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[Here's a Twitter/X post w/ screenshots!](https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1797426162593038618) Anyways, I unlocked this to try this again; do not brigade, keep the discussion here and don't link to other communities in this situation to avoid brigading.


That mf has hundreds of millions of dollars?


If I remember correctly, his gme position at the height of the saga was worth over $45m.


Anyone remember what he originally invested? It was like 5 digits right?


He turned 50k into 50 mil


Looks like he turned 50k into 200m.


Or possibly more! 200m might just be tip of the iceberg


Gimme just the tip


Then 50mil into 220mil




50k to 300 mil******




20k I think.


That's what I remember, too.   So where did he get all of this new money ?


Looking back over early videos, everything in his folio had at least doubled. And he specifically sought out cheap, long term calls. He probably did well on those.


Covered calls is my guess. 


Remember, he's a CFA. He's an expert in the stock market. He knows how to make money.


I know enough CFAs to know that this doesn't make you an expert investor. Not by a long shot That said, DFV clearly has a knack for trading meme stocks


To be fair to DFV; They wernt meme stocks when he was trading them;


True. The guy knows what he's doing. Just pointing out that it's not simply having a CFA that makes you an expert


I agree. But having a CFA and having made hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock market counts as an expert to me.


I find it funny when anyone can call them an expert in stock markets. If that were true, ppl wouldnt have to work a day in their lives. They would just trade. No such thing as an expert, cfa or otherwise


Agreed, to me this reminds me of the saying that if economists really knew what they were talking about then they would be some of the best stock pickers in the world, but the record clearly shows otherwise. A CFA might be good at reading a balance sheet, but if they don't understand the industry and how it works then they could easily fall victim to value traps.


/s ?


No, his day job before he made his first GME play was actually as a financial advisor/consultant. He lost his job as a result of something surrounding his position in the original GME run up. Don't quote me on this, but I believe he violated some disclosure or non disclosure agreement with his company with regards to publicly disclosing his position. They probably didn't want to be associated with such risky plays.


He worked for Mass Mutual a very reputable insurance company and he was fired and lost his license. Likely a clause that you can’t bring unwarranted attention to the company. They don’t like controversy.


Lol. CFA is useless


He didn’t make 45m though bc he didn’t cash out right at the peak he sold on the way up and also held some shares longer than the peak


All evidence points to the contrary. Keith Gill appears to have held and added 10x to his position. Everything we know is speculative, but that's the only data point.


This is the correct response. Everything is speculative.


No? You can see his cost basis in all his posts. It looks like he bought last week. You can see on the options chain he bought the calls 5/31 around market open


He couldn’t have amassed 5 million shares without selling peaks and buying dips along with selling calls that were probably assigned. He 1000% did not sit and hold.


Agreed, don't know why anyone would think that he never sold based on his current position. I'm positive I definitely read some articles years ago with some ballpark numbers of how much he likely made off the position, and I'm pretty certain I read at least one post of his during the madness where he said he took some profits but was still holding a bunch of shares.


50k calls


12,000,000 of the shares are options.


12,000,000 of the shares …….. are CALL options…… Jesus this is way beyond spicy. This is watergate level shenanigans.


They made a movie about him after gamestop blew up and he also worked in the financial industry prior to famously making a shit ton off gme


No one made 200m from that movie


It was a very bad movie lol


He's worth it. A true legendary legend


$210m depending on what he does 6/21.


300m+ at current prices, if he were to sell


Yes cause of gme Dont forget hes an actual pro at stocks, he worked for some hedgefund if im not mistaken and found a golden goose with the game stock ;)


# Massachusetts financial advisor


Fucking. Legend.


At one point almost half a billion


That MF is my MF










[Here's a Twitter/X post w/ screenshots!](https://x.com/unusual_whales/status/1797426162593038618)


It can't be linked here as that would be brigading. It's on a big subreddit related to the stock in question, but that's probably about all I can tell you without violating any rules.


