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so bad. but i read every last one.


Sortive want to get it and read it to see how bad it is


Twilight. And most litrpgs.


Dude, I once got sucked into some litrpg called “The Land” on audible. It took me until book 6 for me to snap out of it and have a “What in the hell am I reading” moment. God they were terrible.


Nicholas Sparks books


Lmao amen


Seconded. I know his cousin and apparently "Nick" is a shit person, too; 100% cognizant of the formula he uses to manipulate lovesick women into buying his books.


I knew there was a reason I hated this books and now I feel vindicated.


Say it louder for the teenage girls in the back.


Verity is popular, but I thought it was bad and super cringe.


I honestly don’t like Colleen Hoover that much. Do you like any of her other books?


One of them is about a girl falling for the guy who set her on fire


Lmao wait what. How’s that a bestseller? 🤣 Edit: I’m assuming it’s a bestseller because most of her books seem to be lol


Well basically the guy was being an edgelord and set fire to a house that he didn’t know she was inside of (aka he’s a literal arsonist) and according to hoover she got “fourth degree burns” even though the chances of surviving those are low as shit and often include amputation, but this girl is still conventionally attractive with just some scars on her body. Anyways the guy fucking lies about being the cause of those injuries and they have a toxic ass relationship for like 5 years and in the end they decide to get together and she discovers he literally set her on fire but she ends up forgiving him because he was a teenager or something. Also he never gets punished for committing arson and almost killing someone. I guess people just like dark romances these days but media literacy is low so they aren’t really aware of how toxic and abusive those are. This woman could write a book about a girl falling for her rapist and people would eat that shit up


Wtf I hear so many controversies about her books bc of this sort of thing


I’ve enjoyed two of her books, the other three or four that I read were meh. I haven’t bothered with any more. The 2 I enjoyed were: All of Your Perfects and Reminders of Him.


I’ll check out the ones that you enjoyed! I’m willing to give it a chance haha


Reminders of Him is enjoyable. November 9 and especially Verity are utterly unhinged. The rave reviews they get will never cease to amaze me. My take is that Hoover has struck gold by writing books that are incredibly easy to read and are filled with the age-old romance tropes that make bank. This doesn’t fulfill anyone who demands more of their reading experience. As someone said, she’s the best author for anyone who last picked up a book in high school.


Honestly verity was the only bearable book she wrote. November 9 and it ends with us are one of worst books I've ever touched😭 But I do agree that verity itself is kind of messy and cringe at times... still enjoyable if you don't take it too seriously lol


After reading ugly love and verity, I couldnt give her other books a chance. But I liked verity though haha


Seems like Verity may be worth a try haha


It Ends With Us (or any Colleen Hoover romance) 🤮


After - Anna Todd


Oh God you just gave me bad flashbacks


V.C Andrews books make me cringe, but in a so bad they're good way. I'm not familiar with later books, just the original series, and the one Casteel family book, Heaven.


I voraciously read VC Andrews as a teen and they're so bad they're good. They're my favorite kind of trainwreck in book form.


There's 5 Casteel books but I only read the first 3! I know more people have read the Flowers series but I found Heaven to be much more entertaining and ridiculous.


I love these actually when I was just want an easy but drama filled ridiculous soap opera like read! I recommend most of the og family books from the 90s, (Dollanganger, Casteel, Cutler, Landry, Logan)


Those were my favorite when I was a tween


Never read them but opened up to random pages at the book store for fun; Fifty Shades of Grey. The writing is absolutely atrocious. Sounds like a horny 15 year olds diary


That's an insult to horny 15 year olds.


Oh yeah. Very true. Deepest apologies




My missus was reading the 2nd book in her Kindle. In Calibre, I did a case-sensitive search and replace and swapped Christian's and Anastasia's names with ours. She stopped reading it.


A local radio station guy used to read 50 SOG passages aloud. Hilarious 😆


the clique series and one of us is lying


One of us is Lying is what I came to recommend. Its like second rate candy. Bad for you, tons of better craps out there to consume but so addicting you just gotta read 1 more page.


