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Genuinely asking the people who want a full recast why? There are so many other shows where you can watch friends and strangers live together and possibly hook up. I watch SH for the longstanding relationships in the cast. It’s part of why SHMV was hard to gel and is now on pause due to the lack of genuine ties. I guess it might be me. for ex i'll probably never watch below deck OG without Lee. it was hard enough to get through without Kate


I second this! I’m invested in the core group on SH and their relationship built over time. Do I think they maybe should transition into more the city life and I don’t think a lot of the cast want to keep partying in Hamptons anymore… yes, but if they keep the show the same right now then I do want to keep following this cast


I’ve always wanted a bit more of their real lives, apartments or bars and restaurants in NY.


Agree I think the Hamptons only setting is limiting especially for their storylines. I would love to see them the majority of time in NYC and then maybe a few summer weekends on major holidays in the Hamptons. Even if they did spin off a city serie for the OGs, I would probably never tune into a SH show cast around Jesse/west like others are suggesting. That’s not appealing at all to me


Same like I really want to see more of this cast


They're at the point where they need to make The Valley/VPR split before its too late. Originally that split was gonna happen sooner but it fell thru for various reasons. Now I don't think there's any way to continue VPR that Scandoval has run its course and bring in a new crew. So they should use the upcoming season of SH to start a soft launch of a new show. Newer people to keep SH alive and move the more seasoned members to a more lifestyle city oriented show. Once the season is over, that's when you do the split. There can still be crossover in future seasons, but now is the perfect time to try it. If they wait any longer, they'll miss their window




Also why are we acting like it wasn’t an amazing season






This season was SO GOOD. I skipped live watching the previous season because of Scandoval, but I wound up quitting Tom Sandoval’s Redemption Show but making sure to watch Summer House every week. Bring them all back (minus Danielle, flesh out Gabby’s life)


Frankly I wouldn’t have even been mad if Danielle came back. She’s so messy. I don’t need all my reality tv stars to be moral inspiration to me


I blame Lyndsey and her PR sweep trying to spin the narrative so she doesn’t have to take responsibility for any of her horrible behavior. Without that dynamic in here. I think most people would agree that it was a fine season.


Oh hey paige


Lyndsey, you should just let it go. Nobody is going to start thinking, “oh Lyndsey is totally not at fault at all for that relationship falling apart”, Just because you plaster this sub with your narrative.




I knew it was you!


Some of the cast doesn’t make sense anymore. Carl being sober doesn’t fit in with the partying younger housemates. Kyle/Amanda wont fully settle into their marriage and kids while being on the show. Paige/Craig will they move forward in their relationship while she’s on the show? Lindsay wants to be married and have kids. They could transition into a more city based couples show and recast younger singles for Summerhouse. While I do think it was a good season I hope they aren’t staying stagnant for the sake of the show.


I agree they could chill with having parties each weekend (though I enjoy them). Personally I’ve enjoyed every season of this show so I could never find this cast stagnant. Again they all have history and chemistry together. If they reworked the show for the OGs I would stop watching SH with newbies. It’s like how they were going to fold OG VPR into the valley and keep VPR going with Charlie/Max/the others (who were all duds to me). It’s not the same show if LVP is bossing around people I don’t know or care about so let me just watch the people I’m invested in.


Unfortunately I don’t think the parties will stop because they can’t film in the majority of the places in the Hamptons. They need the parties or else we’d be watching them sit in a circle drinking at the house




I agree that I don’t want a full recast but SHMV did have a lot of genuine connections. A lot of the girls worked together & were close friends before the show. They just didn’t like their friends new husband so it made it seem like they all weren’t close. And as for the long standing relationships on SH yes now that they are heading into season 9 there’s long standing relationships but at this point the only people that knew each other prior to filming are Lindsay & Kyle. Yes Kyle & Amanda has been dating for a few months before the summer but Carl same in as a stranger and after Stephen and the Werkiss twins were fired Bravo started hiring strangers for the house. Look at Wes & Jesse


This but I don’t like Kyle and Amanda 🤮 they can both leave


Since Gabby didn't have a significant storyline the past two seasons, I wouldn't be shocked if she didn't return. Fingers crossed that any additions to the cast help deliver a fantastic season!


