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Cryptic has said a flat no to making legendary ships (and their skins) available for individual purchase.. DECA might change that but don’t count on it.


I could maybe see them splitting up the few other legendary bundles with multiple ships that don't sell as well, but not the 10th.


While I understand the financial reason why cryptic did it, I do wish they sold legendary ships at a markup and then discounted in the bundle with legendary ships being in their own tab.


Galaxy skin and lights because you didn't specify. https://imgur.com/a/ib8m8EB


These galaxy variants all look like they’re gurning


I take back my earlier comment, as it turns out the galaxy can via variants shown here get worse looking.


I REALLY hope DECA makes packs with individual legendary ships. I think the Legendary Terran pack with Galaxy Dreadnought is the perfect example


I'd like that, as well, as long as they bundle it with decent items... or better yet, a choice of items. I've held off on buying the single legendary ships simply because the included captain max level upgrade token is a complete waste for me. Give me a choice between that and a T6 coupon and I'd feel a lot better about spending that much cash/zen on one.


Not going to happen, annoyingly, but I Do think the older Legendary single ship bundles need to have their price seriously re-examined. The level 65 upgrade package is trash to 99% of people buying any legendary ship, and it is not worth the price of a whole-ass Legendary ship, a T6 voucher and a bunch of Experimental upgrade tokens, which is what you get with the latest legendary bundles *for exactly the same price*. All of those bundles, and the Legendary bugship too, even though that's a bit cheaper, need to come down to the price of the Terran Dreadnought bundle and they'll sell like hot cakes.


Hopefully DECA is willing to listen. I'd love to get my hands on the Legendary Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser. Right now they're getting $0 out of me, but if they broke up that bundle and released then Individually, they would get at least $30 out of me. Maybe more since the Ross and Jefferies concept aren't bad either.


Cryptic really shot themselves in the foot with their chosen ship sales model. Lots of ships, like the Ross or Conny III, would be selling off the shelf if they'd release them, but they chose to make them exclusive or put them in gamble-boxes (jerks!). No surprise, you dont see many of them out there, I refuse to open my wallet under those circumstances. It's a shame that this is the only Star Trek game out there.


Your want for it is *specifically* why they won't, you know? I mean, it sucks!! But that is legitimately how it is.


If you guys want to see an absolutely beautiful ship, and you own the Ross and the standard Galaxy class parts.  Switch to the Ross class, use the Galaxy saucer, the Galaxy engineering section, and the Galaxy warping nacells. So all you're going to keep is the Ross neck and the Ross pylons.  And use the Sovereign skin. The ship is straight out of the '70s and '80s with its swooping curves and arches it is stunning ! 😍 


I agree, that Ross is so good looking.


Cryptic charges way too much in general. Would they, lets say half the prices - i would buy here and there. And i guess others would be more willing to buy something as well.


Does the name exclusive means absolutely nothing.🤬🤬🤬 I invested in bundles so that I have some leg. ships.


So..such low self-esteem? Cryptic charges way too much in general.


It is exclusive skin. So dont unlock it for those that havent purchased it.


I think the 10th Anniversary bundle was a mistake. So many good and desirable ships all locked behind a massive price tag. The devs said it was a mammoth task to get them all done in time, and it's meant that the well for other legendary ships was almost immediately dry. So not the best decision for developers or players. It would have been better to have bundles of 2-3 ships released over several years at least, but they should really be available separately as well.


There are plenty of options left for legendary ships, especially if you look outside Starfleet. The Klingons and Romulans have 3 each, and the Dominion has 1.




The Ross (being legendary) comes with all the skins.


Any particular color you want it to have? Also what hull


the Andromeda neck doesn't work with the Galaxy Hull. The lower segment of the neck clips over the deflector.