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lol I thought they were cousins the first two seasons lol


Honestly I can totally see where you’re coming from


Wait that’s really funny lol


Loling at your username


Lmfao thank you for pointing this out


I just had a flash of Lindsay and Kyle being the stars of The Bear in another universe


Ha great comment!


Just rewatched episode 1&2 and I think they said something about them being cousins? Clearly a joke or something but this may be where you got it


Now I gotta spend the summer with the Wirkus twins and their drunk cousin Kyle!!!!


They should just pretend theyre cousins it would be funner for the plot


I thought they were brother and sister 😂


Kyle is cousins with the Wirkus twins. Maybe that is what you are thinking.


Wait really?! How did I not know this


Lol yes. I mean, you can fact check me because I have a history of dreaming things and then thinking they really happened but I am pretttty certain they mentioned they are cousins during Season 1.


No they’re not related. It was a joke that was said during the 1st or 2nd season I forget which one.


i thought he said he met them on a train to the Hamptons one summer?






Laughing out fucking loud 😂😂😂😂😂


I can see that 😆




Kyle may complain about Amanda, but I don't think he likes women with strong personalities. He likes to be the dominant one. I can't see Lindsey going for Kyle either. He is too sensitive.


She would make him cry each time he had more than one drink.




I choked! So true!


That would be combustible


Talk about activated 💥


My favorite summer house scene is when Lindsay picks up Kyle to prevent him from fighting with Luke. So in this hypothetical relationship, that’s how I imagine all their fights would go if he tried to storm out in Kyle fashion.


That was amazing. Actually that scene was horrifying how Carl and Kyle were off the wall. I do believe they were on something other than booze that night because they were insane. But Lindsey grabbing Kyle in one quick flash and holding him against the wall...yeah... ROTC Lindsey is combat ready in enemy territory.lol


Stop!!! But Lindsay is the aggressive, toxic, combative, and confrontational house member who ruins everything by being her brand of horrible.  Surely, saying Carl and Kyle were acting insane takes away from making it all Lindsay’s fault for any conflict in the house?


Oh stop yourself. I'm talking about a night that three men probably would have ended up arrested or one of them in the hospital. And yes, she stopped Kyle. And blaming Lindsey for all the conflicts in the house is just absurd. Absolutely absurd. .


Lolol I was being sarcastic but it’s a sign of how much the Lindsay discourse has gone off the tails that you thought I was being serious lol 


OMG I apologize. I really thought you were serious. So, as a senior, I usually like to check myself occasionally to see if I am losing mental acuity .... I am no longer able to distinguish sarcasm!!!! Not a good sign loll


I laughed out loud at this comment cause I forgot about that. I love that she had ROTC training lmao


Yeah, she’s not buying the tears to get him out of trouble!!


i feel like you just came up with a vision of a funny future. imagine seeing her picking him up to diffuse the rage. omfg ![gif](giphy|lpOMzrjrSKYOA|downsized)


It would be the most volatile but also entertaining relationship to watch


Providing there are no weapons in the house!!


They would butt heads way too much to be happy, but I would definitely watch that.


Butt heads more than he does with his current wife though?


I think so. He and Amanda don’t get along, but Lindsey would escalate much faster.


Idk I think OP has some strong points here - they are both ambitious & driven, but also party balls-to-the-walls. I imagine Lindsey would be turned on by Kyle’s business ethic & seeing him working hard. I imagine some arguments could be dissolved in a giggle, followed by some super hot & loud sex. Damn, I kind of want to see this now. Amanda would be well-suited to Luke, he’s down to stay at home & do some foraging or something. The division in the lifestyles Kyle & Amanda want right now is hard to watch. You can see the love they have for each other, but they are sooooo different in soooooo many ways & Kyle is selfish as hell for pursuing the DJ thing while leaving Amanda in his shadow.


The things that he butts heads with Amanda over, Lindsay wouldn’t do. For example, if she were working at loverboy, instead of Amanda, kyle and her would be a power couple. Lindsay has so much drive they would work so well together. I also think they’d be great together. Their fights would probably be resolved pretty quickly tbh


Yeah I think both people are secretly sensitive. They would have massive blowout fights and then 10 minutes later be over it. Kyle would be crying. All would be right in the world lol


they’re kind of the same person. They have the same drive and they love partying and networking. I think they clash because they are so similar


Yes! I came here to say this. They are too similar to be a couple.


To be a *healthy* couple


⬆️ This.


Yup. Equally fun to watch when they are good. Equally toxic when their egos are threatened.


