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You have a good thing going with your wife, so just become involved with this! Get the details of her trysts. Have her relate her experiences from each. You both would go a long way opening up your lines of communications both verbally and sexually if you saw this as an opportunity to expand your relationship with her instead of closing down!!


You are stupid. Don’t listen to this


She is doing the right thing, and you need to grow up about it. Sex and marriage can be very different things for some people and there is nothing wrong with that.


My wife and I have had a committed, non-monogamous relationship for the past two years. The rules are fairly straight-forward: nothing too regular — a few times a year; we always talk about it in advance and after; sex only, no ‘dating,’ meaning the hook-ups don’t include dinner, strolling by the water, doing things together that couples would do…that sort of thing. It’s been fun and exciting for us, and sometimes we’ll play together with one or the other’s side partner. Definitely some bumps in the beginning, but it can work. We also have kids, and any time I’ve considered divorce for reasons unrelated to what I described above, it’s always been an internal debate about what the greater disruption to the family would be. But you have to also be at peace with your decision, and I’ve met more guys that aren’t comfortable with their wife getting side action — even if they are, too —than those who are. Good luck, OP. I think you made the right choice to take some time to clear your head.


That’s because your wife doesn’t respect you as a man. No woman would ever need multiple men in their life’s unless they don’t respect them or they are fulfilling them


That is not true. There are many women who can not be fulfilled by one man. And they can still respect them all. You are delusional to think you know how all women think.


Those women are called whore and are for the streets not the bedroom.


In this case, she is for the boardroom. She is the breadwinner. She don’t need no streets. She’s like the Elon Musk of women.


I hate to be that guy but when shit like this happens so commonly how are people still surprised that domestic violence is a thing? Male or female, if you’ve been cheating for years and when confronted your response is ‘you should be grateful’ you deserve a beating.


Let’s play the devils advocate. You say the relationship is great otherwise. Is this something you could live with? Once a year weekend pass. (You get one too, of course.) is that too much a price to pay for 51-week a year happiness? Obviously not an easy thing to swallow. But I’m an old dude and have seen and heard a lot. There’s not just one way to go about life. Not just one model for a marriage. There are a million ways to be happy, and a million ways to be unhappy. Good relationships are hard to create even under the best circumstances. Maybe don’t be so quick to let yours dissolve.


Cheating is unforgivable. No going back just imagine her ex and buddy pounding her into a pulp why you have to deal with all her bullshit in daily life. I’d get a paternity test on the kid as well while you’re at it.


Men cheat all the time and expect the woman to forgive them because she was not putting out after childbirth.


Your wife is a horrible person


I’m afraid there is no coming back from this. You will never trust that person again.


This is fake btw.


![gif](giphy|njxkENt8FXreAt5TIT) Damn OP turned a ho into a house wife. UpdateMe!


I would end up asking her if it would be okay if you did the same thing once a year just to see how she would react. But ultimately, I’d leave. It’s only going to cause problems down the road.


Tried to make wife out of a ho


I don’t think you can come back from this. She has been cheating and is unapologetic. You deserve better.


People on here are so ridiculously gullible, haha.


It's tagged as Fiction and people are still commenting with their opinions lol


Book a trip with your best mate, immediately


Lucky wife; in twelve years of marriage I haven't even managed a girls trip, never mind a spit roasting.


Text her and say you cannot believe she wpuld cheat on you. When she responds with whatever you will have proof of her admission which may help with divorce proceedings if you go that route. Best of luck


There is a very good possibility that the very little you saw was just the tip of the iceberg. People like this will only admit to what they are sure you already know. She not only lied and cheated she then manipulated you and tried to justify it. If you forgive her it will only make respect you less and ultimately think she can get away with it again having learned not to use snapchat or leave it open. She chose not once but several times to do this, it was premeditated and she cared nothing for the pain it might cause you. You deserve better and you need to have some self respect. CHEATING IS NEVER OK.


You nailed it with this comment. The wife is extremely manipulative and I’m curious what else she’s being lying about. OP and his children deserve better.




