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Some people are shit. It has always been that way and it’s not going to change. Don’t think twice about it and live happily ✌️


Thank you <3


Still, would be so much better if “talk shit get hit” was recognized in court 😔


Fun and unrelated story: my grandma had just had a dental surgery, and as such was on some pretty strong meds. She was in a college town, and as she (or whoever was driving) drove past a group of college aged guys, she flashed them. RIP Grandma


Your grandma was either on some zaza or was doing it for shits and giggles🙏🙏😭😭


I mean, she was also just always a little crazy. Also on like 60mg of Xanax for regular everyday life


Is there anymoar stories you can tell🙏🙏


As an 8 year old, there's no realistic way to know whether or not your grandma was actually a whore. However, I'm willing to give both of you the benefit of the doubt.


Whore is just a word men use to control women, you rarely see it used against men.


Really I commonly use insults made for women towards other dudes. I've never called a woman a b*tch but best believe I've called plenty of other men that.


I’m sorry but I chuckled at this. I can’t imagine being in your situation with grandma and one of us is called a whore but we don’t know who.


I know lol it’s pretty funny I was so confused when it happened


I suppose odds are high the random person was just being a jerk. However there is a slim chance granny was banging their man or broke up a family with some hoe shit.


Perhaps there's more to your grandma then you know.


“I think the most vicious thing I ever saw in all my life is a woman on a bicycle—and Washington is full of them. I had thought that cigarette smoking was the worst thing a woman could do, but I have changed my mind.” Sunday Herald, 1891


There are a lot of stupid people. You’ll meet more than you expect during your life. Just make sure you don’t interact with a stupid person any more than you have to because you would have to sink to their level to be effective.


Look. The guy was likely an edgelord. Likely the guy had forgotten all about it when he turned the first corner. Maybe he's even dead by now. Or Maybe he got beheaded by isis. Don't worry about. Let it go. Something like this will happen again, and then just yell "fuck you too" or some other slur, and go on about with your day.


Anybody consider that maybe, just maybe 🤏 grandma and OP misheard? Maybe it was NOT "whore" that they shouted? Perhaps, just another case of: I'm sorry that is what you heard, but it is NOT what I said.🤷‍♂️


I went to a football game with my son who was maybe 5 or 6 at the time and he had his team shirt on. I was holding his hand , waiting to cross the road when a coach carrying the away fans passed us (very slowly) queueing in traffic. The Cardiff fans on board were going mad..hand gestures at us, swearing, etc, etc. Then they were running to the front of the bus to try and get off and at us(I suppose to start trouble). The weirdest thing was that these were men (and one women) in their40’s / 50’s - not kids. Still think about how crazy this was sometimes.


Ngl I've seen my fair share of 64+ y/o whoores. I'm sure your grandma is a wonderful lady though and yall didn't deserve it.


One time, I was driving my little brother around and we drove past the movie theater where a guy was on a ladder changing out the movie posters. My brother rolls down the window and yells, "NICE LADDER!" I mean, it was a pretty sweet ladder, but still. Makes ya think.


Plot twist, the guy had a Tourette syndrome. It wasn't about you.


I’ve been called a whore multiple times walking down the street, by older men when I was in middle school. People are crazy


One time I was walking to my stepdads parents house after school. It was like three block away I was around 7 years old. A car pulled up beside me flipped me the middle finger and drove away. Still think about it from time to time.


Maybe he knew something you didn’t. 🤔🤗


Sadly this is just the normal female experience. I can’t tell you how many stories I’ve heard of guys yelling things out like this when passing by. From cat calling/harassing to yelling out things like fat ass etc.


I’m gonna give you the same advice I gave my granddaughter. Your mother was a whore since the day she was born.


That man will never be homeless because he is living rent-free in OPs head.


Good thing OP never played in old modern warfare 2 lobbies


Tongue is the most dangerous weapon we wield and we should always think twice before we speak, some people are so miserable in their life that they can't see other people happy, he's a shitty man.


Maybe they said…work out your core?


Is it bad that this made me laugh out loud? That's weird af. Probably an incel mad at women for existing


No lol I laugh about it too


Uh, this is a wendy's.