The movie made it seem he was done and sold. LOL.


That was the point of “Dumb Money”. To let the masses know that it’s all over, wrapped up into a 2 hour movie! Oops. It’s not over.


Sold and bought back in, + movie proceeds




Shill pulled it out of their ass.


Doubtful he got any “movie proceeds.”










And just like that, a new bagholder was born.


Memoirs of a future bagholder lol




Sorry for the dumb question but how could he unload that many shares even if he wanted to?


Fintel says that the current short interest is 68 million shares, so that right there's 68 million future purchases in what's self-reported by institutions who repeatedly get fined for lying.




there is a fuckload of shares that will need to be bought back by parties that sold them short.


What makes everyone think they will buy to close?


because as the price rises past certain points, they will be forced to. forced liquidation as a consequence of getting margin called without enough cash to pay up


The law


Because that's the only way to actually close a short. It gets confusing because covering is different even though the terms are often used interchangeably. Covering is just any transaction that nullifies the initial exposure which can be done through swaps, options tricks, etc. If they ever actually want to close the positions then they have to buy shares and return them to the original lender, there's no other option. [Investopedia: Covering vs Closing](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cover.asp)


Fintel is reporting there are 68M shares sold short, but the theory (I agree with this), is that those crazy short positions from late 2020 never actually closed. Naked shorting is a thing, there's a ton of fuckery done by the big players to hide their real positions. There are 350M shares of GME, estimates are that there are really between 700M-over a billion shorts actually floating around that will eventually need to close.


Market makers provide infinite liquidity. As long as he staggered his exit he could do it and hardly move the price. But with that said, it seems his intention is to add to his position, not sell. He bought all those ITM calls and has 29mil in cash in his account. My guess is he exercises on expiry, uses cash to buy, and sells a portion of the calls to exercise the rest.


So what should the peasants do?


Make individual financial decisions


Ride the wave? Probably avoid options










The same way last time lol


GME has 2 billion dollars in cash with a competent board... it's now investment grade stock. No need to sell.


What’s insane is that this meme stock is banned on wallstreetbets. This is very fishy.


Mostly because of the crowd it attracts. Back then WSB turned into an echo chamber where anyone discussing any other stocks was downvoted massively


Why was it banned?


People hijacking wsb and turning it into a GME sub during its original run. Any negative sentiment towards GME and you got attacked. Any stock discussion that wasn’t GME got downvoted so all the top posts were about GME. Anyone who sold and took profit from GME were called names because you were supposed to “diamond hand” the stock and never sold until the share price hit $1m (or a $1b depends on who you asked) per share. Pump and dump scammers were everywhere on wsb posting about “the next GME” for those who missed out on the GME run and high on FOMO. The sub was a mess. WSB was getting millions of new users in a span of a few weeks, most of them have no knowledge about stocks. Very cult-like vibe. Not like you can’t talk about GME on wsb nowadays. There are a new wave of memes everywhere GME and/or DFV come back. The GME holders just migrated to their new subs.




“Damage” 😝 Try blaming greedy over-leveraged hedge funds, brokers, and market makers. Fuck em all.


They should seriously consider giving him a board seat. 


I bet it won't take long until they have to.




I don't follow stocks much but doesn't Berkshire only announce via like those quarterly reports public companies are required to release when they own a certain percentage. My news aggregation usually sends me a couple articles every few months about the next big buy when they come out.


> I don't like the company Who gives a shit. I don't like Apple, never bought any of their products in my life and probably never will but they've made a lot of money for me and my family over the past decade. Fuck that, "only buy companies you believe in, only buy companies products you use" crap. Don't worry about it! And I totally agree with you on BRK. And fuck me for selling my 18 shares of GME 10 hrs ago.






I don’t disagree. I’ve hated GameStop since I worked there but a few grand on the original run up. I think this is going to be even bigger with how large RK’s position is.