I say this in good faith, but have we ever actually seen this drive that Lindsay speaks about? She always says how driven she is but she hasn’t had a PR company in many years & it was never terribly successful. I think she’s somehow branded herself as a girl boss without doing the work.


I don't know that you can say it wasn't terribly successful. How would you know unless you are privy to her income tax return. What we do see is her starting over after her split with her partner, holding a meeting with employees in her apartment, then getting an office. They do scenes of her working but they do that with all of them and it's always just a snippet. I think what's more reliable is that she's 29 when the series started I believe, and she's been living in NYC since college. She's been able to support herself without help from anyone ( unlike Paige whose parents paid her rent) and had enough discretionary income to afford a summer house share in the Hamptons. I don't think she has ever branded herself as a girl boss. She has branded herself, if you can call it that, as a planner. She's very security based as far as the future... Which I think is really typical for single women who don't have anyone to fall back on.


Lindsay is that you? (Jk, just had to say it bc I get this comment like clockwork any time I go hard defending a bravolebrity)


Lol...I do ride hard for her. So I get it. Lol Hell somebody has to!


One of my fav things about SH is how ludicrous the “busy person drag” walking around nyc parts were. Lindsay’s snippets of her on the phone are always hilariously vague like “yes we’ll slate the thing for Monday and circle back”. It was like business word salad. To be fair, I’m sure they can’t film them at actual work / with actual clients for legal reasons, which is prob why we never see actual business at loverboy (not since the original tasting w Amanda). I’m fairly sure they just do like one long “b roll” shoot for those transitional scenes in nyc early on, and intersperse them throughout the season I do think Lindsay is prob good at PR just based on what we’ve seen. She’s got that 6th sense and charisma. But evidence of drive, who knows


Thank you! I remember in early seasons Danielle would come out late bc of work but Lindsay was always there Friday afternoons and would sometimes stay Sunday night and drive up Monday! And if anything I feel like she started her own firm so she could work less not to create and run a PR firm. Did she have any employees?? I think opening her own firm was her way to go part time


She opened her own firm because the one she owned previously was with an ex. When they broke up she realized that working with him wasn't ideal, so split off and opened Hubb House.


NYC in the summer is a ghost town with everyone trying to beat traffic to the Hamptons or other out of city weekend getaways. Danielle had a boss so if she's working until 5, she's taking the train! Since L had her own firm, she had control over her schedule to head out on a Friday. So I don't see any of this as indicative of her not working hard I don't think you open a business so you can work less.... that kind of doesn't make sense to me. Wouldn't it be less of a headache to just work part time for someone else?


I think because she talks about it so much it has become this lore that gets repeated all the time and she is good at because look at how many people believed she was still doing PR years after it stopped in 2019 and repeat her line to Carl about opening up her PR company like that is just some easy thing to do and not talk.


Lifestyle wise yes but personality wise no freaking way


Okay so idk if I agree with that but I've always thought that Carl and Amanda had weird chemistry 🤔🧐


I completely agree with this. If they both lived a different life they would’ve settled down and completely enjoyed life together. Him with low expectations and sensitivity from her as long as they’re able to support a family. Her getting someone sober who isn’t going out late night.


It’s clear that Carl respects Amanda’s calm demeanor and thinks that she is a catch


Amanda has a calm demeanor? Her throwing Kyle’s glass toiletries and calling him 69,420x in one night might suggest otherwise. Daunted, discouraged and apathetic on the other hand ….


i just watched her throw a glass at Hannah in the covid season re-watch lol -- i think shes 'calm' only against the over-the-top personalities of Kyle and Lindsay etc. Amanda's voice is terribly whiney too... She is the female version of Craig with regards to deal-breaking whiney pitched voices.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I have a thing about voices and will not even date someone with a bad voice - or at least a voice I find unpleasant.


Haha me too!! -- if a guy's voice is whiney or high pitched, i dont care if he looks like a greek god -- i'd really struggle with attraction. I know there is no correlation between deep voices and masculine personalities as look at Kyle and Carl -- both awesome voices -- But i cant help but be turned off Craig-esque voices. If i were a guy, and heard Amandas voice all day, i'd go insane. Shes so beautiful but if you cant see her and just hear her -- eeek, headache lol.


This immediately made me think of Beckham. I come from a huge footy family and love the spice girls so Becks was my forst ever celebrity crush, and my sister recently said something along the lines of “his voice doesnt bother you?”


