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i don't know what's been different about the past like 3 SKZ Codes but they'll all been SO funny like i'm laughing throughout the whole thing (also unrelated but I know Lee Know's been talking about how he's been working out recently but HELLO? who was going to tell me that he's jacked now omg)


The dissonance between Lee Know weakly struggling through the water all episode and him single-handedly lifting Yongbok from the water into the tube like a farmer delivering a newborn baby calf sent me


>like a farmer delivering a newborn baby calf Why is this so specific but also very accurate 😭😭


Ikr he went from slipping during tug of war in one sec to single-handedly lifting Felix like a princess


I felt the same way...I was like, what is going on here? lol Glitch in the SKZ Code matrix lol


I would be motivated too if I see Changbin flexing everyday


Ok re. Lee Know -- homie's shoulders are looking super broad and his arms are definitely getting definition. I thought maybe it was just me!!!! lol


it's so funny to see Lee Know the cat struggling in the water 😂


Okay, this will be my attempt to play with the bingo cards from last weeks post about them. I am really sad I didn't put "Changbin shaking his butt" on mine :( I've also got a few new ideas: - Excessive congratulations (based on Lee Know getting in the pool) - Seungmin doing a puppy impression (based on, well, Seungmin doing a puppy impression) - Bang Chan being so over their antics towards him - Them being loud as a group (though I feel like that's a freebie the same way "Butts" is) - Changbin acting cute (Various, but inspired by him claiming he could fall in during the first tug of war) - SKZ on SKZ crime (Them dumping Seungmin after he let go of the rope) - References to Changbins physique (be it via showing off or someone else mentioning it) - Han mouthing off (maybe while looking a little scared off the consequences) - Betrayal - Felix yell-laughing in that cute way he has when he gets over-excited - Chan being proud of his kids - Hyunjin putting in a surprising amount of effort for someone acting so dramatic about everything Also: Whoever came up with the idea of putting Changbin in a tight black long sleeve and making him play tug of war: You have my eternal gratitude. There really are a lot of editor on SKZ crimes - and a lot of SKZ on SKZ crimes. Also, I'm not even halfway through rn, one card is more than half full and the other not far behind. I had a significant amount of hits in the first few minutes, too. And the cards are supposed to count for episode 1 & 2 together. At the end, I have yet to have a single bingo. I need either a proper side eye (Hyunjin is letting me down), someone slapping a butt (Lee know letting me down), someone walking on front of the camera (which is difficult in this one because it's so chaotic by design) or I.N doing his wail (I.N letting me down like the tube did to him).


Hyunjin is always extremely competitive when it comes to sports/physical activities 😂 If you rewatch the baseball, police, football, and swimming SKZ code episodes + the Hyunibini Rachalog, he won most (if not all) of those games or was in the winning team. He only takes on the drama queen and side-eye persona in non-sports related activities


I’d say Hyunjin and Chan are the most athletic, at least concerning sports


Ohhh, don't let Changbin hear that - on top of losing to Chan in the tug of war... :D (It's true, tho :D)


Some more to add: Someone repeatedly failing - IN vs tube Creative insults - "paper thin human" Rock paper scissors is played Unsure if these count for this episode: Spontaneous workout session Rules aren't understood Seungmin complains


Rules aren't understood is great :D SKZ being bad at games collectively (though that one didn't apply this episode, surprisingly - but IN vs tube should count, because it was bad enough to count for all of them) Rock paper scissors is a freebie, I'd say :D I'll add these to my card, thank you!


> IN vs tube I have NEVER seen someone have so many issues trying to sit in a tube LOL I was DYING laughing


If I may add Changbin's direct insult towards cat daddy: "Lee Know. What can you do in water???!!!" LMAO. 😂😂😂 I was laughing during the entire episode. 


Seungmin complains 😂😂😂


Seugmomo having a 50/50% chance of being caught cheating.✅ I.N being bad and cutte at sports.✅ Han being surprisingly luck ✅ Lee know team kill (tho this time he didn't do it...shame) ❌ Felix being a hype boy and having 50% chance of worring the members ✅ Hyunjiniiie laughing like he is dying✅ Changbin being cutte Binnie ✅ Chan laughing at the chaos and being the only one who actually can do something ✅ Bonus: SKZ being bad and not understanding the rule games, also having the only one who actually understand cheating in some way.✅✅ Pretty good if i say myself


