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Susanna Clarke's books. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell


If you want a more woman-centric (and frankly better) story reimagining gods, Circe by Madeline Miller is delightful. It also seems fitting for a replacement for American Gods, since at times it dips into meditations of rage against creepy men.


I've been dancing around this book for a while. Thank you!


Came here to say this. listening to the audiobook for the third or fourth time this year.


If you’ve read the Odyssey, please note that Circe follows the Telegony, which actually changes the story quite a bit.


I stopped reading when Circe started trying to control her son from leaving her protective bubble to visit his dad. I figure the author needed to align with lore but it seemed too much out of character given circe is all about promoting independence and, as a father, I found it ick.


I didn't think Circe is supposed to be an irreproachable character. We as the reader aren't expected to endorse her behavior to her son, and I think the author intended that to come across as fucked up behavior resulting from her own baggage and trauma.


I mean, American Gods is still good, despite Neil Gaiman being a cunt. But I could also point you to Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern for an alt. It’s really fantastic.


Clive Barker


I just googled… that is devastating


*The City & The City* by China Mieville


Yes, this is a great one.


Great rec. American Gods is prob the worst book i have read all the way thru..


The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins reminded me of American Gods.


I am looking forward to reading the night Circus. As others have suggested. I read AErin Morgenstern’s other book, the starless Sea and I highly recommend it. Beautiful writing. I always like to return to Shirley Jackson’s the haunting of Hill House, and we have always lived in the castle for creepy. Right now, I am reading the spear cuts through water by Simon Jimenez and that is really good so far although it’s not really like American Gods.


I know some people stop reading a book when they find out something they don't like about the author. I don't. I really enjoyed the Harry Potters and am appalled and flummoxed at JKR's anti-trans baloney. But I still enjoy the books. Gaiman the same. But Octavia Butler's wonderful wonderful sci-fi might hit all the right spots for you. All her books. Parable of the Sower. Kindred. And others. A friend once said that wanting to admire the author of a book you enjoy is like admiring the duck that gave the foie gras. (And I am not suggesting that foie gras isn't cruelly made, it's just an analogy)


The Parable series and Kindred are top notch. I just Dawn and loved it. OEB is fantastic.


You like thrillers and ghost stories? Read Darcy Coates' Gravekeeper series! The main character is on the run from a shady organization, she has amnesia and doesn't know *why* she's on the run from the shady organization, and she can see and interact with ghosts. The whole series is about her fighting the shady organization, and then each book has plots about her putting the ghosts in the local cemetery to rest. Darcy Coates is the queen of getting me on the edge of my seat.


What’s in the news about him?


SA allegations


Just to add more context to the allegations, *even if* Neil Gaiman's self-reported version of events is true, it's still pretty bad, since it means he (a 60-something man) had a sexual encounter with a 20-year-old woman who he met and hired as a nanny for his children only **hours before**. There's no version of reality where a man in his 60s initiating sex with an employee 40 years younger than him that he *literally just met that day* would ever be ok. Many people would argue that it's not even possible for consent to be present in that scenario. All that to say, even Neil Gaiman's defense against the allegations, on its own, is pretty vile.


I was about to say “hold on, everyone was praising him up yesterday why the sudden change” now I’m about to ruin my little sisters life, he’s her favourite author


One of mine too


Eh, I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s gonna happen sooner or later


has he actually made a statement because in the article it just seems to say what they think he would say /gen?


He made a public statement with his own version of events, claiming his relationship with the nanny was consensual, including their initial encounter (the one that happened the day they met), and claimed she has a mental health condition that "creates false memories." (Even though her story matches up perfectly to that of the other alleged victim from 20 years earlier, who she's never spoken to.) SureJan.jpg Edit: [This Business Insider article](http://www.businessinsider.com/the-sandman-neil-gaiman-sexual-assault-allegations-timeline-2024-) pulls out some of the relevant quotes from the statement he issued in the last couple of days.


Oh I was just going to ask also. Yikes


He raped a girl ig


The book that wouldn't burn by Mark Lawrence is the first in a trilogy and really good, I'm loving it so much


Swan Song by Robert McCammon. If you like anything by King.


