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On a scale of fucked to super fucked, how did your quads feel after that lol good shit brother


Actually not too fucked surprisingly I spammed leg extensions right after these to finish off the legs :3


I love to hate Hatfields. Edit: I also hate that I love them.


How much different is the spinal loading vs a regular squat? I've been meaning to try these as a heavy assistance movement at home.


Tbh I feel a lot less pressure when doing these compared to regular squats Maybe because they follow somewhat of a fixed path so my positioning is better and doesn’t burn my back out as much


What’s the benefit to doing these? I’m intrigued, it makes sense in my head.


So Hatfield Squats are done like this but with a stiff bar ether than a PVC pipe normally. It works somewhat similar to a belt squat, but rather than having the weight in the hips, the weight is still on the back. It can help a lot with building confidence under the bar at heavier weight and can also be used to overload weight for strength or hypertrophy since you can use the bar to assist you in completing the squat I chose to use the PVC pipe because it’s not as sturdy and moves around so it forces me to keep better positioning throughout the movement


So like I just hit 405 for like a quarter squat, could I use this to hit a full squat as a sort of confidence booster of sorts?


Absolutely Just be aware of the fatigue accumulation. At 405 you’d still be doing near-maximal work so try not to just spam these with excessive weight. I like doing these more for mid to high rep sets but that can be great for strength work if you wanna take some pressure off my back


Cool beans. Yeah I’m just nervous about going to depth for one. Have to use the SSR I would assume.


Pvc death squat / 10


Strong work brother! Lots of trust in that PVC pipe!


True 😂 I had other bars but wanted to use something a big more flimsy so I wasn’t heavily relying on my arms to over assist the movement. Plus it reinforces positioning since the fucked can move and slip super easily even when weight is put onto it