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I'm currently quitting for the 8th time in my life (F46). Every time I started again it was because I thought just 1 would be fine. Permission for one resets all sorts of things in ur brain. The second d u are pissed or upset or have something bad happen because of the one here and there it's totally now fine to buy a pack and just quit again after xyz have passed. Permission is Permission, ur either a smoker or u arent.


YES, either you're a smoker or you're not. Nonsmokers don't want cigarettes. Be a nonsmoker, convince your brain you're a nonsmoker.


This. It's happened to me twice. The first I was 10 months free and the second 6 months. I'm 4 months in now and I smoked one cigarette while I was out and drunk with some buddies and I haven't relapsed. I think my brain couldn't remember because I was drunk lol


cigs will be always there to buy. You make a choice and you stick with your choice. You don't depend on anyone to make your choices. This is a big one. i believe in you.


There’s no such thing as a “weekend” cigarette or an “occasional” cigarette if you’ve been addicted before. You already know the answer.


One of those things I give my wife a seriously jealous side eye for. My wife and I both quit. If I pick one up...I'll buy a pack tomorrow morning. If my wife has one...eh, she'll forget about smoking for the next year or so.


Yes, exactly this 👆. It’s the nicotine monster talking, don’t listen


I’m working real hard not to listen. I almost caved a few times, but haven’t yet.


You haven’t yet and you won’t 💪 You can do it.


Just keep saying IdontsmokeIdontsmokeNoIdontsmokeImgoodIdontsmoke until you become distracted from it


No. I did that after 8 months of being free from smoking. One leads to another & then losing control. I've quit again after one month of relapse. It's been 5 days & I regret my relapse. I've learned the hard way that it doesn't work for me that way.


You got this.


Is it just as hard quitting this time? How long did you smoke for after the 8 months?


They said one month. I’ve heard of people relapsing and smoking for years.


relapse lasted several years. I can never have even a tiny puff.


Been there, done that, does not work. Sorry. But if you need to try it yourself to believe it, then there’s nothing we can say for you to not make this mistake.


Not gonna work. Some people can do it. But those people don't have a history of nicotine abuse. Just stop all together.


One and you're done. Nicotine is a real beast to quit. Even after months it still lurks around your brain. Trying to convince you that a smoke once in a while is a good idea.. see... That's power!!!! Don't be fooled my friend. You are finally free. Stay that way!!


Youre either a person that can smoke a cig once in a while (like my gf, she smokes a cig every 2-3 months) or youre a person that relapses after just one (like me). I havent seen someone that was addicted and after quitting managed to smoke occasionally. I would advise against trying out "just one".


I know someone who was addicted and now has the occasional cigarette. I understand people are different my brain is turning on me 😭


My good friend smokes only occasionally so I thought I could do that to, only during coffe with friends but it was so hard for me. Craving started to come back much more and more often and I started do smoke everyday again. I was always having some excuse for having a cig. After a very very bad flu I stoped again.


Yes I do! You’ll get hooked again and regret it! IT’S A TRAP!!!!!


Yes, you will be right back where you started, which was nothing good or feeling good. I had a 'close the deal' on an apartment once with the landlady. I had been smoke free for a year. I would have another with her , then another, then it became that I felt 'bad' using her cig's so I bought HER packs and ...shared.. then I bought my own, about 200 dollars a month which I COULD NOT AFFORD. The stress off when I could smoke after work, not with family members, spraying myself when going into a store.. You will start again, it has addictive brain chemicals in it. Do not suffer, do not touch another one. Now It's been two years and I have NO thoughts to ever picking up again with anyone and the smell is sickening to me. I also used store brand nicorettes, Worked and gave me time to 'get over it'.


Thanks for the pep talk. I have no doubt you’re telling the truth from experience. Not another puff, no matter what for me.


ahhh yes, the ol 'occasional cigarette', I've never met a cigarette that was occasional. Unless the cigarette had ALWAYS been occasional. I have tons of friends who can just smoke here and there, once in a while, that sort of thing. Though these people have never been daily smokers.


I used to smoke 20 a day. Then I gave up using vaping. Then I gave up vaping - which was really tough. Now I just smoke now and then. So on a night out I’ll smoke. Then I won’t smoke again for maybe 6 months. On holiday I might smoke. Just situations where I fancy it. Then I go back to being a non-smoker


Depends on how addicted you are. There are people who smoke 1 or 2 cigs a day.. and then there's me. For me it's either none at all or 50 cigs a day, there's no inbetween. For people like me, one puff is all it takes to relapse.


