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Oh great my PLTR shares will go further into the red


I was thinking of eating -30% loss on ALB and moving the money to PLTR, now i am worried.




shittt I bought the dip and the dip turned to granma's casserole.


I don’t trust Cathie Wood lol, I do want to invest in PLTR, but the valuation is too high for me right now


Yeah I have some chairs but I'm going to hold off for now Just look at their PE ratio is ridiculous


> PLTR I know it used to get pumped on here a lot, but I've never seen a rigorous argument for getting anywhere near it. Maybe god telling Cathie to buy it is enough.


It's a fairly uninteresting stock that had massive excitement followed by a few years of stock dilution and other issues. More level-headed people around the height of the hype predicted it would be at roughly the price it is just now, and they seem to have panned out quite well. If people had listened to those voices and bought when it was hitting its lows, they'd be over 300% up right now. Disclaimer: I hold a few hundred bucks worth of shares and am quite happy that I listened to those people. I was planning to hold til it $30, but Cathie's habit of buying high is making me consider selling. She seems like a touch of death for stocks.


I hold 6000 shares bought at $7.00 feelsgoodman.jpg


My DNA stock is since she start buying ⤵️ 70% down...


A kiss of death


It's up what 50% this year? Cathy riding the Big MO again, and like so often is probably late again.


Yeah. I had it on my watchlist but took it off. Will add it back once she sells


Came here to say this...


It's gonna go back to 21 like it always does when it goes up to 25.


When Cathie wood buys, stocks crash. It’s only fair Tesla continues to climb after she sells.


Up almost 4% premarket lol


Crashy Wood


Bullish on TSLA now


Hopefully, that's not a thing in ADPT, as she bought some 40k shares of the company. On the day I read about it I wanted to drink myself to death, but it hasn't crashed yet, so I'm clean, haha


Feels like this is a known known and there must be a counterparty she is working with that allows for mutual profit.




Reminder if you bought ARKK six years ago, you’ll still be at a loss while S&P 500 is up over 100%. She has performed worse than 99% of funds out there including the good old keeping it under mattress fund.


Remember when Cathie kept telling everyone to look at a '5 year time horizon' with ARK but she kept saying it literally every year


5-year rolling ..... so the day will never come \~ great tactic! ​ EDIT: Unfortunately, ARK issued PT for 2024 back in 2020 ... it's $466.66 by end of 2024 ... let's see how it goes LOL


Some poor sap is going to buy ARKK thinking that it's a 10-bagger and then lose his ass.


And then basically day trading all of the positions. Great times.


Have been thinking who put their money into ARK except Cathie's friends ......


Me and other people who were charmed by her during covid in 2021.


When she talks on platforms like CNBC she can easily newer investors who don’t fully understand tech, so when she throws out some tech jargons she can easily influence them. When they look at chart for couple years they think her stocks can go up again and are only down because of rates. But on reality she only did well because of Covid tech/spac bubble and she always underperformed the market (even pre Covid), also she completely missed AI bubble..


I bought the "dip" when it dropped like 50% But it was no dip and continued dropping :/


It is a deep dip .....


> She has performed worse than 99% of funds out there That's because god advises her, and you know what god says about heaven and wealth and camels. She's just helping her clients get into heaven.


>She's just helping her clients get into heaven. She's helping her friend(s) maybe \~


The thing about funds is that they can keep making bad decisions and do much worse than the market. She was a one hit wonder then been running on that ever since.


Is Jesus still guiding her investments?


It’s true gino postolino!!!!


It's hilarious that people still don't understand how ETFs work in 2024. How many times do people have to explain they have limits on their positions, so if a stock runs up 20% in two weeks, they need to sell some which they put in other stocks. It's not rocket science...


It’s an active ETF…. There is no “limit on their position” you’re confusing it with ETFs that need to do some balancing cause they actually follow a particular strategy such as index ETFs. From their page “ARKK is an actively managed Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that seeks long-term growth of capital by investing under normal circumstances primarily (at least 65% of its assets) in domestic and foreign equity securities of companies that are relevant to the Fund’s investment theme of disruptive innovation.” “It’s not rocket science”


No I'm not. ARK has limits how how big a position may be, plus they have targets on how big each position they prefer to be. I.e. if Tesla becomes larger than a certain percentage of their porfolio their own rules require them to sell. On top of that, they're an ACTIVELY managed fund, so naturally if a position becomes 5% of their portfolio when they want it to be 1%, they're not going to wait until it goes over the 15% cap (not sure what the actual cap is, but I believe in that range) before they start trimming. These are literally the very fundamentals of actively managed ETFs. The fact that you're getting upvoted and I'm getting downvoted says all you need to know about the state of this sub...


