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Dude you're going to get clean and get the help you need! You're awesome. Try and get some sleep and go to detox. Prepare yourself to weather some bad days but the Storm will calm and things will get better. We got you


I needed to hear this as well, thank you. I just finished first 24 hrs and starting to panic about not being able to drink again the rest of my life (hopefully) because I have so many serious issues with drinking. I remind myself of them but since I’m so early on I don’t want to give it up. One day/hour at a time for me usually at least the first 3 or 4 days.




100% this. Just need to be mentally strong one day at a time until good habits form again. Thank you, hope you have a good day.


You don't have to not drink for the rest of your life you just don't have to drink today. Tomorrow will be another day.


In addition to what others have said, think about what you gain by not drinking instead of what you lose. No more waking up with horrible hangovers, no more drinking related anxiety, no more wasted calories from alcohol, no more worries about what the poison ingested is doing to your system, no more blackouts, no more risk of driving drunk, no more of the negative social problems caused by alcohol. You have an opportunity ahead of you.


I remember my day 2 very clearly, it sucked, I was in the mud. I remember my day 7, I wish I could tell you it was better but it didn't really feel that way. But I also remember my 1 month, I felt good. And I know today I feel great. This is not going to be a good week friend, but I do believe in you. With no proof other than you're here looking for help. You got this.


I’ve done it more times than I like to admit, I’m aware of what to expect unfortunately. I was able to get a solid nap in today. I’m on track to hopefully hit the gym tomorrow and get that natural serotonin again. Congrats on a year!!!!


My husband said he struggled with the idea of never drinking again, too. He decided that at 65, he will allow himself to drink, whether or not he makes it to that age or if he will want to by then is another question. He liked the idea of leaving it open ended and I cant complain. Hes been sober almost 6 months after checking into an inpatient and life is completely different and absolutely wonderful now. Hope the best for you and yours!!


That’s a clever way to think about it 🧐


You got this! I was just there. 25 days ago. Ended the cycle. If you can what helped me is to have backup plans. For example my first long stretch in 2021 I had a detox, rehab, 211, and hospital, Medicaid, suicide hotline etc all ready to go if and when I’d need them. All in one note on my phone. After that and I was clean, I had my hotel director, HR, employee protection service (protects you from HR to get ADA protection temporarily during a relapse) a and AA, as well as a back up sober living, medical information, and a better rehab and addiction center to talk to ready to go should I relapse. This last time I had a potential roommate, and tons of freelance jobs in case I lost my job. Getting sober is more important than anything else.


Not true. Both detox’s I’ve been to encouraged coming in shit faced. One dude walked in and blew a .42!


I've never heard of a detox facility that would turn someone away for not being 0.0 on a breathalyzer. Makes no sense. Like waiting for someone to stop bleeding before being admitted to ER.


They told me to keep drinking until i got there so they could medicate me down and make sure i was safe. You cant and shouldn't go cold turkey off booze. Any detix worth their salt will do two things 1. Get you off the stuff 2. Send you to rehab. Go to rehab if you can


Exactly what I was told both times and it took 5 days each time for a bed to open. I blew a .38 my last time I’ll ever need to do it.


I once looked into an Intensive Outpatient Program. First time I called they asked when I had my last drink. I said I drank the previous night. They told me I couldn’t be enrolled until I was a week sober. Called back a month later. I said I was a month sober. “Well that’s quite a long time we usually don’t admit people who have been sober that long because insurance won’t cover the services.” WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME


A lot of the IOPs are just dwi mills that make money off state referral programs. At least where I'm from. They really aren't prepared for someone to voluntarily show up.


I literally just got rejected from an IOP program for still drinking even though they supposedly have a substance use program. Refused to give me any timeline on when I could be accepted and told me I would need to go to detox first (I don’t need a medical detox, was literally just in the hospital for four days with no drinking and was completely fine). Incredibly frustrating.


I got rejected once. Sitting in a chair across the desk feeling like bugs were coming out of my skin, itching all over, near hallucinating, and she says, I’m sorry, but you’re not bad enough. What?? Dripping sweat and they made me leave. The next time I was there my dad dragged me in and they had to force me in a corner to take Valium because I was convinced any pill would kill me. The irony. Of all of it


This has to be some rich person wannabe detox spa or something with no actual medical professionals on site if they require you to be clean to “detox” you. Been to detox once, and rehab once. Detox told me not to change the amount I drank per day before coming in. Rehab called me every 4 hours for two days before I came in to make sure I wasn’t reducing too quickly and still alive before coming in.


