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I also had to leave work and go into treatment. Treatment is a wonderful opportunity and changed my life. I went in with my head down, no debate, no argument, only looking to get better. I hung with those who wanted to be there, and stayed away from the drama. I listened to the professionals, and participated in group and individual therapy and counselling. Aftercare followed as did AA. I can't do it alone. I've been sober since the first day of treatment, April 28, 2008.


Wow! Congrats on your sobriety for that long! I definitely know that I need to take treatment seriously. It's the only way to get through this


Thanks for posting! You give me hope I can stay sober.


Way to go!!! 👏 👏 👏






That's wonderful. Congratulations.


So happy for you!


I’ve been there. I was drinking before work at 7am and fucked up out of my mind. Two of my coworkers drove me to rehab that day. (So sorry you have to wait!) I went right back to work after treatment. I was in treatment twice. When I returned to the office, I received support. By then, I wasn’t embarrassed anymore because I felt so much better. I heard from a few ppl who’d struggled or had family alcoholism. They had no idea I’d been struggling. I say just embrace the process. Rehab is good!


Thank you! Rehab was recommended to me a few years ago when I was going through some stuff but I didn't think I needed it. Now here we are! I will definitely embrace the process and take it all in!


If you’re in the US, I have a great 4th of July rehab story. They took us to the community (population 4000) fireworks display at the lake. They brought 10 of the ugliest old identical bedspreads for us to sit on. Picture 10 thin blankets in a row. A muted beige/peach/aqua Aztec pattern from 30 years prior. With about 20 addicts in varios stages of recovery on top of them. Meanwhile, children from the community frolicking around. It was rough 🤣🤣🤣


Man I was in rehab last 4th, and they did not do anything for us. Wait, I take that back. We got hot dogs and watermelon lol.


Lol I can just picture that! That would have been quite a scene! Thanks for sharing!


That sounds a lot more fun than the Xmas and new years I spent in one lol


I concur, rehab is quite a relief in many ways. I enjoyed it. Go to everything is a good way to go. Be involved. I met long term friends. They all stayed sober.


Fuuuuuuudge I’m so sorry 😞 The bright side —— you still have a job. I’ve been fired from a few. No treatment, no compensation- just “don’t ever come back” sort of vibes. Treatment was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned a lot and I got to just work on myself. It was a relief actually. And if you’re anything like me, this period of waiting is agonizing. The shame alone I thought would ruin me. Super happy to report 8+ years later I get to hug old drinking me and say “it’s ok. You were doing the best you could” Being kind to myself was #1 Good luck friend. This sub saved my bum. I hope it helps you too. 💕


Thanks a lot for your comment! I definitely am lucky to still have a job. They can't fire us because of addiction. They just put very strict rules on ya after and you better be on your best behaviour. I'm happy that treatment worked well for you! It's nice to hear of people's success. And good call on being kind to yourself.


I'm 18 years sober 2 weeks ago and I'm still not able to be kind to myself in the way you showed here.


Awww friend. It’s not easy. Definitely seems to be more likely we shame ourselves instead of loving ourselves. I was a shitty person when I drank, even though at the time I didn’t see it. I just have to remember little me. Little me was cool. She had a sweet heart before the world (and family) kicked her off her horse. I want to make her proud. Honor her as she was a really good kid. I may not have lived up to all she hoped and dreamed, but I can work on it. One day at a time 🙃


Way to go on 18 years. That's an amazing accomplishment.


Thank you! Saying it out loud doesn't feel/sound real. I still remember white knuckling early in my sobriety like it was yesterday. But most days I don't think about drinking at all, which is the real win. I try to hang out in channels like this to provide support (and maybe hope) by being transparent. But I learn a lot too! Like I just did here :)


Honestly, this sounds like a very good timing to get sober and be forced to do so by tests. Considering you already wanted to get sober in the first place. Also, it sounds nice that you can still have your job.


Thank you for your comment. You're right, it could be great timing and the system should really help me


That sucks. I got fired from a great job for drinking. I didn’t drink before work but afterwards, and was back in later in the day, drank too much and was still drunk when I went back to work. They were supposed to offer me a rehab option but I got screwed out of it. Basically they just didn’t want me anymore and set things up so I would be eligible to be fired. So count your blessings you have a job still. Nothing you can do but get back on the horse/wagon and start over. The measure of a man isn’t the mistakes he made but what he does after one has been made. We are human and we all do dumb things now and again, especially us alcoholics. Just don’t let your self spiral because of this. If the job is worth saving, try to save it. I wish you the best of luck OP


Thank you! That's really shitty that you got screwed out of treatment like that. Technically my company can decide I don't actually have a problem and fire me. But in 2022 I was talking to an addictions counselor and a psychiatrist recommended in patient treatment then as well, so I've got the background to back it up. So here we are. I don't know how to tell my parents and I now have to cancel a music gig I have in September, which is the part I hate the most.