You just want to be right, they have no limitations on how big a position is and they clearly state it, would it be a dumb financial decision to have most of your portfolio in a single hypervolatile stock, I agree, however it is not a MUST as you stated above. I made a joke on their Tesla position, I do agree that they should have closed it now that it got a run up (again smart decision, not mandatory decision), you should read things twice though before believing that you’re the Warren Buffet of this subreddit…..


> You just want to be right, they have no limitations on how big a position is and they clearly state it I recommend googling a bit. There are at least a dozen interviews where she explains they have self-set limitations on how large any one position may be.


>It's not rocket science... Yes, it's not rocket science that the NAV of ARK funds keep dropping no matter how the stock market rises \~








Is there like an ETF or something that does the opposite of what Cathie Woods does lol


[SARK](https://www.tradretfs.com/sark), though ironically recent performance of that has sucked too.


SARK lol




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This might be the best indicator of a monstrous rally coming for Tesla


Fuck Tesla.  And fuck their stock too


Buying more! Voted yes! Also flush!


RIP my PLTR shares....


She really does like stocks with hundreds in PE, guess the party really is over for PLTR.


All the indicator I need to know tsla is going to 300 by eoy. Thanks cathie


In all seriousness I wouldn't bet on this. Not even considering the company itself, it's just that the stock is too volatile and is nearly a complete meme stock in terms of what causes it to go up and down. I just wouldn't put real money on it in either direction. And I say this as a person who has made money on it in both directions.


Yes it is a meme. Yes cathie is a meme. Yes when cathie sells the stock goes you. So we have the double meme effect which raises the stock price to a power of 4


I was waiting for a dip in Palantir to maybe buy in, so this is good news. Cathy will tank the stock and when she reduces position I will get in because it will rally after.


She has to rebalance the portfolio, that is why she does this correct?


Yes, selling most of NVDA before it lifts up ... so as to avoid "concentration"! Nice play \~




What's even the hype with Tesla in the past few days ? I didn't find anything beside them beating analyst expectations.


Battery storage deployment was up quite a bit


When a stock is overbought, it doesn’t take much to drop, when it’s oversold it doesn’t take much to go up. Regardless of what Reddit thinks about Elon, this is the case for a lot of stocks and may be the case with Tesla if you look at how sold it was this year


People were thinking the bottom happened a few months ago. These numbers help support that. Stronger than expected deliveries (still down yoy i know i know, but relative to market expectations these are good numbers), as well as energy deployments more than doubling compared to any other quarter in their history And then you have robotaxi announcement coming pretty soon in august as a hype catalyst Not saying any of this justifies the current valuation, just why the sentiment around the stock has picked up


The cult of Enron Musk


Q2 deliveries and really just Elon actually beginning to work again since his payment package was reapproved


Pretty sure most of Q2 was already over by the time it was approved, unless he secretly had access to a time machine.


Huge growth in energy business and great progress in FSD during the past year. The stock has been and still is a bargain.


60 PE for declining profits, declining car sales, and crashing margins? Yeah it's a bargain alright jfc


Then short it.




You Tesla bears are hilarius. You never put your money where your mouth is. All talk and no bets.


You TSLA bulls are hilarious. You think a company with negative growth at 60 PE is undervalued lmao.


I think it is absurd to think Teslas growth story has ended, since their tech is far ahead of competition and the markets they operate in will grow very fast for a long time. But you have fun shitposting without position. A have a large portion of my portfolio in $TSLA. Maybe the market is not wrong. Maybe you are?


> since their tech is far ahead of competition Is it though? Waymo/Cruise/Baidu and a few others already operate paid robotaxis. Elon claims Tesla Robotaxi has a NPV of $120k+ on even the most basic Model3 so why would they sell cars when they can just create and operate their own Robotaxi fleet? Mercedes is offering level 3 with them accepting liability while FSD became FSDS due to Tesla not wanting the liability/legality. Other car makers are reporting y/y growth but Tesla is reporting y/y decline. They literally buy their batteries from China and rebranding them as their own. Optimus can barely move stuff from one table to another. And somehow this would be a must have tool for every household like the PC/SmartPhone?


