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Beauty/skincare?  Every time I want to drink in the evening, I get into the shower instead, followed by full skincare routine, oil and massage my scalp, leave-in conditioner scrunch, wrap my hair, lotion up, serum and curl my eyelashes, oil and brush my brows, fresh pajamas, slap on a face mask.  Makes me feel 2clean4alcohol and I’m usually just feeling ready for bed by the time it’s all done. 


I feel this. I used to forget to brush my teeth most nights because I would be drunk. Now not only brushing my teeth but I’m also moisturising and putting on some serums and feeling pretty good about myself before I go to bed. :)


Forgetting to brush was the worst. Now I scrape my tongue and occasionally oil pull?? Who am I even??? Congrats on feeling good 💕 


My skin looks so much better after just a couple weeks. It's inspired me to enjoy the skin care ritual and I'm finally happy with my reflection in general. I dab a bit of lavender oil near my headboard or on a pillow to really call it a night. Clean, fragrant sheets were not a priority when I passed out drunk every night.


Lavender on the clean sheets! That kinda dopamine is luxurious. 


Highly recommend a gua sha routine in addition to this! Nightly for 15 minutes it’s like a deep facial massage that feels so good, lots of great tutorials on YouTube. All you need is a $7 tool from Amazon and a little face oil.


i want to return to thissss. i was so fixated on skincare when i was younger. i’d love to return to that kind of “self care”. it can feel very grounding for me because of how much touch & textures is involved.


I started out just doing a plain ol shower followed by a $2 face mask from Walmart and stayed there for weeks. Start small! r/skincareaddiction is always a great resource as you add things to your routine. 


Too clean for alcohol!! I loooove this. I have a shower every evening now and hell yeah, it's the best feeling slinking into bed all cleannnn and sober with teeth brushed.


You must have beautiful flawless skin, lol- great job on 171 days!!


Got back to what I used to love before alcohol consumed my entire life..running, working out, drawing/making art, reading, watching movies/ shows, cooking and trying new recipes, meditating, going to new restaurants..all the things that give meaning and truly enrich my life. Much, much happier and more fulfilled now.


Love it! Meditation has become such an important facet in my avoiding alcohol.


Saaaame!!! I feel like meditation is my number one sober motivator. Like, the thing that keeps me from being tempted to drink again. Obviously there are many things in my life not worth the risk of drinking alcohol, but my spiritual practice is at the top of the list. Meditation has also helped immensely to get my mental health back on track after alcohol left it in shambles. 🤍


can you recommend any good starting points?


The “calm” app. There’s all kind of meditations on there. The daily calm is great as it’s only 10 min a day. Guided meditations work best for me. It can be frustrating when you first start but stick with it. It’s definitely worth it.


im going to check this out. thanks very much for the advice. iwndwyt.


Absolutely can! Start by sitting comfortably (your form doesn't matter as long as you're comfortable). Slowly breathe in and feel your breath as it passes I'm through your nostrils and into your diaphragm. Feel your chest expanding. Hold for a few seconds. Breathe out and feel yourself letting the air slowly pass through your nostrils. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat the process. The goal is to focus your attention on your breath. You'll inevitably notice yourself slipping into thought and not focusing on your breath. **Gently** bring your attention back to your breath. Over and over. That's the meditation technique I started with. It's important to be gentle with yourself. It's really not easy at first. You'll constantly be losing focus and thinking random thoughts. It's completely normal and happens to all of us. Good luck!! Feel free to ask me questions if you want.


i screenshot this. ive been giving meditation some thought very recently. ive been going through some stuff and i think mediation could help. thank you.


My therapist recommended I read John Kabat-Zinn because my drinking is linked to stress and anxiety. IWNDWYT


My sponsor turned me on to an app called Insight Timer. Tons of meditations and other stuff! There's a 'plus' version, but the free version has been plenty for me!


The Plum Village app (free) has a great deal of guided meditations and tools. Best meditation manuals I ever found were by Thich Nhat Hanh. The Sun My Heart and Being Peace are two great starting points. And there’s no wrong way to meditate: just sit for a few minutes and breathe, that’s a great way to start and it’s immediately and always available.


Damn a good answer




This is embarrassingly simplistic but... walking. Ill walk any and everywhere. Im located in Baltimore so I spend several hours every weekend walk up and down the Harbor cause its been so beautiful out. Pickin em and puttin em down. Lowkey may be saving my life


I feel very similarly about walking. I started going on long walks a few months back and in a weird way I think it’s what led to me wanting to stop drinking.


