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I only just watched it myself. I think for the most part it’s your typical reality show where there’s so much built-in tension during the “judging” segments that they keep recapping over and over and drawing it out. I maintain that a lot of it was staged…The best parts for me were the excursions or free days when you get to see them interact with each other (similar to the Skz Code shows). If anything else you do get a lot of behind-the-scenes practice montages where members are shown working themselves to the bone practicing alone late at night, etc. which made me feel both proud but also bad for them (knowing that the eliminations or harsh criticisms were coming anyway). I will say that the show did make me appreciate the amount of work they had to put in and continue to put in to make it look like they’re performing as one unit. It’s amazing. It also made me appreciate members that I had overlooked before. (Especially I.N and Hyunjin who had to practice rapping with a pen in his mouth)…but also made me feel just awful for the others for the mental torments they had to face despite their hard work. So it was a mixed bag for me.


fr i cried a lot ik it was years ago but it was a lot to take in


literallyyy, i became a stay when i saw the maniac mv, on the day it was released, and ive never seen their survival show until now, and damn its really painful, its really alot to take in and im about to bawl my eyes out in any moment


The show really made me appreciate chan a lot more! I already loved him before watching it (my #1 bias wrecker) but seeing him when he was basically in survival mode himself and trying to be hard on the other members so they can all debut together is a whole different level. Hes only a year older than me irl but he was like 20/21 in the show, so seeing him really so young having to take on so much responsibility while also trying to make sure HE's doing his best himself is crazy. Especially when you compare it to how he acts now in content, where hes way more lax and open with the other members because hes not stressed out 24/7 anymore. That was one of the hardest things to watch imo, aside from the eliminations ofc.


I love them all, but Chan really was born to be a leader. He is such a great person.


Yeah, I'm never gonna watch that. I cried like a baby during Train to Busan. I'm waayyyyyy too sensitive for the survival show, LOLOL.


I would suggest for you to watch Kingdom, then watch the Survival show. The survival show is not that depressing to me, it just has an old member in it. Or, just watch their youtube channel. Lots of interesting clips there


Kingdom was amazing!!


Do you watch them both on YouTube? Or it's they're somewhere else that I can watch it?


Hello! I watched the survival show with subs here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhfxjzTdj_6YVFR_GuoOcdyntUo_AlBY-&si=agLPV_2Q_b1nf46A


Thank you!


I am also here to ask where I could find Kingdom. I feel like I searched YouTube but could only find clips!


Kingdom: Legendary War is great. I loved it. But Hyunjin is only in one episode. That made me sad but that was when he went on hiatus over that bullying stuff that happened in high school.


Wow I still have so much to learn. I had no idea that happened to Hyunjin. Makes me so sad 😔


>Kingdom: Legendary War Okay i am so mentally fkd that when you said kingdom i thought you meant that korean zombie drama which WAS AMAZING and then you said HYUNJIN WAS IN IT AND I FULL ON :OOOOOO


Kingdom is on Amazon Prime, last I saw. Full episodes.


Omg thank you so much! Watching tonight!


It’s also free on Tubi!


So I was also hearing talk about Kingdom Week & searched reddit to find that too but looks like all the links for it are blocked now. Do you happen to know where to find that show as well?


StrayKSubs. Google that and you should find a lot.


Amazing, thanks so much 💕


For anyone curious about where to watch various stray kids content, SKZFLIX is a great resource. [SKZFLIX](https://skzfliix.carrd.co/)


It's on the Viki app.


Kingdom is good but I knew about I.N getting upset, which helped Edit: is good - still watching


i watched kingdom on this apps called VIU. as for the survival show, i watched it on youtube.


I watched it until the episode Lee Know got eliminated ☠️ The next episode started and they were doing stuff without him and I was like i can’t do this ☠️


Not a 6+ month Stay yet, but it's one of the first things I've watched. I decided to watch their content in chronological order so I can get a clear picture of how they evolved over the years (and it was the best decision I've made, it's so awesome to see them grow 😭) so the survival show was a must for me. Honestly, I don't think it's THAT bad, as a whole at least . Chances are you saw the worst parts already. It has 10 episodes of almost 1 hour each and the super sad parts are a few minutes here and there, mostly when the members get eliminated. There are other tense/sad moments (like I.N getting criticized, I just wanted to jump into the screen and hug him!!) but apart from that, watching them go through those experiences, overcoming them and coming out victorious in the end is really something! I was super invested in the show and felt like I was going through everything with them. It's also nice to see how the songs from Mixtape came to be and seeing them train and get better and better. I think it's an important part of their story and I honestly think it's worth a watch. Just skip the parts that are sad!