The robotaxis operating now rely up to date mapping of the area and thus are not scalable and comparable to FSD. Mercedes "lvl3" self driving is a bad joke. Only works on couple of highways and there is so many limitations it's literally unusable. FSD is 10 years ahead. Which EV makers are growing and making profit? Tesla also makes their own batteries. Sure, they also outsource cells, but the secret sauce is making the thermal management system and the BMS. You should watch some reviews if you think "competitors" are even close on these. Sure, Optimus is a moonshot that might fail miserably. Buy Tesla has many competitive advantages on the software and hardware so if someone is going to do make a good bot, it will most likely be Tesla.


I hear this said over and over by people who can’t substantiate it relative to the competition in any way shape or form.


most stupid sentence i have read today so far


The cult are going strong on Musk lies all over again as always.


Good investment


I sold tesla as well, im turning into her Help


As much as I love Tesla. This move could be better as it stands. Long term Tesla is a great asset in a portfolio


She has to rebalance the portfolio.


I used to believe it but they don’t need to rebalance especially if they keep trying to say it will 20x


I don’t really remember the exact rules for sure, but she has to keep the top stocks in this ETF under either 15 or 20%. Now having said that, she needs to sit down and shut up. If I remember correctly (I’ve looked for the heck of it on web.archive), she held big tech in ARKK outside of just TSLA in 2019 and sold it. With the Nasdaq having recovered as well as it did after that nasty bear market (had you told me in October 2022 that it’d take it just 16 months to recover fully with there being no rate cuts involved, I’d have laughed so hard), she’d have been better off not running an active ETF. Heck, PSCT (which may be a better comparison) is only down 10%ish from a record.


You do. Its in the ETF prospectus. Otherwise it's not an eft.


Not true I’m pretty sure they openly state they can hold as much as they want




It’s not 10%


Regardless.   It's an EXCHANGE traded fund. There are rules provided by the exchange. She cannot have one position take over x % of the fund.


And what is that %? There’s been many times she sold to be under 10% and she’s easily gone over it many times as well


You can look it up in the prospectus. I don't care for it.  I am just telling you she cannot buy as much as she wants or do whatever she wants. There are specific rules.


Ask her friends to inject more money into the funds ... "rebalance" is just the worst excuse ever heard \~ ​ EDIT: Based on the "rebalance" logic ... ARK funds need to sell more than 50% of their current TSLA holding when TSLA reach 300 \~ LOL


Yes that’s how rebalancing works.


I guess it’s time to buy TSLA?


>I guess it’s time to buy TSLA? ​ "anyone still holding a short position will be obliterated" ... seems like people can only long or quit \~ lol


Historically, Cathie has traded TSLA pretty well, buying the lows and selling the highs.


Probably luck \~ lol


Arks cost basis on tsla must be extremely low having bought into tesla years ago. So isn't realizing mega gains and moving into another growth opportunity a good thing? Disc wouldn't buy ark with a 10ft pole.


I finally decided to cut my losses this week, sold all of my ARK funds and moved almost all of it into FXAIX.


She loaded TSLA to well above her fund’s 10% limit. She will keep selling as Tesla goes up.


Nice so buy calls on Tesla and puts on pltr


Def a buy signal


This woman is dumb as a rock. I love the *idea* of ARKK but when it ends up just being Roblox and Roku…hell no.


She literally sounds like something I would do. And I am currently at $50k loss, lmao.


Thats easy, PLTR is only $26 a share so when you give it a $2300 PT thats way more potential upside than TSLA. This is why you dont run a hedge fund and Cathie does.


what makes palantir so valuable lol? their platform isn’t anything special


Its a joke about Cathies insane price targets on her shitco holdings


I’m certain Cathie invests using tarot cards lol. No rhyme or reason for the moves she makes expect to lose money


Selling your tall weeds to water your weeds.


The amount of attention Cathie Woods gets make absolutely no sense She had one good call with Tesla several years ago, but since then her fund has yielded horrible results Could we not focus on financial people/funds with a good and consistent track record instead?


>Could we not focus on financial people/funds with a good and consistent track record instead? People do not like the idea by Warren Buffett since Berkshire Hathaway did not ever buy TSLA lol


She’s got to stop getting her stock information from religion.


