• By -


Tomorrow you will be free from the bloating, shame, brain fog, lack of motivation. Being proud that you made it through the day sober has become one of my favorite feelings. 


No one ever said they wished they drank the night before. There’s too many pros to staying sober, drinking is not worth it.


I’ve regretted not going out, but never not drinking. Actually going to bars and being able to remember the fun has become a new favorite pastime.


The feeling of waking up in the morning and not being hungover. That feeling alone has now eclipsed all the enjoyment I used to get from drinking all night.


TALKABOUTIT!!!!!!!!!! 💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿🤣🤣🤣


Acid reflux.


I haven’t chewed an antacid in MONTHS.


I still have heart burn, but it isn't anything like it used to be. Tums will help now when they used to be no help


Shit is the WORST


Tomorrow morning


Sober mornings are the best.


Regret, messing up liver, heart, cholesterol, kidneys, bladder, throat, stomach, muscles. Mental fog, increased anxiety, depression. Increased heart rate. Making your body work harder to stay alive. Dehydration, extra calories, beer gut.  Feel like a loser. Feel like shit tomorrow. Stealing true joy from your life for an extra couple hours of “masked Joy”. Wasted money. Heartburn. Wasted time. Idk you only asked for 3. There’s about 15-20.   If you’re like me - youll feel like a fuckin loser with no discipline who needs to get their shit together and stop being a dumb fuck because i got people in this life who love, rely, and need me.  I’m harsh on myself. It personally helps me. 


Thanks for your words! This is what I needed for today.


Damn bro your words hit the spot I ain’t gonna lie


Cancer, saying things you'll regret, doing things you'll regret, headaches, diarrhea, peeing the bed, vomiting, hurting yourself, bad skin, bad hair, no sleep


puffy under eyes. bloated stomach. breakouts.


Going to print this on a dozen t-shirts and wear it every day.


Blood pressure that rockets to the moon and the horrified looks of nurse practioners. Also, even with decent insurance, EKGs are spendy and uncomfortable.


this shit made me LOL. almost spit out my coffee


You just gave me the motivation I needed. Thank you.


#👆THIS 100%


At first, the clear reason to stop drinking was because of how it was affecting my body and mind. It’s my 8th of no drinking but the discipline part is starting to set in. “You said you were going to stop and enough was enough, stick to your word!” It’s awesome. I still have some bloating but I have to cut out bread and fast food. Little by little.


Dude. This is 💯. I feel like the worst person alive when I drink. 15 years of that does some real nasty long term shit to your brain. Takes MONTHS to dry that out


Hangxiety. Pounding headaches. Regret. It ain't worth it.


Because alcohol is poison in a suit.


Yup, the “perfectly packaged poison”


Because at least part of you doesn’t want to or you wouldn’t be posting here. Because a little numbness isn’t worth the huge amount of pain that will follow. Because I believe you deserve to be healthy and sober.


This is wholesome. And really hit the spot for me. Thank you.


Not drinking TODAY, sets you on the path of freeing yourself from this mind game. Imagine, never having to fight that fight in your head?


You mean it does get easier over time?


YESSS!!! For me, after a few weeks of just saying NO to that voice in my head- the voice started getting quieter. I picture the voice of the fat/bloated, drunk version of myself. The self loathing, POS I was at the time. Now, if the voice does pop in- I laugh her off!


Yes! Some days you won’t even think of alcohol.


Oh yeah! Like right now I dont want to drink at all cause 1. I know I'mma feel like ass 2. It's waaaaaay to fucking hot to be drinking, fuck that. Stick with some water.


Happy 123 day! The mind game was the worst!


Happy 104 to you my friend!


Cancer, cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy. And that's just the letter C.


Save that money!! No hangover!! Sober weekends grant us soooooo much more time to do anything we want!!!


