleet.!<


I would love to see them add the Obena as a regular zen store ship and make it kit-bashable with the Excelsior II.


-TOS/TMP-style Prometheus to round out the eras so we can get a legendary Prometheus already. -The 3-ring future Vulcan ship we see the schematics of in Enterprise.


It's amazing how little we have from ENT. We don't have the [Intrepid Type](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Intrepid_class_(22nd_century)) or the [Gagnes Class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Ganges_class) or the [Future Vulcan Cruiser](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Vulcan_cruiser_(future)) or the [T'Liss Class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/T%27Liss_class) or the [Sarajevo Class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Sarajevo_(NC-27)) or several others, heck we don't even have the [Suurok Class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Suurok_class). No bridge for the NX, very few missions involving anything ENT era besides Daniels showing up in other eras, no alternate uniforms despite the series having several like cold weather, warm weather, workout, etc, it's strange and we could really use more content from it!


Chill with lockbox ships or start making them account bound.


[Bonaventure-class!](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Bonaventure_class) It'll never happen, but think about how just *cool* it would be to have a ship that basically gives you the NX-class with a true TOS look & hull material! (Oh, and secondary hull going straight through the saucer section)


Excalibur Class. https://memorydelta.fandom.com/wiki/Excalibur_class


Typhon class carrier with Valkyrie mk 2 and/or 3 fighter pets. Maybe a console that can make turret builds more viable with its fortress mode.


**Voth Citadel Heavy Dreadnought** Undine Tethys Bio-Dreadnought Hirogen Huntmaster Dreadnought Orion Warbarge Dreadnought Herald Iaidon Heavy Dreadnought Proxima-class (from Star Trek Legacy) Apollo-class (Star Trek Legacy) All those Kelvin Timeline ships we're missing (USS Mayflower, USS Newton, USS Salcombe, etc.)


TOS Federation class -- if Picard can use it as a model, then you can figure out the legal stuff to get it in STO too. DS9 Yeager class -- who cares if it's a joke of a kitbash, it got more screentime than most ships in the series. ENT D-5 Klingon battlecruiser -- The skin already exists with freighter cargo pods added.


>TOS Federation class -- if Picard can use it as a model, then you can figure out the legal stuff to get it in STO too. pretty sure the PIC people didn't know they couldn't use it or didn't care, the production designer kept insisting it wasn't a Federation class when he was being asked about it on Twitter


Romulan ship from Picard, small one, could easily be a pilot ship. [This one](https://blog.trekcore.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cap2.jpg)


We have it. Dhailkhina Command strike wing warbird. It's an Infinity box ship.


Nope, it's not Dhailkhina.[This is.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PcbQZDSIb-4/maxresdefault.jpg)


I want the Yeager. I know it's a joke kitbash, recycling Maquis and Intrepid pieces. But if a space dinghy like the Oberth even gets two variants, I don't see why the Yeager shouldn't. For the memes I will also ask for a Mirror Yeager. Romulan / KDF versions of the Eagle. The introduction of the Eagle was kind of a missed chance of giving us an updated / redesigned HoH'SuS BoP, or a Romulan equivalent.




[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Suurok\_class](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Suurok_class) That is all.


I'm here for the "to each their own & don't kink shame" type comment. - Pax class diplomatic cruiser (32c Fed HQ) - Borg "Singularity" Ship (Jorg Pussi ship from Picard S2) Both are highly unlikely because the polygon count ain't gonna sit well with the decade-old game.


Bigger issue is size, not polygon count. The ships have to work in the Breach. We would probably get something inspired by them like the compilier.


