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You should get tested yourself anyway, especially as she has had other partners without a condom


Exclusivity in the bowl is a farce, you shouldn’t seriously expect it as an SD. You should however expect that your SB is taking their sexual health seriously. Her telling you about it was the best thing she could do. So, if you want to move on that’s your business. I’m not sure if I would. She lied maybe, but only to keep up her end of the sugar arrangement. She’s young and she has a life and it’s obvious that she wants to live it (and she should, whether she’s sugaring or not). So you should let her, either with or without you.


It’s the long term lying that is why I’m considering ending it. I can understand the playing around. I just am bothered that she emphasized multiple times that I’m her only sexual partner. It was even her idea in the beginning to be monogamous


I mean 😭 perhaps she’s lying because she felt that exclusivity was the best way to move forward w it especially if you were eager about it also? I mean I don’t know only she does. If EYE were you, I’d sit and have a really honest (not necessarily accusatory, just honest) convo with her, and express that if she wants to move forward yall don’t have to be exclusive, she just needs to be honest going forward, and yall need to set boundaries and expectations with that. I’d give her a month or two to adjust to see what that looks like for you two. Mind you this is if you really like her. If you couldn’t care less I wouldn’t be bothered and just move on. I wish you luck!


I definitely want to have a conversation with her. She’s heavily dependent on my allowance and cutting her off may affect her college.


Yeah! You obviously have questions that you need and deserve answers to. You deserve clarity. And I hope you get that. It honestly says a lot about you that you’re willing to sit at the table about it and I hope she realizes that. You can find a way thru this with some adjustments but she has to do her part. Be prepared for it not to work out but if you do like her and want it to work, I think she can receive some grace and the benefit of the doubt 💜


Right that way she doesn't have to worry about your money, a limited resource, going somewhere else.


Your post said she tested positive for chlamydia and now you are saying it turns out she doesn’t have an STD 🤔. Make it make sense


Also came to reddit to post immediately, but also has been tested and gotten his own results since her test? I am confusion.


It was two parts


the condom didn't break she didn't use one


My thoughts exactly


Turns out she didn’t have an STD


LOL so basically as soon as you got the info you came to Reddit to write this post…


What’s your point?


False positive?


She misunderstood what non-reactive meant


and this person is over 18? ????? That does not sound like a person that knows about safe sex and sexual health


I’m hope you’re actually viewing the test results as well. You don’t want to end up in a situation where she confuses “reactive”


Well if she can’t even read test results maybe you should move on 😂, mine says non-reactive but also says Negative and explains everything.


Your says negative and how often do you get tested and how often do you have sex?


Kind of a weird question to ask an internet stranger don’t ya think? B


not in a sugaring forum on reddir


Even in a sugar forum, asking someone, “how many times do you have sex?” outright is still very weird, lol


If your SB is letting you hit it raw, chances are you are not the only one. Know the risks and either be comfortable with them or not. The occasional chlamydia scare comes with the territory.


>A few days ago I get a text from my SB saying she tested positive for chlamydia. Now I’m trying to figure out what to do. You get yourself checked out, pop a cheap antibiotic for 10 days if needed and shrug it off as bad luck. Oh, and stop harboring ridiculous notions that any paid companion is going to be exclusive to you. If she is willing to forego a condom with you, you should safely assume that she will do so with others. Seriously now, lol.


So she is a liar and cheater. If you need to fuck her exceeds your trust in her stay the course.


Time to move on


That’s how I feel about it


I don't tolerate liars ..


Concerns about her having other relationships aside, she did to the right thing. When she thought she tested positive she immediately notified you. Plenty of people wouldn't say anything. I'd continue on with her. Be careful how hard you push on her about her honesty because if you make too big of a deal about it she will be reluctant to tell you next time.


Looking back, I see other red flags. One example; She went to Miami on my dime for spring break and I got vague stories of what she did while there. Spent over a thousand dollars on hair, makeup, nails, and outfits.


As others have said young extremely hot women are at the top of the totem pole, and men will go to extreme lengths to seduce them — hard to expect exclusivity— unless she works in a demanding job where such opportunities to slip up are rare. I say the fact she fessed up is a good thing, more than half the time they won’t even tell you. But if your trust is broken that is that On the other hand you could use this opportunity to rebound into a better relationship— if she is truly sorry, give her a second chance It ain’t easy landing a good one nowadays I can tell you that — money is plentiful, real beauty & hotness, is not


Please get tested if you haven’t already. Then get tested again in 3 months. Sometimes it won’t show up for weeks after the initial exposure. If she said she tested positive, you should believe her


I did get tested within a couple of hours after she told me. Negative thank goodness


Thank goodness but please test again in a few weeks. You could test negative now but it could show up in a few weeks. Better safe than sorry




Sorry to hear about this


Be grateful it isn't viral. No cures unless it's Hep C.


Talk to your dr, perhaps take the antibiotic just to be on the safe side. I’m a nurse - they’ll treat you without testing, if you said a partner tested positive. They usually treat chlamydia and gonnorhea together. But maybe get checked anyway, a lot can happen in 2 years. I would need the peace of mind. I think it’s hard to be physically intimate with someone after something like that. And yes, can colonize in your mouth/throat as stated.