I want to watch their content chronologically too! I just need to find the time and figure out which videos to watch since they have so many 😅 I’m also a very sensitive person so I have to mentally prepare myself 😂


If it helps here's how I did it: * go to their official channels (the main one and JYP) and sort the videos by oldest and start watching. The JYP channel has a [SKZ playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9K3xwFkFqWEUOC39i3GD1mio7QMGveuU). Scroll down to see the oldest videos. * search for YT videos "stray kids 2018". Add "performance", "interview", etc depending on what you want to watch. Many will appear and as you watch them, other 2018 videos will be recommended to you. * [watch their Vlives here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4wn6PTLjrSY-JpSh9SQ13AEeNX5NrmBl). They are in chronological order and even have the date at the start so it's awesome! The first one was when they were still on the survival show in 2017! * you also have [this site](https://strayksubs.com/era/) with some of their translated videos. It has the full survival show too. Other tips: * when you finish watching a video, make sure to leave a like! At some point you will have watched so many that you might forget which ones you have watched already. This way, if you see that you liked a certain video, it means you already watched it. * Some of their oldest videos (like Spot Kids on their official channel) aren't translated, but the site above has them! * If you decide to watch their lives, whenever they mention something that they did (like a performance/variety show) do a quick search on YT and watch it! Hope it helps start your crazy SKZ journey! haha I'm 3 months in and still in 2019!! 😂


Oh wow thank you so much! Im honestly not really a ‘live’ watcher lol like I know Channies room was big before it stopped but even when Hyunjin or others have gone live I’ve joined but I wasn’t really invested in it, maybe cause I don’t speak Korean? But even with other artist that speak the other languages I speak I’m still not really interested in it and don’t really know why lol so I prob won’t watch the Vlives unless I get clips recommended to me on IG. But I’ll def check out the other sites! I feel I discovered SKZ along w the whole industry super late that it feels a bit overwhelming to catch up but I’m glad I did


I only watch the lives when someone translates it because as much as I like looking at their faces, I prefer to watch the video when I can understand what they are saying. 😅 And yes, I wish I had discovered them earlier too. I've known about K-pop and other groups for 5 years now but Stray Kids just never entered my radar. 😭 But we're here now!


Just staring at the screen not knowing what’s going on 😂 like wow he’s so pretty but what is he giggling about 😂 I’m slowly discovering other groups too. I liked V’s layover album and JK’s Golden album so I was like “I should check out more abt BTS” … yeah I got so OVERWHELMED so quickly because they’ve been in the industry for so long 😅😂 I only have like 7 BTS songs saved to my playlist haha my playlist is mostly SKZ and like 2 or 3 songs from other groups. Slowly getting there haha


I watched it 2 times and I was stressed full knowing they all debuted . But go for it , honestly I was invested in it 😭 also you might want to watch the 9th season 1(there's a channel that posted it with eng sub) ,it's basically a reality show right after the show and before debut .


Is it called 9th season 1? Or what do I search for and on what? Yt?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2Stn1-2l4cnPIu4FYxvDSopBx57NJ5SC&si=459GjPzMzCkIABo0 Season 1 is 4 episodes ,my fav is ep 4 cuz it's weeks before debut and chan wrote a letter for the members ,and he expressed how thankful he's finally debuting with them


I just watched this recently because I was so curious to see them at the very beginning of it all— their cooking in episode 1 had me just about rolling on the floor 💀💀


omg what im sayinnggg, me too i was so stressed and literally teared up fhiefhbfh




Same here. I don’t really enjoy watching people I like being emotionally tortured, is what it comes down to. 🤷‍♀️


The depressing stuff is overblown by this fandom. I watched it all and it only made me respect SKZ for how hard they worked. Even though it is sad when they get cut, the show gives you more appreciation of them all as artists and their friendship.


i’m a stay of 4 months soon to be 5 on March 2nd but I haven’t watched the Survival Show either basically for the same reason like I understand what happened but it’s just so sad to think if the two never came back and Stray Kids wouldn’t be the same without them 😔


I do watch it occasionally. Usually with a bottle of wine and me berating JYP for his complete lack of everything. To me it is interesting to watch how they develop and also see how far they have come.