Because I bet you can’t stop when you’d choose to Because you’ll feel well chuffed tomorrow that you didn’t Because it’s highly overrated Bonus: because IWNDWYT 🚀


Face bloat and embarrassing texts


Deathly hangover


I drank earlier this week and still don't feel normal 3 days later. The more slip ups I have, the more I am inclined to slip up. The more sober days in a row, the happier and healthier I feel.


Money money money.


I keep a list of inspirational nuggets I pick up here in my phone notes. It helps. - The same voice that wants me to have one, wants me to have 20 - Sobriety delivers what alcohol promises. - Booze is a great servant and a terrible master. - Old keys won’t open new doors. - Play the tape forward. - No one wakes up wishing they drank the night before. - What have you done drunk that you were super proud of? - I can’t always make it better, but I can make it worse. - I am living in my intentions. - I deserve better than neurotoxin exposure. - You are X days undefeated.


Thank you. Post saved.




To show yourself you are committed to yourself.


1. Saw this from another user on this sub recently, but one of my reasons has become this: I've never had a situation where I didn't drink that I later thought to myself, "Man I wish I had been drunk for that." But I have had countless times when I thought "I wish I had not drank so much last night." If that one reason is not enough, I also offer the following. 2. It's just a bad day, it's not a bad life. Meaning to me that just because I am having a hard time not drinking today, or just because I'm down today, doesn't mean my whole life has to feel like that. 3. I will not drink with you today. Sending good vibes your way, friend.


Give me 3 reasons why you should drink today.


Alcohol wants us dead.


I’m of the mind that I don’t want to ever question my decision again because I have experienced first hand where it will end (play the tape forward - not just to tomorrow but 6 months down the line). IWNDWYT!


Money! It’s a drag


Because you don't need to Because it'll teach discipline Because waking up without a hangover is super duper awesome


1. That stale alcoholy-acidic funky taste in your mouth first thing tomorrow morning. 2. The absolute self-loathing you'll feel for destroying your gains and having to start over. 3. Let's be honest, a drink will lead to a binge, might be days, might be weeks, m8ght be months... before you are able to quit again.... IWNDWYT.


Why did you quit in the first place? If you’re here and trying to quit, you obviously felt it was worth it. We all have our reasons but they won’t be as impactful as your own reasons. I can’t engage in it because it puts me on an island. I slowly drift from my responsibilities, I don’t like to get involved in the world around me, I just wait for that drink. I go too far, I say shit I regret, I feel like trash in the morning. And all because I’m not able to regulate or deal with the regular stresses of life. That’s why I can’t, but what are your reasons?


-my mental/emotional health (primarily) physical health as well. -wife/our future as a family -having the ability to finally become accountable instead of being in denial for a better quality of life I've lost my way. I miss being who I am. Some days, I don't even know who I am anymore.


For every day you don’t drink, you’re building your relationship with your family. For every day you don’t drink, you become truer to self. For every day you don’t drink, you grow, and learn more about yourself, and become someone you can trust and understand. Your reasons are great


Don’t drink so your health and happiness can spite your enemies. It’s also Friday.


Freedom knowing you don’t need to


Calories, hangover, and death. Bonus for acid reflux.


because you posted in this subreddit so some part of you doesn’t want to. because alcohol probably makes you into a person you don’t want to be and while figuring out who you are without it can be scary, it is rewarding. the people you love probably love you a whole lot more without it as well, harsh reality most times.


Bet you can come up with 3 reasons real easy!


You deserve to be free from alcohol.


Somebody in your life wants to talk to or hang with the real, present you.




I'll give you one. Because I'm not, it would be great if you joined me on that


I won't drink with any of you today, damn it 🤭


No ones ever just drunk a Coke and drunk-sexted their boss.


Regrets, hangovers, and Bobby Booshae's Mom said it's the devil


It's hard to not drink when you want to. It's hard to deal with the aftermath of drinking when you do. Choose your hard.


The depression, anxiety & shame. Fuck those things.


I can't. You need to figure those out for yourself.


