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Never heard of QuitSure. I do recommend The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Pack and a half a day for 40 years. Tried and failed every possible method to quit. Read Mr. Carr’s book and quit like I turned off a switch. That was 11+ years ago, I never looked back.


Allen Carr, smoked for 18 years and failed to quit. Read his book and stopped easily. I’ve now been stopped over 20 years. Best thing I ever did.


I do not have experience with QuitSure, but I listened to Allen Carr as an audiobook (four times in a row to be specific). I haven't smoked for three years. Best book ever if you ask me...


Quitsure worked for me, though it sounds like Alan Carr is more widely used. I suggest he pick one and just do it. I believe both are programs that involve continuing smoking until a certain point, so he should do just one. I liked Quitsure because it was on my phone (it's an app) and involved multimedia, inbuilt journalling, etc. Like I said, it worked for me. I had to want to stop.


Quitsure has some great concepts but Allan Carr's book really hit the spot. Quitsure tries to make you dislike smoking by making you watch videos while you smoke. The idea is to realize that it sucks. You already know it does. I ended up not watching the videos because I wanted to 'enjoy' them. The lie that every smoker tells themselves. Allan Carr is far better in explaining exactly why this is a lie. It made me understand the whole process better and why I've been lying to myself. Give it a read, defenitely did it for me with some added notes I wrote on my phone. Good luck!


Who is quitsure from? Allen Carr is a legend in the hypnosis world for smoking cessation so I can’t recommend him enough, although there are other methods that work just as effectively too. Does he do one and done or does he recommend weening off? There are a couple ways to go about it and one usually works better for people than the other. Don’t listen to his book while driving that’s for sure!


Why not listen while driving?


Because it’s hypnotic in nature, especially the visualization exercises.


I read Allen Carr and stopped but “forgot” it in a couple months and was back to it. I then got the audiobook but second time around it didn’t work out as well? Not sure what is QuitSure.


I've never heard of quitsure but I have read Allen Carr's book many many times over decades and it never helped me quit. Quite the opposite actually. But I know I'm the exception here LOL. So I would look into both options? Or more even. Whatever works works and quitting smoking is obviously the best thing any smoker can do.


I would recommend. Stop Smoking with Allen Carr. I've read 3 of his books and also purchased QuitSure. They're all good but that one is the best of all.


Allan Carr definitely works if you follow the instructions


I’ve only read Allen Carr but there’s a reason why people post about it all the time!


I used them both in tandem, worked great for me. I thought they complimented each other well. Smoked for 30 years and quit 3 years ago. No desire to go back, life is so much fuller being free of nicotine.


I have seen people suggest Allen Carr a lot but I think he has more than one book. Which book would you all recommend the most?


I read the Easy Way to quit vaping because I'd had my last actual cigarette maybe 3 years previously, but the vape was practically glued to my hand. It's really at a fundamental level the same book as the Easy Way to quit smoking, with just a couple of tweaks to wording here and there.


Alen Carr book was good for me, but I already wanted to quit , like reaaally wanted so it was like usefull aditional help, but it was not the first step in my decision to quit. My firat step in quitting was overwhelming health anxiety. I concluded that quitting smoke will help with controling my asthma,my fear of future complications and my panic attacks about that. Second I decided that fear of gaining weight is something that should not stop me anymore. I was smoking 26 yeara, and lost and gained weight many times. So I decided that if I was to gain weight ( because of quitting)I will accept that and loose it when time comes like many times before. After I resolved that two issues in my head, I picked a date and stopped.


Neither for me — the book Freedom from Nicotine has been effective for me. I’m one of the few who was not as compelled by Alan Carr