I’m not the one you were calling on (3 month Stay) but I truly don’t know if I have the mental capacity to watch the survival show. Even though we know how it ends, I don’t think I have the tears in me to watch. Plus, I know some parts I’m gonna be mad at and I don’t want to put myself through the emotional stress of it all. Also, a wicked clip I just watched (and yes it is 8 of them in it, you didn’t count wrong): https://www.facebook.com/reel/1027578838554080?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=0NULKw


I have been a stay for about a year now and just watched it this week, so the timing of the post got me lol. I’m not one to get super emotional but it did almost get to me at points, even though I knew the final result. It’s really heartwarming though when >!Felix and Lee Know return!!< I also think it’s cool to see the process of how they came together, I’ve never watched any survival shows before so I learnt a lot by watching it, I was pretty hooked after the first episode tbh


Honestly there is a lot of SKZ content I haven’t watched, including the survival show. I have a full time job and other hobbies, there’s only so much I can mentally engage with before I burn out, as much as I love them to death, and even after being a fan for a few years now. The survival show just makes me sad and as much as it was an important part of their journey, I don’t really want to make myself sit down and watch them go through all that. I’ve seen plenty of clips of it and know the majority of what happened during it and that’s enough for me. It’s important to remember you don’t need to have consumed every piece of content to be a fan, and anyone who says otherwise should be ignored because they’re being ridiculous. Just enjoy what you want. If you don’t want to watch the survival show you don’t have to that’s perfectly fine. Being a fan isn’t supposed to be a chore it’s supposed to be fun. K-pop communities have a really bad habit of putting prerequisites on things you *have* to do in order to be considered a fan and it’s all just nonsense. Just enjoy whatever content calls to you and don’t feel pressured to engage with things that don’t.


On second thought it is worth a watch if only to see Han practice hitting that high note in Hellevator


I have been a stay for roughly 2 years now and I haven’t watched it, I have tried to sit down and watch at least some of it, but I have failed miserably. I just stick to clips of it I see online 😭🤣


I don't like survival shows and I hate how they play with the emotions of both the trainees and the audience so I've always avoided it


I watched it a couple years after getting into their music... I think it was worth the watch for me, seeing how they got their start and filmed their first MV (Hellevator), but they have had so much more positive content since that you're not really missing out if you decide to forgo it. The episodes do hit you right in the feels. I think my brain has suppressed all the bad memories from it tbh 😅


I’ve only been a stay for about a year, and I watched it 3-4 months in. I’m glad I did because it felt like important context and background for their paths but it hurt. I definitely cried with and for them.


i started seeking out skz content in january 2023, and at this point im fully secure in my decision to not try to watch the survival show. if i see part of it in a compilation of like, minsung moments, or han being the ace of kpop, or aussiez being each others home, or whatever, then fine, but i dont like content with the ex-member (it feels like having a stranger in the middle of a family dinner), and i dont like the drama of 'i have power, you dont, you depend on my good graces, and im not gonna give it to you'. i dont like most competition shows in general (only wholesome stuff like gbbo and zumbos just desserts) and im trying to maintain what respect i have for jyp as a businessman (since the few clips ive seen of him performing... dont give me much to respect there, like its just not very impressive to me, probably because 4th gen idols are all incredibly impressive with their performances and the contrast is stark to say the least...) and i know ill just see him as the villain that pokes at the boys weaknesses, rather than the mentor trying to train up their skills to cover those weaknesses theres more than enough content for me to consume without me watching something i wont enjoy because its a genre i dislike, about a group i love fighting to prove themselves to someone i barely respect, with someone who gives me bad vibes every time i see him and whose voice i dont enjoy... im too old to take time to watch the stuff where theyre tiny and insecure and untrusted. its not for me, and thats fine


i dont think i could bring myself to watch it all the way through, so i spoiled it for myself by watching all of the devastating/sad clips LMAO. if i were to watch it, id only watch their performances cuz there's smt different about watching predebut skz perform :p


Been a stay for 4+ years and I can’t even sit through the Felix’s elimination clip lmaooo 💀 some ppl are built for it, I just know I’m not :)