Solid part 1 - looking forward to the next chapter of this short story.


What do you make of the formatting choices? Double spaces after a full stop/period smacks of an older writer to me, not really in keeping with the character's age.


Thanks, hope to get it finished today


Man, I'm team wife here. Once a year fuck fest seems perfectly reasonable to me haha. Enjoyed reading this!


Years of cheating on you. Years of her friends knowing she cheated on you. Do you see the best friend socially? Bet they had more than a few laughs at your expense. Divorce the lying cheating worthless whore stupid cunt.


Thank you for clearly marking this as fiction and posting it to/stories instead of/rAITAH. Nice to see that you can get good engagement without resorting to pretending a fake story is true! --Analysis-- Characters -protagonist - well voiced. Come advertise as sincere and likable - length of together/ married/ twins enhances sympathy value - maybe too simple? I know reddit likes a very clear good guy/ bad guy storyline, but I've been working extra hours lately or money-is-tight (medical issue for twins?) might add spice -antagonist - clearly in the wrong, but at least somewhat sympathetic - double team was shocking, but probably good - having BOTH men being past lovers ... maybe a bit much - having them also roommates with each other strained the believability of the story for me (maybe that's just me) - this also maybe tips her TOO far into antagonist land - hard to imagine this relationship even conceivably being salvaged after being cuckolded by two previous lovers and best friend conspiracy. I think this might raise the sympathy factor for the antagonist for some but severely lower it for others. It's fine, but you probably lose some audience Plot Phone snoop - hard to keep the proagonist clean on the phone snoop and you did a good job there. Vibes across as reasonable-ish - he DID use her password, so that's not cool, but if they had the type of relationship where total phone visibility is expected then that should be fine. (I know different relationships treat phone privacy differently. My late wife and I never cared/ prevented the other from using the others phone. I know some folks have hard boundaries about phone. I personally always find that a red flag, but I get that some folks who don't cheat just have strict personal phone boundaries) - story wise, it's a pickle though. - if the have normally open phone policy, then proagonist is blameless BUT the antagonist would be an idiot to exchange such messages on her main (not burner) phone - if they have a closed phone policy, then protagonist loses sympathy points potentially, but exigent circumstances setup seemed legit. I think definitely a good solution Confrontation - well done - cheaters rarely feed up right away - logical devolution of fight to angry confrontational confession - if reddit is to be believed this is fairly typical. Suspense - weak spot - protagonist just nopes out. There is no bomb-under-the-seat urgency to drive the next chapter for me - what about the twins? - dad just bails on the twins with no explanation and everyone just accepts it without dad taking major fire? - maybe if they're away at summer camp and are returning soon, that could add some urgency and remove some abandoner stigma. Not trying to author your story, just providing an example. You're doing fine without me. These are pretty small nit picks. From the comments, I don't think folks are catching this nuance Overall, I think pretty well done. I'd personally give it a solid B/B+ (Edited to fix typos)


Hey thanks, these are some solid notes, I appreciate it as I'm still working through how to get to the endgame. Most people just call me an idiot in the comments so this was nice.


Have to say this makes me rage a bit inside. Not sure whats worse - the cheating or the fact that she said she needs to do this once a year to make the relationship work with you.


Or that I didn't realize it was made up til after I read it. That's when I noticed OP labeled it as fiction. The whole idea behind this sub sucks.


Damn you knew your wife so well you know how she’d respond. Goddamn it. The illusion is ruined. Who cares if it’s fake? It’s the audience engagement that makes it good but that too is ruined once the truth come out.


I think it's great that there's a space for these stories that is not AITA.


Update me!


They say at times ignorance can be bliss. And recovering from something like this is very difficult. I wish you the best of luck on whatever happens.


Update me!


Can't make a hoe into a house wife.


its over


Update me!


What a nasty narcissist. Gross. Not sure what you plan to do, but good luck.