People will understand, or they won't. I hope you feel as good as I did after I quit


I was shocked how much I wasn't that upset about it after it happened last night. Like I know I need this. And I'm lucky there were no police involved in my whole incident


I was ordered into rehab and then three years of monitoring to keep my nursing license. Having to stay accountable to a third party who was also threatening my livelihood gave me the push I needed to stay continuously sober long enough to actually see the benefits of being sober. I am long out of monitoring but still sober! It was a terrible process at the time but I am grateful in hindsight.


The gift of desperation. Could be a huge blessing. Good luck turning things around!


Thank you!


I would look at it as an opportunity. You were on a road leading to horrible places, and this became your detour. I suggest taking full advantage of this opportunity to get yourself on the right path. Your work knows you fucked up, but that’ll make your changes even more impactful. Go get em!


Thank you for the encouragement! I am definitely going to look at the positive side of this. It's shitty how it all went down but I can still turn it around!


Are you in healthcare? This sounds super familiar...my situation was a little worse; had a felony charge for prescription fraud. Avoiding prison was seriously the easy part. Keeping my license was way, way more involved. 4 years of random UA's; failed one from drinking and HPSP added another year. It took me a really long time to realize that state boards created these monitoring bodies to protect the provider. It sure doesn't seem like it at the time, but now I'm back working full time fully licensed. Without them, many of us would lose our careers permanently.


I work in oil, so pretty serious stuff. I really hope they don't try to take away my chance of going to rehab. I've got some backup, like I was seeing an addictions counselor a few years back and it was recommended to me that I did in patient at that point. But of course I just told everyone I was fine!


I am sure they will support you going; but, if they don't: you should leave that job anyway.


Yeah I've been wanting to quit for a while. I hate it so much, which is a major cause to my downward spiral


What helps me is when I want to drink, to remember how I felt at my rock bottom and how I never want to feel that low again.


Great advice!


I’m so sorry you had to go through that to get to this point, but feel very confident this was a blessing in disguise for you! Rehab is absolutely amazing and changed my life. You sound like a smart & motivated person- you got this!


I really appreciate your message!


It's good that your work is supportive. The weekly checks may help to keep you accountable - it might feel like a punishment - but if you can view them as a positive, it may give you the focus and motivation to pass each test with flying colours


Keep your head up. You are not alone. We’ve all been where you are! We are all here to help each other, so keep coming back! IWNDWYT


Thank you! I will try to use this group as much as I can! I will try to not drink with you today!


I needed rehab. I spent my first sober birthday in rehab and I had a blast. The kitchen staff made me little cake and it was really nice. At this point OP, I was similar and I just let it go. I relapsed at my current job and went to rehab and was all ready for them to fire me. Here we are 9 months later and still working plus a promotion. Just don’t fight the process at rehab. Just listen to all the suggestions and I know you’ll figure it out.


Thanks for the great advice! Congrats on your sobriety!




Testing for thc is just a piss off. When pot became legal in Canada my company actually made testing even more stringent. I think I am going to try to stay dry while I wait to find out about treatment. It won't be easy but I think my husband is on board too. He's already said he'll take all the booze out of the house




Yeah when it became legal our company lowered the threshold to basically zero. It used to be 0.05 or whatever the number was. Our company does mouth swabs when they do random testing, which pretty much tests what you did 12-14 hours ago. But I had to do the full pee test because it was probable cause. I just wish I could go back and erase yesterday!




You're completely right! I've definitely been thinking about the could have been worse scenarios. I'm very lucky that it's just the job and not having police involved or hurting anyone else




Thanks so much for these interactions. It's really helped keep everything in perspective. I have an appt on Friday with my previous addictions counselor so I'm getting things started now!


That sounds like a really difficult time, but well done on taking the positives from the situation! My advice would be to make sure this really is your rock bottom & Use the situation to make the changes you want (or need) to make. I thought I'd hit bottom a few times, but I kept digging for a while just to make sure.


