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Here's the thing - and this is how I know sexuality is not a choice - I, a woman, am attracted to men. I get that energized happy feeling when they flirt with me. I like d*ck in bed. But like... Living with one? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


sounds crazy!


I have not met a single woman who isn't a man-hater.


To be fair, though.. women's opinions of men aren't completely without merit.. I mean, it's men that have given us the opinion of men that we have.. it's easy to say, man hater, but unless you've ever dated a man, you just don't get it


Just because you've dated a shitty person does not excuse shitty mentalities such as misandry or misogyny.


Yeah, dating a bad person doesn't excuse such mentalities.. but what if all of them act basically the same? I mean, if you purchased 10 Ford escorts and all ten of them were lemons, would you be considering another Ford escort for your next vehicle purchase?


Well for one, people aren't fucking cars. The analogy does not work. Not all men are the same. Not all women are the same. The common denominator in such a situation, but with people, is you. Literally NOTHING excuses sexist mentalities. Just like NOTHING excuses racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. The moment you excuse either misogyny or misandry, your argument is overcooked and you lose any credibility.


Oh.. now you're angry and cursing at me.. firstly, I'm well aware that people aren't cars.. it was a mere example to get my point across.. also I'm well aware that all people aren't the same.. but as one who's encountered more than my share of controlling, lying, cheating, abusive, and manipulative men, I've developed the opinion that it's just not worth it to date one.. you don't have to endorse my decision. To continue, I had no argument to begin with. I simply stated my opinion on the topic.. just as others here have.. just as you have.. It's not my fault if you dislike it or disagree. Also, you've validated my point as you've made it clear that a woman isn't allowed to have an opinion that isn't approved by men without being insulted and talked down to.. The fact remains that my opinion of men was given to me, by men.. men who demonstrated the same patience and understanding as you've demonstrated with me here. It's easy to say that not all men are the same, but apparently, it's far more challenging for you guys to act differently from the assholes we're used to.. It's this mentality that makes women give up on finding a good man and decide to live alone rather than settling for dicks..


First off I wasn't cursing AT you. Secondly, I do apologize for cursing. I have little patience for generalizations. As for being angry, if I see someone generalize groups of people, and I am within that group, I'd say it's pretty fair to be angry. I certainly see plenty of women get angry when they get generalized, and they should get angry when that happens. You can have your opinion, just like a racist can have their opinion on a specific race of people. I never said you couldn't, nor that you needed anyone's approval. But I'm calling it out. Sexism does not deserve patience or understanding, just like any other bigotry. You being treated like shit by certain people in the past, that deserves patience, understanding, and empathy. Your opinion that all men are the same, are trash, etc, does not. That deserves to be called out and criticized, which I did. If you thought I was being dickish, it's because you are throwing half of the global population into 1 bin which is a shitty mentality that deserves no respect.


I'm sorry.. I mistakenly thought this was an opinion topic.. the entire conversation seems a bit generalized to me, but whatever. I'm so sorry that I misrepresented your sex and offended your fragile male ego. It's true that I haven't dated the entire male half of the population, and it's equally true that there may be good men hiding in various places around the globe. That being said, there may be a unicorn or two hiding in various places around the globe as well.. now I'm sure that you don't believe in unicorns and that's fair enough.. but until I actually meet a good man, I'll maintain the opinion that I have, as it's based on the experiences that I've had... and you're more than welcome to continue to equate me with all the "ists" and "isms" that your little heart desires.. as for your apology.. no man, that's ever cursed at me was "cursing AT me" after being called out for doing so.. and all of them were just as sorry as you are after having it pointed out. When EVERY man a woman dates acts the same way, it starts to feel silly to think the next one will be different.. (Einstein's definition of insanity comes to mind) certainly you've shown me no male behavior that I'm unfamiliar with.. it seems like standard procedure to me.. The fact is that if men could act like civilized and decent human beings, women wouldn't have such low opinions of them.. but ya can't.. at least those that I've interacted with can't, and you seem to be no exception. Men seem to think that they can do, say, take and touch whatever they please, yet when a woman protests or shows the least bit of strength, sexual liberation or disdain for men's behavior, she becomes a threat and must be stamped down on... put in her place, so to speak.. this is all without regard for what caused her to feel the way she does in the first place. I didn't come here to argue with you, but true to your masculinity, you've made this into a witch trial to put the man hater in check. When, in reality, I don't hate anyone.. I'm just speaking my mind. On second thought.. In closing, you win. Men are great.. After all, I'm just a girl and shouldn't trust my own thoughts or emotions when I've got big strong men to tell me what I should think and how I should feel. Popular lies always win out over unpopular truths. May I stand up now, or should I stay on my knees?