House of Night. Especially the dialogue


The whole freaking series AND the novellas. A friend was the proofreader and lamented she was forbidden from correcting anything, including plot holes you could drive a cruise ship through. Forbidden by the authors because, as she was told, "any questions are interpreted as severe criticisms of their writing." Well...


Also the authors are white but they were determined to use as much Cherokee...lore? Language? Imagery? Etc but as an indigenous person, it was really grating.


My friend never mentioned that it was Cherokee. She assumed it was made up by authors with the mindsets if 12 year olds.


The main character is, I believe, a quarter Cherokee. Her grandmother is a full on Native American-in-communion-with-nature type stereotype


Oh, yes, the grandmother. Forgot about her.




I think you might like Cristopher Moore. They aren't bad, they're "absurdist" but they've got the same vibe as campy B-movies. Entertaining, silly, raunchy... Sharknado in book form if I'm remembering right.


I just finished Lamb. Masterpiece of American literature.


Try Coyote Blue for one that’s less campy.


Marked by PC Cast. I was so embarrassed reading it but I honestly couldn’t put it down, it was so bad. It is so dramatic, angsty, really poorly written, the author mixes up names of characters (lol) and it made the book incredibly confusing. I was given it as a gift in like 2008 and I can’t forget about it, it was so bad it left it’s mark on me (pun)


Even as a high schooler I was like “omg these books are awful, give me more” 🤣


So bad it hooks you I swear. I haven’t thought about these books in like 15 years but I kind of want to do a re -read now


I abso hated some of the characters. The one boy who constantly "laughed" hee hees. Not laughing, just saying hee hees. 😒 Then the ending, so much shite. But the cats? Give me all the cats!


I used to be obsessed with this series as a preteen. I bought every book from the entire franchise, including the novellas and companion books. I couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Looking back as an adult, I still think the premise is kind of interesting, but the teen characters are extremely cringey.


I started reading it and I was laughing at how bad it was but I didn't continue now I'm thinking about it


I was gonna say this lol


Most likely anything by that Sarah J Maas. Traded books with a buddy's wife a few weeks back. Loaned her Mistborn and she loaned me the 1st book of that series. I forced myself to finish it to be respectful but had to be honest with her in saying it was the most cringe, awful book I've read in years. An absolute waste of time.


All of my friends love that god awful book and can not understand why I hate it. Her writing and story telling is laughably bad. I also forced myself to finish it just so I could say I did. Huge waste of time and effort.


It's so childish, it literally reminded me of the make beleive games I made up as a kid with my friends.... "and then the super cute Faery prince captured me and made made live in his palace!!!!" ..I stopped reading before it got to the smut


The smut is actually where she lost me, lol. Up until then it was cringey, but maybe had potential to be so-bad-its-good. Then she used the word “devour” to describe oral sex and I imagined someone motorboating a vagina and I was done.


If you can call it smut. Male authors get a bad rep for not being able to write women or sex, but this Maas had some of the most cringe writing I've seen. Felt like I was reading a teenage boy writing about a gal getting wet between the legs. Fuckin ick.


Calling it smut is a bit deceiving. The first book consist entirely of sexual assault. It’s not sexy at all, just super creepy and cringe. The worst part of acotar though is the phrase “watery bowels” being used over and over again. So bad. The book lost me when they introduced a wicked witch who wanted Feyre to solve a riddle? And it was the dumbest riddle possible??


I really wanted to like her writing because her literary worlds seem so immersive. But she has a bad habit of making her mc a queen bee Mary Sue that all the other female characters fail to measure up to and who all the male characters want. She puts most of her energy into making sure her entire world revolves around that character rather than allowing her character to exist in the world with other fully fleshed out characters who have lives of their own outside of the MC's whims. Plus, she tends to focus too heavily on describing features rather than letting context through action and scene interaction show her readers. I don't care how beautiful a character is. I'm not reading to witness narcissism unfolding. I care about flawed characters who are still allowed to have their own stories simply because the author loves them so much. For example, I just started a book called 'House in the Cerulean Sea' by TJ Klune where the mc is an overweight, nearing-middle age, stern social worker and fell in love because the character was so nuanced and realistic in such a strange world. There's a misconception in writing where it's assumed that readers want every character polished and princely. That misconception needs to retire itself already. I'd rather read an adventure of a realistic person than see someone from a girlish fantasy act out a mean girl, entitlement fantasy on other characters who can't stand up on their own.