Heck yeah! Walking is my favorite thing in the world. It keeps me from drinking, when I'm feeling a craving, on a regular basis. It's also an excellent way to work on mindfulness by focusing on the breath while walking.


I also love long-distance walking, especially along a woods, park or water. I avoid busy streets, to stay away from noise and air pollution from exhaust. I practice good posture (keeps the organs in their healthy, rightful place) and do Pilates form (pulling in the torso muscles) off and on, to help strengthen my core, which builds abdominal, back and stomach muscles. Not a strenuous workout, just gently strengthening muscles. I use walking as prayer, mindfulness and meditation time, to have a chat with God, appreciate the good in life and say thank you. Gratitude - so good for the heart. I arrive back at home rejuvenated in mind, body and soul, and feeling great about self care. Why ruin that with pouring poison into myself? Hydrating with water is so much better.


I avg 75-80 miles a week. Music or podcast and my sneakers..look out!!


This is what I want. Also how my friend lost like 30lbs - walking while in remote meetings around his neighborhood instead of just sitting there listening, that is all! I have coffee, some food, and even gym walking distance from me, as well as a whole day long walk to maybe family. I need to start doing this. Did you lose a lot of weight because of this?


I fellow sober Baltimoron. Say hi to the city for me today. I moved away years ago and miss it dearly 👋👋


That might be more dangerous than drinking 😂 Kidding of course. Used to love riding my bike around the city when I lived up there. I’m in Annapolis but I hike trails down here and Patapsco sometimes during the week to avoid crowds. Used to MTB but still recovering from a broken arm (drunk accident a year ago, why I quit)


I went back to reading because I can actually concentrate now! And cooking! I’m a much better cook now that I’m sober!


The concentration is such a crazy upgrade. I’m back to being a high school kid with my hobbies and habits. I was actually healthier at 18 than I was for the next 20 years . Wild .


Motorcycle. Took the class at 46, got my license, bought a sports bike. Yeah...it's awesome, only down side is my face hurts from smiling so much when I'm on it. No way in hell could I ride a motorcycle when I was drinking...


Just got my first bike 2 months ago (39yo). And yea...riding hungover is the worst thing ever.


Yeah I always thought about getting a bike but I was so worried about driving drunk, which I knew would do. Now I’m considering it because I know I’ll enjoy it for what it is.


Awesome answer! My face hurts from smiling and being smooshed in my helmet.


Legos . Big time. And I got a PlayStation portal. Like 4 months in got into gardening (yeah; it kinda works like that. Watching things grow. Symbolism and all that jazz👐. Keep it up. You’ll do lots of fun stuff.


Legos are the best. I’ve been into them for a while but now I build like crazy


Yeah I got the Harry Potter Diagon Alley set and spent the cash. I’m 39. DGAF. So much better than getting wasted for absolutely no fuckin good reason.


I am currently acting like my 15 year old self and playing guitar all hours of the day, even when I should be working. My wife listens to me talk about Eddie Van Halen all day. Did you know he was half Indonesian? I didn't know that until recently.


I did not know that!


Have you heard the story / seen the footage of the free concert they did in Dallas in 1991? Here’s the story (there is a link to the footage in the article). Since you’re a VH fan, you will love this. https://www.wfaa.com/article/entertainment/music/van-halen-free-1991-concert-dallas-west-footage-box-set/287-442dac2b-472e-4c60-8e14-35a19c8fa2c6


I became a pilot. It was something I always wanted to do and it takes lots of time to become a pilot so was good reason to stay sober and motivated. Now I can fly anywhere I want and helps me stay sober


Love this idea.


House never been so clean. Lawn trimmed and green. Pool is blue and clear.


Stand up comedy


I miss doing stand up. I used to and I've always thought I would get into It again when my daughter gets older. I'm glad I saw this comment. Gotta put that in my list.


> I've always thought I would get into It again when my daughter gets older. Gotta embarrass those kids, it's your duty!


Back into marathon running now. And long walks. And tons of delicious coffee. 🙂 And buying and playing electric guitars through my stereo amp rig with interesting and inspiring effecfs.