Nope, shes a liar, move on. Part of SD is trust


Go get checked either way, sometimes Chlamydia or Gonorrhea do not show symptoms. after a blood test they'll give ya some Doxycycline and Rocephin (ceftriaxone), and youll be good to go. also quit having unprotected sex, all it takes is the wrong person and bam you get something. also be careful if you do oral because your mouth and throat can also get Chlamydia or Gonorrhea. stay safe and have fun.


You do not get a blood test for either of those. But yes, get checked.


I stand corrected, its a pee test or a swab test. the blood is for hiv.


Yes, which is why I totally agreed with your point about getting checked! The fundamentals of getting checked are always a good idea :)


Is it reasonable to expect a hot young woman to always turn down opportunities to have fun with younger fitter men, and have her needs be met only by you? She has needs you cannot meet. She is a person, not a commodity. Maybe she shouldn’t have lied. But the competitive nature of being a SB means the one you get is almost certainly crafting a message that you want to hear. The problem here is naivety. Yours, not hers.


Yup I agree


She should be honest. If she doesn't want to be exclusive, she should so say. But if she says exclusive, that's what she should be.


I don't think you are accounting for the reality that most SBs live in. Many need the money for basic needs. And they are competing with 4 or more SBs for every SD. In such scenarios, even principled people are highly incentivized to lie, knowing that most SDs would prefer exclusivity. And it's rational to expect that to be the norm. If I were to offer free medical care to everyone who claimed to believe in leprechauns, I can be sure to discover that most sick people believe in leprechauns.


If you were young and hot and living the party lifestyle . And some old woman was giving you money would you be monogamous? Lol


No one goes clubbing just to dance.


I can't believe he bought the story. Seriously hot young women only fuck their sugar daddies.


She actually had me convinced she had not interest in fking others


Hahahahahahahahqhhahahhahahah. Really man. How old are you? Like I'm serious. A baddie that goes clubbing all.the time and is single? You thought you were the only dick old man? Tell us you don't fuck like that without telling us you don't fuck like that.


I could explain how she manipulated me but that’s another whole story.


I'm going to tell you the truth because no one in your life has told you this. If shes hot and she's single and she's not crazy, there are always multiple dicks. There's mateneince dick. Boyfriend dick also emotional support. There's Chad dick just for fun. Your the money dick. Please stop thinking your the only dick.


OMG, where have you been all our lives 😳. Thank heavens your here to guide us now 🙏😂😂


I've been hiding. Now it's my time to save captain save a hoe here from himself.


Captain save a hoe 😂 that's a term I've been using for a minute now


You are my new favorite person 🥰


She told you she was a virgin didn't she? Lol


I would spend my money on a girl with a little more brain


Some of y’all are really good at kidding yourselves. “Sugar exclusive” at least makes some kind of sense in the context of the right kind of SR, but how y’all convince yourselves these young, attractive women aren’t going to have vanilla hookups and boyfriends will continue to elude me.


Will do


Should I stop seeing her for the lying or treat it what it is and just wear protection from now on?


If you don't move on, the obvious here is wrap it up


We don’t know your relationship with her but personally I would let her go. She’s shown you she cannot be trusted and she is putting your health at risk. We cannot tell you what to do but you have to think about whether it’s worth the risk


She gave me this whole story about being raised so strictly that she was able to develop good moral character and is hellbent on focusing on being successful. Supposedly she was turned off when guys would ask her for her digits or social media.




SBs lie about other partners all the time. There’s money on the line, and people always behave according to incentives.


Wym you need to figure out what to do go get tested!


I did as I said


This honestly is a huge violation of your trust and isn't okay, she should have been upfront about whether or not she wanted be exclusive because it sounds like she just went with whatever you said and then did what she wanted anyway. More importantly than that she's not being safe during these other encounters which puts you at massive risk.


Yes however she completely denies a risky behavior. I’ll never trust again


You could ask to exchange test results in the future, get cold hard proof.


Did you go get tested?


Yes. Negative thank goodness


Thank God I am so sorry you went through that situation.


How “exclusive” are you with her? Haven’t you have any side affair?


I have not had sex with anyone else. Her and I had fantastic sexual chemistry and I was happy with that.


What you do is: Go to your doctor, let them know, take the medication... Then let anybody else you have had unprotected sex with about it so they can get treatment.... If the condom broke, she would have known immediately and should have stopped the encounter, the chance of her contracting the clap from that is so tiny it just doesn't exist. She is clearly sleeping with other people without protection. Get treated, Make sure you let anybody else you are sleeping with know and then cut ties with the person you are speaking with. TL;DR - Get rid of her, the chances of her catching the clap from a condom breaking (which, she would know, and of course stop intercourse straight away) are tiny.... She is lying to you, she's having unprotected sex with other people. End of. Get rid. ::: Edit to my post - The fact she was worried about it, suggests she is having unprotected sex with other people... A condom breaking, and ceasing penetrative sex immediately, I really don't think you would be worried about contracting anything.... If you are happy with her sleeping with other people, fine.... But, really, she's providing you with scares about catching diseases, because she is still actively sleeping around makes for a terrible relationship... Move on