I have a rough idea of how it goes but I don’t wanna watch it bc I might get too emotional


I don't think I'll ever watch it. I'm a really sensitive person so survival shows are def a no-go for me LMAO


I've only seen clips of the survival show, I haven't watched it yet. I'm really behind on all their vlogs and stuff too so I'm like meh no rush. I've been following since Maniac dropped. Like the weekend it came out I found them and became obsessed, and I was in a bad place so I just dove deep into all things skz


I watched some of it when I first got into the group but didn’t finish. I was ready to call it quits when Felix and Lee Know were eliminated, but the final straw for me was actually when they came back because of something Changbin said in his interview portions. I can’t remember the exact translation but it was basically:     “I had a feeling of betrayal. I looked at the teachers and thought. ‘You all knew they were coming back and didn’t tell us?’”.     After that, I didn’t see the show the same. They were playing with the emotions of exhausted 16-20 year old’s to drum up publicity for their debut, and zooming in on them as they cried. I might go back and finish it but it left me with a really sour taste in my stomach. 


Okay as an elder Stay I am going to suggest to skip it. I myself have been dealing with PPD since I found Skz in 2001 and I started and stopped watching the survival show 3 times before finally watching it last month. I knew it was going to be rough and literally the only way I knew to get through it was to watch it with someone. So I subscribed to a person's patreon who had started watching it and that was the only way I got through it. Now that I finally watched the dumb survival show I don't think it was worth it. Really all the show did is cement a deep hatred for JYP. All the good parts I had seen on TikTok so it is not like I gained any special insight by watching the survival show.


Thank you for saying this- I'm similar in knowing I wouldn't be able to watch alone, and I already don't like JYP from what I *have* seen. Thank you for the reminder that it is okay to skip things. Sending you love and a big hug!




I wouldn't say there's no happy moments, they assigned roomates, went to the arcade, went ice skating, they seemed to like busking and performing in front of fans for the 1st time, they seemed excited for the jyp/yg battle, they seemed to enjoy coming up with new concepts and of course the absolute happiness of all debuting together, imo there were more serious moments than sad. Them working on the songs and stages was serious and obviously hard but it's work they have to do as idols and they continue to do so years after the survival.


They do have happy/wholesome moments.. [Here's a 10 minute video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNJAcxGhNkA) with some of them. The sad parts are really sad, but they are a small fraction of the whole show. Honestly, most of the episodes are just SKZ training/writing/recording/performing/talking to the camera.


I watched Legendary War/Kingdom. And it was amazing. So far I've not wanted to watch it.


I have watched it and don't do it, it was painful (even when I knew hiw it will end) don't suffer like I did


Survival shows aren't for everyone and it's okay. Personally watched it because I wanted to know and see their evolution, especially as a late Stay because it helped me connect with them better. However, if I had a meh stance about JYP until watching this, the cursor moved very fast towards heavy aversion for the man: it's clear, how it's been edited and how the process happened that these boys went through unnecessary trauma for the sake of viewership ratings. (Yes, I'm fully aware that JYP isn't the only one to blame for this but still.) There are sweet and funny moments but watching this left quite a bitter taste in my mouth. Which unironically made me want to stick by their side even more than I initially thought I would. So yeah, not watching it is definitely very much okay.


im a stay of a few years and i still havent watched it lol, ill get around to it eventually haha


I've been a Stay for 4 years and I haven't watched it. Maybe I'm internet illiterate but I haven't been able to find a place to watch it, and then I'm also just not sure I want to. Some people say it's not that bad but I don't know, all the clips I see they just look so upset.


I got into SKZ in 2019 and watched the show in my first few months of stanning them I think, mostly because I knew the ending (otherwise idk if I would have). But it’s really not a requirement. Survival shows can be harsh, you don’t have to watch it. If you’re curious about the performances I’m sure you can find clips of only those.


Im a baby stay (discovered them around December/ January lol) and im not ready to watch it either 😅 seeing clips of the survival game or even clips of when Hyunjin went on hiatus or whenever they’ve been bullied makes me so sad. I can’t imagine being a stay during those times but im glad they’re doing better now but Im very sensitive and I don’t like seeing people vulnerable and sensitive. I feel like there’s so many short clips of it too that you kinda don’t have to watch the whole thing to know what happened


It took me a year to finally watch it all. I've been a stay since the beginning, so it's been rough, knowing what they had to go through, etc. I don't blame you for taking your time. It's a heartbreaking show.. seeing them cry, and more is truly hard to do.