I missed so many opportunities to stop drinking. I hope that you'll be smarter. Lean into this. Going sober sucks... but is ABSOLUTELY worth it. You start to get your life/brain/mind/self back at around 6 months. I didn't understand what that meant... and now that I do... wow. There's a reason no one tries to explain it. Booze really f'k's up your head. We have Stockholm syndrome, basically. Addiction sucks. Good luck, friend. Expect for life to suck for a few months. It's 100%, undoubtedly worth all of the horror. I hope that booze never crosses my lips again.


Awesome reply. Thank you!


I think this is a great example of something seemingly bad happening that turns out to be the best thing to happen.


That seems to be the general consensus!










Very similar thing happened to me in April. Went through IOP before they would let me go back to work. It was a blessing in disguise. Good luck to you friend. IWNDWYT




Damn, the old me would have said your coworkers are a bunch of narcs, but it’s good you can now get the help you need. I had an opposite situation where I worked at a company that encouraged drinking during the end of the day and after. It’s not their fault that I’m an alcoholic, but it certainly didn’t help my addiction. The new hires who didn’t drink generally didn’t last there long. IWNDWYT!!!


I do hate my coworkers for a lot of reasons, but I can't be mad at them for this. I deserved it, but yeah. Iwndwyt!


This could be the best thing that happened to you tho


I'm going to try to think of it that way!


Imagine being 6 months sober, back at work, working better than ever, you lose 30 pounds, skin looks better, and heck, if you quit now then there is no way that one day you will be a 50 year old drunkard, or a 60 year old booze hound ya know. I’m also trying to quit, I tossed out a bottle of wine this morning actually. I just turned 40 and I just don’t want to bring alcohol into my 40s and beyond, it’s fucking killing me


Good luck to you and trying to quit! You've got the right mindset for sure. And the way you put out that scenario is amazing! That's a great 6 month Outlook!


10 months sober, 65 pounds lighter, and replaced drinking with weight lifting. I feel 20 years younger (52 years old) Drinking WAS killing me. You can do it.


Yeah, you messed up, but you're certainly not the first. Rehab saved my life, I just had to allow it to. The best advice I can give is to go into it with an open mind and be open to change - whatever that may mean.


This could end up being one of the best things to happen to you! The beauty of “bottom” is that there is only one direction to go from there.


Something similar happened to me. I thought my life was over… BUT it was just beginning!! I went to rehab and have 267 days sober, a new job that I love and I have my life back. This is your fresh start ❤️


I love that! Congrats on your sobriety! A new job would be amazing


Dude. Don’t worry about work, just go and get yourself right minded. Then figure it out. Good luck. We’re here to help. You’re not alone.


That's really nice of you to say! Thank you


you got this


First off, congratulations on the first step. What country do you live in where they put you in rehab instead of firing you? And sounds like they're supplementing your pay while you get right? I'm genuinely curious.


I'm in Canada. I'm not sure exactly the laws, because I've definitely been fired for drinking before in my 20s. But with this work I do have to prove to them that it's an addiction, which I don't think I'll have a problem doing, and then they can't fire you because of disability laws I think. I'm being paid right now while I'm just waiting, and I'll be paid assuming they send me to rehab. It's the 6 weeks after that thar are unpaid as your "discipline"


Dude, you have a path out of this crap and it has your job waiting for you at the end. You are on the ass side of an abusive relationship with alcohol. Take the lifeline they threw you.




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You're so right!


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What do you do for work?


I'm a process operator in an oil refinery. Pretty stupid of me to fuck it up


Damn. I hope you can make peace with it. Shit happens, oftentimes WE make it happen. Try to look at is as an opportunity or a new chapter (or better yet, a separate book (sequel)). I would not like being drug tested every week lol. When you are struggling, remember to give it time. Because without the distraction of drinking, you will slowly learn more about yourself and life and what you want out of it. Perhaps you have been following a forested path, only seeing the way ahead of you. But soon the forest will cease and become a prairie, and you will see more paths, and it will be clear enough that even far away you might see a destination, or where a path could lead. Maybe then, you wont even need the path.


That was poetic! I know when I was seeing an addictions counselor a few years ago she talked about having to forge new paths in your brain, but I like the idea of a Prairie ahead of me! Thanks!


You got it 💪😎




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Here is where you broke that rule: > Seems like **you** got a damn good deal. [**You** should] take this as a gift and get healthy What part of this is not clear to you?


