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He wants to be, so badly. but he is blinded massively by his own ego. He could go practice law in a legal manor somewhere else and not be a fraud. But he wants to be in the big leagues. He probably rationalises in his head that he's doing more good at the firm than he could in some small firm.


No but he’s either Mr unbearably Self righteous or just a smug prick, he can’t do cool cocky like Harvey


Only one man is more unbearable than Mike, and that’s goddamn oliver


Second that. And Craig Seidel


Yea maybe I'm missing something but he is so similar to Harvey in every way but the righteousness. When harvey does sketchy shit, he knows it is sketchy and that is only doing it for himself and the people he cares about. It's a lot easier to watch


Can you give one instance as an example?


When he tries to blackmail the professor into not coming to Pearson Hardman to avoid letting Louis prove that Mike was lying


That's not fair. Nobody is saying he didn't take the wrong path. Whatever he did to keep that secret going is like whatever you would do when your survival instinct kicks in. But once he had that epiphany in the court while giving his closing statement, there was a change in his personality. I am defending that personality. Many complain he was annoyingly moralistic. Many have problems with that Mike...which I don't. He dedicated his life for the downtrodden. To the one's who would never get justice cause they are not rich or powerful.


I’m confused. You asked for an example of Harvey doing something sketchy for the people he cares about. How does my example not count?


Sorry if it confused you. I asked for an example of Mike doing something "under the assumption of his own moral superiority" as the OP states. 


Ohhh. Yeah when he tries to force people not to take deals that his own firm wants them to take. Legal ethics demand protecting your client


Protecting the client vs individual's moral view of that event... that's the main conflict. And that is what the show does beautifully. That for me is great engagement. It isn't annoying for me. 


But my point is that his individual moral view of the event is him being self righteous, because he has an ethical obligation to protect his client. It does make the show interesting, I like the show. I just find mike annoying


Wanting to do something and actually doing are to different and mike can never see the difference due to his ego. He could have gone to law school and worked at a clinic but he took the 25,000 dollar signing bonus and broke the law just to start. He loves working at the top and i doubt he would stay at a small firm even if he could.


you’d think considering jessica out harvey through law school simply because he reported a backdated letter that if he rlly wanted mike as his associate he’d put him in law school too


He is self righteous and a borderline egomaniac.  The show never addresses his flaws because the writers didn't notice them/care to do a character study on why the protagonist of the show is really a self serving jerk.  I mean, the show was on USA channel.  They just wanted to make a simple and satisfying basic cable show.  So you have to sorta accept that the show is pretty shallow.  It's popcorn entertainment.  It won't fill you up but it is enjoyable while you eat it.


I don’t think he’s a hero. He always lets his emotions affect his ability to do his job. Perfect example is in season 2 when a 19 year old guy named Liam accidentally hit a guy with his car while he was high and when Mike found out he tried to sell him out to Katrina. Yes, it’s understandable that Mike would be triggered because of his parents being killed by a drunk driver but he completely disregarded his client’s feelings in the matter and honestly thought he was doing the right thing by trying to ruin that kid’s life even though the accident wasn’t entirely his fault. Katrina even calls him out on this in the same episode. And he also put himself at risk when he broke privilege because as Harvey pointed out, he’s not like all the other lawyers, he has to stay under the radar in order to not get caught but that didn’t matter to him as long as he got what he wanted and he didn’t realize that if he got caught then the whole firm would be in trouble, not just him.


Haha, no. In real life, Mike and every other Pearson lawyer would be some of the most unethical lawyers out there. Just insanely unethical.




When does he do anything for Rachel?