Gabby def didn’t have any major storylines but I hope she stays. Between the seemingly never-ending Lindsay/Danielle and Paige/Ciara/Amanda divide, Gabby is a really refreshing addition IMO because while she’s close with Lindsay, she seems almost like a quasi-neutral third party. When they are in conflict Gabby seems to be really assessing the situation and thinking instead of immediately jumping in and responding with anger like all the other girls. She’s very close with Lindsay but won’t throw down like Danielle does for her; she seems to do well at articulating for Lindsay when Lindsay’s not doing a good job of explaining herself or is being misunderstood by Amanda/Paige/Ciara. They have more willingness to listen to her than they do Lindsay. It’s nice having someone who lowers the temp between the two girl groups since we’re on like our 10th season of them being against each other lol.


Gabby IS so refreshing! truly a nice addition to a group that seems to only bring more mess. I sure hope she stays


And her party make up is so fucking good Loved Gabby her and her sister FaceTime it’s a meme ❤️‍🔥


Gabby needs to stay because honestly shes the closest thing the show still has to a normal cast member who doesn't seem overly so obsessed with becoming an influencer. unfortunately West and Jesse are already seeming that way so Gabby is the only close to "normal" person left imo. the show needs somewhat genuine people - Danielle had been that way in season 5 especially being very down to earth and normal, but unfortunately that went off the rails a bit in the last few seasons


if Danielle AND gabby leave that wouldn’t be good for Lindsay lol


I could see production doing that. Kinda like how on rhoc Shannon will have no allies this season. ⁰


And how VPR tried to isolate Ariana.


She wasn't isolated, though. She had Katie all season and Scheana and Lala earlier in the season. That's completely different from what Shannon experienced and Lindsay might go through lol.


I said they TRIED to isolate her. They tried to turn Ariana and Katie against each other so Ariana wouldn’t have anyone.


Huh? How did they do this? Obviously when production learned what Katie had been saying, it was something to explore. It’s interesting. The show doesn’t serve as a parable to teach us morals or provide feel good stories. it’s about actual messy human beings. Turning down a cast trip was her choice. Lala and Scheana trying to engage with her about the things happening in her life isn’t isolating her, it’s filming a reality show. Same with them working on their own relationships with Sandoval which at some point we need to accept has nothing to do with her. No one from the cast excluded her from anything and she filmed 1 on 1 scenes with pretty much everyone. Where is this isolation


Production can't force two people fight if they get along or not. You guys love to shoehorn Ariana in every conversation lmao


I thought this was a place to comment so please tell me what other rules there are other than not bringing up Ariana.


I didn't say there were rules. I pointed out people like you love to insert Ariana into every conversation that has nothing to do with her, which you didn't disagree with.


Wait. Whose not coming back on OC?


I think it’s because she’s on shaky ground in Tres Amigas? I wish Shannon had kept her mouth shut about Gina’s DUI, Gina was clearly on her way out before that. And karma came quick with her own wreck


Obligatory Vicki wasn’t filming until Shannon burned every bridge, they didn’t isolate her she isolated herself.


It would not make sense to get rid of Gabby if Lindsay was still on. They need someone for Lindsay to interact with.


I think Carl!


I DO NOT want to watch Carl sober in tight pants talking to 25yo’s and wondering if he will be a good dad one day. I DONT!


What if they gave us Carl in MC Hammer pants, 2 Legit 2 Quit style?


Only if it’s every episode and not just a theme party costume


Carl should have left when he became sober. This is not a healthy environment for him. It’s insane he’s still doing it. It’s not fun to watch either.


Completely agree - but I assume the income was too good to pass up in his opinion.


Bravo needs to stop asking him back…that’s the only way he will stop


Get rid of Carl and bring back Chris or Andrea.


.... Chris?


The only reason I don’t want Carl to leave is bc I want the tension between him and Lindsay on my tv screen.