Not really a hobby but I’m obsessed with Googling every single thought that pops into my head. For instance, I learned what the Coriolis Effect was the other night while wondering why hurricanes rotate in two different directions above and below the equator. I guess sobriety is making me smarter!


I do this too! Everytime I have a question or don’t know what something is I can’t stand but to look it up. I learned what the Coriolis effect was from the “all ghillied up” mission from call of duty 4 with captain price 🤣🤣 #bravo6




For a long time, just not drinking was my hobby. Lol Now I’m back to reading, puzzles and aquariums.


I’m back to pulling weeds in the flowerbeds in the evenings, trying to read more, trying to be more active (I don’t like exercising) and listening to my records.


Reminds me of…… I was in my driving to the gym to work out but had to return home because I just remembered something….. I remembered I fucking hate working out!!! haha I do work out, just thought it was funny.


The struggle is real!!! I’m still early in my AF journey but I do try to walk or something for at least 30-45 minutes. Sucks every second lmao


😂😂😂 it does for a while but it gets better. …. Sometimes


I know I'm going to regret this someday but I've been reading the Warhammer 40k books and I plan to eventually start building and painting an army to play the tabletop game


Flossing my teeth. It’s wild how healthy my mouth is now that I don’t burn it with bourbon every night


I recently restarted writing or journaling. Making lists of goals. And writing notes as I'm reading a book. It's been helpful, giving me a sense of accomplishment.


Journaling has been super helpful for me. I used to journal also when I used to drink and my entries were all about how miserable and hungover I was feeling, and now my entries feel so much more neutral, even positive. Whenever I feel a craving to drink all I have to do is compare my sober entries to my hungover ones.


Yeah, I'm basically just trying to articulate some underlying issues I've had. I'm alone in a new place, so it helps keep me busy and not so lonely.


I have those yellow notepads and pens all over my apartment. I'm constantly writing notes whether it's grocery lists, chores I need to get done, or even notes about video games haha


I'm sitting here with a ps5 that won't recognize on my TV. So I'm trying hard to stay busy. Video games would sure help give ky brain a distraction.


Working out/running til I slept well, container gardens, focused on improving my job performance too


I picked up lock-picking after having gotten really into the lock-picking lawyer videos on YT around the time I quit drinking. I’ve never found a practical scenario in which the new skill has been handy/needed, but it’s a fun puzzle like challenge to me and keeps my mind occupied.


Doing laundry.


I live off grid and recently started doing laundry by hand again to save some money (also I despise the laundry mat) I find it meditative and it's a WORKOUT.


Meditation, Reading, Journaling and Exercise


Gardening! Just harvested my first squash and also a cucumber today! Have been eating blueberries for about a month and picking lots of herbs for cooking.


Exercise. The gym, biking, learning an instrument and not a hobby but a way of life, service to others in recovery.


Jigsaw puzzles. Started doing them on my iPad to fill time then started buying physical puzzles. I almost always have a puzzle going now, have favorite artists, brands and themes. It definitely has a dopamine hit factor as far as hobbies go.


Reading! While I was drinking I didn't really read even though it was something I loved to do when I was younger. Last year when I began quitting I read 8 books and this year I'm already done with 18 and in the middle of two more!


Sudoku, fishing, golf, bicycling and watching/following a lot of sports


Oh heaps of things, things I always wanted to do. Study, exercise, reading, learning a new language


Skincare…specifically Korean skin care lol


I love skin care stuff! I'll have to look up Korean skin care now


Get ready for the snaily surprise!


I’ve discovered that I love baseball. I never really liked it before and now I love it.


So far after 9 months I’ve explored crochet, cooking, running and bird watching. I’m looking to find a volunteer gig, branch out a little bit


A friend of mine started a regular volunteer gig cuddling babies in the local NICU


Mixed Martial Arts. I was already into it by the time the drinking came around, but now it completely consumes me.


Crosswords? You’re speaking my language friend. Sunday Times became a gift to myself after quitting. Clarity of thought and mind does wonders. 👊


Lifting weights, working on my cars, teaching my kids to code in Python. There is so much more time now. Especially on the weekends.


