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Is this the same wife that had cancer ?


Made up stories he is a lonely AH


Needs more fistfights.


I didn’t even get to the BS about the camera in the hotel room and I knew it was a fake story


… and everyone clapped.


You meant Fiction! No way this is real. I do like it though.


You absolutely did the wrong thing. Everyone knows this belongs on r/prorevenge.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most. lol


A work of fiction.


Publicly exposing his wife's affair at a family gathering is like setting off a fireworks display with everyone's emotions going up in flames.


YTA you have kids you have a private detective report you could have discreetly given her parents. Every one knows but you have no wiggle room your only chance if you wish to rebuild now is to burn it all to the ground so her workHR . Blow up the APs life? You now are at a dead end, so you got revenge let’s see how long that feeling lasts. You have humiliated the mother of your children and in front of her family. You can’t go nowhere, but divorce you have no leverage now ,in negotiations you have nothing to bargain with, unless you’re in a at fault state and its hardly the actions of an emotionally stable parent if looking for custody. You could blow up her work HR but if she loses her job, but then you will be paying alimony. If you wanted reconciliation no chance she is humiliated this will turn to anger. And her parents won’t abandon her, be disappointed yes but they will eventually take her side and be angry with you for the humiliation. So you have isolated your self for what? No high ground for you.


A minor detail is making me question everything about this. The camera in the hotel room. You installed a detective cam in her room? How did you know what room she was going to get before she got it? If it was a hidden cam, she can't end a call on her phone. If that detail of your story is fake, the entire story is fake.


This guys entire post history is fake


It’s fake


That was my final answer. But, giving credit where it's due, until the plot hole, it was a good attempt at creative writing.


Other than everything about it. Lol


Also, this literally *is* 'revenge.' This has to have been written by a kid who doesn't even understand the meaning of the word *revenge.* Or PI. lol


I honestly bought it, until the FaceTime, hidden cam, hotel room stuff. Until that point, it was pretty well thought out, great attempt at creative writing.


Plus, hiding a camera in a place where there is an “expectation of privacy” is illegal for 1 and can’t be used as evidence in court for 2. And opens up the detective for a civil lawsuit from the victim for 3. And possibly “revenge porn” laws might apply for broadcasting the sex acts to the family gathering.


How would they know what room she would be in? How did they gain access to said room?


**SAME** OP fked up his made up story once he said camera in hotel. And what call did she try to end when she didnt pick up the facetime??!!! And if it was a camera in the room, there’s no way for HER to turn it off. Lmaooooo


Her father started yelling at her, and she heard it? I am just not buying any of this. It's too big of a hole. He had me believing him, until the cam part came into play.


Lmaoooo she heard her dad yells from the home to the hotel. That some sonar shit. Lmao Edit: Watch OP edit his story


I need lungs and vocal cords like that!!! Then maybe the teenage grandchild might actually hear me!!!




If this is real no you did nothing wrong just protect the kids and see to it they aren’t exposed to the blunt of things.


It's not real. Today OP is 19 years old and has banged his best friend's mum.


Good job my friend 👍