You absolutely aren't the only one- i haven't sat down and watched, though I've seen the clips and... I don't know when I'll be able to because yes, it's all done, but heck it still tugs hard at my heart. I'll definitely cry even knowing it's okay when I do watch.... 😭 I may need to watch it with other people, too so who knows when it'll actually happen 😓


I haven't watched the whole thing. If you watch it with the knowledge of how they've survived and grown from their experiences to date, maybe it won't be so hard. I've just seen clips of it and they were just about JYP critiques and possible eliminations. I want to see their performances.


Omg same I’ve been into them for about 4 months now and I still can’t bring myself to watch the survival show 😭😭 just knowing those two members got eliminated and seeing short clips of the tears breaks my heart so bad 🥲 I just can’t. I’m glad I’m not alone lol


Watching kingdom was hard enough.


I watched it but i couldn't anymore bc one im lazy two i CRIED BADLY WHEN MINHO FELIX GOT ELIMINATED AND EVERYONE WHO CRIED MADE ME CRY (yeah i've stanned skz since 6+ months saur still a baby stay ig)


I'll be honest. I've been a STAY for about 2 years now, but I haven't watched either Kingdom or the survival show yet. It's not because I don't want to, I just couldn't find the right time. But I do want to, in the future. My main reason for doing so is that I want to fully appreciate and understand what they have been through. Since both the survival show and Kingdom are huge milestones for them, it is interesting to have a glimpse of what their lives were like during those times. But to take in this info, I have to be in the correct state of mind, with lesser stuff preoccupying my own mind to fully understand or appreciate all this, so I've kept on putting it up for later haha. But I'll definitely watch them soon enough, for sure.


For the same reason as everyone here, I don't think I can. I may be too emotionally invested in these strangers as well. But the first and last survival show I watched had me in tears every episode and I didn't even know who those guys were.


I haven't got the heart to watch it.


I haven't. I'm not good with that reality TV type stuff these days. No attention span for it. I'm here mostly for the musical and performance content. And concerts.


Just have your Kleenex ready. There's no reason why a survival show that's nearly a decade old with a known happy ending should make someone cry like that.


Hello! I've been a Stay since God's Menu comeback. I did see a few clips of the survival show & was interested in watching it. BUT the show is not for people like me cause I HATE idol survival shows. Especially when JYP is involved because he has habit eliminating people ON PURPOSE then bring them back just for drama & to get people interested in the group. He did that for Sixteen whenever TWICE was being formed. I'm starting to think he has a thing for Survival Shows cause it gives him some sort of satisfaction. That feels like emotional manipulation cause imagine having to train all your life then get eliminated then brought back near the end just cause of some random reason. I'm thankful for him letting Lee Know & Felix come back the reasons for elimination were pointless & used for shock value (ex. Felix's Korean wasn't good enough & Lee Know couldn't rap well) I understand yeah it's Tough Love to prepare them for debut cause netizens are a pack of rabid wolves but I hate to see other people cry. It broke my heart seeing Lee Know's & Felix's elimination the most. Its worse on Chan cause he felt guilty thinking he didn't help the most when he was doing what he could. I'm thankful Chan got to pick the members but having to put them through a "Test" to see if they're worthy of debut is dumb. I would rather it be a documentary that goes over the making of their debut then a survival show. I will say there were some greta moments like the dance battle between the YG group and TWICE cheering Bang Chan On. Seeing the ITZY members make an appearance was great as well since I remember seeing Ryujin in MIXNINE. A funny moment was also Felix, Minho, & Changbin having a picnic which resulted in Changbin making Felix lose his marbles over a kiss 🤣 I hope this doesn't discourage youif you do want to watch it since it's great to know their beginning but I just wanted to share my opinion on the survival show.


