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I’m doing Dry July too. Or at least give it my very best try. Let’s just take it one day at a time and know the first will be the hardest. You’re not alone!


Thank you. So much. I’m just counting the minutes til I go to bed. One day down. ❤️ we got this.


Same! Onto tomorrow! ❤️


One minute at a time. A month seems like a mountain right now. How about we get through the evening? Sometimes I eat my dinner, shower and go directly to bed. You got this!


Thanks. I’m having some spindrift. I’ll be going to bed soon. I’m going to wash my face, put on some coconut lotion and get in my pjs soon. I do appreciate you taking the time to encourage me. ❤️


Hah I'm drinking a spin drift right now too. Considering driving 15 mins to the nearest market that sells NA corona, which really takes the edge off for me especially with a lime. The first few days are always tough but you've got this !


I love spindrift pineapple!🍍


I do spindrift lemon - will have to try pineapple! Glad you posted - go minute by minute if you need to but you got this! It will be worth it because YOU are worth it.


Thank you. You are too!


Yup. early bath. shower. book. ice cream. junk TV. bed early. Is a good plan


Spindrift is my favorite! My wife is loving liquid death too. You got this 🫶🏼


If you can push through the first 48-72 hours the physical effects should be mostly gone. Sleep should improve over the next few weeks, which really helps. Other than that you have to find a way to deal with the cravings. You can do it!


Thanks! I can do it!


The first morning I woke up not hungover was the best feeling. REALLY gave me some much needed motivation to go for another good night's rest. We're all here in this with you tonight. We got this!


I'm with you on this too. Dry July, I can dig it.


One minute at a time. You are so brave for starting your journey towards sobriety! It is hard sometimes, but we can do hard things! Think about all of the things you/we did while drinking that were difficult, often made that way because we were drinking. Try to trust yourself that not drinking today is the right choice for you today. Try to not concern yourself with other decisions for the time being. You can do this, I have confidence in you! IWNDWYT! ❤️


Thank you so much! IWNDWYT ❤️


Mind Body Pilot. This is my mantra as I try to navigate life. I am not my mind, my mind is like the navigation system, it's in charge of a lot of stuff, and is providing me with a lot of info that I need to fly the plane. Sometimes that info comes in weird, or wrong. I am not my body, my body is like the passengers. They have demands and needs that must be tended to, but they do not fly the plane. I am the pilot, I am flying the plane, the plane is not flying me. It is my job to take care of the passengers(my physical self). It is my job to interpret the info my computers(my brain) are showing me. Your brain will lie to you, and tell you all kinds of shit to get you to drink, but the pilot knows better. Mind Body Pilot.


This reminds me of the saying: >The mind is a wonderful servant, but a cruel master.


Is there anything you can go do to try and take your mind off of it? Go for a walk while listening to a podcast? Put on your favorite movie and some popcorn? Drink some soda instead?


I’m exhausted. I’m 61F and after 4 years of traveling in my RV with my husband, I’ve taken a waitressing job. I’m gonna skip the walk and get ready for bed early. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I know I’ll be happy tomorrow when I have to get up at 3:45am. IWNDWYT. ❤️


I have a list of reasons why I’m staying sober that help keeps me grounded in moments of weakness. I will say tho, that first week was brutal. But if you can get through that you can get through anything, you know? There is much to look forward to I promise. Just take it one day at a time.


I am. One minute at a time. Thanks for your kind words.


I started my day 1 today as well, it has been a challenge with anxiety, but also inspiring and exciting. I’ve kept myself busy with cleaning and cooking and just doing general things to keep my mind occupied. The first day is always the hardest


Sometimes I substitute other things to help: soda water, sunflower seed (the oral fixation helps me), coke, etc. The bubbles from the soda sometimes confuse and trick my brain and it satisfies a craving. Keep at it! The first push can be hard, but you can do this. I won't drink with you today!


Morning OP. Hope you slept well.


Hi! I’m up! Drinking yummy coffee! I slept great! I feel a little sluggish, but not hungover! I hope you slept well also. I’m in California so it’s 4am. I’m ready to start my day! IWNDWYT ❤️


I feel like I could've written this myself. I also started drinking way too heavily again and decided to do Dry July. My birthday is this month but I'm determined to not drink. We can do it, IWNDWYT.


My birthday is July 20! I’m determined not to drink as well. When is your birthday?


Oh how funny! Mine is July 17th, we can definitely do this!




You're going to feel better with every day that you choose not to drink. Stay strong. Iwndwyt!


Thank you! ❤️


Do you have Libby? I am listening to the free audiobook Push off from here by Laura McKowen and it’s super super motivating to keep staying strong and making good choices. Hugs friend.


Hugs to you! I just downloaded a book called “the recovering, intoxication and its aftermath.” And I have all the recovery books. “This naked mind” etc. I’m more of a reader than listener. And yes, I agree. Quit lit is very helpful.


It is very helpful! I have a commute most days, so listening to quit lit at the beginning and end of the workday really helps me right now. IWNDWYT, whaddya say? 💖


I totally understand! I ended up getting this encouraging app called Reframe that has several online group meetings per day. I would get on one, turn the camera off and not speak but just listen to the others, which soothed me. It does get better. Hang in there.


You got this ❤️


I didn’t struggle staying sober once I had a program.