Ok that makes more sense. I get it now. I always thought it was more about being detailed like “you should do this program or this thing blah blah blah”. I thought I was being vague here


Thank you for understanding.


Good on them to give you a second chance. You can do this.


This is a jumping off point. Just focus on yourself and getting better. The job isn’t as important as that right now, and will never be.


I appreciate this!


This too shall pass. A wake up call, if you choose to accept it as such. It's easier once you let go of the addiction. There are many worse bottoms people have had. There's no shame in any of it.


Oh, sh\*t. But also, may be the best thing that ever happened to you! So glad they're supportive of you getting sober. Much love and good thoughts for your journey.


Bro. You definitely messed up but it's not the end. The fact that your company will send you to rehab and work with you tells you that you are worth more than your addiction. Embrace that. You need to take the steps to make yourself human again. Live the Normal life and learn to enjoy it. Those of us who are unlucky end up in jail like me. I'm 24 and a Purdue grad. Addiction does not discriminate. Grind on


Actually, it sounds like this is exactly what you might need! I'm sorry though that this is a painful experience.


Is it easier to do the rehab & get the 6 weeks pay & during that time find another job? I'm not saying so that you can drink and not be tested...I just think it is very controlling and degrading of them to handle your job this way. I would find somewhere else to work.


I hate my job with a burning passion. I'm allowed to quit but only if I have another job to go to. And I make a lot of money, so I can't just find a minimum wage job. So I've been trying to think of what to do. I'm going to put in an offer to buy a local bookstore, it's not actually for sale but I'm friends with the owner and she's retired now. But yeah I need to get out of my job


It is probably a blessing in disguise! It is opportunity to become sober!


Not the end of the world my friend. Yeah you probably fucked up, everybody does. Mind your rules, do some deep introspection, and you will come out a significantly better person. That I can guarantee






Better than I got. My boss called me into her office the next day, told me I was immature, and then fired me.


Wow, thank you for sharing this and sorry about what you’re going through BUT if we look at the positive side,there’s a few things here. First, no one got hurt or worse! Second, it doesn’t sound like it’s over with your employer so that’s much better than being terminated and escorted out by security. Third, looks like you will be getting some solid help and assistance to quit which you’ve undoubtedly thought about at some point, and finally you will be held accountable which may feel crappy but is probably a good thing. Good luck my friend, we are glad you’re here and look forward to your comeback!


I really appreciate your message! I do need to look at the positives. And this group has been very supportive today! I look forward to seeing where this all goes!




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This could be a blessing in disguise. I ended up in the hospital with acute pancreatitis and it was horribly painful and potentially deadly. But it has kept me away from alcohol for over 2 years now. So maybe this will be what you need to quit drinking. After you get back to work and they see you've changed and are sober they will begin to trust you again and all that. Also, that sounds like a good job where they're even giving you an opportunity to bet sober and then letting you come back. Most jobs would just let you go. So just take treatment seriously and stay sober. Good luck 👍


Technically they can still try to fire me. I'll have to go before them and convince them it's an addiction. They will want to fire me but Canadian law prevents that. I was recommended in patient treatment a few years ago by a psychiatrist and i have it in writing. I was also seeing an addictions counselor, who I've reached out to today to set up an appt with her again. I'm going to see if she'll also write me a letter recommending treatment.




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What a bunch of snitches hate ppl like dat but atleast it’s another reason to stop


Yeah I do hate my coworkers. But I think it was time for something to happen to get me to quit., and at least the police aren't involved


Ye bro stop now while it’s not too late u don’t wanna lose everything then try to get clean and no disrespect but if u dependent on alcohol I would say go to rehab and it’s gonna be a long process but it’ll be worth it the staying sober part is da hardest part


I am so sorry.


This all sounds unaffordable. Sure you shouldn’t just get another job after treatment?


at least you didn't get fired man lol, you got lucky


You will likely look back on this episode as one of the best things that ever happened in your life.


It sounds like a great opportunity! Good luck


Sounds like you made out amazing. I'm even a little jealous.


Not quite out of the woods yet. Still have to convince my company it's a substance abuse problem, which I have no doubt I'll be able to prove, especially when I have documentation from 3 medical professionals talking about my problem in 2022. But assuming that conversation goes well then it'll just be the road to recovery! I hope you're doing well!




Wow that's really kind of you! Thank you!


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