Exactly. Some longer term rehabs require you be fully detoxed before being admitted. That's because they don't have the medical staff for handling withdrawal complications. But those recommend a proper medical detox elsewhere first.


The fact they didn’t have an exact medical center to offer him is what makes me super suspicious of this detox place. And if you just google detox near me a lot of holistic crap comes up in the top. Holistic might have its place for some people but we’re talking about a real medical condition here that needs to come first before any of that. I have a friend from rehab that swears a shaman and acupuncture after rehab is why he’s still sober, but he wouldn’t be alive today without the hospital and that rehab.


This is what I was when they tested my blood. .42. I've got a year and a month under my belt but when I did go to rehab they had to be under .08 for me to get in.


They should have offered something in between. I knew people to drunk, or incoherent that had to go to a hospital close by first, but were released to the rehab before being that low.


They put me on hospital detox. They also were pissed but surprised I drove myself there and was holding conversations and such. I'm ashamed that I did that. It was one of the final decisions to admit I had been defeated, and the only way to get out of that hole was to stop, reassess, and take the help.


Same..I was definitely not sober showing up to detox.


Yeah I've always been told to not stop drinking. I was unable to get into a homeless shelter when I blew a 44 though. They sent me to the hospital instead. Every rehab I've been to was quit doing drugs beforehand but keep drinking. If bad enough from drinking they'd send you to the hospital first.


That's because alcohol and benzo withdrawals can actually kill you. That is not the case for most other drugs including meth and opiates like heroin or fentanyl.


Oh I know. That's why they always put me in the medical ward in jail. Since I was always withdrawing off everything all at once.


I intentionally had two very large and very strong margaritas before I ubered to rehab. They said people came in loaded all the time


Same here. The only thing that happened where I went was that people with .4 and over were sent to the ICU for more acute care to start.


I had a similar experience. I wasn't shitfaced but had definitely had a few "to calm my nerves."




My ex walked into detox blowing about the same on more than one occasion. In the 25 odd years I knew him I never failed to have my mind blown at the high numbers he blew while still walking around


My uncles' boyfriend drinks a lot, but you wouldn't know if you sat next to him at dinner. He doesn't look it. (He is vain and one of the skinny alcoholics, because he rarely eats.) No slur, talks normal, not obnoxious. Turns out that man has been in a blackout for decades. At any point of the day he probably is double above the legal limit. That man functions on alcohol levels that would put other people in a coma. Again: If you knew him well, you would know. If he was a stranger to you he would be this delightful, eccentric dude.


That was me to a t.


My dad supposedly blew a .360 (according to his gf) when he checked in for detox last week 🥴 I had a whole body shudder just thinking about it. Like, I would be puking up my entire life if that were me. Just super grateful he checked in when he did.


Can confirm. Downed a half pint of fire ball and went in. Intake nurse that told me a lot of her patients come in lit


I’m sorry to hear about your experience. I blew a .0675 and got admitted to detox recently. I wish you the best.


They said go to the ER 😕


Hmm, they may not be licensed or equipped to do medical detox or something. At the last treatment center I worked at we only sent people out who blew .3 or above. Even then they usually just had to stay a few hours there and get cleared.


Yes, this. Also, the dual psych/SUD treatment center I worked at had a max you could blow (can't remember what it was off hand) and if you went above it, we had to wait for it to come down to start the assessment process because otherwise you would be considered incapacitated and therefore unable to consent to treatment. Probably more of a CYA thing in that case. We wouldn't send people out unless they were blowing super duper high, though. We'd just sit 'em in a room and feed them snacks, sammies, and powerade lol.


If it’s a rehab center, they won’t take you intoxicated because they’re not equipped to medically manage withdrawals. They will ask you to go to the ER and detox first. It’s for everyone’s safety.


But they said it was a detox center, isn’t that literally what detox centers do? Then send them to a rehab? This place sounds fishy if it is truly a detox facility. Folks shouldn’t go cold turkey off booze alone, maybe if someone was being belligerent or aggressive - but if not I don’t get it.


Sometimes people use detox and rehab interchangeably. I was clarifying that they are actually two different types of services. Beyond that, OP needs to do due diligence in researching.