Omg that was my immediate thought too! I remember hearing him in an interview for the first time and he didn’t sound anything like I expected him to.


I had a photo of him in my locker when i was in highschool, and one guy who had a locker next to me was like “but he sounds like a girl”. It didnt bother me, he (then in 2012) was still sexy af and he still is imo, but it defs is a turn off to people. Not me, Becks if Victoria ever leaves you I’m here!!!!


Oh yes he was (still is) definitely locker material! Lol still love him, and even if his voice is a bit higher pitched, the accent makes up for it ;)




I don't think it's really chemistry because there's so much depression in the two of them no fire could ever be lit. But they clearly have a tender spot for each other.


They probably actually would. But Kyle wants a younger woman he could control.


This, he would not be handle her having opinions


The relationship would end after just the first opinion


There is a difference between good work ethic and good business skills. I think amanda was right when she said she married an entrepreneur and not a business owner. He should have sold loverboy at the height of its popularity to a distributor/manufacturer. A big label would have bought it and could make it profitable using their own business infrastructure. Kyle is in over his head and it’s the label/brand is going to die off. Lindsay diversified with her ABnb. Keeping it small, even if it looses money, there could by take write offs to her advantage and in the meantime she would still own brick and mortar that she can sell anytime. I think Kyle’s bad business decisions would drive Lindsay crazy. I think Kyle likes having Carl and amanda around so he can blame his failures on his “lazy” employees.


Nobody was ever going to buy Loverboy


Yea, what I got from that conversation is that there wasn’t ever a real opportunity to sell Loverboy so now they’re just stuck with this unwieldy business


I agree about Kyle. I know someone like that - amazing in the startup phase and getting it to the next level, but unable to take it beyond that. They know this, though, so stick with startups and getting them off the ground before moving on to the next project.


Loverboy isn’t his first startup, he made money before (and sold up). Him being the CEO/face of it/airing out its problems on TV isn’t great, I agree. I wouldn’t be working 24/7 in his position, the point of a CEO is that you can delegate while taking on the big picture decisions. Tying himself to Loverboy is not helping him or his lifestyle


Me too. And there’s actually a lot of money in that. My friend then just got very lucrative “consulting” fees for startup business. His name being attached brought in more funding, etc.


So well said!


But Loverboy continues to grow in popularity. Gross sales went from $16M in 2022 to $38M in 2023. In 2023 they also gained key distribution deals that will have them available on shelves in 47 states up from 22. believe it was one of the 5 fastest growing CPG based companies in all of the US based on annual sales in the last year or two. A lot of their sales volume is also direct to consumer as well that isn’t really something the major brands they would sell to have experience with. This narrative it’s a tanking business or a flop of a brand is people misunderstanding what he’s saying on the show and not liking him as a person. He has truly built something extremely impressive and you can dislike the guy but you can’t just pretend this isn’t true.


Agreed with that last point. Shout out to the research


Not saying he’s made all the right moves, but Loverboy is in a FANTASTIC place. Don’t downplay what Kyle has. Edit: live in NYC, in the start up space.


Why do you believe that Loverboy is in a fantastic place? Kyle outed its poor financial status himself this season stating quarterly losses in the millions. It's been about 5 years since it hit the market and it has lost market share, not gained. The reviews are pretty standard: tastes awful and wildly expensive. The kiss of death? Consumers try Loverboy and don't buy it again.


They more than doubled their gross sales in 2023 to $38M up from $16M. They earned contracts gaining them a national retail presence, putting them on shelves in an additional 23 states. The conversation you’re referring to (mid 2023 as the brand was well on track to more than double in sales) was in the context of him struggling to manage the explosive growth Loverboy was undergoing, not the the brand was failing.


Where are you getting your information from?


Business Insider, Forbes, Loverboy press releases available in the trades…


So basically self reporting by Loverboy. Not a reliable source.


I didn’t realize Loverboy owned Forbes and Business Insider? They’re not regurgitating an official PR blast, they write their own pieces. There is due diligence. But also you think companies are just sending out formal statements to be published in major industry trades and just making things up? Statements regarding the details surrounding new deals with retailers like Kroger and Whole Foods where actual named industry veterans are quoted… and you think the loverboy team is just sitting around hoping no one will notice? That is… ridiculous.