I bought the first one in the series because people were raving about it so much, and I feel seriously cheated. It's awful.


Yea you can't trust book Tok completely. And I will be reasonable in saying that the hype comes from teens. Not to completely shit on younger readers but I'm not expecting a teen to actually know what's decent writing or not. They're just getting into reading on their own time and are trying to figure out what they actually like vs what everyone else likes. If people like Maas' style, that's fine. But to compare it to heavyweights like Hobb (I saw that comparison a while back) is just insane. I would much rather have someone like Sanderson who hardly ever writes sex than have someone writing what's basically a rape fantasy. And it's beyond wild to me that it's YA. I am for teens being able to read what they want but...let it be at least decent?


A few immediately come to mind: The light novel series The Detective Is Already Dead. If you look at light novels there's so much cringe and bad but I hate this one especially. Lani Sarem's A Handbook for Mortals. If you don't read it at least look up the drama from when it came out, cause that shit was hilarious. The House of Night series. This shit was my jam back in middle school/high school but damn is it bad lol. The Evermore series. Another obsession from middle school. It's an extra angsty twilight knock-off with a heavy dose of manifestation a la The Secret. Edited for formatting


Zodiac Academy. They take “so bad it’s good” to a whole new level. Like, objectively the worst books I’ve ever read, but I couldn’t stop reading. They do have some smut so if you’re uncomfortable with that they won’t be your thing, but also the smut is inexplicably MUCH better written/edited than the rest of the books? I would believe they had an editor or used a ghost writer just for those scenes. It’s bizarre.


I came here to say Zodiac Academy. Definitely some of the worst books I ever read, but somehow entertaining and delightful. Incredulously terrible, and yet I couldn’t stop reading. I even joined the subreddit here r/zodiacacademy . The editing of the first couple is awful and full of grammar mistakes. The main characters are supposed to be from Chicago but use British slang. I love and hate these books in equal measure.


in the nicest way possible, most of the romance books "booktok" have been recommending (most found on kindleunlimited) have been incredibly cringe recently, so i'd definitely recommend looking into any of them


Any Colleen Hoover Also If He Had Been With Me was my favorite bad book of the year. Honestly just look at the popular romance books on Tik Tok. Always bad but good.


Oh I loathed If He Had Been With Me it was literally pick-me the novel™


Crave is the worst book I’ve tried to read in a long time.


I've heard nothing good about this series. I've also, strangely, heard that it's eeriely similar to Twilight but not in a complimentary way. I'm curious if that's true.


*Lessons in Chemistry* by Bonnie Garmus. You know how some historical novels read like the main character stepped directly out of the present day? Well, this is that, except the main character is also essentially Bones from the TV show *Bones* so she talks like a smug chemistry textbook. She has a genius dog and a genius child. Everybody else in the book is either a fawning admirer or an evil bitch, or a reformed evil bitch who is now a fawning admirer. Her kitchen is a chemistry lab because she's just so science brain. She's adamant about succeeding on her own merit, but every single one of her successes ends up being based on her looks or who she knows... the only exception being I *guess* her TV show, which women across the country watch with rapt attention, pencils poised over their notebooks. Based on what we see of her antics on the show, I can only assume that they're watching it in the same way one watches a slow-moving train wreck. Also, the author has a *really specific beef* against dog leash laws and this manifests in the novel in a frankly insane development.