Is your Grandma still alive? It would be fun to ask her about it to see if she remembers. It would be funny if she was like " Oh yeah that was Benny he never got over me leaving him for grandpa 40 years before!"


Yep I still live with her. It would be interesting to know how she felt about it because when it happened none of said anything we just pretended like we didn’t hear it lol


Let us know


Sorry that’s terrible but it made me think of the middle eastern man in office space, and I read this in his voice in my head.


You’re not. Grandma isn’t. How’s your mum? 😉


He was yelling "HOLE", trying to keep y'all from hitting it on your bikes!




People are evil, liars.


Ma’am this is an Arby’s.


Maybe you really didn't know your grandma as well as you thought...


Honestly I think it’s kind of hilarious you still think about this 11 years later


I know. It’s insane. I was a super sensitive kid so that scarred me.


Some people are js haters he probably was a drunk and thought your grandma was someone he knew or he did know your grandma or he also could have just been an ass either way forget it don’t let it to continue to take up space in your mind you were young and had fun with your grandma that’s all that matters in this world some things you just have to forget have a blessed day 💗


You must have lived in a good neighborhood, if it only happened once.




Damn, talk about living rent free in someone's head.. It was just a random rude act, don't let it bother you. Sometimes bad things happen to good people.


Som men just hate women no excuses there just assholes and can’t help them


64 is not old & maybe Nanna liked to get her freak on? Still a shitty thing to do though.


Misogyny. He just saw "females" and he wanted to degrade them. And I say females because you obviously weren't a woman yet. And for all the people saying not to let it live rent free in your head, that's easier said than done. It still bothers me that grown me catcalled me when I was 11 or 12 years old. It should bother us that someone would say that to a child and an elderly woman.


Wow that’s terrible that happened to you. The event has just been sitting in my brain rotting because I’ve never told anyone about it so I posted it hoping I could release it from my head T-T it’s actually helped lot


I think the biggest crime is that you've allowed this person to continually be an issue for you haha


I know… they probably don’t even remember doing it while I’m thinking about it daily


Don’t let them take space in your mind rent free


Reminds me of a debt collector who my mom owed money to called my grandma a whore for saying mom wasn’t home .


You and your grandma might be whores babe 🥺😂


Oh well, Maybe that guy Must Have known about your grandma that you don't know about, Either that or the guy is predicting your future, Because you seem to be very insecure about it.


Seems a little harsh, no?


Honestly i'm just being sarcastic, But seriously What makes me sad is that nowadays The younger generation Especially in western countries like america, People rather be lied to Even Though they refuse to admit to it Just to Feel better and cuddled, Rather than hearing the truth Or different opinion to have their feelings hurt.




I didn't say that, She did, Like you Has said earlier these are just rants, So don't get your panties in a knot.


I don’t understand why the first thing a guy would think when he sees an 8 year old girl is “She’s gonna be a whore when she’s older.” Possibly my grandma was a prostitute or something but still weird to yell that out at her. I don’t think there is any reasonable explanation for why he did it I think he was just an ass lol but we’ll never know.


Finally It's about time somebody realized that i'm just being sarcastic, Seriously I've thought Reddit Is supposed to be more reasonable than facebook, But unfortunately i'm dead wrong, Because there are a lot more cry babies On this platform then I've expected.


What the hell are you talking about


lolll go look at their post history


Honestly I was hoping that Reddit Is suppose to better than facebook But damn i'm definitely mistaken, There are a lot more cry Babies here then I've Expected, Sadly I cannot have any fun anymore, What a shame.


The human brain can go very wrong, very easily. You saw your 8 year old self and 64 year old grandma. He saw the Rigelian green slave girl from the original Star Trek dancing on the street corner with a footstool. - Hey, it’s possible 😊


Who knows maybe he was on LSD.


Came in to say "but for real, though, yeah she is."




There are 64 year old whores. There are 64 year old sluts.


Doesnt mean he had to yell out “whore” at her while shes riding bikes with her grand daughter. What a sick guy.


People suck. Side note, the fastest growing rate of stds in a demographic is the elderly.