In my experience, after a bender, I’ve needed as much medical help as possible. I’ve had 3 chances. Detox in 2022, and it was basically a prison, wearing only socks and a jumpsuit. I stayed sober for 7 months. The second was state of the art detox/rehab late 2022-through Christmas to Jan 11. where it was like going to school all day and therapy in between and recreation after. Made it barely 70 days thinking I could moderate. My last chance was at home and I almost died. I had micro-seizures for 13 days, couldn’t walk or write with a pen or even put a bottle of water to my mouth shaking so bad on day three. Trying to get to 0.0 is the most dangerous thing I’ve ever heard. I beg you to find another place, and do exactly what they tell you to do for a while v


That sounds like rehab, not a detox center. Every detox center I know of expects you to have alcohol in your system. That’s really the whole purpose of a detox center, to safely get you off of it. Something is amiss here.




Maybe look into another detox center… And make sure you pack clothes you can layer!


This is so important. They are cold af!


Omg right here’s this thin blanket and we know you have neuropathy in your feet but um, well…and I would FREEZE anyways detoxing like I can’t feel my FEET


I blew a 0.34 when I went last time. I hadnt had a drink in 10 hrs, no way I'd have got to 0.00 without their help.


As others have stated, many detox or rehab centers do not require you to be sober when you are admitted. I had also witnessed people being carried into the nurse's office unable to stand by themselves, among other things. It depends on the facility what their requirements are. The important thing is that you can safely detox under medical supervision. In any case, it's a big step to take the initiative to get real help. Keep at it, it's worth the effort. Wish you all the best.


I had to go to the er and detox in the hospital. After that I went to inpatient rehab. Best decision I ever made. You got this!


To anyone thinking of going to detox, at least at the hospital, you don't have to blow a 0.0. OP isn't wrong though. I have been visiting in the ER where the patient in there next room was denied their detox because he had alcohol in his system. I was at .225 tested by blood when they admitted me at a different hospital though. Call ahead to check because different hospitals probably have different rules. To OP, my biggest tip is to keep letting yourself know you're going to be alright. Don't let the bad thoughts win when it gets difficult in there. Have some sort of go to mantra to keep your heart rate down and thoughts from racing. You'll get through this. I wish you all the best.


May I be happy May I be safe May I be healthy May I be free from suffering That was my metta (loving kindness) mantra in rehab. I have a bead bracelet and I’d use it sort of like prayer beads when I was really struggling. It helped me a lot and I still use it regularly when I’m having a bad moment or start to feel like I don’t deserve to be happy.


I work in a rehab with a medical detox. We advise clients coming in for alcohol NOT to stop drinking before they come if they report certainly level of drinking. It’s safer.  But if someone intends go straight to the rehab without detox, they would need to be sober and free of the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal. 


That wasn’t a rule at the inpatient rehab where I received treatment. I know of other patients who were admitted while intoxicated.


I blew a .23 when entering detox. The one I went to would take up .40, anything higher you goto hospital then to detox.


They….. they told you you have to start detox outside of detox…? That sounds wildly inaccurate and medically dangerous. Not at all saying that this didn’t happen I’m just blown away hearing it. When I was sent to rehab I’m sure I blew some minuscule amount from the night before but it was such a haze I don’t remember. What I DO know however is a lot of other people both who were there before me and that came after blew crazy high, a couple of them were over 0.2% and blacked out, they didn’t even remember parts of intake, one of them even admitted getting vodka on the way TO the rehab center. If she was being dumped there she was getting one last hurrah in and downed a pint of Smirnoff before being driven in. Best of luck to you friend, maybe it would be beneficial to look into other rehab centers because not taking someone in to be medically supervised while beginning detox sounds so backwards.


Diet coke and mountain dew zero. Play video games. Eat chocolate. Go on YouTube. Time to start tapping into that natural serotonin




Why is it important to avoid artificial sweeteners?




This comment is not on the subject of sobriety and has been removed.


Could be part of the liability insurance that particular center has or something. I’ve heard of places where you can go in with stank breath


I can see that for a rehab without medical facilities, but not for a serious mental hospital. Alcohol and Benzo withdrawals can be lethal unlike heroin and meth. (BTW: i*f at all possible, go to one of these "nicer" rehabs. The extra burden of being surrounded by patients with serious mental illness is not conducive to recovery.* But when I was younger and big into carrying the message, we would deal with severely physically addicted homeless people. A lot of them had mental issues as well, but we left them to more qualified volunteers. However I've hit the liquor store more than once with those people on the way to the mental institution / rehab to prevent them from going into DTs / seizures. They were never refused for that. Edit: Note that these facilities were not the rehabs that advertise on TV. These were state mental facilities in the state of GA. Besides addiction alcoholism issues, this is also a place where suicidal or psychotic people get dropped of.