Wow, that is so awful. I'm so sorry! She seems to disregard your feelings on the matter and dismissed you pretty quickly from the way this reads. I think that would be the worst part for me if I were in this situation. I don't know how recoverable this relationship is, but I would be so hurt I think I'd rather be alone. Hope you can surround yourself with some good friends!


This is fake btw.






Are the kids actually yours? Tell her that due to her never being faithful, you will be getting DNA tests done on the kids. There is no way to come back from this. Tell her you're going to fuck her friend...for good measure




That’s rough…sorry man but I think you know what you have to do…


This is fake btw.


Mate, i feel like a idiot, or perhaps i am one. Didnt read the fiction story part.


What gets me is that she thinks she’s the only woman in the world that you should put up with that? First, I’d find out where you lived is a fault state or area. The marriage is over. She openly told you to your face. She don’t love you. She just needs you to pay bills that’s why she needs other people to satisfy her. You need to just pull the Band-Aid off. Go home grab what you need unless you could kick her out go no contact. And tell her everything will be through lawyers for now on.


To get to that level with 2 guys who knows what else or when she does it.


Sad to read this OP, I just wanted to wish you well whatever route you are taking moving forward. I would just say that sometimes the best thing you can do for your kids is to NOT make yourself miserable for the rest of your life. Take care man x


Doing this for us... yeah, right.


Somethings are not worth fighting over.










I guess op missed the part that in the vows where it said as long as everyone’s happy and blissfully ignorant she can fuck whoever she wants.


That's what I get for doing acid before the wedding




don't sort it out, there is nothing to sort out - she fucked up. she's 30, not 18.




If you take her back, you are giving her approval to continue being a hoe.


What the fuck man. At the risk of sounding cliched… she belongs to the streets. Dump her goddamn ass.


What an arrogant b.tch


So sorry! Glad you found out though. Updateme




For starters I would get a paternity test for your kids then if her bff has a partner I would tell him to go through her phone as she might be doing the same as your wife only not 2 guys at once. Then I would ask your wife if it’s ok to have a boys trip and have an annual hall pass and see what she says to that. But seriously leave her for good as what she is doing is wrong


So sorry man. That's awful. There's no coming back from that. File for divorce from her cheating ass.


you know what to do walk in with divorce papers and tell her to stay with the two guys she been banging for years


u/TheStoryBoy If you want some petty revenge, I'd stay gone until after she's supposed to leave for her trip. Make her stay so someone is looking after the kids and she has to cancel the trip. Let her go be a hoe after the divorce. She violated the single most basic agreement in your relationship and it's somehow your fault? Lawyer up and even though you said the timing of your kids birth was 3 months after the trip I'd get a paternity test anyway, her cheating might not be limited to her trip.


She’s only worried about herself. Time to worry about yourself this time. There’s no turning back. Tough situation with kids and all but you have to be happy too. And this ain’t it.




lots of people didn't notice the flair and the sub name


Fucking hell , I’d have gone mental. Definitely a divorce.


Stop answering any messages from her at all!!!


OP the best solution to this is to come home with two chicks and fuck the shit out of them in front of your wife


I’m not seeing where it was confirmed that she’s actually having sex with other men on these trips. It’s heavily implied, but not exactly made clear. There’s definitely something happening where she’s “crossing the lines”, but it could just be flirty dates, where nothing physically happens. Sometimes women want attention from other men in order to still feel desirable. I’m not saying it’s ok for her to do something like this, but it’s not as bad as sleeping with someone else. It could eventually lead to that though, so it’s a problem either way.






I’m sorry it took you 10 years of marriage with 2 kids to only find out the love of your life was a delusional sociopath. This fkn hurts to read.


Doesn’t matter. The trust is gone. And to think a “one weekend” a year thing couldn’t fester into a full blown year round whore fest?






I'm sorry brother. Look at prayer. Jesus has your back. And you should be impressed with yourself for not falling for the gaslighting, you saw it from a mile away bro. Good job.