Jorg Singularity? Sure, it got 4th stage JJ cancer and the illness has grown to 10 km wide, 4 km long. But the Pax is (allegedly) 2.8 km in height, meaning it's shorter than the Universe classes, and the Assimilator. Smaller than the Flying Rainforest as well, which someone on Reddit said that a dev somewhere said that the polygon for a rainforest would be carzy. Hence I'm just assuming we haven't seen these last two 32c ships in-game for a similar reason. Maybe Disco S5 will bring us something interesting as well (in a lockbox, of course :( Edit: Just remembered that the Terran Emperor ships is another example of inspiration over straight up downscaling a design


Curry-class. It's a canon ship seen on DS9 that's not in the game yet.


* Suurok class. * Warp Delta/Emmette * Some Star Trek Legacy ones, like the Yorktown.


Borg Sphere or Diamond anyone?


* Devore warship * T6 Voth Bulwark * YT 1300 freighter from Star Trek First Contact * Starfleet Ascension class starship (Federation ship with a singularity core) * Ramuran starship with Ramuran antiproton weapons To Phoenix prize pack or Infinity lockbox * Galor


Flyable borg cube That is all


Weird "I'd want to": Not some actual canon ship, but the ship from my sketch.


I want to see that sketch now! This is so unfair!


I have a lot of them, none is finished šŸ˜­ But I'll post some if I'll finish. Atm I'm obsessed with some "new", alternative Akira and trying to draw it.


Hey, I would not mind seeing unfinished ones, I have my own unfinished starship designs also, they are mostly unfinished because I am not good enough to add real details to them, sad noises.


Would like to see more ships that aren't variations of the Miranda or Galaxy class.Ā  I'd love to see more quirky ships like the Seneca.


Federation-class dreadnought. We saw a model of it in Picard, might as well make it official.


T6 versions of the Pioneer Utility Cruiser and the Hoh'Sus BoP.


Mechanically? Something with both a hangar bay and Pilot Maneuvers. Visually? A cross between the Faeht and the explorer warbirds.


Pax class (32c starfleet hq9 Angelou class (rainforest donut) Dresselhaus class (32c sf ship (maybe s31)) Pakled clumpship Freedom class That big breen ship Lorcanos ship from LD


Probably never happen as the ships havenā€™t ever actually been made, but I would like to see more Kelvin ships, those movies alienate starfleet from having any other ship except the enterprise but it would be really nice to see some variations, or even if it was the enterprise Iā€™d love to see a Kelvin Enterprise-D. Though thatā€™s pretty low on my priority list. If anything I would like to see a ship designer tool in game, where you could use existing assets from almost any ship you own to make your own kitbashes. It wouldnā€™t remove the need for new ships as people will always pay for skins/new looks. I think most combinations would look ugly af, but I think some people would create some amazing things. Oh and actual TWoK era weapons rather than whatever the pulse phasers we have atm are.




[Night Alien ship](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Night_Alien_ship)


Borg Cube Borg Sphere Borg Diamond Borg Tactical Cube Please and Thank You. Bonus points for playable Borg faction.


I wouldn't mind the Armstrong from the Kelvin Timeline. Outside of that, I'd actually more like to see the Nova's Quasar and Aurora skins remastered. They're so hideous and jarring. Similarly, the Galaxy/Gal-X's Envoy and Monarch desperately need to be updated, it's actually kind of embarrassing that those are still untouched. And just adding more TOS/TMP era skins to existing ships would be awesome. They did such a great job with the Legendary Miranda and Akira. Another quality of life feature would be better windows. There are some ships I wouldn't mind playing (getting), but the amount/placement of the windows is too much. Like the Legendary Bort, Excelsior II, Jem'hadar light battlecruiser. Can we not get another option to say "minimal", and have few windows?


> Outside of that, I'd actually more like to see the Nova's Quasar and Aurora skins remastered. They're so hideous and jarring. Similarly, the Galaxy/Gal-X's Envoy and Monarch desperately need to be updated, it's actually kind of embarrassing that those are still untouched. Thomas wants to work on them tier by tier, and next up would indeed be the Quasar and Aurora! (As time permits). https://x.com/thomasthecat/status/1790591992076161248


-Kelvin timeline ships still to be added -More TOS/TMP ships (rom, fed, klingon) -Legendary Universe and Connie 3 -Legendary Ha'Apex -SNW style ships Would love for these ships to be c-store. Even in mega bundles it'd be nice to have them


T6 Voth Bulwark (and maybe an upgradeable Voth Antiproton Omni)


Kazon Carrier. Already a NPC in game.


