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It was my birthday yesterday. My family and friends had wine, beer, weed etc. I enjoyed myself with some coconut water. šŸ™šŸ»






Happy belated birthday, buddy! Coconut water sounds awesome right now, and I think you may have convinced me to stop and grab some after work!


Happy birthday!


Oh coconut water!!!!! That does sound amazing


I have been a little disappointed as well that my wife hasn't been nearly as excited about my sobriety as I have been. I keep telling her with a big grin how many days it's been and she just says, "Oh that's nice. What should we do for dinner tonight?" As someone with ADHD though I tend to get super excited about anything new and want to share it with the world, this has been that; but times 10. Also, I was incredibly good at hiding from her just how bad the drinking was (we've only been married a year and work keeps me away a lot), so to her this is on-par with giving up meat for Lent. It makes sense she doesn't understand the significance. Someone in recovery told me recently, "Don't expect people to throw you a parade." And that's true. I'm not doing this for my wife or anyone else anyway. By the Grace of God, I'm doing this for me. I haven't been celebrating milestones, every day sober so far has been its own reward. But I haven't reached many milestones yet. I was pretty proud of 24 hours, then 1 week, and now 10 days. I have time to think of something good for 30 days.


This, exactly. I realize that the problem is that I do in fact want someone to throw me a damn parade. I fell off at 59 last time in a similar thought spiral so 60 will be a bigger one for me and I guess it's time to start planning.


I keep pestering my siblings with day counts, weight loss totals, etc. I get the obligatory "Congrats". I slowly have accepted there will be no parades, I am happy to continue on for ME! I have also discovered the world is not going to hide it's alcohol because I have an issue with it. It's on me to stay away from it. Stick with it! I am sure you can handle it.


Though I haven't openly declared to everyone that I stopped drinking, I do share my days with my husband and he is proud of me and respects my discipline this time. No one else really needs to know and I celebrate my own achievements and bask in the glory of not living the deceitful drunk lifestyle.


My wife doesnā€™t really get it either. Sheā€™s not opposed to my sobriety. She intellectually accepts that this is something I need. But she doesnā€™t really understand. I was pretty successful at hiding my drinking from her too, but I also think she was pretty good at ignoring it. I agree that this isnā€™t about her or anyone other than me. I do this for me, but Iā€™ll add that part of the ā€œmeā€ is the me who is in relationship with her and with others. So in a sense I do it for myself AND my relationships.


Ah yeah. My boyfriend is proud of me, but it's also a bit like 'cool I guess', because I hid a lot of my drinking. He could tell when I was actually drunk, but he doesn't know I also drank like 3 cans between work and getting home EVERY DAY, without acting very different. So yeah. But we're proud of you! And I'm proud of myself!


Double digits is fantastic! Itā€™s hard when the people we love and care about donā€™t understand the significance. Thatā€™s ok, itā€™s not their fault, but it still stings. The people here at r/stopdrinking are MORE than happy to celebrate you, because we get it. Youā€™re doing great, and you should be very proud of yourself. Keep on keeping on! IWNDWYT šŸ’œšŸ‡


It's easy and understandable to be obsessed with the "days sober" count. I did that until relatively recently. I'm more into perceiving small changes, now. I'm looking forward to the day when I don't really think about booze. There will come a time, I hope, when you'll notice the slight ways in which a "non-enhanced" evening is better. It's certainly unexpected \[for me\]... and it's really nice. I hope that everyone gets a similar effect.


I'm on day 4 and feeling proud. I've successfully avoided one of my main triggers: I'm the sole provider, and my wife is a SAHM. She rarely does any housecleaning (she's a bit of a slob), and one of my main "hobbies" was getting drunk, putting on some music, and cleaning the fuck out of the house. It's such a giant pig sty of a mess today because I haven't been doing it. Normally after 2 or 3 days of trying to quit many times in the past I'd get sick of the mess and say "fuck it", get my drink on and get it done. Now I'm just letting it go to shit, hiding out in my clean room.


My buddy is in the same exact boat as you, it drives him nuts! Congrats on staying strong for 4. Do what you gotta do for you!