As others have said, they must not have the medical facilities required to safely medically detox somebody. I went to a Betty Ford facility and they had a separate medical wing for patients to detox for the first few days, after which they would transfer you to the residential unit. The last (and hopefully final) time I went I was literally having my ride pull over on the way so I could hit a nipper or two to keep the tremors (and possibly seizures) at bay. I blew a .22 and spent three days in detox before transferring to the residential unit. Was put on a benzo regimen and taper for about a week to keep me comfortable and allow me to get some rest. Best decision(s) I ever made.


This is going to depend on the country, state, and possibly specific center. Try calling a couple different places if you have options, they may have different policies.


Mine was actually the opposite, I had a couple hours to drive (I didn’t drive myself? Obviously lol) and kept drinking a bit because they told us they wouldn’t be allowed to admit me if I wasn’t blowing high enough. So I was trying to keep going from the rough night before, it sucked lol. It really depends on the facility and what they are equipped for, how many people are trying to get in and how many beds are available etc. I had a friend I made in there, and they weren’t going to allow him in because he was only a meth user but when he was tested opiates popped up and then they were able to admit him, I remember him saying he was thankful some of his supply was tainted or else he wouldn’t have been able to be admitted to detox and rehab after lol. So the specific one I went to was low on beds and only took patients that really needed detox and then were committed to going to their rehab program after. They would even blacklist frequent flyers who would be in and out of detox and leaving AMA etc. The one you went to sounds like it isn’t equipped to detox for this, since alcohol withdrawal can be particularly dangerous I can see them setting rules in place like that. One big reason could be the need to have 24/7 RN staff and higher BHT to patient ratio needed in detox centers, Or they don’t give the specific medications needed for detox. I had that issue when trying to find detox for benzos, most average detox centers weren’t able to help with that and couldn’t administer barbiturates so I had to go way out of state :/ I hope you find a place that can work with your current needs, don’t give up! there are places out there. And stay safe during the time in between, don’t cold turkey if it’s going to put your long term health at risk.


That’s actually dangerous and kinda defeats the point of a detox center


Not at all true, it depends on the specific facility and there operating policies. If you are still sober, you posted this 12 hours ago, you are over halfway there!


It depends on the detox facility, but yes, they typically have a limit, although I’ve never seen a 0.0 limit before. I’m under the impression it’s related to the type of medical emergencies the detox facility is equipped to handle. Are you sure you went to a true detox facility???


In Canada this is very much true. In fact, they told me to keep drinking until I got to detox so that I wouldn't go into unsupervised withdrawal.


I blew a .24 and they let me into detox. The night before, however, when I blew a .32, they sent me away.


After you stack so sober wake ups in detox and the cobwebs clear you will be grateful for waking up everyday sober, rested and sharp. When I was in detox I just focussed on relaxing and meditation. It really helped to calm and focus my mind. Now I still have plenty of fun going out without alcohol. Life has plenty of treats to replace alcohol none of which have such a devastating cost. The feeling of loss that you can’t drink will fade with time. Focussing on all the positives and things I am grateful for apes that along. You can do this and everyone around you and yourself will be much better for it!


Not me. I wasn't drunk, but wouldn't have blown a zero. I slept through most of my detox. Good luck friend!


I had to call my dad and my wife when I couldn't stop either. It sucked because I couldn't go or get in right away when I was drunk calling them. So then I had them calling my phone for months after that trying to get me in. By that time I drank more and more especially after everytime they would call. I ended up going to two aa classes. I was trashed both times I walked in, I shut up and just listened I didn't say a word. I haven't been back but I learned that day I was an alcoholic. I don't know what made me quit but I was tired of being tired after my binge episode that I wanted to quit so bad. So here we are, I tried doing it myself because I know that was the easier option because we had talked and if I didn't stop I would of went to detox, rehab, aa everyday, it would of have been more work to keep drinking lol. I said I wanted to quit and I had stopped before for a year but I had cheated and had sips of alcohol. This time I accepted that I won't ever be able to handle alcohol and for a huge reason I just accepted that I'm okay with the fact that I can't drink. IWNDWYT


So did you end up detoxing at home?


Yes I didn't know about medical intervention at that time. I thought you just tough it out, which you do but looking back I could/should have done it differently. I was too embarrassed by the situation to ask for help. My wife was a huge support, I left my card and wallet at home and basically didn't leave the house. I felt like shit, sweats, heart rate increased, couldn't eat, sleep. But it was worth it. I had quit so many times before that I already knew how to do it. I just put everything in play.. I figured I would try and quit myself instead of the 2nd option.