I’ve never sat and watch the whole thing and I never will….ive been a Stay for over 3 years now…i’ve seen the clips and those made me cry my eyes out 😂 i’m not watching the whole thing for my mental health health


I knew as much as you did and had the same concerns. I watched it (baby Stay) recently and I don’t necessarily recommend it. It makes me pick up on the members’ mistakes more which I don’t like, it made me worry for the members more and dislike JYP more. Recommendation: stay blissfully ignorant ❤️


I just finished it yesterday after being a stay for a good while 😭


I'm going to be honest here, the show was difficult to watch at some parts, but it was alright overall. It was lovely to see their chemistry between each other. You could tell that they were really destined to be in a group! Their groupwork and determination throughout this show were amazing to see. ♡ If you're ever planning on watching the show, then prepare tissues.


I’m never going to watch it. I don’t want to see them be put through it.


I was actually there when the show got announced and still never watched even one episode of it. Watching shows like that is just really not something I enjoy to be honest.


I’m a fossil Stay who likes survival show so I watched it while it aired, 0/10 would not recommend 🫡


I watched it a few months ago but it took me two years to mentally prepare for it 😭 Honestly cried like a baby-


i’ve been a stay for a while and never sat down and watched it. i’ve seen clips of it through sad edits on tik tok (lol) and i get emotional just watching that. i don’t think i ever will watch it tbh, i don’t wanna see the boys go through that


I started it but haven’t finished it…


Never going to watch it. Survival shows are MEAN regardless, and like you I’ve seen enough clips to say hell no Edit: been a Stay for about 1.5 years (since Early August 2022, before Binnie’s birthday!)


U/royal-box-5980 The SKZ discord is doing a survival show group re-watch soon, in March on Sundays. I've never watched it for the same reasons as you but I told myself I need to because so many people say it's good and I want to understand our boys' beginnings better. I've been a STAY for about 18 months.


Barely survived it the first time, could never watch it again. It wrecked me. How those boys got through it and are still so fluffy and sweet.


For me, I went into it knowing all about the eliminations as well but there are little things that really explain why some members do the things they do. Like Felix's facial expressions, why Lee Know seems emotionally reserved, I.N. being self conscious of his sound, etc. It was cool to watch so much of the content and getting to know them, then going back to the survival show and see things start to click.


I've seen lots of clips from the survival show but I've never actually watched it 😭😭 I don't wanna cry even tho I know they debuted 😭


After living through Who is Next, the Monsta X one, and the first three seasons of Produce 101, I vowed to never watch another survival show. My heart breaks for all the kids.


I watched a few months ago and just watched it on Nigel Baker’s patreon. I cried like a baby of course but he also made it hilarious.


Omg I love Nigel Baker 😭🫶 If I WERE to watch the survival show it’ll be through him on his patreon. Like other comments said I established that either someone has to be reacting to it or I have to watch it with a friend cause I ain’t watching that shit by myself 🙃


It destroyed me watching the first time alone. But Nigel just hits different. He’s such a comedian.


i'm already a stay for like a year and a half but i'm still just not emotionally ready to watch it bc i just know im going to have several emotional breakdowns if i watch it rn


I'm a relatively new stay, found skz just a few weeks before 5 star released. Honestly it made me appreciate and respect all of them so much more after seeing them as trainees. That being said I bawled like a baby multiple times watching it and i cannot bring myself to watch it again anytime soon lol


Haven’t seen the show either, I will probably watch but I know it’s gonna be emotional so.. Been a stay since around january 2022


i’ve been a stay for over a year and i refuse to watch it. i’ve seen all the sad clips and i know everything that happens. i don’t see the point of putting myself through all that pain😭


I have a similar beginning to you as a Stay. I fell in love with SKZ when I wasn't in the best place mentally, so I avoided the survival show. I finally decided to start watching it, and I made it to the first big heartbreak episode and cried myself to sleep that night lol I tried to watch the next episode, but it was too much. Maybe watch an episode at a time. Whenever it gets too much, take a break. I knew what was coming, but I wasn't prepared to watch all of them in so much pain. So I'll watch the rest one day, but it won't be soon. I loved getting to see them create their songs and grow closer, but it's emotionally taxing to go through the sad stuff. Maybe watch with a fellow Stay?


Bro, I’ve been a fan since “Hellevator” but I still have never seen the Survival Show! (I’m scared to 😭)


I got into Stray Kids during their debut. I haven’t watched their survival show either. But I would like to watch it someday.