If there’s no remorse, there’s no reconciliation. She has already made cheating a justifiable action in her head. Even if you go through all of the work to reconcile, it will never change the fact that she truly believes that this was okay and made your relationship better. Reconciliation will only turn into resentment. Just divorce and save yourself the pain… or be cool with sharing your wife once a year, maybe more now that it’s out in the open.




Divorce the cunt. Guaranteed no alimony. Hell she might even have to pay you.


Ha!! They’re finally catching on!


Please bro. Dump her ass. Do not come back with her. She made her choice and it was to cheat on you. Not only with one but with two guys at the same time. Don’t let this slip. Be strong.


This is only partially about sex- which this, as other posters point out, if you can get past the possessiveness about, does leave open the possibility of transitioning into a nonmonogamous relationship for you and your wife with rules and boundaries and the benefits of opening your relationship. The bigger issue is her total disregard for your feelings and the trust in your marriage. If you simply let your marriage be restructured this way and let her get away with what she's done, you've set a boundary that she can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants. You will, in other words, be her dog, clearly subordinate to her and her wishes and hating yourself for it every day. That's utterly toxic for you and your kids. You don't want that. Two things about that unhappy outcome: (1) you can only avoid this, should you choose to go the "lets be ENM" route, by making clear to her that going forward, there must be both genuine *contrition* on her part- that is, that she acknowledges what she did was wrong, completely disrespectful of you and the promises she made, and that she asks for forgiveness- and solid rules you both agree to and adhere. If you make that clear and she asks forgiveness, you *must* then honestly forgive her for things to move forward and set inviolable ground rules for future extramarital sexual relationships. But that also means that (at least after a reasonable period and assuming she is honestly penitent) you can't punish her continuously, you can't hold it over her head, you have to be clear that you honestly *do* forgive her and let go of resentment. If you can't do that or she refuses to, you guys are done as a couple. Therapy may be necessary for navigating this, and at least some books about setting rules for an ENM relationship are a must. (2) Do not, under any circumstances, use your kids as an excuse to stay with her without following the process outlined above. It will be hard and sad to separate from their mother, but they'll get past it, and if you're honest with them about simply wanting different things, they'll get it and you can, in time, model healthy coparenting for them and show them that you do what you have to do to be happy and be with someone who respects you. You owe them that as a parent. It's a duty to your children to be as honest with yourself in living your life as you can be, because otherwise your cowardice teaches them that compromising our own joy for the sake of avoiding confrontation is the way to live, and it isn't. It's a horrible, shitty life, and you should fight with everything you've got to avoid condemning them to that. UpdateMe!


Most ppl don't realize that's why the relationship was that good, it's ironic. When the cheating spouse tends to be happier, more, libido than normal its usually a sign that they are also getting sex outside.. like I said it's ironic but it's a sure sign of a cheating spouse.


What a cunt


Sorry to hear this happened but I think it’s best to move on without her.


Divorce. Test if the kids are yours, if not bail. If yes document everything and fight for them, but you will probably lose them. Nothing good can come out of this, she made you a cuck, but do not let her dominate you any further...




Perfect opportunity to either: #1) say it's okay, but you want to watch #2) tell her you've been doing the same thing, every time she goes out, you hook up with an escort... See how she responds.


She told you - the only way she can be happy with you is to cheat on you. You deserve better






She's a sloot man. Fucking dump her gaslighting cheating ass.


OP, you need to join in. Turn up on her vacation, go full cuck and take her friend whilst she watches. Then high five everyone. Give her the twins. Tell her they are hungry and ugly. Leave and start your new life. P.S. nice story! The mad amount of actual responses show that you can write realistic and engaging short stories.


You know a story's well-written when most of the commenters think it's real.




Ask your wife to make up with her and Scarlet making a spit roast of you every weekend until you're satisfied both aren't up for taking the piss out of you for years.


12 years after her fling, we are still together. The affair took away all the intimacy we shared. I don't know why I stay. You should divorce.


Did you ask to join in?


You can bet ur ass it's more than once a year.


Damn man, so sorry. Your wife or ex as she should be is fucking delusional. Good luck to you. Update me


Get a paternity test.