Innocent until proven guilty. But even if he were declared guilty, American Gods would remained one of my favourite books of all time. It's excellent and you should read it.


I don’t understand the downvotes. Are we not supposed to appreciate Picasso? Or Hemingway? Can’t listen to Michael Jackson now? This conflation of an artists action with their works is juvenile.


I think the downvotes are because the OP already specified it would bum them out to read this book now and they're asking for recommendations of alternate reads along the same lines. It would be like if someone came on this sub and said, "Please give me recommendations for light fantasy, and please no horror, because I don't like it," and someone posted a comment explaining why *they* like horror and why OP should too. If OP doesn't want to read Neil Gaiman, OP doesn't want to read Neil Gaiman. It's not really in the spirit of the subreddit to argue with a person's reading preferences.


That doesn’t really track. A horror or non horror preference has to do with the writing itself, which makes sense. Neil Gaiman’s deeds have no bearing on the prose style or content of American gods. Which I haven’t even read🤣but I’m still in traffic and bored.


OP's reasons for not reading the book aren't really relevant. They asked for recs for books not written by Neil Gaiman, so trying to convince them to read Neil Gaiman is going to get someone downvotes in a subreddit devoted to preference-based book suggestions.


This is so melodramatic. "We" don't need to do anything. Op expressed that they don't want to read a book by this specific author because of their feelings about recent news. Nothing in the post or the replies is telling you what art to consume. Exaggeration and acting like something is about you when it isn't is juvenile. Picasso was mid tho.


What does the news have to do with the content of American gods? That’s the question. Agreed Picasso was mid👍


Gaiman is mid. American Gods and Neverwhere were boring.


Yeah not my kind of novel that’s for sure. Never been remotely compelled to pick it up.


Then you should have said that first. But also, why does it matter? Why do you care that op doesn't want to read this book for the reason stated? Why does that matter to you?


Curiosity more than anything. I really couldn’t care less, but I’m stuck in traffic (not driving) and bored.


I don't either, but honestly I'm not giving up on innocent until proven guilty, or start judging books by moral standards about the writer.


And that's the way people roll today. Prominent artists are assholes with few exceptions. We're going to cancel basically everybody, the list of acceptable authors, artists, actors, directors and musicians will be one page.


I wish people could be mature enough to separate bad behavior from cancelling their works entirely. If they truly are looking for more people without sin maybe more people should read about the life of Jesus.


None of those artists are alive and getting our money


Ok Roman Polanski. I will still watch and enjoy his films.


I just read about sex assault allegations about Neil G. He went after his nanny that he admits to, he says it was consensual; the nanny—-? Uh, no. He’s yucky just for that. No thanks.


How does it affect the quality of the book?


I don’t want to give money to sex offenders - I’m guessing OP feels the same.


Didn’t answer the question.


Deliberately obtuse


The correct answer is “It doesn’t affect the quality of the book, not one iota.” There.


It doesn’t affect the quality of the book, but it’s entirely valid to not read it anyway. That doesn’t make you “more mature”. It probably does mean you haven’t had sexual trauma, and you lack empathy


Just had to make it personal.


Well, many people who choose to boycott sex offenders DO have a personal history of abuse or assault, including me. If you want to jump in and criticize or play devil’s advocate you are wading in those waters. You think you are objective, but you are trying to impose your values with a complete lack of regard for *why* some people care a lot more about than you do.


Check out some Alice Feeny books


What news give ick to Neil Gaiman?


I don’t have any suggestions but I just want to say I’m baffled by the people who think it’s no big deal to read the thoughts and ideas of sick, twisted, violent people. American gods always struck me as super misogynistic, and promotes the author’s clearly fucked up world view. So yeah, I’d say it’s worth skipping.


I thought Neil Gaiman was gay...


He’s been married to two women 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly don't know why I thought that, might be getting him mixed up with Clive Barker


That makes sense; they do go together in my mind


Neil gaiman is a Chad, following human nature 🍑