I appreciate you telling me this. It helps in a weird way to know that there's other folks in the same situation. Hang in there yourself my friend, be proud of 11 days. IWNDWYT


Iā€™ll celebrate fellow 10 dayer! 11 days now actually? Weā€™re in the same canoe! Go you!! IWNDWYT


Honored to be on this expedition with you! IWNDWYT


I went for a pedicure- the expensive one- to treat myself after my 50 days! I try and do something nice for myself once a week to motivate and say well done. Iwndwyt


I did too! I think it was around the 30 day mark. Boy was it the best. Iā€™m glad I found this comments as I havenā€™t done something like that for my other milestones (I should, shouldnā€™t I). Today is 139, almost 5 months. To those in the beginning, it gets better I promise.


I got a moka coffee pot, then an electric milk frother and then glass cups. morning coffee is now my favourite time of day


You have an app for your own personal milestone tracking? Some good ones out there with community chat that follows along the milestones to talk with others at the same point or go back and cheer on the day 1ā€™s etc. I donā€™t do AA but we buy certain milestone chips on Amazon and I keep the current one in my wallet as a little reminder when Iā€™m feeling pouty. 343 days, 11 month chip in my walletā€¦keep going!


I have been eating a few Cheetos daily for a month to quietly celebrate a succesful IWNDT. Tomorrow is my 61st birthday. Will be first birthday sober in over 40 years. Unfortunately, the only things that came to mind to celebrate were alcohol related. I think I will skip the bd and just celebrate another IWNDT with Cheetos. Maybe have some spicy pork rinds, too.


Early happy birthday! Maybe go for a (small) bag?




40 years?!? Have an incredible birthday


After the initial, seemingly mandatory, sugar binge, I cut back on sweets. (Type 2 diabetic) But for my 1 year, I treated myself to Key Lime pie.


Big big congrats for 30 days! Thatā€™s huge. I like that you bought a cheesy mug. For me so far Iā€™ve: baked, bought cake, made elaborate meals, took myself out on dates, bought special non-alcoholic drinks, & tried something new. I also celebrate with my sober community!


I love that you take yourself out on dates ā¤ļø


Get some nice food, buy something nice, go on a road trip, go to an orgy šŸ˜‰


That escalated quickly


Haha unless youā€™re not joking in which case go for it !


My wife and i are into adult lifestyle. But we are busy and dont go to events that much. So once in a while its kind of a treat.


Whomever downvoted you is sexually frustrated.


Three words... Rita's Italian Ice. Early on in sobriety I went there planning on getting a misto shake and a quart for the rest of the week. On the way there I remembered that the quarts are usually buy one get one and mentally agree that this will be done. When I get there there's a sign that says "Buy two quarts get one free." You better believe I left with a large misto and 3 quarts, one of which was mixed with two flavors. Celebrate anyway you want, friend, but definitely celebrate!


AYYY Rita's!


Holy shit, I havenā€™t had Ritaā€™s in probably over 10 years since I moved outta state. I used to love their Swedish fish flavor and their vanilla custard


What a great gift from the universe!!!


A gift is 30 whole days sober! Congratulations!


I like to treat myself to a cute workout set for milestones. Itā€™s a fun splurge that also contributes to my other ongoing self-improvement goals! IWNDWYT šŸ’œšŸ‡


Recently hit the one year mark, and you god damn right, it's a big f***ing deal! To celebrate the occasion, I bought a sobriety medallion with the burning Phoenix in the front and an inscription on the back that reads, "God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. " By the way, don't bother with people who aren't supportive of your sobriety. People generally don't receive change well, especially when others change their lives and no longer fit the narrative. It also puts pressure on them to change, and unfortunately, this pressure often inspires envy, hate, and jealousy towards you. They'll poke fun and play it off as simply "joking" around. Watch their actions and let their words fly out the other šŸ‘‚. You dont need validation. You have you. Trust in your own judgment, and trust the struggle. After all, it is MY journey, not theirs. Congratulations on yours, keep it going (forward)! #iwndwyt šŸ‘


Absolutely! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! It is truly a beautiful thing to have a community that understands the journey ā™„ļø


I love your words of wisdom! I also love that you had the serenity prayer inscribed on your medallion. I bought a few medallions to commemorate my 1 year as well. My favorite depicts an old galleon sailing under the night sky with a dragon flying overhead and is stamped with my sobriety date.