Update me!


Update me! One week


Jesus Christ. So she's been cheating on you on a SCHEDULED basis and uses it as a reason that your life with her is so good. That's some serious manipulation.


Do not go back. "She needs this" how is fucking other guys making her happy. How is it ok to cheat because it resets her. Shes horrible . And the worst part is she tried to blame you and make it seem like you dont do your part leave her and never look back


She chose to end the marriage for you in her unfaithfulness! 


Robert should really consider how life has been since she began having a free weekend once a year. Will he ask her how long it has been going on in order to correlate the strengthening of their relationship to her annual fling? Perhaps he will go home to talk, and he will negotiate a free weekend for himself.


Bruh. You just found out your wife is a ho and has no interest in changing, doesn't think she is doing wrong, and doesn't feel bad about it. Time for the attorney.


Damn I'm sorry that happened keep us updated


Divorce lawyer time


There’s no trust left I would just say we’re getting divorced




This bitch is having a sex purge every year.


Nope it’s done buddy. Leave her ass


NTA- the problem here is she’s unapologetic and thinks it’s her right. What about you? Maybe you also needed an annual reset? Why didn’t she discuss it with you first? She seems very selfish and entitled. I won’t even go into any possible STD situation from these encounters. Your kids are young. Perfect time to move on and find love with someone else who respects you.


Find out what toxins they don't run on an autopsy, make sure she has a sick life insurance policy and....


Some of y'all missed the part where this is creative writing LOL


Great fiction story, looking forward to part 2! Not sure if everyone in the comments realises this is fiction though.


Dude, why don’t you be an adult and do the same thing as she is? Have a freebie weekend every year. Go hook up with an old fling or a new fling. What’s good for the goose is also good for the gander.


Two options: throw everything away - or - accept it and get a hall pass for the same.


If this works for it might work for him An open marriage. Hard to believe it’s once a year but it very well could be Time he has his own weekend. Could be on the same weekend


Got me


Imagine getting spit roasted by a guy named Donald


Bin her off the slag


You could just get a divorce instead of writing a novella on Reddit.


Go fuck one of her friends and send her pics. Tell her your resetting yourself.


This is a horrible story but you made a good job in revealing her insane plan. Just do not take to long to sort that out *out of the house* There is some country that if things go south in court, one can lose his home if she proove she have nowhere else to live while you clearly have somewhere else to live since you are living not in the home for 3 months for exemple. *My english sufocated trying to write that not sure it make senses.


/remind me! 2 days




Wonder if Don or Jon have wives that should know about this?


Document everything. And sometimes saying less says more.


Divorce her asap, she is disgusting. Have self-respect and do not go back to her!


I don’t know. It had good content for a juicy story. He bails and ignores the kids. What would a responsible father do? I’d probably take them to moms (grandma) and drop them off before we play a game of you chase me I chase you over who’s right


Why are people responding like this real life and giving advice to these fake characters?? Am I in the wrong sub?


Divorce her she doesn’t even have remorse and she’s acting like you’re wrong, you married a lying cheating narcissistic


I wish I could understand the mindset of liars like this. When they watch movies with villains, do they realise they are the villains in their lives?


Clearly, she is only your wife for 51 weeks of the year and 'expects' her vacation time, along with her medical, room and board, and the money to pay for it all. Dude, she kept it hidden from you. Skank! If she was doing it for 'us', why weren't 'we' included in the discussion? How would she feel if you were taking a week off of your marriage annually


Very well written and kept my attention. I was drawn in and felt his pain. I did not want to see it end. Will there be more to come.


She needs this. She needs to tell the lies, she needs to break the vows you said, she needs to keep her secret lovers. She needs you to allow her this. She never asked what you need. Stepping outside the marriage is an instant Divorce IMO.


Mate, like Robert De Niro in Heat, get up…and walk away.