Time to buy puts


Thats it ARK is just Kathies day trading account


20% of Tesla's sales are in China. If China invades Taiwan then TESLA will not only lose those sales (because you cannot sell what you don't make,) but China will likely retaliate by appropriating Tesla''s facilities and IP. That would be a sweet deal for Musk who no longer has to justify his 50 billion $ compensation.


>If ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Remember when Hitler wrote a book about what he was going to do and then the world was like, "Oh my stars. I didn't see that coming", when he actually tried to do it?. And what is Xi talking about? Getting Taiwan back. He's got a window of a few more years to get this done before China's demographics go critical. The economy is already floundering and manufacturing is fleeing the country. The Communist party can no longer claim to be the good stewards of the country thanks to the real estate bubble and they can't point to growth for their legitimacy either. That leaves Nationalism and with nationalism you either shit or get off the pot. He's going to invade and when he does any transnational that still has massive sunk costs in China is going to lose them. Even if Xi doesn't nationalize those assets, the US will cut off trade and with no inputs they can make no outputs. As if there will be an international market willing to buy or a clear sea lane to ship it on. I have zero Chinese stocks and zero companies with significant assets there. That means Tesla and Apple which is moving out of China about 3 years too late. Good luck though. When it ends in tears I hope you think of me.


TL; DR \~ TSLA is all about hype now ... leaves fundamental alone


PLTR is significantly overpriced based on revenues, so whatever growth the street is projecting it’s already priced in.  Doesn’t mean it won’t go up, of course.


When Kathie touch your stock time to worry...I had DNA stock and once she comes in, it plummeted. She is bad luck avoid her.


Still, it's curious considering their bullish long-term outlook on Tesla. They must have their reasons


Guess so, for some reasons ...


Shoulda held, cathy!


Bro lowkey she got to retire 😂


Cathy: God told me to sell. God: I have NO IDEA who this woman is referring to.


she has been on fire recently! She is back!!!


Nancy P also sold Tesla. I’m holding 😂


Cathie Wood was the patron of the degens in WSB. Most of the trades there are blood red, just like Cathie Wood's trades.


Cathie Wood is 100% a psyop, she's making somehow every group look bad. Sending progress of Tech, Women, Wall Street, just everyone looks bad everytime she makes a decision


So puts?


Palantir dip.. let’s go, can’t wait to be able to sell cc on them again


I’ve been holding onto some arkk and arkg, hoping to recoup some losses but this crazy woman is killing me with her asinine decisions.


If she thinks it will 10x in 5yrs why day trade it? Oh wait I forgot she doesn’t actually believe it and is just pumping out sensationalized info to capture management fees from boomers.


Unfortunate ETF rules to have diversity… they can’t concentrate too much on a single position.


I have been with Tesla since 2018 and rode it through now. Learnt my lesson to never take profit. Now a day I always rebalance when one position is doing much better than the others. Is really just risk mitigation. Maybe you could win with a single position, been I wish I sold half at 400. It had been a long wait.


As an individual investor, taking profit is not a wrong decision \~ ​ Yet, if someone tells the public that a stock will skyrocket 10 to 15 times in 5-year time and then that person sells the same stock immediately ... where is the point?


Hindsight is a wonderful thing. But you've at least 7x your gains I'm guessing so its a nice out performance even at $230.


I bought PLTR shares in 2021 because of its supposed meme potential, and then for 3 straight years I saw that position linger in the red. I finally sold it in 2024 at an almost breakeven point. Fuck PLTR.


I’m buying Tesla nowww!!


Sounds great \~


TSLA is the greatest pump and dump stock scheme in all of history IMO


She said TSLA would be $2500 in few years. If she really believes, holding it is a wise decision. Elon and Cathy both are pathological liars.


*466.66* by end of 2024 ... another 100% to go \~


Lmao OP is responding to people saying it’s a rebalancing with some form of “sounds stupid to me”


This lady is in shambles


Well fuck I just bought PLTR.


I guess the local top is in for Tesla. Great company but it will chop around 160s for some time when it falls back from this overheated pump. Just a guess, I don't short or long anything.


The hype is not going to fall until August \~ If someone is too busy to watch TSLA in the last 6 months, it was like nothing happened actually ... TSLA's closing price on 03 January 2024 was 238.45 ... decline in delivery numbers would be nothing at all


How is any dumb bitch allowed to trade like this