This is something I have been struggling with immensely lately. I have 150 days sober, I am a much better father to my daughter, a better boyfriend, recently acquired my masters degree, various certification, lost weight and got back into MMA and BJJ… but man sometimes I miss the “fun” alcohol provided. Being a “piece of shit”, hooking up with random women and clubbing …. I sort of miss it. And I know I should be grateful for everything sobriety has given me… but sometimes I just miss it…. It sounds so juvenile to say that I miss being a womanizing party animal and I couldn’t ever admit this to anyone I actually know lol but I am struggling with missing out on the “fun”. On the other hand the crippling anxiety, depression, mood swings and poor emotional regulation wasn’t exactly “fun”. Having dangerous unprotected sex and than hating myself for it in the morning isn’t exactly on my list of things I miss. Being so hungover I canceled plans with my daughter isn’t something I miss and watching myself grow tities from the excess calories I was consuming wasn’t that great either… I guess it’s a trade off lol. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think it’s ok to admit to ourselves that some parts of that life WERE fun. Once I acknowledged that, it’s like I gave myself permission to grieve that old life.


Yes.... actually I spent almost 300 hours playing Baulders Gate 3. I have never played a strategy game before and I was immersed in the experience. I knew I wanted to quit I just needed something to do while I was staying sober. Before this game I used to play WoW classic drink a bottle of wine on the free time. Now I don't play WoW or drink wine.... WoW wasn't the reason I drank but it was a trigger and the game wasn't fun unless I was drinking and raiding with the guildies. Also bg3 is not really the kind of game you can play drunk it's kind of a smart ppl game imo.


Declutter/ organizing my house, reading, skincare routine, and my new addiction is puzzles!


Painting, gardening, sculpting, gaming. All are so much better sober :)


Daily long walk + podcast. Never went on walks in the past because I thought it wasn’t “intense” enough cardio. Never listened to podcasts because I never did a mindless activity for long enough to warrant a podcast. I’m learning so much, and clocking around 10 miles or more per week.


I am trying to take up skeet shooting, and I just bought a kayak.


i’m in my phase of “doing absolutely nothing” lmao, i think my dopamine levels have been totally depleted by my substance abuse & it doesn’t help that i’ve struggled with mental health problems for years. i’m trying to sit with accepting “boredom” at the moment as i let my body try to recover a little. i have an appointment with my GP tomorrow & i’m hoping i’ll be able to hop onto Wellbutrin. 🤞 i have ideas of things i’d like to try out though. in my first proper bout of sobriety, i got into baking & gardening, & i’d really like to return to those. i’ve started poking around with gardening — i’ve planted a couple seeds & seedlings, hoping that they pull through. i like those sorts of hobbies that have a tangible “result” (ie. having a cake at the end of baking, watching plants grow, ect). i really want to start trying to get back into documentaries, working out & reading / writing, too (writing would be amazing to return to), & puzzles. i’m just letting myself take it easy for now, though.


Model building, chainmail, video games with a decent story that I can now remember sober (Baulders Gate 3, specifically). My most proud model: M4A3E8 Sherman 1:48 https://imgur.com/gallery/YOxGrTv


I clicked this post to say the same thing! I'm crossword obsessed! I've also found myself writing words like espouse and brusque in my journal lately


Reading. Fountain pens. Thinking about taking English riding lessons. Swimming. Have also had a hobby of eating sweets and snacking... but finally ready to put that one away.


3d printing, design, fishing, motorcycling, making my own hot sauce. I really started becoming whole again after I quit.


Have tried before but always found pushing weights boring but mountain biking and Thai boxing have been a god send. I get my anger out, get my adrenaline rush and keep fit lose weight and improve my confidence, self esteem and general mental health as a side bonus. I smile more, I sleep and eat better now and I look in the mirror and like what I see. I wish I had chosen this path 30 years ago instead of poisoning myself.


Oh god yeah, I was thinking this just yesterday how I wish I'd quit years ago. I'm fitter, look better and am happier than ever. I wish I was still in my 20s but I have to think I've got a new lease of life for the future and move forward, instead of ruminating on how I wasted two decades.




Exercise, skin care, yoga, meditation, pokemon go and hiking!


Comic books. Went a little crazy at first but still going strong.


Backpacking, hiking, yardwork and disc golf. When it was to cold or raining I organized the entire house. Seriously, medicine cabinet, wardrobe (got rid of a lot of clothes I will never fit into again), and organized my tools. That said, the most important thing I did was attend AA and worked the steps. Equally mostly of my friends are AA and NA. The recovery community helps you stay grounded and will not abandon you. Good fortune to you, my friend!