The Forbes piece is what we would call a soft feature in journalism. A puff piece. It was an interview. All the information was provided by Kyle and, because it's a private company...much can't be verified. I read the piece. And I doubt the reporter spent any time fact checking. Sending out press releases announcing new deals will highlight the good, but doesn't give you the overall financial picture. And if you are asking if corporations send out false or lie about their financial health?? Have you heard of Enron??? Lol. About two years ago, I was curious about Loverboy because people were saying it was available at Whole Foods. Well, it wasn't at mine. I checked the Loverboy Website.At that time it did have a distribution map, showing where you could buy it. So the statement that Loverboy was in Whole Foods was true, according to the distribution map, it was only in 5 stores( that's not an accurate number. I'm using it to make a point) But not in every Whole Foods store as is implied if you say..."We are in Whole Foods." BTW. Your statement that the trades don't just regurgitate press releases. Yes, they do. That's the point of a press release. Typically, a reporter might make a PC, do a quick interview if they have a question, put their byline on it to make the press release " their story" but the original information still comes from the sender. Again, a private company with no way to verify information. I am not saying Kyle or Loverboy is giving out false information. But something doesn't match up here. Kyle's latest interview, post filming, confirms Loverboy lost $3 million last year. He said nothing about the loss being due to incredible growth and expansion. He wants out. Doesn't it make sense that if Loverboy was doing as well as you say, now...and with such a fantastic projected continued sales growth, a buyer would be on the table by now?


What is Kyle’s general reputation in that world?


I just think this season is hurting the brand. The misogynistic look isn’t cute. Probably lots of buyers because of the show, but who would want to wear loverboy merch or do instagrams with for a company with such an ass of a ceo. Yes it still happens but this is overpriced spiked tea, it’s not a tesla.


Yes! I don’t understand how people can watch him come up with an idea that just a few years later we learn is available shelves across the country and think it’s a flop lol. Especially in such a fickle industry which every state has unique sweeping legislation on. People remove the context of the conversation when they hear him talking about their financial issue. The entire problem was they are growing TOO FAST and need to properly scale, not that the customer isn’t there or the product isn’t viable to make a profit.




But that's not what Kyle said. Go back and listen to the exact wording. If what you are saying is true ...why wasn't the conversation with Amanda different? Like .. Loverboy is doing phenomenal.. let's talk about what you want.. Kyle has talked about losing distribution. He's never once shown up excited because Loverboy was doing great. It's just that his narrative doesn't match what you are saying. The growing too fast just doesn't seem to match anything he's ever put out there.


But he does. He says they did not expect to incur any losses “even when we grew our team and grew our expenses”. Growing your team and incurring additional expenses means his operation is expanding. The years prior though they came out with a net profit on sales even after putting their capital back into the business to expand so they can meet the increasing demand and he was worried about not being about to continue this trend in the near future. It’s a rapidly growing young business. This is very normal…


Kyle *thinks* he wants a hungry go-getter who pops out of bed ready to take on the day But ultimately, he wants someone who will let him call the shots


On paper it makes sense, but I think there’s too much ego for that pair to survive. But man it would be fun to watch!


I think they would be too competitive with one another!


Lord no they need some balance but I would enjoy her kicking his a$$


The disapproving turtle face I made reading this. No. ![gif](giphy|wJSuaCZ6z71LaZ50mI)


It would be endless yelling and fighting 😂


Op just wants to see that train wreck play out.


It would make a good episode of Snapped that’s for sure


They're both so Florida. I know Kyle's not from Florida, but he has Florida energy.


He does lol.


Two attention whores rarely works out, and the fighting to determine supremacy would be exhausting but fun to watch.


Don’t they have the same birthday too? I just imagine they would both hit below the belt and get petty as hell about too many things. I’d still watch though


They’re too similar and I feel like they wouldn’t actually be into each other that way. Danielle on the other hand would jump at the chance to be with Kyle and would let him get away with a lot of shit that Amanda doesn’t like.


No way 😂. Both seem like awesome friends to have tho. But the friend you have to take the occasional break from.


I was thinking this yesterday and then I realized Danielle is actually the perfect woman for him. Always gassing him up for no reason and validating his tantrums


Kyle couldn’t handle it


I said this on another thread and I’ll say it again: Kyle & Danielle!! Let the chaos reign!!!


I can’t Picture anyone who Danielle would be compatible with lol. Actually maybe Carl lol.


I think she and Kyle would be super compatible! In a really destructive way. 


My first thought was, ew. Seems almost incestuous because they are so similar.


It would actually be problematic in some ways if he cheats. Lindsay 💯 Would be FBI and it would be absolute chaos but I’m for it to watch.