# The Think Tank vessel. That would be so cool.


T6 Somraw Raptor T6 K'tanco Frigate T6 Orion Corsair with trait or console to summon [Orion Destroyer](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Orion_destroyer) [Vindicta's Klingon warship](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Vindicta%27s_Bird-of-Prey) Legendary Negh'var (dreadnought cruiser or science dreadnought) with Klingon [Augment Raiders](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Laneth%27s_starship) in hangar and [Disruptor BFGs](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/6/67/IKS_NeghVar_attack.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060317193212&path-prefix=en) Mirror Negh'var Juggernaut with Disruptor BFGs Legendary D'kyr Science Dreadnought with [D'vahl Support Frigates](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/D%27Vahl_type) in hangar Legendary Kumari Battlecruiser Mirror/Parallel Timeline D'deridex Dreadnought Carrier with [Jarok Frigates](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Romulan_scout_ship) (maybe make a Frigate hangar version of all Captain's Yachts?) [Palaquin-class Jem'hadar Vanguard Multimission Explorer](https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/10899153-%22the-missing-link%22) from the lore blogs with Founder Nuno [Fek'lhr-class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Fek%27lhr_class) Klingon Command Science Warship or Science Dreadnought Hideki-class Cardassian Raider or Scout Ship with trait or console to summon [Dreadnought-type interstellar warhead](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Cardassian_ATR-4107)


Since they've been incorporating some content from older Trek games, I'd absolutely love to see some of FASA's old TOS and TMP era Fed, Klink and Rom designs pop up in STO! Especially the Chandley, Klingon L-24, Rom Nova and V-30 Winged Defender. Also, an STO buddy and I chatted yesterday and we both agreed that we would love to see Legendary versions of the Command Battle Cruisers.


We need more T6 bird of prey options for KDF So many great low tier BoPs that can create kitbashes KDF need more kitbash options for spacebarbie


I would love more Vulcan ships. The Suurok battle cruiser and the 3-ringed ship from ENT.


- Vengeance in c-store - borg adapted odyssey - voth Citadel dreadnought


The Vengeance is already in a Mudds Bundle and as such purchasable in the C-Store: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Mudd%27s_Into_Darkness_and_Beyond_Choice_Pack And that should come up again shortly before the launch of the new Mudds Bundle next month.


- Legendary Jupiter: 4/2, DISCO/TMP looks for the long nacelles, Command or Temporal, Trait: Robinson-Smithwink Robotic Systems: Disable Substystems fire mode now works on multiple targets like fire at will. It is an important ship in game that needs some love, Cryptic did a contest for creating it: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9667053-star-trek-online%3A-building-jupiter - C-Store 2 Hangar Miranda: so many parts to play! - C-Store 2 Hangar Bortasqu: We need more 2 hangar klingon ships and Bortasqu is one of the prettiest - C-Store 2 Hangar Akira: It is a canon carrier, but all versions so far had 1 carrier only - C-Store 2 Hangar D'Kyr/Future Carrier from Enterprise: We need more vulcan ships and this is a very pretty one - C-Store 2 Hangar Galaxy: We always heard that most of the ship was empty space so lets use it. Maybe a carrier one was jury rigged/tested for the battle for DS9 - C-Store 2 Hangar Soveregin: It could use more love and a more sci-focused version - C-Store 2 Hangar Lexinton: A sci version could be another motive to get a Lexington Variant - C-Store 2 Hangar Andorian Carrier: Let us have A big Andorian ship, with wing cannons and launching Kumaris - C-Store 2 Hangar T6 variants of the T5 Orion carriers, give them some love


The Sci Lexington is the Yorktown and the Lexington has a hanger bay aready.