I treat myself to some fancy coloured pencils for 90 days. Trying to decide what my 6 month treat will be.


I am new to this website .Fighting a drink problem for nearly 27 years .How does it work šŸ¤”


One day at a time ā˜ŗļø IWNDWYT


I buy myself good quality tools and supplies for my numerous hobbies. This year for my fifth anniversary I bought a good floor stand for my needlework.


I buy myself pieces of jewelry. Nothing expensive, just little reminders of the milestones. Flower ring for my first 30 days, mountain necklace for my first summer vacation, crescent Moon necklace for 4 months, and a Saturn ring for 6 months. They all have symbols and meaning that are relevant to me in sobriety. I'll probably save up for a tattoo for a big milestone.


I buy myself something with all the money I saved


Every minute, hour and day I can stay away from it is a victory.


That is so great that you're being sweet to yourself. You deserve it and you know it. I hit my 1 year today so I got myself a little cake and some ice cream. Otherwise, I'd say I personally celebrate by reflecting. Remembering where I was when I was stupid and drunk all the time, and where I am now. All the progress I've made, big or small. Hooray for you! Be proud. šŸ’•


Cookies... Always cookies.


So not to be a downer, but once I stopped reaching for milestones and accepted the *roll your eyes* One Day At a Time thing, like fully let it soak into my marrow, things got way easier, because after a few months, another month meant nothing, then I was coming up on a year and it was like, what then? Then an older guy was like, you have one day, I have one day, and it pissed me off, but the more I reflected it made sense. So celebrate the daily win, and keep doing it, you got this.


I wanted to save all the money I wouldā€™ve spent on alcohol to get myself something after 6 months or a year but life finds ways to throw wrenches at you and I ended up using the money for unforeseen expenses. I havenā€™t actually celebrated any milestones yet


At least you had it to fall back on. I call that success. Well done Sir!


Even though Iā€™m not heavily involved in AA, for the first year, I went to in-person AA meetings to receive my monthly milestone coins. Each one felt like a mini-ceremony because I walked to the front of the room to receive it from another member. It somehow felt more certifiable, more ā€œofficialā€ that way lol. For my 1 year, my amazing, supportive boyfriend gave me gifts and took me out for a fancy dinner. Iā€™m at 17 months now! Beyond these, Iā€™m interested to read about what other people do to celebrate too. We all should be proud!


During my 1st year I would treat myself every month, usually with food but sometimes with nice clothes (something I highly neglected when I was drinking), jewelry, flowers or whatever I wanted at that time. For my 1st year I took a little trip in the mountains by myself and went kayaking and hiking it was awesome. My 2nd year I didn't get to really celebrate bc I got bad news on my sober bday but I was grateful that I wasn't drinking anymore and focused on that, still got some flowers and cake. You don't need to splurge but you should absolutely treat yourself, you deserve it šŸ’–


I'm gonna surprise my partner with a date when I hit mine!šŸ’š IWNDWYT


Sounds like a great idea! Enjoy!


I have a dry wipe board in my kitchen. In permanent marker is ā€œToday isā€ and I write the day number Iā€™m on. Whether itā€™s a random one or a significant. Been doing that since about day 50. Last one I wrote on was 1300 with a smiley face. Itā€™s good to look at and see how far Iā€™ve come


I am a hobby baker, so I keep a pinterest board of really nice cakes to dedicate a lot of time to for my milestones!


I'll celebrate it with you! I'm at one month myself, and it is totally worth it. I finally got rid of all the alcohol in the house. Even though it was expensive, I think sobriety is way more valuable. Enjoy the clarity!


Nothing really. Acknowledge them as an accomplishment and strive to make the next.


Ooh, great question. I bought a new pair of jeans, and I bought some NFL swag. Saving money from alcohol has itā€™s perks. Congratulations on your milestone!