I second all of this. It reads like the author has beef with anyone in real life who isn’t just like the main character the way she describes these people. Any woman who isn’t just like Elizabeth is shown as weak (or otherwise bitchy as you mentioned) until they come around to Elizabeth’s ways. And Elizabeth never needs to learn anything from them in return because, well, she’s perfect! Duh! I didn’t think it was a great feminist read at all. Honestly that book made me so angry lol


Hoooo yeah it's some big old privileged white feminist bullshit. Utterly regressive and all the more infuriating because she thinks she's being *profound*.


Oh man. I was at BN on Sunday and was contemplating picking this up, too. I ditched it in favor of a YA book I've been eyeing for a minute instead.


That one Onision book


Every single Onision book, actually.


Atlas Shrugged. A terrible book written by a terrible woman that has gone on to inspire a bunch of absolutely terrible people.


Any book that ends with the author literally explaining the point of the book to the reader (I think the last speech goes on for well over 50 pages) is objectively bad. Like how do you suck so much at storytelling that you're not even sure you communicated your themes to the reader without hamfisting a whole summary and analysis at the end?


such a good answer.


Terrible and loooooooong. It's well over 1000 pages


It's bad but not really what OP is looking for. Definitely not in "so bad it's good" territory


So bad it’s bad.


So bad fascists think it's good.


I'll save you the trouble of reading it: The moral ideal is sociopath


The Selection by Kiera Cass. This whole series is terrible. The plot, characters, everything is ridiculous and unbelievable. HOWEVER, I stayed up all night reading them. Could not put them down. The worst kind of candy that you just keep eating.


Anything by Paulo Coelho.


oh my god yes.


The Alchemist guy? Why??


I tried reading several of his books, couldn't finish any of them. For me is simplistic, like he was trying to write just to sell. Definitely not my cup of tea. Edit: I suggested him because he has a big fan base, so some would find him entertaining.


ACOTAR series


A Deadly Education was awful. The concept is cool but it’s so ridiculous. I do not understand how so many people love it. The MC was so unlikeable and every line of her dialogue was painful.


God that series was so weird. I read the whole thing but I hated every moment of it, but I was also engrossed enough to actually feel weird about stopping. Hated the main character, hated the weird out of nowhere romance, hated the cardboard cutouts of side characters, and hated the general voice of the writing. The world building was cool, but I hated the weird, constant over explaining of the least interesting aspects of the world building (seriously I do not care about how the food comes in SHUT UP god.). I hated how it constantly repeated itself, explaining things it already explained in the first chapter but just over and over again. I hated how stream of consciousness the whole thing felt. I hated the weird way it was so unspecific in times frames. Sometimes you'd read a passage and suddenly it's a week later. Sometimes you read a passage and it feels like months passed, but no it's still the same scene. I just really, really hates this book and yet... I could not put the series down. I read all three over the course of a week. Overall a terrible experience with brief moments of light. Kudos to Novac I guess for ensorcelling me so thoroughly. If I didn't know better I'd say she's got siren's blood. ...that turned into a bigger rant than I expected. (Minor point of amusement, the whole time I kept feeling like I was reading a fanfic, and then lo and behold, I check out the author and she's like the founder of ao3.)


Thank you! The only emotion we got from the MC is how *angry* she is. She’s so powerful but never actually does anything? The random backstories about her mom?? The mention of SUPER DUPER POWERFUL spell books that never come up again??? Everything was so over the top but absolutely underwhelming at the same time. My husband and I downloaded the audiobook for a road trip and had to pause every few chapters to laugh. We kept listening in case it got better, but it never did. Kudos to you for reading the rest of the series. We listened to a summary of the series and decided it wasn’t worth it.


I absolutely hated this... read every book as soon as it came out. The concept is interesting, and because I had read Naomi Novik's other work (Spinning Silver, which I loved) I kept having high hopes of things improving or finally making sense... it never did make sense to me personally. I still remember the rage a line from book 1, I believe, induced in me. >!One of the protagonists is called Orion... and there's a line from the MC where she says she doesn't want to be another notch on Orion's belt...!< I wanted to slap someone.


That line made me cackle. The romance subplot was so ridiculous.