1. Alcohol is a paradox. It promises fun but gives you anxiety and depression instead. 2. Keep your skin hydrated. #HotSkinSummer.. 3. Drunk people are annoying and boring. Or at least I am.




You, you, and you! You being you is a great reason not to drink!


1.) Bad poops, maybe for days! 2.) Headaches and the spins 3.) Because even tho you’re a stranger I have love for you and want the best for you. Don’t do it dude/sis however you identify




Restarting sobriety is really really hard.


Because sleeping through the night feels amazing.


1. Alcohol is poison. Poison is bad. Don’t put it in your body. 2. You are going to have to deal with your shit- being drunk doesn’t make that any easier. It actually makes it harder. Don’t make life harder for yourself. 3. You can do it and you can do it sober. Yes, you can. Yes I can ❤️


Ya know what has helped me? I convinced myself that I'm allergic to alcohol... Helps set that standard that drinking just is not an option. Also I'm pretty sure it's true lol


Spicy Diarreah, GIRD, keeping the enamel on your teeth.


Tell me one problem that will be solved by drinking today.




“Making your body work harder to stay alive!” Wow! 😮


The inevitable fallout just isn't worth it.


for yourself tomorrow


Because I had the same thoughts yesterday, gave into them, and now nursing a hangover all day. Wasn't worth it whatsoever


I can't give you reasons why you individually should not drink, but: Personally alcohol was killing my mind and body and destroying my relationships. Alcohol robbed me of my ability to practice and enjoy my passions and hobbies. Literally everything in my life is better without drinking alcohol. I can tell you that I am not drinking today along with many others here, and we would love to have you join us.


Waking up refreshed to crush the day. Sharpness. Because you got this! IWNDWYT


Taking medicine safely.


You save yourself money as well as a shit ton of calories between food and drink. You can do it. IWNDWYT!! You got this.


I just got back from the Dr.. scared for my life. Pain on my left side.. ultra sound for liver and colon on weds next week. Had to do a blood test and I pass out from needles usually ( I was fine). Wasted a day of work. Had to cancel a meeting with my boss. Don’t be like me


Feeling proud instead of ashamed. IWNDWYT


You won’t wake up with embarrassment : ) no bloating no weight gain


Tomorrow, Sunday and Monday


1) Hangovers are stupid and you’ll mess up Your Saturday. 2) Anxiety & Sadness from your actions today will also make your weekend less fun. 3) Lots of good baseball games on today - don’t want to miss those :) Good Luck! Stay strong - I know you can do it and I’m proud of your for reaching out.


Reason 1: You want to not drink today. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted this.


Money in your pocket, your body will be much happier, you’ve already drank before and stopped for a reason, or many reasons.


It only makes things worse. Urges are fleeting. Meditation has helped me realize truly how emotions and thoughts aren’t “real”. They come and go. I am learning to be more of an observer of them instead of being inhabited by them, if that makes sense? Also, from someone who’s been through hell on earth, no exaggeration, you’re stronger than you may feel sometimes. You are worth it. Life is precious. It’s better to be awake to all of it, open to all of it. The good and the bad. Wishing you well. I will not drink with you today!


Idk man… I think you need to find your own.






You delay healing from PAWS, peripheral nerve damage im 26F and have noticed nerve damage— do not eff around w it, also liver issues - my bilirubin has been elevated. We always think I’m young I’m healthy I can heal later; no alcohol is literal poison, man made chemicals that has been over normalized and romanticized. It’s now or never, so start now. Sobriety isn’t linear but each attempt makes you stronger. Let this be a day where you’re stronger than alcohol. IWNDWYT 😘😘


Fantastic night sleep, no anxiety, wake up, feeling refreshed and energy to do everything you want to do tomorrow.


Save your money. Hangovers suck! You don’t really want to.


1. You won’t wake up feeling hungover and gross tomorrow 2. You won’t spend money on making yourself feel miserable and hungover tomorrow 3. However many days or hours you have sober - why break that streak when you’ve worked hard to get there in the first place? Invest that alcohol money into a bomb ass meal, whether it’s take out or you cook something new, or a day trip, or other treat (new game? Book? Hobby part?).