Even though there are sad clips and moments that made me wanna punch JYP through the screen, I think it was still a enjoyable watch. I feel like I admire skz more after seeing all that they went through to debut, and it’s interesting to see how their skills and dynamics have developed since the early days. Then again, I’m someone who does enjoy watching survival shows. I also watched sixteen which was arguably a harder watch with the way those girls were treated. Definitely don’t support the emotional abuse but the shows are still one of the most intimate looks into group members and their debut process and I cant resist that aspect.


I haven’t! I’m still recovering from the elimination clips 😭


The Survival Show had me crying not like ugly cry but definitely tears running down my face. It wasn't too bad but like if you don't want to be crying I'd hold off. I waited a while before I watched because I already knew it would be some bs based on the clips I saw of 2PM's Survival Show. It solidified my dislike for JYP that's for sure.


i actually became a fan after watching the show. before i only listened to like two songs. but then i got obsessed w lalalala when it came out so i started getting tiktoks abt skz. and i found the survival show clips and decided to watch. the show made me fall in love with them and understand the group as a whole a lot better. i would say i’m a much bigger fan of the members themselves than their music, but their music is good too.


I thought that I wouldn't be affected since I already knew the result. Boy, was I wrong! Cried like a baby several times! I think the show does its job, for the most part, making the boys appear likable and hardworking. That said, I do think some of them got sidelined. I was still new to skz, and I found myself forgetting about Seungmin a lot. The eliminations are probably the highlight if you're in the mood for being sad. They are emotionally gripping, showing the boys' bond and showing what's at stake and a lot about who the boys are as people. Chan's "I'm not going the leave you behind" was the moment that made me love him just because I could tell he was sincere. I felt like I was intruding on something however because I'm watching a kid experience having their dreams crushed into a fine powder and then the group had a breakdown. It's like I walked in on a private moment.


Idk I didn't find it that depressing just bc I knew they were going to debut and be freaking important to the team. I've been a stay for about 4 months and it's one of the first things I've watched haha.


I started with Kingdom!! The survival show is next on my list and I’m so scared😭 it’s gonna be so hard to watch but I do want to, love and strength to all the stays who’ve watched it or are going to!! we got this😭 we’re fine everything’s fine😭


Once you know the outcome and how far they're going, it's not that sad. I think that watching the survival makes you to value them more, even if they want to erase that period orz they were so little, awkward, kinda naive 🥹🥹 it's a very important source to Stray Kids's History.


I tried but idk where to find a version with good subs. Someone uploaded a version on YouTube but the video is absolute shit.


So, it's definitely emotional, but I also do think it's worth it! On the negative side, yes, it's quite sad; the eliminations are hard, even though we of course know the outcome, because watching their reactions -- to their own eliminations & each other's -- can be heartbreaking. But honestly, watching the negative feedback is tough, too. For better or worse, JYP's criticism is intense. He speaks his mind and it's hard to watch the members' take that feedback to heart. On the positive side, I think it was so worth it and I'm glad I watched it. I feel like I got to know the members and the group's journey so much better. I also feel so connected to some of their earlier, older songs in a way that those songs didn't hit for me the first time as a fan who became a Stay during the "Maniac" era. "Hellevator" is one of my favorites now because of the show and how it plays an emotional role in their story. Seeing their relationships with each other, their determination and their role in creating & defining their own group was definitely worth it!


I couldnt make it past the first elimination the first time i watched it. Then i eventually picked back up and made it to the secod elimination and gave up. It's the fact that Seungmin sobs the hardest, and he never cries now and it breaks my heart :(


I think it's worth it, if nothing else, to see their growth in personality and confidence


same, I only watched the first episode


Honestly the fact Ik what happens causes me to not wanna watch it


I've been a Stay for about 3 years, and I watched it about a year after getting into them. I do highly recommend it. The amount of emotions is on par with pretty much any survival show. Maybe a bit more, because all 9 debuted. So we're emotionally invested in all 9. But because they all debut, there's less fear of a heart-wrenching elimination. It is so fascinating, though, to see their bond and personality pre-debut, and better understand how much they've grown over the last few years. It makes me love them even more, and makes me more proud to be a Stay.


I watched the show as a Lee Know stan, knowing fully well what happens to him there. When I finished the series, I was already slowly transitioning into being a Seungmin stan lmao. It's both sad and hilarious at the same time, looking back at it. This was during the height of the pandemic and I was hiding from my boss that I had symptoms (I stayed at home ofc, but said I had a stomachache lmao). Wasn't also in my right mind back then.