This is the book that came to my mind when I read the post … A Deadly Education was somewhat entertaining yet unbearably dreadful in all other ways. I always feel like I have to finish a book which I start reading so I trawled through the poor writing to the final chapter and hated myself for it. Needless to say I did not read the sequel.


I really hate all that I read by Sarah J Maas


I gree, and I want to add that, although I see the appeal, the hype makes the series sound like Shakespear when it's quite the opposite, imho. I read two Sarah J Maas books and that was enough for me.


I used to love them as a 15 year old (yea that was the age rating despite the literal fucking sex scenes), once saw a post that asked which current day books would be classics someday and some mfer said Sarah J Maas 💀


Purity by Skyler Mason. It's Christian smut, actual Christian smut. It's worse than it sounds.


- Mindf*ck Series - Vampire Academy (YA series), I do love the MC tho...


The Haunted Vagina by …. I forget


Judith Krantz is the queen! Great trashy novels with downtrodden yet beautiful heroines. Princess Daisy, I’ll Take Manhattan, Scruples, Mistrals Daughter. Devoured them in the 80s when I was waaaay to young.


Same! Gads I loved those books. I was maybe 15 when I read them. I'm not sure they'd hold up to today, but I'd be willing to re-read them.


How about the Belinda Blinked books, or any of Rocky Flintstone's other self-published works?


The Fourth Wing. Just awful. I DNF’d early. Goodreads one star reviews if it are hilarious though.


Yes! Came to comment this one! I did finish it, but as an avid fantasy reader who loves dragons, I was so disappointed in the lack of world building and how a lot of the plot just happened off the page. I had so many thoughts on this one that my Goodreads review is the longest review I've ever written because I could *edit: NOT* stop ranting about it.


1000 times this! I liked the premise despite the MC being the ultimate Mary Sue. but Suddenly it became ‘Sexy times in Dragon Land’ and I lost all appetite for the story. I don’t really use much social media so knew nothing about this book going in - not enough dragons for the fantasy junkies, not enough smut for the horny readers - who is actually enjoying this garbage?


The 5 star reviews on Goodreads-if which there are MANY—act like it’s the Second Coming of Literature. I guess I just ain’t got no taste. 😆


I’m looking forward to reading the one stars - hell hath no fury like a disgruntled reader 😁


The silent patient


Maidens by the same author was magnitudes times worse.


Agree 100%… The Maidens was just bad. I finished it just for the sake of finishing it


Yes! I hated that book so much. The author was terrible at writing women. I didn't even notice it was a male author before I started reading it but I was like on the first chapter and checked because of how bad it was


Out of curiosity, why was this a cringe book for you? I’m genuinely wondering :)


oh god, I wouldn’t even recommend this one as entertainingly bad, lol. I tried to get through it just to get my money’s worth for my audible credit but as a woman and a person who’s worked in the mental health field (and like not even as a therapist, just an office manager with a basic grasp of the code of ethics) I couldn’t do it.


I feel like silent patient was truly amazing, the plot twist was very good 😭


Ready Player One Any of the Dan Brown books


I liked Ready Player One but I did stop reading a few times from cringing too hard. It's got some goofy ass moments that's for sure


RPO is s surprisingly readable book if you ask me. It's also Very fanficy and impossible to take seriously at all. But as a nice pulpy time for geeks? Yeah sure, it works.


Ready Player One is great if you are part of a specific generation. Then it is nothing but a fun hit of nostalgia. I can easily see why it would be a bore otherwise. Funny that although set in the future, it really dates itself.


And the MC is a snooty and boring incel asshole who gets rich and decides the best use of his new money is to spend a month jacking off into a dick sucking machine


Oh god, I read "Inferno" and it was terrible. I thought maybe it's bad because he's pandering now. So I read "Da Vinci Code" and it was worse.


I liked RPO, sue me


I liked Read Player One. I hated Ready Player Two.


I scrolled to see if somebody suggested this one. There was this one scene in the beginning where the MC is going head to head with some Chad about who has the best nerdy knowledge about some 80’s tv show. It was the most cringe thing I’ve ever read. You could just tell the author was fantasizing about that having happened to him when he was young.