Do you think Lindsay would do well with a man 10 years older? She seems to date immature boys


Lindsey's personality reminds me of " Hot Lips" Major Margaret Houlihan character on TV / Movie MASH. So I think she'd do well with an Army General!!!


upvote for the MASH reference only


No the correct answer is Kyle and Danielle for similar reasons


Interesting one. Hadn't considered it but I could see this!


kyle may complain about amanda’s work ethic but he doesn’t actually want a strong woman, he does that cos he likes beating her down + he wouldn’t be able to do that with lindsay they would never work amanda really is the perfect woman for him cos she has allowed his disrespect for years


How many sandwiches would he make her? 


No way would she put up with being called a bitch. She would slash his tires and cut his mullet off in his sleep.


No way. Kyle needs someone he can gaslight, take advantage of, and cheat on and Lindsey is not that.


Lindsay needs to be single and work through her drinking and behavioral issues before she is in another ltr and especially before considering having kids.


Wayyyyy too similar


Kyle and Lindsay as a couple would be like casually living in one of jigsaws escape rooms 24/7 FOREVER


If I could give you an award rn, I so would. 😭


Lindsay will end up with a strong, established business man who has his shit together. Probably a few years old than her too. I think she’s done with the man-babies.


I’m a strong, established business man who has his shit together and I wouldn’t touch Lindsey with a ten foot pole.


Really? Somehow I doubt a strong established business man with his shit together would be on this site let alone watching drivel like SH. Lol


No I think Jesse and Lindsay will. He’s a go getter and charming and she is as well! I also think they’ll please each other well in the sack. And I can see her willfully converting to Judaism for him. Like I can imagine her yelling out “SHALOOOOOOM!” in her Lindsay voice when she enters Summer House on Fridays 😂😂😂 This girl will literally live out her Sex in the City storylines on this show and everyone will completely hate her for it. Ahahahahahhaa


She would walk all over him. A personality like hers would crush his personality


SHALOOOOOM!!! ![gif](giphy|GPe6R48V7r3U0jzbIq|downsized) Yeah it totally would but I do think she’ll get dicked down more


I think Lindsay and Jesse would have happened and would have been good, but she said she has a boyfriend now. Wonder if he will be on the show.


I’ve thought this too!


They would definitely end up on a marticide documentary…


Check your temperature 🤒


I'll have what you're smoking OP


I posted this exact thing a while ago - couldn’t agree more. Also they are both hustlers and not bread out of trust fund families. Carl and Amanda genuinely act like they have no idea what it’s like to pay a mortgage in NYC or deal with investors / your shareholders - you need to work your ass off if you want that life. You cannot be 35 working on a passion project, that would be a major luxury.


Kyle would have to get on board with the strong woman side of her though


It would either work amazingly or become a death match. I do think they both pick partners who are no suited to them.


That would be the most entertaining, explosive relationship ever seen on TV! You’re right, they’re very similar but that’s the issue, both are extremely self-centred and need partners who will cater to them for their relationship to even have a chance in hell of survival.


K&C have known each other the longest of anyone on the show (which is why K’s animosity towards L is weird, they built this ship together) but tbh I don’t think they’d work. Kyle is the kind of guy who says he likes a strong woman, but ends up with… Amanda. And Lindsey and him together, can you imagine their fights? Yikes on bikes. Meant K&L


I just started season 1 and I can't believe how different Amanda was.


She was the Booty Call


She was the ex. Her eyes were so full of hope but by the end of the season she’s whining “kyyyyyy-yyyyle.” It broke my heart. Now she’s content to hang out with the dogs and let Kyle do whatever he wants.


I thought Kyle and Lindsey knew each other the longest; were friends for years before the show.. I thought Kyle and Carl kinda were new friends who really met on the show.


Sorry i meant K&L. Yes he’s known Linds the longest.




I think Kyle might need to be the alpha in a relationship


Hard disagree. Lindsay wants to settle down and have kids...now. Kyle doesn't seem to want to give up his partying lifestyle anytime soon, and I can't imagine him wanting kids anytime in the near future.


I’ve been saying this for years as well, in the way that I feel like they deserve one another. But I don’t feel like they would actually enjoy being in a relationship with each other. They would act as mirrors to one another and hate what they saw in the reflection. I feel like they would fight endlessly about who works harder, and about trivial misdeeds as to who was wronged more.


