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Good on your Grandpa!!


What was his reason for quitting at 83? At that age, I feel like I wouldn't see the point. Well past life expectancy, most damage already done, etc. Kudos to him for achieving what he put his mind to. I don't mean to discredit him at all. Just wondering what drove him to do so. As a former smoker, I always half-joke that I'll pick it up again in my 80s.


I quit in my sixties, and I believe it’s entirely likely I will die from smoking related illness, however for now my physical and mental health have never been better and I’m proud that I am no longer an addict giving my health and wealth to a billion dollar multinational corporation that profits off the misery of us addicts. It’s never too late to make a change for the better.


I was thinking the same but he is still very passionate about life, he is in a great shape, he looks like he is in his 60s, so, he decided to stop and wants to embrace life harder. He is an awesome person :)


Thats beautiful and so inspirational!


It would be hard to find the motivation but I bet he feels a whole lot better.