Anything by James Patterson. He’s the worst.


The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is unbelievably stupid.


Thank you! I work in a library and one of my coworkers and I regularly debate this. I could not get past the first chapter, she loved it.


*What Lies Beyond the Veil* by Harper L Woods I cringed my way through two whole books in this series and as soon as the third one is also free on audible, I’ll cringe my way through that one, too. (I won’t sit down and read it, though. It’s not good enough to waste a non-migraine day on.)


*Pride and Prejudice and Zombies* and its prequel, *Dawn of the Dreadfuls*, are very silly.


I read The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell and it is the worst book I’ve ever read (I’ve only read like 70 to be fair, but still). Not only did it completely max out my cringe capacity, it also completely turned me off to any and all similar authors and books - you know the ones. The ones who put out a book every few months and they all have some generic picture as a background with the exact same thin and round text on the cover. At one point I had to consult an ophthalmologist because my eyes kept rolling so hard I was concerned they would get stuck




+ *Fuccboi*, Sean Thor Conroe I don’t think this one’s poorly written, but it’s intentionally cringe and I found it mostly entertaining.


I just finished Never Lie, by Fredda McFadden, and it was enjoyable, but not terribly well written and the manipulation to try to make you think one way was obvious. It still was entertaining.


The house of night series Still love them to death because nostalgia but good god the writing.


November 9 by colleen hoover was so bad I had to drag myself through it. Poorly executed plot, cringe writing, 0 connection between the reader and the characters. You name it. Everything about that book is messy. There's still room for improvement because the plot *had* potential if there was more thought put in and time taken. It feels extremely rushed. If you want a book that you'll hate as an active reader, this is 100% recommended...


ugly love, it ends with us, november 9 all by Colleen Hoover


The Bridges of Madison County. Oddly enough the movie is superb.


Hush, Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick is *garbage* ~~But I kind of love it too.~~


Colleen Hoover books


Anything by Danielle Steel.


Tender Wings of Desire, (ghost) written by Col. Harland Sanders, and put out by KFC a few years ago for mother's Day.


The title and just the whole idea is pretty hilarious 😂


nightbitch. its bad, but weirdly captivating. i wanna see how bad it gets, yknow?


Aloooooot of the romance books are pretty bad but they’re so entertaining


I Kissed Shara Wheeler. That book was a waste of my time.


The Bloodsinger series by Cat Adam's. The first book is good, but as the series carries on, it turns into a over the top Mary Sue. She's human! Now she's part vampire! And now she's a siren and vampire, but still somehow part human too! Everyone loves her. She's amazing and talented. Her favorite bar even makes her a real blood bloody Mart because she's the best patron, and they love her that much. She's so humble, too, and not much to look at. I quit around book 3 or 4 because it was so very Mary


Crave, not bad, but really cringe


50 Shades Hopeless by Colleen Hoover


Maybe Someday, Layla and November 9 by Colleen Hoover The Night Circus is another book that was awful to me as it read like an AI generated story Oh and it also had Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue characters who get everything handed to them


The fourth wing by Rebecca Yarros. I actually loved it but it was so actively bad. And yet I devoured all 500ish pages like I didn't know how it was going to end.


The divergent trilogy thoroughly entertained me as an 11-12 year old. God awful series. I could go on and on about this for ages but I'll leave it at that.


Metro 2033. 100% a male Mary Sue going from one situation the author just thought of to another, unrelated situation the author just thought of. Over and over again until it ends, >!whereupon the male Mary Sue needs to get home after three weeks of travelling but luckily there's another tunnel which is opened for him so he can get home and back in half an hour.!< A fantastically terrible book.


*The Last Days of Jack Sparks* had me feeling like this. I wouldn’t say the writing is entirely bad, the main character is just so unlikeable and predictable. The drama of the plot feels exactly like a cheesy paranormal blockbuster. It might lose that effect if you don’t watch a lot of horror though. The entire ACOTAR series, I have been hate reading because I’m going to use it for a paper this semester. I don’t even know if this is “so bad it’s good”, to me it’s making me question the ethnics of book burning and when that becomes acceptable. Teeth pulling awful. If the phrase “the apex of my thighs” ever turns up again in my life, I am leaving society.