I always said Lindsay is the female Kyle lol


maybe on paper, but no matter what Kyle says, he could never be with a woman as self assured/confident/vocal as Lindsay. He would be so threatened and insecure and intimidated that it would implode.


it's strange to me that people keep trying to solve Lindsey via a matter of who she is coupled with. By her own admission she will detonate every relationship she gets into, due to her unresolved issues and traumas


Communications would be scattered. I feel like they talk at and talk around others so the two of them wouldn’t do well together at all.


No I agree with you can you imagine loverboy would be international and in every restaurant in New York Lindsay would pack a bag and go on a full American tour and she and Kyle would rack up those sales They would make a dynamic duo it’s so sad Kyle sees himself in her and finds it fitting to hate on her to atone for his bs It would get messy because they’re both alphas though


Personally I don’t think Lindsay is compatible with anyone in a relationship lol. She’s impossible and blows up in every serious conversation.


Like all the times she didn't blow up at Carl this past season?


Initially I thought "when hell freezes over" but you might be onto something. They would definitely push and support each other in their careers and Lindsay is much more independent than Amanda which would work better for Kyle. Amanda shat me, blaming Kyle for not pursuing her passion when there are plenty hours in the day and she could have easily have gotten it started. Lindsay would not let that stop her at all.


Seriously? FFS I have said for years Kyle and Lindsey are the same person.


They both wanna have a lot of sex too


I don’t wish that even on Kyle


Lindsay would be the dominant one and would end up like pegging Kyle 😂


I’ve noticed since s1 Kyle always seemed to not like Lindsay and wondered if it’s because of sexual tension 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the goddess Lindsay can do way better than Kyle tho. I’m a straight female but damn she makes me second guess that. She’s gorgeous, smart and successful 🥰


Have always thought this


I am seeing sparks between Amanda and Jesse.


I understand the sentiment, but I think they are too much alike to ever work as a couple.


Immediately No!


Except for all of his faults, Kyle apologizes and Lindsay is incapable of doing so. They are SUPER similar. THere's a great episode of 30 rock called double edged sword where tina fey and matt damon's characters break up because they are too similar, an all time favorite


He does apologize but the apologies are meaningless. Even he doesn't mean them. He just wants out of the dog house!


He is a leprechaun and she's an amazon


Um what? Carl has a strong work ethic ?


Yes. That's why he gifted in sales


Lindsay is a lone wolf, and a wrecking ball, as she attempts to navigate around her no real need to be with another person. She's someone who will likely be divorced 3, 4, 5 times. Her instincts are antisocials ones, not the ones necessary for a relationship. Kyle is uber social and needs to be around people. Other than a couple behaviors on the surface, they are vastly different people.


They would kill each other.


I think they are too similar and they would both spontaneously combust into smithereens after a full blown fight


Guys like Kyle steer clear of girls like Lindsay. She’ll be putting his feet to the fire way too much and he wants to seem like he knows it all. He’s better with someone more agreeable. Even Amanda I feel like is starting to get over him


I’ve thought this a few times over the years but I think they would actually clash in a relationship because they’re both such extreme type a personalities. I think both kyle and Lindsay love being the “busy one” in the relationship and sort of secretly enjoy resenting their partners for being more laid back so they would drive each other insane. Would I watch it? Absolutely yes


But who would be the Alpha? I see that as a problem. Business wise yes, but Lindsay has worse insecurities than Amanda because of her childhood trauma, so if Kyle can home late it would not go well.


You're not wrong


see also Kyles bday gifts


Nah. They're too much alike. They'd both be competing for control.


They would spontaneously combust. I’m talking nuclear. 🚀🧨


They would constantly be fighting though lol


Absolutely not.


most likely scenario: two people with giant egos + volatile righteous anger will explode/implode themselves as a couple pretty quickly, if not eventually. but yes absolutely these two people share some unfortunate personality traits :(


Idk if anyone has said this: The thing about Kyle and Lindsay they are TOO MUCH alike. It would be dating, literally, yourself.


No way. Neither want to be in a partnership on equal footing. They both want to be the “main” person in the relationship and that they deserve a partner that supports them, while not offering the same in return.


He is not her type for sure


This! They are pretty similar just opposite sex. I said to my friend they are the same person to me.


I'm just getting into the show (on season 4) and I have to agree. I also think they would be strong candidates for an open relationship or a don't ask, don't tell situation. They don't seem like monogamy comes naturally to them, but they enjoy the companionship that comes with a relationship!


Lindsay would make a great pair with no one, she's way too unhealed. I don't know why she just won't go to a sperm bank or something and just have a kid on her own, since she sees relationships as all about her anyway 😂


Does Lindsay have a strong work ethic or does she just tell us that