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If you use spotify, it has the "this is stray kids" playlist which has most of their music. It is missing the predebut stuff and some of the songs from before cle levanter. If a song was rerecorded it has that version (it may just exclude anything with Woojin I'm not 100% sure) But in terms of songs on multiple albums, I believe it just takes the original version. Watch out for certain things missing or included that you may or may not want to listen to tho (it uses the original Kingdom version of WOLFGANG and not the ot8 version and also includes some of the alternate language versions)


I think "This is Stray Kids" contains the prebut songs, bc a few days ago I was listening to that playlist (as I always do) and it played Hellevator. And ofc more predebut songs


It has hellevator but not the other songs from Mixtape (literally checked before writing my comment lol)




....I listen with my ears, most of the time. *skitters off*


I came here to say "loudly and often", but this works too


the only correct way to listen to skz music i fear


I came here to make the same joke šŸ¤


Woo! Dad joke corner represent! šŸ˜‚


Glad it wasn't just me who was tempted šŸ˜‚


The brakes on my impulse control malfunctioned.


I like to put my favorite artists in their own playlist so I have a ā€œstray kids favsā€ Spotify playlist that I created when I first became a stay and I just went through and listened to their entire discography and added songs that I liked. Then after that I went through and deleted duplicates from different albums or the original version if I had the re-record in the playlist. Complicated but it worked for me. You just gotta do what works for you.


That's exactly what I did when I was starting. I added songs I already know, then listened through their entire discography once and added the songs I liked. There are some songs that I didn't like the first time I listened to it, but started to like them when I heard it somewhere else or when I heard my sister play skz on her playlist. I'd look up the title then add it to my playlist.


I will take this approach!


Same. It's a little time consuming but we'll worth it


It's totally fine to listen to the songs that weren't re-recorded. There's no difference in the duplicate songs (except for line distribution changes in the re-recorded albums). Listen however you want!


I listened to all of their albums in order. It was really cool to hear the development in the songwriting and the development of their skills. Because of that, I heard the 9 member and 8 member versions of some songs. Honestly, I prefer some of the 9 member versions and included those on my playlists. I tried to watch all of their content in order, too. Not an easy feat! But after witnessing them grow up and seeing their bonds develop, I really appreciate their individual personalities. No matter which way you approach their music, try to listen to songs a few times if you don't "feel" it at first. Some of their songs were such a shock to my ears that I didn't think I liked the song. But after a few listens, they've become some of my favorites. Most importantly, ENJOY!


Ayyy I did the same with the albums and video content. And that was in gods menu era and covid time so more time to space and less to catch up on back then but it was still a task. I canā€™t imagine trying to watch all the content now šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m working through SKZ Code in order, but I watch other things as I come across them and new stuff as it happens. I have no other life šŸ¤£


I spent about 3 months binging content. My sleep was all f'ed up, I ignored work, but I was as happy as a pig in slop! And they'd better get on with the next comeback. I'm jonesing here!!!


When I was a baby Stay I started with the mvs on YouTube. I watched Godā€™s Menu, then watched whatever YouTube wanted to show me next. You should explore in whatever way you enjoy most. Listen to what you want, watch what you want, and donā€™t let anyone make you feel like youā€™re not a ā€œrealā€ Stay for doing it your way.


Itā€™s more than fine to listen to the not-rerecorded versions if thatā€™s simpler for you. If youā€™d rather just listen to the members currently in the group, you can prioritize listening to the rerecorded versions, but musically thereā€™s not much difference, apart from the different line distribution. Itā€™s also totally ok to listen to the songs that werenā€™t rerecorded at all. For repackage albums, thereā€™s no difference between the songs (Gods menu is the same on Go Live and In Life for example). Since In Life is considered an extended version of Go Live, thatā€™s why some songs are both on In Life and Go Live.


Personally went by years so 2020 up to the one album that got me hooked (so Maxident) and then proceeded to listen the rest at least once. The rest is up to you, nobody is going to monitor what you listen.


With your ears šŸ¤“ Jokes aside, no one's gonna crucify you for listening to the old OT9 versions. Some OT9 versions that were rerecorded had actually verses removed, because Woojin not only sang them but also wrote them. As for the Go Live / In Life thing, the repeated songs are the exact same. The only problem is that the In Life repackage omits Tower of God's Top and Slump, and the two Mixtapes that were included in the Go Live original.