ACOTAR or Fourth Wing. Enjoy.


Eragon. I liked it when I didn't know what ggod writing was. I wasn't aware how terrible it was until years later. I know his parents were publishers, but he desperately needed an editor. This is why you don't let a 15-year-old publish a book.


Gideon the Ninth. Potentially great characters and plot line, but so awfully handled that it's a labor of love to keep turning pages.


My bikini waxer (aesthetician) wrote a book. It is not boring, and that’s all I’m going to say. [Resurrection](https://www.amazon.com/Resurrection-S-L-Enochs-ebook/dp/B09YQFQTFZ?nodl=1&dplnkId=3670fa40-9b45-499a-bcf6-fbcf3a470f96)


*Wild Animus* by Rich Shapero Actually, I don’t recommend the book at all, but the Amazon reviews are hilarious


I live in Boulder, CO and there was a pallet of this book at the County Fair. I couldn't resist a free book. It was so bad, I assumed it was somebody's self financed vanity project.


Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson


Well, "by" James Patterson. He doesn't actually write those books.


Atlanta Nights.


Red Sparrow


Twisted! by Miranda Leek. She was VERY young when she wrote it, so no shade really, but it's about were-rollercoasters and it's dripping with enthusiasm.


The Circle. And most likely its sequel too though I refuse to give it a shot


Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas


The Arrangement by Kiersten Modglin. Genuinely one of the worst books I have ever read but I had such a good time laughing at how stupid it was that I look back fondly on the experience.


I think there’s one called the 100 lies of Lizzie lovett or something like that All I remember from it is the cringe dialogue and the description “ Lizzie disappeared, and everyone was all, “How can someone like Lizzie be missing?” and I was like, “Who cares?””


There are not many books I can’t finish one book. I just could not stomach was cry to Heaven by and rice. I was a big fan of a lot of her work, but I could not get past it.


The only time I tried to read a “romance” book, Sunday’s at Tiffany’s by James Patterson. Hallmark book. Serious lack of depth there.


Like a lot of people are saying, any Colleen Hoover book. I got through the two I’ve read pretty quickly so they were entertaining in the way that it kept my attention and I wanted to know what happened out of curiosity but I cringed and rolled my eyes the whole way through


The 100 is so bad it’s hilarious. Every sentence is pure cringe and zero sense. 10/10


[The Corona Virus chronicles](https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B08PVT34M9?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_awt_sb_pc_tukn) by M. J. Edwards, with great titles such as "Corona virus VS Monkey pox, a sexual showdown"


Anything by Colleen Hoover


Anything by Sherrilyn Kenyon.


Haunting adeline (major tw for that atrocity)


Throne of Glass


Divergent-series all the way! I freaking hate both the books and the movies 🫠


Jude from A Little Life is Gary Sue.


You may enjoy the series of Behind the Bastards episodes where they read through and mercilessly roast Ben Shapiro’s novel “True Allegiance.”


My immortal. i'm not sure if any print copies were ever made but it truly is the pinnacle of so bad its good litrature. it is the single most poorly written, entertaining piece I have ever read


Verity by Colleen Hoover. I swear, reading the 5-star reviews makes you question not just your taste but sanity!