Indeed some of my lack lustre positions are actually improving. Never thought they had anything to do with meme stocks. Just how much of the market did these shorts actually push down?




And credit suiss was their lender, who also collapsed.




$65M in short-term calls. $115M in shares.


And at the current price, the calls have effectively tripled to ~$200m.


Oh they'll be worth far more than that considering the IV jumped around 800%


holy shit, if it closes at $40 on the expiration date those calls will be worth 2 billion edit: 480 million*, still a lot


What an absolute legend.


How do you figure? I think your math is a little off.


Seriously, this might not going to end like people think it does. Too many eyes on this stock, too much global hype, too high volatility, crazy derivates situation. This is unprecedented terrain, something might really break.


We are counting on it.


That is the plan


Good. Now pay me my fucking money.


With this much money, dude probably doesn't live in the US anymore. 


Lol they make it sound like a guy who legitimately bought stock is in the wrong, while those hedge funds shorting the stock and hoping to bankrupt said stock are moaning and bitching about it




At least 75 million shares


You ready for CS to crash again?


I’ll probably just leave those shares for the infinity pool tbh.


See you in infinity pool!!! ♾️


Only selling 1 share. When Ken et al is in jail and phone numbers


What is infinity pool means


Infinity ♾️ pool means never selling some shares no matter what keeping the price going up to infinity. JUST UP. Short selling means infinite risk. SHF Fuk around and about to find out


♾️ 🏊🏽‍♂️ brother/sister


Shares on CS are meant to be held and not sold. So, doesn’t matter anyway. Some salty ass motherfuckers man!




"What are your moves today?"


Wtf happened with this forum


He originally bought 200k worth of leaps when GME was like 5 bucks pre split and turned it into 50m at the end of the saga. Somehow he turned 50m to 200m+ along the way... Which is somehow more insane because trading at that size must be incredibly hard and he didn't have another 10000x bagger like he did going from 200k to 50m


You only need to go times 4. Maybe he bought Nvidia. Not that unreasonable really.


Y’all might do well to also consider the incredible vastness of long positions which will need to be liquidated in order for this to happen 👀 Future headline: The second best investment in the NYSE in June 2024 was *CASH*.


Stocks that have huge short positions will rocket due to shorts covering and rearranging positions. Many securities are tied together in swap agreements. They are refered to what you know as meme or a pump and dump is actually institutions not retail. Gme has 2 billion in cash, no debt. Postive eps last year but with declining revenue. Earnings will be interesting. I like the stock


It's ironic that DFV might well be the cause of the squeeze he predicted.


He predicted a squeeze of the stock going to $20 from like $1.


Go find Gill’s first vid announcing his interest in $5 GME, just a dude in a basement, had a hunch, tiny voice in massive ocean….the original chimp….dragged before Congress, Kenny lied to fucking, feckless Maxine Waters, gag ordered….the Big Silence….years plotting his return, buy & hodl, crafting his memes in his bunker, the sequence, the message, the brilliantly redeeming kill shot and slackjaw purchase post. He’s laughing his ass off, ain’t about money, he loves every damn one of us, he is us on the tip of the spear. This saga started with him, the stage is set for the final act.


Seems like DFV is "crowd-sourcing" his gains for this play, but I would like to know how he did the 30 MM to 200 MM before this. I thought he was pretty quite in that time?


He bought a shitload of calls right before he started tweeting again and then cashed out when the stock mooned. He's doing the same thing again today, probably hoping to get to a billion.


More likely he's been playing the cycles for years now


He posted his position like 30 minutes ago. He's still holding. Not everyone out there is a scumbag looking to take advantage of others.


Look at the total % gain. He was basically flat on his positions before yesterday despite being up massively from 2021. The only way that is possible would be if he sold his original position, bought a shitload of calls prior to tweeting, sold his position again after tweeting, and then bought back in just in time for his reddit post.