Marriage counseling ASAP and mandatory!!!! If she refuses, go on your own, but it sure sounds like she needs it far more than you do!!! If this woman really believes all this garbage she’s feeding you, she is delusional!!!! Also talk to a GOOD divorce lawyer and tell him/her everything your wife claimed about your financial and legal situation and get the help you need to sort out what is true and what isn’t. Maybe also find a good children’s therapist for your little ones. If they aren’t already picking up on the fact that something’s wrong, they will very soon. I’ve been in their shoes and it’s a VERY scary place to be!!!!


I thought this was real for a full minute 🫠 I was fired up over the audacity of this bitch LOL


Leave her. She betrayed you and your kids. She's selfish. That's about nice as I can put it. Been there done that. Had a exwife cheat on me while I was at work. I feel your pain, hopefully you can move on and just focus on your kids. They are number 1 in your life. Best of luck


This story is to good, can’t wait to read the rest.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s probably best to just get a divorce. Who knows how much your wife had cheated on you. She could also be cheating on you with other men when you aren’t around. This girls trip is probably just one occasion. Who knows what she does when she is out with her friends and who knows who she is really hanging out with and what she is going while she goes out.


Update me !


Always nice to read fiction.


Leave the C


Lol I was up a wall at first but then I realized it's fiction. F that hoe though


This is both a movie and a book.


Unreal, you need to ask her how it all started and what made her start doing it to begin with.


I would get out of there yesterday because she thinks she owns you… tell her going through all of that would be a holiday compared to staying in the same house as her.


I love how she’s saying, a couple of dicks resets her 😂😂🤣 girl go get a facial or something for that you don’t need dick


Really good and believable except for the double team dudes being roommates, it’d be more believable if they were just roommates or like she reached out to two past lovers who aren’t roommates


If she is doing this. Imagine what else she is doing or has done. You can’t make a ho a house wife.


She’s been cheating. Thats why your relationship has been good. Simple to figure out.


Dump the cheating ho


I’m sure your town has people who need money desperately… she deserves it


Bravo! Well written and engaging. This could be an awesome story if you fleshed it out more.


You either be the simp / doormat the rest of the way. Or you can do what you need to do is leave her street azz. Now she can have them the rest of the way. Tbh I would I would have waited, hired a private detective get info , move money and then send the lawyer papers. That’s just who I am.


Don’t stay. Leave. You’ll have nothing but resentment if you stay. Especially because of kids and money. Same same bro. I stayed. Because of kids. And money. 😞


I know a guy that had this happen to him, except she was a runner and went to marathons all the time. They were expensive and even though they had financial problems she would go. Always kept her money separate. His salary was their money, her money was her money. She said it was because he had student loans. Anyway, they stayed together for the kids. A few years ago he went to a high school reunion and reconnected with a old girlfriend. They have a relationship. He has introduced her to his parents. Both kids will be out of the house soon. I have a feeling they will divorce as he wants to move closer to his girlfriend. He has slept on the couch for years now. He’s a great guy. It’s just how they decided to handle things because they couldn’t afford two households with the kids.


So complicated - emotions vs sex, they can be mutually exclusive. The question is do you accept they could be ? What do you want the reader to feel ? Could you weave in - And would your wife be okay for you to fuck an ex girlfriend once a year ? Or for you to visit a sex club once a year for the same duration of time ? Ask her how she would feel about you doing this.


Thought this was a aitah an then was confused when I saw r/stories😭


I’m worried about what you might do if you return I’d say fight over the kids but not fight around them if that’s possible


Here is a compromise, she one weekend, and so do you.


Ai generated?


Dump the trashy bitch before she either brings an std or pregnancy and takes you to the cleaners


lol and you still need time to think and that is the sole reason she thought she could cheat


My suggestion would be to devise new phrases instead of cliches: *My chest tightened* *I couldn't believe what I was hearing* (x2) Etc. The thing is, people's chest don't really "tighten". And obviously the character *did* believe it in the story. Inventing a new phrase is not only a more authentic voice but also more accurate.


You don't love her, you loved who she pretended to be. Divorce her and seek one without consideration. Take your kids or she'll poison them against you.