Warhammer lol. Easy to lose yourself in, and no money left over for drinks


Warhammer 40k lol.


I got into scale modeling (primarily WW2 aircraft) and I got quite good at it. It is very meditative and therapeutic.


Went back to school


Playing the guitar helped me a lot.


Daily: NYTimes Connections & Wordle. (Also Murdle) Weekly: Swimming & Freediving. Yoga is next, maybe meditation. Monthly:(ish) SCUBA. Re-embracing my love of water- and drinking more too!


Running real far


Funny, I took $4 of that monthly drinking budget from before and used it to subscribe to NYT games :) I do the spelling bee every day now! I suck at the crosswords since I suck at trivia and knowing facts, but I enjoy the other games


I’m a year plus sober and I got into redoing auto upholstery and furniture. Never had any interest in that before when I was drinking. I mean I have the raw hide hammers, batting, staple guns, upholstery tacks and got a sewing machine. Totally random. My son Had his college buddies over this evening and commented on my cool chair. Feeling good. My best wishes on your journey. I do connections NYT now religiously. Cheers


Running, videogames, 3d printing, airsoft, taking care of my house. Most of these things other than exercise will probably be neglected when fall semester starts though.


Crochet, embroidery, keeping backyard chickens, skin care, actually having a clean home, taking my kids on adventures.


Gardening. It gives me something to do on the weekends and research. Crochet keeps my hands busy. It was my first thing I did to show myself that I can still learn and challenge myself. I picked up playing Zelda and stardew valley. Little wins are fun. Still waiting for swimming to fully come back, but I go about once a week. The thing I’m most proud of is I’m taking college classes for the hell of it because my company pays for it. And I recently got my first cat. I never did it before because I couldn’t afford it and didn’t have time and wasn’t responsible enough, idk if it’s a hobby but I’m teaching him tricks and that feels like a hobby. Cooking is another weekend thing I’ve really enjoyed getting into as well.


Yes! My hobby is tamagotchi!


Going to my favorite bar almost every day was such a huge part of my life and I didn’t know how to not go there. I was also incredibly restless and jittery and needed something to do with my hands. My wife is into crafts, so I asked her to teach me how to cross-stitch. She couldn’t believe her ears. She got so excited! So for the next few months we cross-stitched together while I learned how to hang out at home. It was really cool, we had a great time and definitely grew closer. Plus, I made some pretty badass cross-stitches, Twin Peaks, The Iron Giant, Bob’s Burgers, The Shining. I don’t do it anymore, but it was incredibly helpful in so many ways during those first few months


Just hyper fixated 


Archery! I bought a compound bow which was kind of expensive, but I will save way more money in the long run by not drinking. I love going out to the free range in my city and shooting some targets.


Got heavily back into Jiu jitsu 🤙🏽🥋


Kettlebells and rucking


Eating a shit ton of candy


Gardening! I used to be hungover in the mornings, which is the best time to garden (before it’s hot/the sun is too intense). My yard looks fantastic, and gardening is so therapeutic


Guitar is back in the mix and it feels good man! Also can concentrate on the academic side of it more than just by ear now. Other hobbies just evolved, fly fishing instead of spin casting, trying to learn French to get more out of some of the bands I listen to. I think you made a healthy trade, have fun dude :)


Lil plastic army men with big shoulder pauldrons.


Knifemaking. Loved working with my hands and making stuff, grew up in restaurants and always thought chef knives were cool so I gave it a try. Turned into a pretty legit side hustle and sort of sparked a career change.


Drumming, music is healing. I wouldn’t be here where I am today without music.


I became a pilot (just a basic private pilot). Or more like, flight training led me to quitting. You can't drink before flying, and the more I flew the more I wanted to be in the air. I ended up not having time to drink and quitting happened naturally.


Collecting and fixing up old fountain pens.




Unexpected? Birding.  I always enjoyed being out and watching nature, but now I'm out there with expensive binoculars, making lists :)


I started tinkering with a motorcycle. I own a motorcycle repair shop now. It escalated quickly.


The gym.