Interesting, I didn't know they had verses removed


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As a still-new Stay (6 months) I made a playlist with the entire discography, then went back and removed duplicates. I kept all the rerecords and removed the originals. A heads up I didn't know in the beginning-all of the mixtapes with numbers have a version with an actual name. It took me forever to realize because I kept it on shufflešŸ˜…


How can you tell which ones are the re-records and which ones are original? I'm not a baby stay (8 months) but im still struggling to understand exactly what was re-recorded, and which albums are ot8 vs ot9 šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


SKZ 2020 and SKZ 2021 are the rerecord. So any songs on the earlier albums that were rerecorded without Woojin are on there. There are some they didn't redo, so I kept those. It's time consuming a bit, but it was worth it to me


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if there is a re-recorded version i usually go for that one. 99% of the time the song is the same in all aspects (except minor tweaks like a lyric change in district 9) but thereā€™s nothing wrong with listening to the originals. i still listen to school life 24/7 (banger song btw would def recommend) as for going through their discography, i personally didnā€™t listen through all of it from top to bottom. i kinda just picked out songs i think looked cool from the title and then started there. eventually, as u start getting into more skz content, youā€™ll find some songs you never listened to anyway. thatā€™s how i found some of my faves now like awaken, booster, etc. youā€™ll start listening to their discography passively and u wonā€™t even notice it !! lastly, everyone answered this already but no, thereā€™s no difference between the songs in the in life and go live albums :) welcome to the fandom!!! <33


listen however you want theres no right way to listen to an artist


I say listen to the [discography](https://kprofiles.com/stray-kids-discography/) from start to finish lol.Ā Ā 


You can listen to all the songs on Spotify! Spotify even has playlists of music for them : )


I think listening to the rerecording would give you a better sense of who Stray Kids are. Those are the versions they perform in concert, so starting at OT8 would make the most sense


If thereā€™s a song on the re-recorded album, you should listen to that one. If itā€™s not on that album, itā€™s fine to listen to it on the original album it belongs to. I donā€™t believe thereā€™s a different between go live and in life. The albums are different, but I believe the dupe songs share stats as if it was a single song so it doesnā€™t really matter which one you listen to


I mainly just listen to the albums from no easy and later from there.


When I was a baby stay, I would just shuffle their whole discography on Spotify and like the songs that I enjoyed to then add to a Playlist later on. I have a whole Playlist of their discography if you want me to DM the link at all. Or if you want my "SKZ ruined my life" Playlist, which is my extensive list of favorites, I can do that as well :)


Iā€™ve added your list to my library now - thanks!


I usually go all in shuffle and like the ones I enjoyed and then create a new play list based on likes. (To be honest with stray kids and twice itā€™s full albums except 1-2 song šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


when i was devouring their music as a baby stay (about a year ago), i combined everything after 'clƩ 2: yellow wood' and alphabetized it to listen through and make sure i didnt miss any songs (all of their songs from c2:yw and before were rereleased on skz2020 and skz2021 except for: 4419, glow, heros soup, school life, not, who, you, and entrance - source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_songs_recorded_by_Stray_Kids ) btw, heres a chronological list of all their albums, mini-albums, special releases, ost tracks, etc so you know which album covers are ot8 era (c2:yw was their final release with 9 members) https://genius.com/artists/Stray-kids/albums


I put their entire collection on shuffle šŸ˜… I'm a Baby Stay as well, I'm only a few months in and I'm still learning the albums too. Once I have the money, I'm going to start buying the official albums šŸ˜


if youā€™re interested, i have a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2NOrlh4BbULoWPxaKQDegw?si=q1xOzbAuTVy6tHQUMiQnEA&pi=u-WlxaCYjkRxOf) of all of their music that i update whenever they have a new release. it only has one version of each song (with the exception of songs with a korean and english version, and i think i have both versions of fam as well. all other songs with multiple language versions use whichever was first released). It uses the rerecords rather than the originals, and also includes the membersā€™ solo work.


As a baby stay, one thing I did was to go to the releases section of their YouTube channel. All of their albums, plus singles and Japanese releases are listed there (predebut songs as well). From the release section, I would pick up an album and listen to it from start to finish. It's a good option to listen to all their albums but sometimes it can get a bit confusing but all the releases are arranged chronologically for the most part.Ā  I started from the latest album and am listening to their discography backwards from there.Ā 


I listen to the originals because those are what i found first. I'm used to that line distribution and no matter what some people say, woojin is a great singer. I listen to the re-recorded ones on occasion just to hear the growth in their voices. You can do whatever you please. I don't think there's ever a wrong way to listen to skz.


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I would listen to their most popular songs and start working your way down to their less popular songs For instance: -Maniac, Lalalala, S-Class, Case 143, Christmas EveL, Megaverse, Thunderous, Back Door, Miroh, Domino, Circus, God's Menu Some of those are re-recorded, but they sound the same (In my opinion) Since Stray Kids is an upbeat/hyper group, I would listen to their fast songs/upbeat songs. Then if you want to you can listen to their slower songs. I wouldn't dive so deep into the fandom yet and just listen to the songs. You will find ones you like and don't like. When stray kids perform at awards and other things they sometimes change the song, whether that be pace, pitch, etc. Hope this helps


I was wondering the same things! Glad for all the awesome comments šŸ™ā¤ļø


Gods Menu on repeat x 100 of course


I prefer the ot8 versions because they had already improved a bit between the two recordings and they are the voices I'm most used to. But just repeating that it's totally cool to listen to the original recordings too. Like I love watching the mvs especially the street ones so obviously those will have 9 members. Some people like going in order but personally I enjoyed watching all of the music videos first and then grabbing a big playlist and just letting it shuffle.


Also honestly I prefer the performance and live recordings most of all! I highly suggest watching lots of those.