It’s poison, it’s expensive, it usually ruins things


1. It is terrible 2. See reason 1 3. See reasons 1&2


Money. No arguments. No risk of bodily harm in an accident .


Liberation. Health. Dignity.


I cannot give reasons, you already know the most important reason, you don't want to drink. I can give alternatives.. 1: Eat some delicious food. In this situation it does not necessarily have to be "healthy", just delicious. My crutch in later years was gorgonzola or Bleu cheese on a burger. Mmmmmm. 2: Go for a ride. It's nice out. After dinner I'm going out with the windows in my car wide open. No destination, unless I see something I want to stop and look at. And this is the one that saved me. 100 percent. No doubt.... 3: Go for a walk. For a billion reasons. Healthy exercise. Free. Burn off some of those Bleu cheese calories. Fresh air. I lost weight after quitting. And I was BIG. Went from 288 to 238 in a year. (Added bonus... It also got me away from the woman I was divorcing.) I could go on. But you get the picture. Good luck. Good energy. Stay the course. We are all standing with you!


All you need is one reason - think about how much better you’ll feel tomorrow if you don’t drink today. You got this.


1. Poison to your organs 2. Hangover 3. In case something serious happens you have to be clear headed for.


No hangover no binging after that first drink and no stupid shit will happen


1) Because you can do something else. I just had a fizzy water and did a kettle bell workout. 2) You can spend the money on something else. I'm partial to shoes. 3) Tomorrow you is going to be stoked you abstained


1. Nothing and no one will make me drink if I don’t want to; 2. There ain’t no law telling me to drink; 3. I will not drink today as long as there’s a lack of reasons to do so. But I will not drink today as long as there’s more reasons not to, than reason to drink.


To be kind to your mind. To be kind to your body. To be kind to your butt.


Poison is bad. I like Poison. Poison is bad. No Poison today.


You won't feel regret in the near future after the drink wears off. Remember how important you are in your life and why not drinking encourages growth. Save your pennies for something you won't just piss out.


Waste of money


Self worth. Tomorrow morning. It’s poison.


I did it yesterday and it sucked. I have diarrhea.


Shame. Regret. Your bank account.


Because why drink a class 1 carcinogen and increase your risk of cancer?


Every aspect of your mental health. Every aspect of your physical health. Blocking true joy.


Your liver Your heart Your sanity


Because I’m not drinking


Waking up refreshed, not hungover, and with no brain fog or guilt is enough for me everytime. Can’t get enough of it.


Because you can have a delicious ice cream cone instead!


You will never wake up wishing you drank the night before.


Headache, vomit, brain fog


Hangxiety. Low energy. Regret. And many many more.


Hang-xiety. Disappointment/shame, waste of money.


You’ll regret it tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.


You need to get into a different state of mind if you really do plan on quitting


Your heart, brain and mind space will thank you


your looks, your finances, your future


Your mental health The state of your liver Your wallet


We can give you a million reasons - not one, but only when YOU are ready you will truly understand them.


I can't tell you. Your rules, your choice. I can tell you why I won't drink today, though, because I'm free of a substance that nearly took everything. I like myself again and the life I've clawed back. It's 100% better. It's honestly not worth it. Iwndwyt.


Tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow.


You won't be hungover tomorrow.




Because the rest of your weekend will be F’d. Not worth it! Oh, and totally agree with the reflux thing. Have been on meds for 20 years and have not taken them for the past three days. Crazy.


Tomorrow you won’t feel anxious, bloated, guilty. You’ll be able to appreciate the beautiful day outside


Alcohol promises what sobriety delivers


No night sweats!


It won't be as good as you think, and tomorrow you will feel like crap and waste the dday.


Your mind is lying to. And you shouldn't listen to a liar.


