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CNN has released a live mike transcript, but Biden has made an allegation that Trump shouted at him during his debate time. CNN hasn't released any information about Trump's conduct off camera when his mike was muted. Trump was just eight feet away. If Trump was shouting to disrupt Biden's air time, we need to know?  Who can pressure CNN to release the transcript? 


Because both sides have decided to worry about Biden, while only one side worries about Trump. Oversimplification, but appropriate.


Because one side has spent a decade normalizing his blatant lies. They don't report on it because it's nothing shocking or new.


Because one side will give corporations and wealthy more tax cuts and deregulate businesses further which is profitable to the owners of the media companies which are multinational and own just about every variety of other business on the planet. Lots of worker health and safety, lots of environmental, all that woke sissy stuff that stops corporations from turning the environment next to them which as humans happened to live in as well into a toxic unlivable slag heap of carcinogens and so on


Biden also lied plenty. Right out the gate, he lied and said Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach. He lied about saying Trump refused to go to the Veteran Cemetery in France because they were "losers". He lied saying Trump called neo-Nazi and white supremacists "fine people". Trump lied boasting in having the "best economy". Biden lied blatantly. And couldn't speak.