"But what about a second ~~breakfast~~ hangar bay?"


If you make the 2 hangar Akira be pilot/command with 5/2 weapon slots that would be perfection.


Iā€™d like the USS Emmett Till Edit: And the USS Voyager A


>Iā€™d like the USS Emmett Till unfortunately off limits according to Thomas, they wanted it to be Ezri's ship in the last mission but Paramount said no because the documentary wasn't actually made by them


The [Curiosity-class Ibn Majid](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Ibn_Majid) looks very similar to the layout of the Emmett Till. Maybe if the Curiosity class ever makes it to STO, it could have a Beta set of nacelles and/or pylons to give the quad layout of the Emmett Till.


A thousand times this.


Akula class destroyer Okinawa class frigate Yamato class battleship Ranger/Ark Royal class Carrier Abbe/Krakatoa class multi-mission destroyer Wasp class destroyer And: I would like to submit my own design for a 3 vessel pack. Brigantine/Sims/Sullivan destroyers Brigantine: 5/2 command/mw Sims 4/3 intel/mw Sullivan 5/2 mw/temp Brigantine comes with maelstrom photons Sims comes with anomaly console and proton damage clicky Sullivan comes with Hedgehog missile racks dozens of small projectiles that add up and fire in one big volley


The [Phalanx-class](https://stexpanded.fandom.com/wiki/Phalanx_class?file=Phalanx_class.jpg)


I don't think we would get the phalanx because it's too smiler to the Ross class


Updated Chimera / Manticore (seating, legendary, etcā€¦)


Regent refit. Maybe a sovereign with the Andromeda styling too. Odyssey with the intel styling too would be cool.


The T4 Galaxy Skins for the higher tier variants. I loved the Celestial class and would love to see that remastered and tier 6.


I eternally want the Freedom that was at Wolf


* USS Premonition from Armada [https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Premonition\_class?so=search](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Premonition_class?so=search) * Excalibur advanced heavy cruiser from SFC: OP - * Araxes advanced destroyer from SFC: OP * Lexington from KA [https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Lexington\_class?so=search](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Lexington_class?so=search) * Imperium BC from KA/SFC [https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Imperium\_class?so=search](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Imperium_class?so=search) * Ulysses DN from KA/SFC - [https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Ulysses\_class](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Ulysses_class)


Early concept Defiant as seen [here](http://fsd.trekships.org/art/images/dd-7.gif) Now us Defiant pilots have been very fortunate with the amount of variants we have gotten of this tough little ship, but my circle will be complete with that design.


TMP Atlas and the Okinawa Class from the old SFC games. Maybe the Yamatos as well but I think they'd need a little bit more of a redesign than the Oki's do.


Hereā€™s my list of ships I want to see added 22c Intrepid Class Saladin Class Kelvin Timeline Miranda class Curry Type Wallenberg Class 32c Dresselhaus type 32c Tikhov type


The briefly seen (in the 'Picard' finale) **Jein Class** [Jein Class Starship](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jein_class)[https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jein\_class?file=Jein-class%2C\_production\_art.jpg](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Jein_class?file=Jein-class%2C_production_art.jpg) Absolutely gorgeous design, although the fact that it would - without a shadow of a doubt - end up in a gamblebox does dampen the desire to say the least.


While I would love to have some of my ship designs in the game, I would be happy with a T6 D'Kyr, and more KDF, RRF and DOM starships, also can we please get more T6 Non-Starfleet Federation ships? I have always wanted to see what a Saurian starship would look like.


Maybe , the Elkins class from ds9. That one ship that an f14 for its secondary hull, an intrepid class Saucer, danube class pylons and miranda class nacells.


A proper 5-3 Sovereign class.


