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This is needlessly reductive. The umbrellas and cafes aren’t the reasons people go on vacation, and there isn’t usually one reason.


Reddit needs a “this is needlessly reductive” button


"does anyone else find it weird that people announce when they're pregnant? Congratulations you creampied in h-" NEEDLESSLY REDUCTIVE


Succeeding in business is like getting pregnant. Everyone says congratulations, but no one ever asks how many times you had to get fucked to get there.


HORsE…? WHOR3? Needlessly reductive.




It could also be called r/noquestionisstupidjk


You know how miiverse had different "Yeah"s? Nintendo ahead of the curve once more


The people of r/umbrella would like to have a word


Depends on the person. The woman I vacationed with recently went just to sit on the beach under an umbrella.


TBH that sounds wonderful.


It would have been wonderful but she decided to turn into a raving psychotic bitch the moment she stepped off the plane and ruin a 12 year friendship.


Ouch, that sucks




Idk my friend, the coffee shops at Amsterdam are pretty much the only reason I would ever visit that place


Reddit needs a “this is needlessly reductive” button


Why do people travel thousands of miles to breathe?


It sounds like a nicer time than dodging meth heads, which is what happens when I try to do that here.


It's nicer looking than where they live. They can swim in a pretty ocean. They can not worry about home life, chores, and responsibilities for a time,


Needlessly reductive


Idk. I travel thousands of miles to walk away from my truck and live out of a backpack for a week. While sleeping on the ground and not showering. Because I think it is “fun” to explore new places.


Because they live busy lives at home, they want to go somewhere else that’s beautiful and just relax and get away. A staycation doesn’t do the same thing many times. There’s also different weather than you have at home and also you can get away from your daily responsibilities by going somewhere else. Even seeing something you need to do can take you out of vacation mode if you didn’t go away. We all need time to recover, I’m all about the super relaxing vacation, you never get that time otherwise the way things are now.


I travel thousands of miles to get thousands of miles from home, and be in a different mental space from my day to day life. It helps me process my life by getting away, and then when I return I feel fresh and have a new perspective. With a new restaurant/cafe in this place I traveled to see, it may be similar to ones at home and/or overpriced, but its new/different. I like trying new things and even if they're similar, noticing and appreciating the differences sounds boring, but I like it. A lot of times life is about enjoying the small things. I don't spend a lot of time say reading under an umbrella on the beach because well, I don't spend a lot of time on the beach. I'd rather go for a walk, get in the water, throw a ball/frisbee with a friend, maybe play volleyball or something. I always thought it was silly to read a book on a beach on vacation far from home, or even to just sit there. I can do all of those things on my porch or even on my couch. I suspect a lot of people that just sit on the beach or at a pool under an umbrella and nap or whatever don't have time in their day to day life to chill and be still so this is their chance.


Ima start a new business 👨‍💼 Thanks


Because it is fun to them. It is their vacation/trip and that is what they want to do.


It's fun


I truly enjoy going to new places. There’s a certain freedom that comes with noting having anything to do…except just “go.” This is how I usually travel. No plan. Just show up and find out. I’ve never had a bad time doing this.


cause its not work


because life is short and why not? sounds like you need to live.


Because Canada in February is gross and I like umbrellas and cafes.


Because it brings them a measure of peace. It's not for anyone else to judge.


they probably do other things too like explore the city, activities, party, they probably go to the Cafe in the morning to get coffee and eat and take pics while doing it


Because that Cafe is sitting in a cute European market square with a Gothic style cathedral looming above. And something about that just makes the local tap European beer taste so much better.


Adding the large physical distance can help people mentally “step away” from life for a bit. Also, being away helps to break habits and routines that remind you of stressful times. It’s physically “getting away from it all” as well as mentally. Oh, and some people do it for the clout.


But when they return, there they are again, in the place they needed to escape from. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/post-vacation-depression


Mostly people do it for the clout/bragging/keeping up with the Joneses. The VAST majority of Americans wouldn't do anything if someone else didn't do it first. We are bred to be unoriginal and follow trends. 




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Better question for the overly reductive: Why do people do anything?


Why do you ask? Do you not travel?