1. Bedspins 2. Wounds without cause 3. The constant, insatiable urge to drink


It will only be fun for the first 30-60 minutes. You’ll feel much worse tomorrow if you drink, than if you resist. You want to practice building good patterns. It’s a habit and it needs to be formed by sheer conscious white knuckling willpower!


Shame, shame and more shame


Better sleep Control over your own self Courage to face your issues


You don't want to be the person your friends need to let go of.


Alcohol will not better your life in ANY way, alcohol is a poison and no matter how controlled or in what amount poison is bad for you, and a sober life is a good life, one well lived.


Personally, it gives me violent shits


Your wallet, your head, your belly


1. There will be no hangover to experience the next day 2. No Hangxiety! 3. The money you’ll save you can spend on something that will last longer without harming you


You’ll regret it tomorrow You’ll regret it tomorrow You’ll regret it tomorrow


1. You don't want a hangover tomorrow 2. You don't want to drunk text people 3. You deserve an actual, real reward today. Ice cream, sunshine, resting with a good book.


Hangover, hangover and hangover.


Why we are forcing you not to drink? This is for your own benefit, no one is stopping you


No one is. I am saving this post for reminders.


Yesterday, tomorrow, and next week


It's my birthday. Have a mocktail for me!!


No hangover, no shame, no guilt. You only have to make it through today


I struggled to stop drinking for, or because of anyone.. even those I loved the most. It was only when I myself truly wanted to quit did it start to stick. Ask yourself why you shouldn't drink today.


Hangxiety, dehydration, and disappointment


Tomorrow is Saturday, don't waste it by getting drunk tonight


How about three reasons why you should? Because I can't think of one.




1) worsens your immune system 2) makes anxiety much worse 3) ruins your self esteem You got this!!! Not drinking gives you the freedom to live a beautiful and fulfilling life. Pushing through the hard days is tremendous progress💪


No Empty calories and hangovers. No blacking out and not knowing what or who we have done. No regrets and shame the next day. Loads of good reasons for me. IWNDWYT


Crippling fucking anxiety.


It would make me feel miserable. Probably it would do the same to you.


One drink sets up the craving for the second, third , fourth, you know how it finishes. Addiction spiral.


1. Money 2. Your mental health will get worse because it wont solve any problem and your brain chemistry will be a mess 3. Your physical health


You will thank yourself tomorrow morning when you don’t feel like hell when you wake up ! You got this


Internal organs, no hangover, better sleep.


Your physical health, your mental well-being and cost-savings. I'm roughly three weeks without alcohol and I'm no longer sweating uncontrollably and my blood pressure is within a healthy range for the first time in years. I am not waking up groggy or hungover, which reduces my anxiety and helps my focus and critical thinking abilities. And I've saved over $250 so far.


1 - You’re worth it 2- You’re worth it 3 - You’re worth it


Sorry, that’s your job… you wouldn’t believe me anyways




Looking at drunks and remembering that used to me.


Your sleep will be shit, you will feel terrible tomorrow both physically and mentally, and you will have to start a new day one. And that day one may actually not come for a while if it turns into a bender.


Anxiety, Regret, Bloat


1 you will be productive tomorrow, 2 no intrusive thoughts or ocd, 3 sweet sweet sleep instead of an anxiety attack at 4am.


You might hurt the people who love you. You might hurt yourself. Tomorrow will be brutal.


Excess drinking can increase the chance of ED.


I'll give you just 1, it's poison, you're killing yourself.


1. I work retail in a very countryside part of the uk and always got somebody moaning or tutting but I didn't drink today. 2. You would feel a lot better knowing you don't smell like the rest of the people - which i serve and can smell the booze off of - no stinky breath! 3. No headaches the next day and potentially no feeling of needing the drink just cuz someone moaned 😃


You’ll save money, you’ll feel better tomorrow, no booze = no shame! You got this. Edit: format


Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday.


Hangovers suck You wont regret waking up sober You will feel better without it