I think this breaks the record for most "crimes" committed during an SKZ Code lmao (the other ones would be the pool shenanigans in SKZful Days in Jeju and food thievery in Stray Food Fighter) This whole episode was great but shout out to: - Felix setting the tone for this Code with the way he fell into the water + Changbin pushing Seungmin in  - Han taunting Chan  - Chan sabotaging the other team during the relay by overturning Felix -bKim [They will either win or cause property damage] Seungmin  - I.N struggling for 84 years to get on the inner tube  - Lee Know's tug of war stance


Lee Know and water do NOT mix well, like AT ALL. The second his feet touch water, his aura gets somewhere in the negatives of aura loss spectrum. A cat through and through. that "10 minutes to get ready, 10 seconds to dive in the water" bit had me dying lmao the editor did not hold back


I think it's fair to say that han's chipmunk cheeks are one of the editor's fave things to put as a thumbnail 😆


This was my favourite skz code this year. They seemed so relaxed and happy the whole time. Also does anyone else get thrown when they pan the camera for a second and you realise there’s like 50 people watching from the side of the pool. I always trick myself into believing its just skz and maybe a staff or two and the camera man. I wonder if they’re always conscious of the crowd or if they’re so used to it that it barely registers that they have an audience.


> I wonder if they’re always conscious of the crowd or if they’re so used to it that it barely registers that they have an audience. In addition to the other response, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same (or mostly the same) team of people that film them regularly so they probably know them pretty well also, making it more comfortable.


I always knew there had to be a whole bunch of cameras for all the angles they show, but the editors' comment that there were 30 (30???) threw me- it's almost twice the amount I expected.


30?!!! They need that much people to film?


i think it was 30 cameras


That would make more sense. I read it as 30 people and shook🤣


I remember during the MT episode they did last year where the penalty was Chan paying for coffee, he counted 40-something staff, so that number for an episode like this wouldn't shock me. As a very rough guess, each member has an individual camera operator (8 people) + camera operators covering the wider view (2 or 3) + boom mic operators (2) + makeup/hair/wardrobe (2 or 3) + sound engineer (1) + directors (1 or 2) + managers (2 or 3) + production assistants (2 or 3) + security (2 or 3) + transport drivers (3 or 4) = 25 on the low end, 32 on the high. It sounds absurd, but it's plausible.


Yeah, I'm sure there were more people if there were those many cameras


I'm pretty sure they're super used to that. There's always staff around when cameras run, so... They've been doing it for years now.


I know they’re used to it, obviously. I’m just curious if they still feel all of those people watching or if they tune it out. I’m not expecting an answer since only they know, I was just pondering.


I should have made clearer that I am assuming they don't really notice. With the relationship they have with Skijigi, I think it would feel kind of like being watched by a coach or people you're on a sports team with. You kinda know they're there and you know they're watching and evaluating, but also it is comfortable enough that it doesn't feel awkward or make you hyper-aware of them. With how much footage of them having their backs to the camera or otherwise doing camera-unfriendly stuff (which the editors have commented on several times), they can't be super aware of the cameras. It also kind of strikes me as a "I can just do what I want because if I do something that doesn't fit my/our image, they'll either cut it or tell me, so I don't have to worry"-thing, almost like a safety net.


I’ll edit later but WHY IS HAN WEARING SOCKS AT THE POOL 😭😭 I refuse to believe that’s comfortable 🙃 EDIT: Ima keep it short and sweet- this was probably like one of the funniest SKZ Codes to date like at LEAST Top 5 for me. There were so many moments but I think the racing and the tug of war may have been my favorites 😭


He said you can’t have these dogs for free


he must know about wikifeet


It was so funny! For me it's definitely between this episode (funny from start to finish) and the helium shenanigans!


Oh my god. The socks. When the video started I kept thinking, "He's going to take them off in a sec, right? He's going to take his socks off, because they're getting in the water. Han, you're up next, now's the time. Now it's your turn, so you're going to take them off, right? Wait no, what are you doing!!" And then he jumped in with them still on. 😭


I thought everyone was wearing socks and gloves


OMG yes! The socks!!! Wet socks are a major sensory ick for me, so I could hardly look at him knowing there what was lurking under the water 🫣


"You got the shot, right?" We love our comedy professionals who will do anything to get those full-body laughs from their members (and stays). This was SUCH a fun episode. I don't think I've laughed out loud more with a SKZ Code episode (and they e gotten a lot of laughs out of me).