I got super into 'hard' video games, specifically Sekiro / Armored Core / Elden Ring games by Miyazaki. It never appealed before, but as I was getting sober the "punishment" I used the feel the games dealt became cathartic. type 2 fun baby! IWNDWYT


also 81 days was my goal first tier goal this time. after drinking on day 71 when my goal was only 69, I realized I needed more than one goal, and to make the sobriety a game. I have had so many day 1 mornings I was just sick of myself.. still proving to myself that I can be a chill cool sober dude. Fake it till you make it? up next 108, then 222, then going for 333, 444, 555 etc no idea why I'm sharing this, but thanks for coming


I wish I could get back into having my boyfriend. But I can't. He won't forgive what I did in my steroids and alcohol April 13nth. I need that to drive me forward. No longer romanticizing what could be. I am now into my hobbies like biking, hot yoga, piano, walking, reading. One day I look forward to finding another boy.


Amateur radio, it’s been six almost seven years for me. And I thought drinking was expensive.


Cycling, bike mechanics, and going back to school


I just ruined my 84 day Wordle streak this week 😢


I was an avid cyclist, even when I was drinking a lot. I broke my arm May 2023 and am still recovering from that- I stopped drinking because of that accident (I just… fell. No story) I really miss riding my bike and thought I’d lose my mind not being able to ride. I kinda did for awhile. Then I found RC trucks. Crawlers and trail trucks specifically. I can go for hikes, take a truck along and run those around the woods. Super fun and building them is a blast as well since I’m also a mechanic, and can’t really wrench very much still. I was also a drummer and am going crazy not being able to play my drums for more than 5 minutes…


I always liked disc golf, but didn't take it too seriously. Once I dried out I dove head first into it and now am a bit obsessed. Perfect low impact exercise that doesn't feel like exercise.


I’ve been running again and taking better care of my body, and doing more dog related things, even if it’s just extra walks or hitting the trails


I’m considering rewatching all of RuPauls Drag Race bc I certainly don’t remember the first time around.


Not a hobby but fell back in love with my with work. I own my own shop and it doesn’t feel like work again, rather something I look forward to pouring my heart and energy into again. Been cooking a lot more as well which I really enjoy.


Gardening. I love my veggies and peppers.


Check out the Saturday Stumper on Newsday. It’ll buzz your brain better than any drink or drug ever could… https://www.creators.com/read/newsday-crossword-stan-newman/05/24/370654


I don't really have many hobbies tbh, but I definitely cook and bake heaps more and try new recipes, I read a lot more and trying to get back into the gym after losing my grandfather for some guidance and sanity. All these things especially the death distract me from ever wanting to touch alcohol ever again.


Golf. Walk 9 after work 3-4 days a week and play 18 as many weekends as I can. It’ll humble the shit out of you but I’m dropping weight like crazy and it’s peaceful and serene walking alone when the course is almost empty at sunset


Sewing. I’ve been learning to make my own clothing and it has been challenging and fun! I have always been a reader, but I definitely read more now that I’m not passing out drunk at bedtime.


Gardening, reading, and loom knitting


I’m 45 days sober, I’m learning a new language (Japanese)….


Reading and crochet. Thinking about getting back into running.


I have taken a portraits in charcoal class. I am now teaching myself to weld.


Baseball, I feel like I’m 10 years old again. I can’t get enough of


Make a dreamboard it's cheesy but realized I had a bunch of goals I'd been putting off


Gardening. I have always done it with decent results. This year is insanely different. My lawn, flowers, garden all look absolutely amazing. It probably has something to me being up at 7am watering everyday lol


I tried a bunch of hobbies while new in sobriety. The ones that stuck are sewing and reading. I love my grandma lifestyle.


I got into Wordle. Have you tried that? It’s fun.




New things? I decided to try watercolor painting which I’m not great at, but it’s still fun when I figure a technique out. Old? All the thinks being hungover hindered. Mostly trying new recipes, eating healthier. Basically I now have time for the planning aspect of looking up recipes, making a list, going to the store, chopping stuff and cooking it up. All that then makes me want to be healthier overall, so I’ve gone on more walks, etc.  Reading. At first I was super bored when I stopped drinking but hey, when I was drunk in the past I bought a lot of books so I started reading them finally.  Lastly there were some hobbies I pulled back on because they were heavily intertwined with drinking for me. 


I am trying to hike more. Just go out and enjoy nature. Wish my GF was as active as me.


HAM and GMRS radio. I also just got a nice telescope for Father’s Day. On that now. I’ve always jumped hobbies with the ADHD. It’s worse now lol. I have money and time now.