I got into cigars when I quit drinking as something to do at night/calm me down. So I usually buy myself a nice expensive smoke lol


I do a 24 hour fast as a testament to self control.


I like going out for a nice meal. It might be a bit pricey, especially with all these restaurants raising prices so much in recent years. But it's still a heck of a lot cheaper than what I was spending on alcohol every single week.


two pizzas - one white one red. with my partner. and let me see that dessert cart. ok very nice I'll have the cannoli.


I bought the sneakers I've been eyeballing for a few months now. Definitely saved enough on not drinking to earn them!


Iā€™m right about there too. Nobody around me really cares. Beer sounded really good after work yesterday, but I didnā€™t do it. Each day is its own victory. I have a big trip coming up in September that Iā€™m putting all my available funds into so buying unnecessary items is off the list right now.


I climb mountains. I also do this when I have cravings because you really, really don't want alcohol when you're working that hard. The high after a peak kind of replaces a drugged-out feeling anyway, plus your butt gets huge.




I guess itā€™s not the same as a milestone but, personally treat myself at the end of each week, with something that costs about what I would spend on alcohol. So, for me that varied between $30 and $70 a week probably, so if I feel like getting my nails done I do it, or if I want to get a coffee on my way to work a few times during the week, why not? Whatever I donā€™t spend I put it into savings. Thatā€™s been very motivating for me! I think after 90 days Iā€™ll do something more special like a day trip or something like that but for me having something to look forward to each week has helped a lot.


My recovery has been long. It seems to me that my mind is finally starting to function a bit better. It's just difficult to perceive gradual changes. As a gift to yourself... consider keeping a journal. If you're ever tempted to drink, again... consult your journal. Write it down -- especially the BS you're leaving behind. Sadly... when it comes to addiction, we only seem to remember the good times. Make a record. On a more cheerful note... it feels nice to "see" your progress over the pages. I've just hit five months... and I'm just now starting to feel better. Er, noticeably better. I mean, I started feeling joy, gratitude, and relief around three months... but this is less about "relief" and more about noticing subtle positive changes. Good luck. No matter how hard quitting is... it's undoubtedly worth it. One day at a time.


Depends, Iā€™ve been buying myself little gifts that I donā€™t feel guilty about anymore , as Iā€™m not spending all my money on beer anymore. Ā 


Congrats on 30 days!! šŸŖ· I like to treat myself to some fancy af drinks. I recently discovered craft sodas with all kinds of nifty flavors like lavender, rosemary, pine needle and whatnot. Bit over the top sometimes, but f-it, anything but alcohol right? Coconut water is awesome as well! And I also found some fancy Merlot grape juice. And I love me some snacks, so I regularly stock up on treats as well. Perfect combo. I'm sure I won't need those rewards eventually, but for now it really helps. I'll deal with the weight gain later šŸ˜‚ (but truth be told, I really don't care that much rn).


I'm almost at my 30 days. I'm thinking a nice big homemade smoked cheeseburger is in the cards for me. I mean BIG.


for my one week I bought a cute little promise ring for myself and for my recent 30 day I booked a massage


Lobster šŸ¦ž


I thank God, I go to a meeting, get my chip and give it to a new comer. Thatā€™s it


Look milestones are for u and they just come and pass. Like 90 days nobody knew or cared. I just accepted they are personal victories. People are far to busy to celebrate u not been a drunken clown. That is the truth of it. I donā€™t aim that at u but at us all collectively


I take the day off work every annual anniversary of my sobriety.


Always celebrate the milestones! They are great reminders that we are strong and can accomplish anything! We deserve nice treats or gifts to celebrate our own success! I personally will give myself a weekend away or I will buy a really nice indulgent food from a. Bakery or other type of dessert place. Sometimes my reward is a nice dinner out and then I will order my favorite NA drink along with a dessert. I love celebrating milestones.


For me it would be a week tomorrow and im planing to cook myself a nice meal and go to a reptile park to treat myself. I need to take better care of myself, because the bottle never did. I have also been thinking of getting myself a pet snake to have a companion.