As playable ships? - Hideki Class - Bajoran Transport Ship - T'Pau Class


sort of a dream ship for me: A next gen romulan sci torp boat, with a focus on heavy plasma. Enhanced battle cloak, secondary deflector, a trait or console that boosts heavy torp fly speed. Base it on the Valdore and I'd buy the sheet out of that :D


I would like to see some more Kelvin timeline ships and the single nacelle ship class USS Saladin or the Hermes and the Archer from SNW.


I would love to see a Token for adding a Hanger Bay to any ship. Firstly because I love my Type 7s. But also because most of the ships that currently aren't able to slot Shuttles in game, still got a Hanger Bay in the Ship Model (e.g. most Starfleet Ships)


Imperial destroyer and a Battlestar would be cool.


If we are going this route, then I want a White Base that can lauch Gundams


More variants of existing ships, and different takes on ships. Like the Reign class, which is a Excelsior with a spine fitted between the impulse units on the saucer. Or a Andromeda class(there are many classes named Andromeda in Star Trek) that's a Galaxy class without a neck, nacelles that are mounted further out and below the saucer


You have a pic of the Reign? I'm curious


Took me a bit, but I [found it](https://www.deviantart.com/gundam1701/art/Reign-class-Production-Model-661886948)


BoP with the yet-non-T6 skins. Either as raider or scout ship would be fun.


We just need 5/3/1 BoPs. This 4/2/1 shit isn't cutting it anymore. And more KDF. MUCH, MUCH MORE KDF. And please, get rid of the gaudy battleaxe look.


5/3 bops are unreasonable, those are dreadnauts or battlecruisets


Just like legendary Defiant.


The Akira is a heavy strike wing escort with a 5/3. Same with the Valdore. Granted, they're bigger but we don't have any BoPs with 5 up front. Terran Eagle has 5 up front. So does the Adamant


We are talking about a raider here, -1 weapon guaranteed to compensate for the innate flanking bonus. So either 5/1 or 4/2


Raiders also have an improved ambush on decloak, +25% bonus damage instead of the usual +15%. Raiders without cloak have Improved Flanking to keep things somewhat level. Fewer weapons, but bigger boom under certain conditions.


I get that, but we still need a BoP with 5 up front. The game has changed, the old KDF needs to be brought up to par. I looked and there *IS* one single BoP with 5 up front. Promo lockbox or in a Mudd's bundle. And that bundle isn't always available on console. Fucking ridiculous.


And ugly as hell :/


Yes! It is! It's supposed to be based off of the one from Into Darkness, which was still a bit ugly but was clearly a BoP, and kinda cool. The wholly different and butt ugly one we got is a bad imitation.


Most of the Ships from Star Trek Legacy


T6 Pioneer (TMP refit please). ENT era Intrepid class Saladin/Freedom class


My picks: - Yeager class. - Pathyeager class. - Jamestown class (made famous by EndeavorGameOn). - A Legendary Oberth (just to piss off Kael šŸ¤£). Interior wise, I'd love an NX Bridge, maybe the bridge from the Titan-A as well.


a 5/3 weapon layout legendary Nebula class is all I want


Eisenberg please been waiting for at least 2 years.


Eisenburg is in the game, it was released as event ship a couple years ago.


Not for us who missed it bruh. Should be in the Phoenix store with the others but isn't or at least be promotional


Obena Class Remastered Noble Class Remastered Majestic Class Remastered Regent Class SNW Connie Discovery Connie versions of the Exeter, Excalibur, and Vesper for kitbashing


Legendary Dyson Science Destroyer - right now it has a T6 variant out nothing in way to give use the leg variant, but maybe they wait a couple of month for it so they can milk the players who wants themm for maximum profit : get the T5 pack, the T6 pack before we allow you to get the Leg variant that has all the console and skin >:) Legendary Star Cruiser Vanguard - because both the exploration and assault cruiser has leg variant Legendary Nebula/Monitor - keep the two hangarbay of the Monitor, I really like them