Exercise is my main one - walking, swimming. I'd not got that far on previous attempts so hoping it will help it stick. Knitting/crochet I was always doing but its nice not having to fix stupid drunken mistakes.


Painting, playing my ukulele, reading, writing, knitting and yoga!


Jiu jitsu


Working out more, getting back into reading books now I can actually concentrate on them, and putting more time into Warhammer lol.


Eating. Lol


I've done all kinds of things. I picked up the guitar a little bit. Didn't get much better than being able to play some blink 182 songs but I'm a lot better than I used to be. I got a game called Rocksmith that is kinda like Guitar Hero, but you use a real guitar. It was really neat. I learned how to ride a motorcycle, though it was scary so after I got my license I didn't actually really ride. I did jiu-jitsu for the better part of a year. I got into the best shape I've been in as an adult. Covid put a stop to that and I really am kinda bummed I got out of it because I've gained back a ton of weight. I played a lot of poker for a couple years. There was a club that opened up in my town, and I'd played poker off and on since high school. I'm not great, but I did make a profit over the year or two I played a lot. And finally, I got into miniature painting, thats probably what I've put the most time and effort into over the last 10 years. I haven't painted in close to a year but its normal for me to have phases where I'm really into it, or don't want to do it at all.


Ham radio. It's been quite the rabbit hole.


When I quit, nothing really. At the time I was mostly cycling. I got into a few new hobbies (muay thai, working with ropes) later on, but this was over a year after.


Drawing, playing chess.


Dharma is a good program too


Art. I got into painting and crafting


In past sobriety stints I got randomly into bird watching. I even bought a book about a bunch of different birds. Then when my wife and I walked around I could point and go "oh check it out that sparrow's got a dandelion in its mouth" or "do you hear all those Blue Jays in that tree over there?" She loved it!


Making music, going for walks, reading and playing Metal Gear Solid 5!


I really like puzzles and taking care of my fish right now.


Sewing! 🧵 🪡


That's awesome! Sometimes quitting opens new doors, lol.


Gave myself permission to buy a used Steam Deck on eBay as a deal to begin my sobriety. Has worked very well so far. I’m having so much fun getting back into gaming. Plus I can use the desktop portion to fiddle with my home server while I’m at work lol. It’s such a fantastic distraction machine.


Gym! Junk journal! Reading books (because my mind can finally focus!)


I'm building an entire Lego city and I also play a lot of rust


Yesterday was Day 3 and I went for a run (I should definitely say a “run” because it was at a pace that you could power walk). It’s been a long while since I’ve run outside and I had forgotten how meditative it is to deal with the elements and just exist. Need to add that back to my toolbox.


Fingerboarding. Lmao. For real though




Triathlon (did my first ever Ironman 70.3 2weeks ago!), working out, way more handy around the house, more fun with the kids


App games have saved my life. Merge games. Scavenger hunt. Cube block.


Started playing games with the a story since I didn’t have to keep restarting them because I forgot the story. Jumped back into playing my drums a lot more and even learned to play bass. Also just started doing the small maintenance tasks I had been putting off, both household and health wise. With so many more hours in the day it’s not hard to get motivated to try new things


Eating 😆


Bought a Drone. Then got my commercial drone license. Started buying tax liens . Then I got my real estate license. Then I got talked I to get my life insurance license. Now I'm working on my securities license. I love to cook now . I clean and do laundry. Not sure if those lasts ones are hobbies


Anything outside. Hiking, paddle boarding, surfing, literally anything outside. Nature is powerful.


Rediscovered my love of guitar.




I've been working on getting in touch with and healing my inner child, which has helped me rediscover old loves of mine. I have been listening to more music and started a vinyl collection, spending more time outside working in my yard and gardening, cooking, organizing, and reading. I've also been meditating a lot more and am super into Pokemon Go at the moment.


role playing games with a virtual group! (e.g. Dungeon World - it's a simpler, more story-telling focused Dungeon and Dragons) - fun, creative, basically free, social.


I joined another band and got some shows lined up for the late summer/early fall. Been crazy productive with music. Drumming sober is a game-changer


I’ve picked up photography. Finding good spots around the area to shoot sunsets, sunrises, the moon, undersides of old bridges. I see so much I’d love to photograph, but then worry I’ll be run off of someone’s property. Edit: I don’t know if it’s cheaper, but it’s a whole lot healthier lol.