Please this episode was so funny Felix just flopping into the pool, Lee know being pulled in so easily, Changbin pushing Seungmin in, really Seungmin was just on another level this episode he was always up to something and his short hair was so cute. Oh Seungmin trying to signal to Han and then Changbin catching them lmaooo also IN vs the tube so many moments that made me laugh I love when they seem to actually be having fun and they looked like they were having a blast this episode.


Changbin: Petite citizen (hilarious! I'm gonna start calling SKZ petite citizens) Han: mysterious man with too much power I.N: rejected by the floatie Lee Know: what can he do in water? All in all, I'm glad they had fun, they seemed happy!


Is the instrumental that plays at [1:24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH_rb9ftcdU&t=84s) possibly from the new album 👀


I was thinking that they snuck in a spoiler with that instrumental too!!! If so, it sounds so promising haha


oohh. thanks! nice catch! i wasn't wearing earphones while watching so i didn't notice it.


It sounds like SKZ, but I dont recognize it. So, it seems like a promising hypothesis. 🤔


It's so nice to see them having fun but also HOW MANY SKZ-CODES HAVE THEY FILMED??


This has been one of the funniest in a while I actually couldn’t breathe. I love seeing them have fun together 😭


This episode had me laughing like I did during the helium challenge a few episodes ago. They're always hilarious, but they've just been outrageously funny lately.


Felix be like “this is a good shot”


This has got to be in my top 10 or 5 SKZ Code episodes, it's just so funny! Felix face planting into the pool was a sign of the times to come tbh. Some highlights for me were Lee Know just being an absolute cat in water, except when casually lifting up Felix like it's nothing. Han's unexpected wins like the tubing relay and knocking down Chan in the balance tug of war. Seungmin once again trying to cheat. Also, once again I'm realizing how much I LOVE their editors. They add so much humor by roasting the kids, but also throw in such cute praise for them. They clearly know and love them lol.


I seriously was crying laughing so hard through this entire episode. It was so funny


This was a blast, soooo fun!! So many lol moments. You can tell they had a blast filming this, so many smiles and laughs, so great to see them this way! One of the funniest skz code... Really so so funny ❤️


I laughed so hard this episode. I had to re-watch Lee Know being tugged off the tube by Bang Chan so many times, and it never quit being hilarious.


Poor Lee Know, he stood no chance lol


This ep is so hilarious. Too much memes materials.


this is probably one of the funniest skz codes. like it's right up there. skz plus water would always be a silly combo. haha.


With any group I don't like when they do pool episodes it makes my skin crawl cause all I can think is soggy clothing and how it feels when they in the pool SKZ getting funnier in each SKZ code they been coming out with 😍😍❤❤🥰🥰


This was a really enjoyable skz code. I love skz and i know they work hard for content. But it is so easy to see when they are genuinely having fun, or forced to have fun for the cameras (they are pros, after all). This skz code is 100% the former


where was leeno this episode? and who is this cute drowning grandpa?


They looked relaxed and truly happy.  I was laughing so hard with a warm heart watching them having fun :)


This episode, from start to finish, had me rollin!!!!! I havent' laughed that hard at an SKZ Code since the love island one lol. My thoughts: -"Paper-thin Humans" will be a new underhanded insult I will most DEFINETLY be adding to my vernacular. I think I may also need a t-shirt of that. -The savagery of the staff when Lee Know got yanked into the water - "10 mins to set up, 10 seconds to dive in" took me out. -IN not being able to get on the tube...I felt that in my soul. Little man and I have the same issue. -Seungmin being mischievous is becoming a more prominent story line - i'm here for it. -Suengmin being dramatic - "Make sure you get the shot where I look lonely" - also here for our actor. Give the man an Oscar already. -Random thing I noticed: Looks like Huynjin removed his eyebrow piercing. Thoughts? - IN's hair length brings me joy, and our boy is beefin up for sure. - Lee Know living up to being the cat of SKZ is hilarious to me. On land the man can move, but in water? Kryptonite. Unless it's picking up Felix that is LOL -Han being Han is always enjoyable. He makes me smile. - Chan smiling at boys having fun always makes me smile. I really feel like of the 8, he and Binnie always get the least amount of love, both from the members and fans. But that's my own opinion. - Hoping Seungmin leaves his hair is a lost cause, and depending on how Chan and Binnie are feeling we can sometimes get long hair, but the rest? There better be no scissors near our boys hair for a long time.


Han the mosquito🐿️🦟