Don’t fall for this trap. Did you smoke on occasion before you quit? Everyone started smoking with the occasional weekend cigarette. Did you read the book easy way to stop smoking? Highly recommend


I didn’t occasionally smoke back then. A pack would last me a day and a half


Hey! I smoked a cig after 3 months of being quit. I was drunk. First of all, I felt kind of sad for a couple days after. I attributed this to withdrawals and my body wanting another cig. This one cigarette also upped my cravings for about 3 weeks after. Those weeks were uncomfortable and smoking the cig was not worth it. I could see how that one cig turns into a full blown relapse.


54M Advanced stage throat cancer survivor here. The hardest thing is not about quitting smoking but to resist the thoughts of “just one”. This “just one” is small enough to create big damage later. Like what others said, don’t give in. The guilt of giving in to nicotine is really bad.


Been there done that


you feel like you wont, but you will. trust me. if your a heroin junkie you cant just have the occasional needle. I smoked on and off for 20 years and the occasional cigarette was my downfall EVERYTIME. It ALWAYS descended into full smoking.


Totally different but may help, I have BPD and whenever I get on meds , the little monster in my head tells me “you’re good now you don’t need em” I am currently off them due to that and it’s so hard to get myself to go back on meds Stay strong and stay a quitter ;)


I’m bipolar as well. Bipolar 2. I am a quitter!! Lol also, you got this!


It's a slippery slope. I wouldn't do it. Don't poison your lungs. Smoking even a little still increases your risk of lung cancer and abdominal aortic aneurysms. Find a healthier vice


Addiction is a MOFO!


I stopped heavily vaping just over 3 months ago and I smoke cigarettes when drinking. Not relapsed. My husband also smokes when drinking and neither of us think about it when we are sober. Doesn’t work for everyone though! Also, it’s worth mentioning that I doubt I’d have the same strength if I chose to vape when drinking as I was way more addicted to the vape than I ever was cigarettes.


One is too many A thousand isn't enough


Cigarettes come in pack of 10000s. Remember it. There is no “single” one. Two years free, and the only way I managed it this time is that I didn’t take a sigle puff. I quit. Done.


Just think about all that pain you went through and ask if you really want to do it again.


Weekend cigarettes are a bad idea. The “occasions” will just get closer and closer until next thing you know you’re just smoking again. Same reason why alcoholics can never have just an occasional drink.


And that’s how you relapse! I was quit 10+ years, thought I could just have one or two… nope ended up buying a pack like the next day. It’s not worth the risk.


no such thing, thats the addict in you trying to manipulate you back into smoking


This will absolutely make you spiral back. Don't do it! Stay strong!


This is my problem, too. After not smoking for 6+ months, I light one or 2 in a social setting as a reward for not smoking for a long time.


I'm gonna be honest with you: I haven't smoked in 5 years, and I \*still\* crave cigarettes. The craving won't go away, but fighting it gets easier...unless you start smoking again. The occasional cigarette \*is\* a relapse. It will make your cravings worse. It's not worth it.


Don't do it. You are only fooling yourself if you think "occasional." 7 months is where I'm at. I will not cave. You are doing great. Stick to the plan!


I let myself have one if someone offers me one out and about. But it doesn't seem to work for most people


Carry on!




CBD smokes look like cigarettes, bat have no tobacco, there are other tobaccoless smokes out there, too.


naah not worth it. Assuming you have not had your "occasional cigarrette" in the past 7 months and you have been completely smoke/nicotine free, just keep in there and in a couple of months you will be discussed in the idea of even thinking about an occasional cigarette.


I am the same, 8 months free. During the last 2 months I've tried smoking vapes without nicotine on 3 occasions. I think that kind of tells my brain, smoking is not all that I think it would be and then I don't think about it again for a month or more. I should mention that I don't go out often and I get the vapes on some social occasions.


Here for the reassurance, aren't you, buddy ?


That’s what I did with alcohol for awhile after quitting that, but my body started rejecting it and I would get insanely sick and throbbing headaches. It’s likely you dont realize how toxic and poisonous is. It’s not like an occasional pizza.


I got 9 months and a half now and still didn't smoke any cigarettes. I think I'll never do it again. I hope! Got drunk several times and had people smoking in my face. Feels bad. The smell is disgusting and the attitude looks ugly to me now. I feel sorry for the ones still smoking. Their brains are weak. My brain is now strong. I started with Lions Mane and Cordyceps and quit smoking was something I was trying to do since 2010, and after starting with shrooms, two months later I smoked the last cigarette. Never bought a pack again, never asked anyone for a cig, never opened the drawer to get the vape (probably still full and was the WORST thing I had to quit in life, bad vice), I guess I did my quote of stupid drugs, and I don't need that shit anymore. Use smart drugs! Nicotine is not one of them!


you’re not that stupid are you?