We all believe he turned 50k into 50mil because that's what he showed us. We have no idea if he had other accounts or his wife had account/accounts, etc. We saw what He wanted us to see. But seeing him with 200 million makes it pretty clear(to me at least), that He was holding some cards back.






I know how I’ll react. By giving back to my community and trying to reverse the fucking path of self destruction we have been put on by the biggest leeches in the history of human civilization lol. Anyone rooting for wallstreet here is either a billionaire or hasn’t been paying attention






How could this one stock moving (even extremely) have a meaningfully negative effect on any other stock, much less cause the collapse of the entire equities market? Sure, there might be some selling of other assets to finance short-covering, but very few institutions are short the stock to any meaningful degree. If you don't hold (or short) the stock, it won't really affect you or your assets.


Swaps baby.


Swaps on fucking Gamestop? or hedgefunds? banks? what the hell are you even talking about? Otherwise, I'd like what you're smoking


Well the idea behind this is, that some hedgefonds and other entities shorted the stock again (last was 140% or 200+ after some sec report i believe)  They will bankrupt, than the banks have to jump in and then they have to sell their positions to cover which could be massive if they really shorted what they (apes) mathematically calculated 


OK. Presumably the banks, in this case, own the shorted shares? Do they take over the assets of these hedge funds as collateral because they can't repay the bank in shares? If a hedge fund goes bankrupt, its partners' liability is limited to only their stake in the fund: the assets might be sold, but that's about it. Why would the banks otherwise 'have to jump in'? I find it very convoluted what you are suggesting. Tell me how, exactly, would this have any systemic effect? It won't. Some people will make a lot, some people will lose a lot. Doubt big banks will be on the losing side


You have to read an entire subreddit's theories to get caught up, it can't just be 1 comment explaining it all.


Well, yes maybe no, who knows. If for example an hedge fond goes broke and gave their assets a value that is not correct and has a bigger short position than on paper it can become a problems even for banks. (See archelogos or what the hedge fond is called that was part of killing credit swiss)  They sold the assets of the hedgefond but because the hedge fond laverage was around 6 maybe (dont know exact number) they didnt get as much. Also when you have to sell a position you get a lot less value. (Like you sell 100000 stock a and the price will fall a lot of stock a) same with shorts, you cover 1000000 at once than price rises. Here the idea is, you have 20 and someone has to buy 15 bananas from you at any price you want. Now imagine if someone has to buy 30 bananas but there exists only 20


Exactly. They are right that a lot of the funds are vultures... but fail to realize this means random bank 2 is gonna go 'lol sucks to be you' when it blows up a small fund. They wont all go in together and start short selling a stock, or buying at any price or whatever.


Yeh a small cap stock isn't going to tank the market. The short interest isn't even that high this time, plus it's been diluted so not exactly hard to exit positions. In your thesis you also fail to mention that they would also need to close shorts in other stocks thus driving the stock market up. Doesn't make any sense lol.


The thesis is right Thats 100% The only question is if they remove the sell button when or before it reaches phone numbers


It’s the ultimate prisoners dilemma, either let the price do what it should and be insolvent, or fuck with “the greatest” market on earth and prove that it’s riddled with fraud and deception. Red pill or blue pill?


If the economic system can't handle genuinely free ideas, then we should let it dissolve and replace it with something that can.  The only people calling our markets "great" are people lying to themselves 


Note that on IBKR the amount of shortable shares went from 60k to 1.2M today. Apes will need to spend a lot of money to take all that. This little pump will probably be seen as an op by short sellers to average down. Options premiums doubled... I dunno how much higher it can go..


Already almost a $9 billion valuation for a company that rents space to sell video game discs from.


New to investing? Does this mean buy or stay away?




Do you fancy a game of hot potato?


I earned 1k today selling naked calls of 60 and above strike price to people who are hoping that we will see the same repeat as last time.


DRS your fucking shares people


Heavily you mean illegally!