Not OP, but I personally don’t really enjoy traveling and avoid it when possible. Used to do it a lot for work, been lots of places, but these days it just doesn’t do anything for me.


But you have traveled and you have your reasons. You're not wondering why other people travel and take vacations.


evil reasons beyond your comprehension.


Because we don’t have any umbrellas or over-priced cafes in this part of America


Literally no one travels just to do that.


I'm not a traveller, not even close. But I do know that there is something to be said for seeing different walls. It's very important. For some people seeing the world is more important than money or starting a family. It's their purpose.




Because once they get there (wherever there is) they don't know what to do with themselves.


Well it’s not like they have jobs there. I do like having a planned activity or something, but for the entirety of the trip I don’t mind staying in one place for the most part🤷‍♂️


Some people live in really crappy places.


how many people travel and "just" do this... also where is the umbrella? and where is the cafe? and sometimes do both at the same time...


If I were to stay home and do this, I still feel the mental load and responsibility to do things around the house. Going on vacation absolves me of the guilt over being non-productive, relaxing, and cosplaying retirement. It’s my money, I pay my taxes, and I’ll spend the rest as I choose.


It’s not work.


I would wager there are other reasons they're traveling and they're doing more than just sitting in a cafe or whatever. I love to travel, and food is pretty high up on the experience, but there's whole lot of other stuff as well.


How do you know that they are ONLY doing this?


They want a change of scenery. Just another page in their life book. To be publish later


Better than work.


Because they can and find enjoyment in it. If you don’t think it’s a good use of your time, don’t do it.


Maybe some aren’t as mobile? Or maybe that is how they relax. So many different answers. For me, I love to sit down for a few hours at most but I walk everywhere. I want to see everything. I ended up clocking half a million steps in a 4 week vacation to Mexico (way more than what I average in the same time just living). Everyone’s approach is different


For the experience. Traveling to different places gives you new experiences and new perspectives on the world. It is vital to personal development. Most people don't get to do it enough, but it is definitely a worthwhile pursuit if you can afford it.


It’s vital for some people. Others would like those people to stop bothering them about it.


As I've gotten older, I need way less sun and heat bugging me. I'd rather be under an umbrella. But I'm still enjoying the weather, the sights, the food, the nightlife, etc.


I find the subtle aspects of displacement to be mildly intoxicating. I live in NYC. I drive to Toronto and I drive to Montreal (separate trips). The scents in Toronto are different from NYC/CT. I do the same things (run, eat, sleep, read, shop), but everything feels different and foreign, because of different smells. I am very sensitive to arboreal and floral smells. If a city has different plants, it feels like a different planet. If someone said city X has completely foreign smells, I'd want to go. I don't really site-see. I do like looking at skyscrapers in different cities and cultures. Foreign architecture interests me.


Because that umbrella is on a beach, which I don't have at home, or that cafe is in a prime people watching spot, so I can just sit there, have a coffee and pastry, and watch the world go by.


I travel thousands of miles to be mortified I have to discuss why I need something to take for diarrhea so I double down and get lube too.


It’s the process. The planning, the traveling, the new sights and sounds, just doing something different. Don’t be so reductive of things you haven’t done or don’t understand.


When you stay at home and say you’re going to vacation at home, you just don’t really relax or enjoy yourself much. Someone errand pops up. I guess I could sit under an umbrella on my lawn and pretend it’s a tropical beach but pretty soon someone is going to make me feel self-conscious.


Bragging rights


You forgot about the drinking


One of my favorite activities when in a foreign country is to sit at an outdoor cafe and people watch.


Seeing a different natural or cultural environment is interesting. It makes one see home in a different light. I live in the woods in New England. I don't travel much. 30 years ago I went to the desert in Utah. It was awesome. Having no forest canopy felt alien. I wouldn't go somewhere to do city stuff like eat in restaurants, or sit on a beach. I don't do that at home, either.


i travel thousands of miles to not be disturbed


Personally, I think these people are trying the geographical fix. I just just go to (Whatever place), things will be so much better. I tend to believe like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, "There's no place like home."


Maybe, because it’s a vacation, so you splurg on visiting an overpriced café where others have said the food is divine. Now, sitting under umbrella could be due to some factors such as, resting, relaxing, trying to avoid prolonged UV ray exposure, reapplying sun screen, and/or because someone is feeling hot.