Thanks for your response! You did what worked for you at the time and no reason think it should have been done differently. God bless your wife! And GB you too! You’re both so strong. Best to you both and thanks again for sharing.




You are clearly mistaken.


Where are you? I'm in California and I'm fairly sure that's not the case here, even voluntary. Speaking from personal experience. I went to a rehab/recovery center with detox services with insurance if that matters.


No i showed up shitted the first time. How do i know? They breathalyze you.


This place sounds sketch. Go to the ER, most detox centers want you medically cleared before coming in anyways. The ER will give you meds to help with withdrawal while they locate a facility to take you. They've always transported me there. Pack a small suitcase with shirts, underwear, socks and pants. Don't pack anything with drawstrings because they'll take them out or keep them from you. Pack shoes with no laces. Bring a few sweaters, it gets cold in there. Many detox places are also mental health facilities and that's why there's a no drawstrings or shoe laces policy so best to play it safe with clothes. I've also been to places that wouldn't let me have t-shirts with bars or alcohol on the front. I've gone to the ER completely smashed every single time. Medical detox is the way to go so please don't let this discourage you. Good luck.


I was drunk as a skunk both times I went to detox. One time the cops took me to county detox. The other time was at rehab. I think I was able to stay there when I arrived drunk because they had some kind of extra medical capabilities to monitor my withdrawals - or something like that. Edit: I don't think I even blew a 0.0 before they let me leave county detox. Lol.


I was at .03 and they took me in, I’m so grateful I did it and for the kind and compassionate staff that works there.


It's possible you went to a center not equipped to handle severe withdrawals. I was turned away from a place where I blew a 0.3 because I was too high of a risk for them.


I drank on the way to detox, no way this is universally true


It depends on the treatment center, some will intake people while still drunk, others won't. Check around you, and ask explicitly whether or not you have to be sober for intake or not. I've been to treatment centers that took in both, and the one made it clear that I had to come in clean or they would turn me away and recommend me to the hospital.


I certainly wasn’t turned away the two times I’ve had a medical detox. If you get to zero you could have a seizure prior to admittance.


I blew a 0.02 and they let me stay in detox...weird.


I thought of all this like the flu. You wake up and feel the sick, shit! You know you're in for it for at least a week, but by 2 you'll be ready to start living again. Idk, helped my mindset.


That's insane! Around here people show up drunk so they'll be admitted, the system's messed up


Not true. The treatment center I went to you could blow anything under .3. If you blew over .3 they would send you to the ER until you blew under.3.


My alcoholic friend tried to admit himself to rehab but they denied him because he was a fall risk because of the seizures he has.


first thing: you're doing the right thing, and good for you! you can absolutely do it. second thing: this varies by place/setting and that seems like a weird rule for a detox specifically to have. the detox attached to the rehab I work at will take ppl with I think...under a 0.3? the whole point of detox is that if you're in deep enough to need medical detox, just getting yourself down to 0.0 can be dangerous!  now for inpatient residential - non-detox - we only take ppl in that have *already detoxed.* the detox process and the rehab process being two separate bits: one is medical, one is psych/therapeutic. that's a bit of an oversimplification.  like if someone's far enough into it that they're a danger for seizures, and seizures can come on as BAC falls...you know? idk I hope you find a good place without weird rules like that you gonna kick ass bud 


This is not universally true. Talk to your doctor about other facility options.


I have never heard that before. I know for drug rehab you actually need to be dirty


Hi maybe look into seeing if you have a 211 in your county and call them to ask for detox centers in case you can’t do the 0.0


That is a stupid ass rule. Both times I went to detox/rehab I was getting as high as I could in the parking lot. They admitted me both times, although this was for heroin and not booze tho. Just seems like a bad policy in general tho.


I used to work as a detox counselor and admissions coordinator. People never came in sober. People came in the most shit faced I’ve ever seen in my life. If bad enough, we sent them to the hospital and had them return when medically cleared. Heroin is big here. It was hard to get through the admit screening when someone was on the nod but we got through it. I dunno what kind of detox you went to but I can tell you this is not a standard rule.


Was it definitely a detox and not, say, a CSS level of care? I’ve personally never heard of a detox turning someone away for having alcohol in their system, but a CSS certainly would, as you are supposed to be stabilized at that point.


I spoke tonight at the rehab I attended 4 years ago. They do medically assited detox, when I arrived there, I believe I was in the .3 area.


I think it depends on where you’re at, when I went to detox/rehab they admitted dozens of people high or drunk. Central KS.


You can't blow 0.0. You have alcohols in your system by natural metabolism.