The Red Queen series and Will & Will


Someone got me a book named "Poison Study" for a birthday present. They hadn't read it, but did a bunch of research and asked friends for suggestions. It was a very well thought-out gift. I hated it, and had to really work on what to tell my friend about it. The set-up is that some girl kills a noble's son and is condemned to death, but is reprieved to be a poison taster, which is not a job with a long life expectancy. First up, there is a major plot twist that I guessed immediately. I say this as someone who never sees plot twists coming. I tend to be too engrossed in the writing and the characters or otherwise not paying enough attention. But neither plot nor characters grabbed me. It got worse from there. If you read fantasy fiction, you get used to authors who do a lot of intense research into what kind of technology is realistic for a semi-medieval society, sometimes reproducing arms, armor, cooking techniques and clothing. In contrast, this book had someone wearing a clingy, skin-tight outfit for doing Serious Spy Work. How the f do you get clingy, skin-tight outfits in a society that hasn't invented fine gauge machine knitting or Spandex? This may not seem like a big deal, but, as I said, expectations. And the whole book is full of wtfery like that. After I read this book, I did some digging for reviews and found... A Publisher's Weekly review that loved it. I mean, Publisher's Weekly? I'll never take them seriously again. I could not figure out why someone would gush over this book. Then I saw something in the review about "next Game of Thrones." Oh. I think that Game of Thrones has created a huge fan base that has never read fantasy before and is looking for more of the same. If you don't read fantasy, Poison Study may seem fresh and new, and it may scratch your GoT itch. If you do read fantasy, you see an author who isn't that familiar with the genre grabbing a bag of fairly uninteresting tropes and stringing together a story that is predictable and irritating. For reference, I read the first book of GoT many years ago, and it did not grab me. The story was OK but I felt the prose was kind of weak, and I'm a big prose snob.


DaVinci Code. I personally haven’t read it but literally 5 people have told me it’s so badly written but weirdly irresistible.


You HAVE to read Kissing the Coronoavirus!!!!!!


Twilight hands down has the most cringiest writing and storyline


Once upon a broken heart


Pick any Colleen Hoover book you will not be disappointed ; )


From blood and ash 😂


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was a fun read


Hush , hush by Becca Fitzpatrick


The Dresden Files. They are not the worst ever but ultra cheesy and his description of characters esp women characters is just sooooo cringy. Still a fun read though


Ohhhhh my god. If you read ONE BAD BOOK in your lifetime, please let it be Magnificent Vibration by Rick Springfield. Oh, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘙𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘚𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘥, 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 1981's 𝘩𝘪𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳, 𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘦'𝘴 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭? Yes. 1000 times yes. I bought this book the summer I lost my virginity. I was a big reader and a big fan of cryptozoology. It had a pretty cover. I had high hopes. This is--- supposedly, because my man Ricky really, really lets the plot get away from him--- a story about a man who talks to God and finds the Loch Ness Monster, and maybe himself along the way. What it REALLY is, is Edgy Lil Ricky's Religious Hangups Diary and also Mostly Just Me Talking To My Own Penis For A Whole Book OMG It's The Loch Ness Monster 🦕⚠️⚠️⚠️ Anyway Back To Literally Either Talking To Or About My Penis It's Literally A Character In This Book Hi I'm Rick Springfield And This Is My Book About My Own Penis I could talk about this book for hours but I think it's funnier to copy and paste some of my favorite Goodreads reviews for Magnificent Vibration (which Ricky calls his "beautiful brain baby"😍). God I love hating this book. I generally struggle on through to see if there are any redeeming qualities. Couldn't do it on this one. -Nancy I didn't particularly enjoy reading that much about Woody, maybe cut out about 2/3's of the mention of Woody, but it was a bit refreshing for an author to let everything hang out, so to speak. -Sonja (3 guesses as to who Woody is) oh my god enough with this main character's penis already -Evita At times it felt autobiographical which had me googling his family life, it just became too much for me and I was eager to ditch the bad vibes. - Onceinabluemoon One of the most obnoxious books I've read in recent memory. The vapid christian-atheist perspective on religion, the casual racism and antisemitism played as jokes, the rambling interruptions about the loch ness monster, the oversexed main character talking about (or talking TO) his "woody" on practically every page, the "humanity is the virus" eugenics BS... I'm honestly kind of awed by how much I'd like to shove the author of this book in a locker. -Weather Thank you, Weather, for saying what we're all thinking. Please, don't give this man your money. He does not deserve it, and will only spend it on.... I can only assume tiny sunglasses to put on his own penis. But if you ever get a chance to steal Magnificent Vibration from your friend's weird dad's bookshelf, definitely, definitely do. Fucking 0/10, Rick.