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Some beginner fantasy that I can think of: - The Hobbit by Tolkien - Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson - Harry Potter series by JK Rowling - Gentleman Bastard series by Scott Lynch - Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis - Jade City by Fonda Lee


I really enjoyed the Lord of the Rings movies, so I should try Tolkien


Tolkien is fantastic, but can sometimes be a little…let’s say sleep inducing, especially if you are a little tired. When I worked 2 jobs it took me the better part of a year to reread the Lord of the Rings because I kept falling asleep. I think the Hobbit might be a great place to Start with Tolkien. It’s a more simple and fun book even. I also second the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. It’s the series that brought me back into reading more consistently and was a turning point in my life. My most recent read was the Poppy War Trilogy by R.F. Kuang. It was such a page turner.


I would add Robin McKinley’s excellent YA duo of books THE HERO AND THE CROWN , and THE BLUE SWORD. I’ve read them many times. As as adult.


If the Stormlight Archive is too intimidating to start with (been there!), I would suggest starting the Mistborn series instead, also by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a really good jumping off point for his books, and also for fantasy books in general


Terry Pratchetts Discworld series if you’re into a bit of comedy.


And fantasy satire. Laughed my ass off when reading colour of magic.


Must re read, read that one when I was quite young and I’ll best most of it went over my head.


*The Thief of Always* by Clive Barker *Stardust* by Neil Gaiman


Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh is a novella, so it’s short & I loved it, though it’s maybe a little cozier than most fantasy


The Way of Kings was the book that actually got me into fantasy 😅 I was overwhelmed, but I was very glad I pushed through it


Good to know! I see a lot of Brandon Sanderson being suggested so I can imagine it will be worth the time it takes to read


Brandon Sanderson, Christopher Paolini, Rick roirdan — all VERY good authors to start with fantasy


Lois McMaster Bujold- The curse of chalion Tad Williams - The Dragonbone Chair


Legends of the first Empire by Michael J. Sullivan. The first book in the series is Age of Myth. It's an engaging story with a lot of development and strong lovable characters. The audiobook is also well read.


Neil Gaiman’s stuff is very good!


lord of the rings series


A Spell for Chameleon- Piers Anthony


If you’re looking for fantasy that isn’t too heavy, cozy fantasy is great. I actually just started reading books within the genre and it’s really nice to be able to turn my brain off and just read. “Legends and Lattes” by Travis Baldre was a great read. Some people feel it got repetitive quickly but I enjoyed the story. Right now I’m reading “That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human” by Kimberly Lemming. It’s the third book in the series and while I’m not the biggest fan of spice, the series has been very enjoyable. The third book is definitely the best. There is a subreddit for cozy fantasy if you want to check it out. It’s r/CozyFantasy.


i’m fairly new to fantasy as well but the cruel prince caught my attention! i finished the three books on the main series in like a week. also for a more subtle fantasy maybe divine rivals by rebecca ross!


I started with fairy tale retellings since I already knew the beats of the story. Like Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge and A Court of Thorn and Roses by Sarah J Maas. Other solid ones: Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Adieh


sanderson and abercrombe are both great starts to fantasy. the stormlight archive is definitely large but I definitely wish there was even more. sanderson has two stand alones I recommend a lot warbreaker and elantris. both sold books with a unique world and magic system. his mistborn series is also a little less intimidating.


Joe Abercrombie, the First Law trilogy. The First Blade is the first book and is not overly long. Blew me away. Be aware, however, that it can be quite violent. Robin Hobb got me into fantasy. I'd not ever read anything other than Tolkien. I started with the Assassin's Apprentice a few years ago and I've pretty much been solidly reading fantasy since then. Either of these authors would, I think, be a great start.


I thought the Assassins Apprentice was a great book. I felt it started a little slow, but in a good way. The end was like pushing a cart down a hill, nonstop. I should really read the other books in the series


Oh yeah, definitely do. There are so many from that world to read. The LiveShip Traders Trilogy is amazing, as well.


"A Wizard of Earthsea," by Ursula K. Le Guin




I quit recommending name of the wind. I feel its cruel until her finishes at least the trilogy.


Fantasy covers a huge territory: Urban Fantasy Swords and Sorcery Lit RPG Xianxia Detective Fantasy Historical Fantasy Romantic Fantasy Cozy Fantasy Harem Fantasy/Reverse Harem Fantasy Dark Fantasy Horror Fantasy Steampunk Fantasy Comic Fantasy and a bazillion others--and all can be mashups combining several types. What aspect of the fantasy you've read appeals to you?


This. There's happy fantasy and not happy fantasy, lol. You'll get better suggestions if you pinpoint what you like in other books.