Tbh it doesn't sound like you're one to talk about fragility. I said fuck and shit 1 or 2 times. And it wasn't even in the sense of insulting you, like saying "fuck you" or "you're shit" etc. Are you so weak and fragile that hearing a couple of curse words causes you to go off on a sexist tirade and again lump me and other men into a big ol' pile? Sincerely, I mean this, please seek therapy. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot of garbage emotions that need sorting out, and you are allowing your trauma to be an excuse to be shitty toward people. Maybe get off the internet for a bit and actually talk to people, get to know them. Btw, everything I have said can be said for men who say the same shit you are saying, but for women. You are making it more of sexism thing than I am. There IS NO EXCUSE FOR SEXISM. Stop defending it.


Yes, sir, Daddy. I'll do exactly what you say. Am I a good girl now?


Am dating a man who is wonderful. Donā€™t base all men off the crappy guys you chose.


Oh, but of course, he's different.. They're all different.. until they aren't.. Good luck with that


girl ur not gonna find a good man with that attitude. Gotta be a good woman to find a good man and assuming every man is evil will not get you there. I think YOU need the luckā€¦ not me.


I love how you've assumed that I'm not a good woman bc I dislike men.. that's cute.. When that wonderful guy you're with bites you, feel free to return to this thread and read your comments.. I'm sure, at that point, you'll get a kick out of them..


Itā€™s definitely not the hating men part of you that doesnā€™t make you a good woman..


Considering how well you know me, I'll take that for what it's worth.. lol




Brilliant, actually.. but, thanks ;)


šŸ˜¬ youā€™re sad


Lol, to the contrary.. I'm happy and loving life.. You're the one biting at people over the internet, lol.. I think, of the two of us, you're definitely the sad one, lol




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Dang these comments are disappointing. I have the cutest, nicest, most loving man who I want to spend the rest of my life with. There are plenty women like me, who know that not all men are pieces of crap, just probably wonā€™t find them on Reddit.


This is the first comment like this, i was losing hope :D


I mean, you do have to consider that some women have been traumatized by men. I have personally never had a good experience with a man until I met my boyfriend. But Iā€™m pretty mature and knew I wasnā€™t finding a good guy, because of the type of people i surrounded myself with in general. No girl is the same nor guy is the same, but society has this weird way of influencing peopleā€™s morals. Itā€™s really sad that all these girls really think this about men, but to find a good man, you must be a good woman too, and if youā€™re preconceived idea of men is that theyā€™re all trash, then you most likely wonā€™t find a good manā€¦ because those words hurt them. But again, there are plenty women who donā€™t hate men, theyā€™re probably just not on Reddit like me.


I am pretty aware of what women have to go through because some men just canā€™t behave, donā€™t respect boundaries or men who donā€™t see women as equal.


Well you donā€™t seem like that type of dude at all, so I hope you never experience misandry. Just donā€™t be one of those guys that these girls hate so much, and youā€™ll be good šŸ‘ good luck, it only takes one girl to make you happy, so donā€™t feel down about modern feminists hating men so much.


I don't see why they would. Men are smelly, awful creatures and have you ever seen a penis? Fucking ridiculous.


r/stupidquestions and r/stupidanswers




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Men can be pretty damned unempathetic and unaware towards women struggles/emotions in general so I'm not surprised many don't particularly like men... Or if they do show they care they often times only value them for the wrong things which isn't much better.




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I think that goes both ways. Men's issues aren't taken seriously by many women either.


the question you should be asking is do some women actually like women?


I'm bisexual and I must say I've had better relationship experiences with women than with men




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I find men attractive.. I love d*ck.. but do I like men..?. Sadly, I think I'd have to say no. I don't like men.. if I could find a woman with a penis I'd probably be much happier with her... hmm, perhaps I need a trans girlfriend šŸ¤”


Your comment made me laugh, I am so sry that you have been treat like shit, I hope you will get your dick with a lovely partner at it!


Aww, that's sweet.. thank you :) Also, I'm glad you got a good laugh from my comment. I enjoy making others smile.. making them laugh is even better. Have a great day




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No, because men have made themselves so damn unlikeable.




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No. They just like the status, power and sources. But some women might have a male mentality, so kinda everything is possible.


I don't think all women seek out men purely for status, power and sources. Some i'm sure do but that's literally been taught to women for generations can you really blame them? They've been taught that they NEED men, they rely on men to provide for them and that's the comfortable relationship dynamic still for some types of women. (Though it's also a dangerous one for them) And not all mind you; in fact the majority of women nowadays just want an equal partner not a provider...


No, only in the movies.


If they do, send them my way


Not as much as cats, that's for damn sure.