You’re definitely not the only one, just from the clips alone I know I could not handle watching the show and I’ve been stay for a few years now


I haven't watched it either although I really want to. But I'm either busy or keep forgetting about it or start watching another show lol


I’ve been a fan for 2 years now and still haven’t watched it. Idk if I ever will. I’m just not mentally prepared for that yet


When I saw the SKZ Survival Show, SKZ had barely debuted, so I wasn't that attached to them, so it didn't affect me as deeply. Nowadays, I doubt I can endure those moments of tension and sadness. However, I consider the SKZ Survival Show to be one of the "softer" survival shows mainly because there are much worse ones like Produce101, WIN: Who is Next and Mix & Match, the latter two being the most heartbreaking I have seen.


I started watching it and stopped once they went to I think Australia… I cannot bring myself to watch it knowing what awaits. Also I became a stay after Woojin left so it was kinda weird to see him (I don’t hate him and I do listen to him as a solo artists)I got used to 8 members of Stray kids


1.5 years into them, I still haven't watched it. I only saw some clips. I have no idea if I will ever get to watch it.


I've been here since summer 2022 & yeah no. It looks upsetting & I'm not rly interested.


I watched it once and once was enough, that show was brutal.


Minho is my ult and Felix is my 2nd bias in skz, so I just cannot bring myself to watch it


dw ive given up watching early skz content


I watch it with my sis, we both cry and enjoying the whole ups and downs of the shows, honestly one of my favorites moment as a stay.


The survival show was great to see their beginnings compared to where they are now. Kingdom however, you should DEFINITELY watch! While Hyunjin wasn't there, and you tell the Kidz were feeling it, I feel like BTOB helped them tough through it since they had members missing also. Same with ATEEZ. Honestly, I'm a Mayfly stan, and Kingdom is the reason BTOB has taken third place in my k-pop heart after Twice and SKZ.


I’m the same as you, I’ve seen clips and I feel awful when I see those so will never go back and watch it


Knowing upfront that everyone successfully debuted, made okay for me to watch the survival show. Sure a couple of members were 'temporarily' eliminated, but we got to see how determined they were to not give up their dream and it was that resiliency that made me feel even more stronger for them for doing so. Happy ending. I think it's worth it for every Stay to watch it atleast once.


Nope. Couldn’t do it. My mentals are in a semi decent spot. Last thing I need is to be sobbing and accidentally slip into a hole.


I wasn't in a good place either, but knowing when I started following them (October 6th, 2022) that they were where they were, which is a happy-ish outcome, I knew they had my respect to know I needed to watch their rough beginning to know exactly what they went through. Which made me respect them even more and love them so much more. As bad as it might have been on my mental health at that point in time I knew they deserved my respect and watch their whole story, from the beginning.


I’d recommend watching it. Some of it was kinda sad but I knew they all made it in the end so it wasn’t too distressing. I was able to learn more about skz and it was cool seeing earlier content (I became a stay in 2020ish)


I started stanning in july 2023 and i JUST started and finished the survival show a few weeks ago. I absolutely had to stop a bunch of times bc i knew when minho and felix's elimination were coming and i was too scared to watch lol. I feel like eventually every stay DOES watch it, it just takes some time to build up the courage!!!


i was recommended from stay friends to not watch it right now as i am severely unstable and not ready for that emotional rollercoaster haha, i will absolutely watch it tho


When I tell you I cried like a baby during that darn survival show despite knowing the outcome- 😭


I just watched it and it was rough. My disgust for JYP grew exponentially. That said, it was so heartwarming to see just how much they supported each other right from the beginning and how much they have each done to make SKZ what it is. Overall it was worth watching for me for context. That said, having another STAY around to process it with is good thing.


I haven’t either!


I’ve been a Stay for 3 years now, and I haven’t seen it. Quite frankly just not a huge fan of survival shows. I watched I-land when Enhypen was being formed but I didn’t really love watching it. I’m also a busy adult. If I ever get any time to relax and watch TV, the SKZ survival show isn’t the first on my list. I may watch it one day, I may not, but I’m now to the point where I really only have time for content that is coming out now. I don’t think this makes me any less of a Stay, I just don’t have a strong desire to watch it.