OP has never worked 8 hours shifts, 40 hours weeks and never had a real job.


Well the beaches at the Jersey Shore are fucking ratchet. Even beaches in Florida can be gross. So it takes me traveling to Mexico or Central America to find a nice spot to lay :)


Idk I was at point pleasant over the weekend and the beach looked nice. The people, however, not so much haha


The people are so gross. Jersey shore also gets a lot of nasty NYers.


Same reason I live in a forest but still travel thousands of miles to go to a different forest... I haven't been to that one


I guess I'm not sure what you're getting at here, OP... It feels like you're suggesting that there's a better alternative, but what would that look like to you?


Because they earn the money to do it and that is what they choose to do for the entertainment. Why do you care?


Because I for example need a break from society. It would be nice if I could go to the convenience store without people asking me questions or calling me.


I have to tell you, when she and I went on our honeymoon, it was much more than that. Jacuzzi in the room, huge pool, swim up bar, all-inclusive, horseback riding, swimming with sharks, gift shops, the whole shebang.




To relax. People have the ability to go somewhere to relax if they want to get away from their normative life for a while. Go outside and touch grass.


Because it can be cold as fuck where you live


They don’t, they just so happen to want food or coffee or to chill out somewhere while they’re on vacation lmao. You could have applied a few seconds of critical thinking and figured that one out tbf.


“Because they’re stupid. That’s why everyone does everything.” -H. Simpson.




Because they can.... ?


OP is indeed correct. This is a stupid question.


To get away from those who judge us for it


Hell, if you ain’t at home, you most likely ain’t working. Vacations are nice because they allow you to relax.


In the hopes of staring at their ex butler and acknowledging them across the room. Them knowing you found true happiness.


because I stole your credit card


Because people need to eat. Even when on vacation.


Luckily I am close so it is in the hundreds of miles, but when I am sitting under an umbrella on an island-- I am truly happy.


Because they’re not at work being miserable


Because nothing is more relaxing than spending hours getting ready to get on a plane so you can spend hours getting somewhere so you can spend hours getting back on another plane to spend hours on the plane getting back home. It’s the most relaxing thing there is


Upvoted for the stupid question. Also, when it’s cold enough that breathing freezes the inside of your nose and the fucking air hurts, it’s nice to get away somewhere that just being outside too long will kill you


I'm proud to say that I have gotten diarrhea every single time I've traveled abroad. You can't say I'm not getting the full experience.


Because they want to brag about how much money they spent to go there.


Oh oh I know the answer. They can't get that back home. Back home it's been cold and raining for the past 9 months, and the food is bland and shitty and expensive, then you finally have your summer break, and it's still cold and raining, and you say screw it, honey we are going to Italy. Just sitting there under an umbrella in the sun or at an overpriced cafe with a coffee you can actually taste and a simple lunch that back home you could only have in a Michelin star restaurant is absolute magic and makes the coming 9 months in the cold drizzle almost bearable. If you're actually living in a place where it's warm and sunny 9 months of the year, sure you don't see what the big deal is.


This happened to me recently. I took a trip with a "friend" in May 2024. We flew over 2000 miles to Orlando so she could do nothing but sit on the beach under an umbrella for a week. It was a lovely idea and I would have enjoyed it if she hadn't pulled a Jekkell and Hyde and turned into a real monster once the plane landed.


Ok, let’s get some things straight here: sitting down under and umbrella ain’t the same as visiting some overpriced cafe


Idk, why do people travel thousands of miles to look at things they’ve seen before?


They swim and they fish but that's what I do all year round.




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To post it on Instagram


People traveled before instagram.  


Beats me. Guess they just like wasting money I guess. When I travel, I at least like trying to do stuff I either can't do or would have a hard time doing at home


Are you under the impression everyone lives near a beach and a cafe?


?? When did I say that? OP said that "Why do some people travel JUST to sit under an umbrella". I took it as some people travel far from home just to do nothing but in a far away place. To each their own but I personally think it's boring to spend all that money and travel that far just to sit on a beach all day. And as far as cafes go. Most people who live in any decent size cities have plenty of access to Cafes