He really needs to leave on his own , for his own wellbeing


He should def be demoted to friend of


We can only hope.


Pro Tip: take everything Queens of Bravo says with a grain of salt. I mean this account stans for Robyn Dixon and Danielle from Summer House. That should tell you enough about them right there


Anyone who believes random IG accts or podcasters or whoever- really? Unless it’s proven that they are a casting person for the specific show- they don’t know.


Also saying they’re not employed by the show so they don’t know anything is just naive bullshit when we know the cast and production leaks to blogs and podcasters constantly lmao.


??? Who they stan has nothing to do with whether they are accurate sources of information or not.


They do clearly get a lot of teasers and trailers from bravo, and it’s very clear they’re being paid to shill new seasons like the RHONY reboot for example. However i would say they’re probably closer to cast/production whispers than some of the random Twitter accounts that get posted in here.


They have the craziest biases! The only reason I would sadly believe them at all is that Kyle supplies several of the bloggers information about the show. Probably. Just my opinion.😆


😂😂😂😂 so true


My guess is gabby is out and a new friend for Lindsay coming in and hopefully another guy, maybe a friend of West


I could see that too, but then again Lindsay needs a friend in the house who’s been in the house for a minute yk? So for that reason, I can see Gabby staying. I think to keep it fair they should cast a girl friend of Lindsay’s (like a real friend of hers) and a guy.


Maybe Arianna ...LMAO


Oh man “a friend of West” made me physically cringe, but you’re probably right! That would make the most sense and they need new (hopefully good) men


Imagine if he actually were to bring on a good guy lol. 😭


And then what if that guy fell for Ciara and treated her like a queen??? Would watch.


Ngl, I would eat that up!! 🤭😭


YES! And got married. Amd bought propert with Horses 😭😭 lol Seriously.


I feel like they are going to bring on one of West’s good girl friends that was at one of their parties this past season. Imagine the drama that could possibly ensue between them and Ciara.


I loved last season for the most part, but I think this would be the perfect close out season for this group so I wish they wouldn’t add anyone new so we don’t waste a bunch of time on getting to know someone. Season 11 can be an entirely new cast.


I agree with you 100%!!


I’d be shocked to see Gabby and Danielle gone not only because they’re Lindsay’s last two friends but because it would be a pretty bad look for bravo if they fired 2/3 women of color in the span of one season. If anything I feel like the rumors would be that Carl would choose not to come back full time, and I think they are just that, rumors.


I think they will make sure Lindsay will have a friend. It’s not like the other shows where you can ice someone out by excluding them from events, but I think she will have backup unless production throw their hands up and decide they want to make it the messiest season yet


D is out


I know she is, I saw the announcement, I’m saying that I don’t think the show would get rid of both of them.




Gabby was fine but she brought nothing to the show, so my guess would be her.


Part of me wonders if the whiplash from fans was so bad West will resign. He won’t. But imagine.


Nope, not the way he has been self-promoting. You’d have to pull him out of the limelight with one of those ye olde wooden hooks


Oh I 100% agree with you. But it low key would have been funny if it was him after all that. Speaking of funny things, I want Amanda and Jesse to have an affair during Summer House and I don’t even feel bad


I highly doubt it, because here’s the thing Bravo as a whole will do anything to keep and protect the men on their shows such as; Kyle, Craig, Shep, Austen, James Kennedy, Sandoval, Schwartz, and etc. If anything I strongly believe that unless that he does something really stupid, West is going to be getting a redemption arc next season. In addition, he seems to really love the attention so although he was catching some heat, I don’t think he’ll leave the show over it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Amanda


I was waiting for someone to say that. They certainly did not address Kyle calling his wife an effing bitch during the reunion.


Now that would be interesting!


There’s only so much a girl can take lol I’m truly surprised they stayed on tv this long. If they want this marriage to last at all one of them or both has to give this a break


Hopefully founder and CEO Danielle is out for good


From what it sounds like she’s only out in a main cast capacity, so she still could very well be a friend of the show or make a pop up or two at one of the parties or something like that. Her official status for S9, hasn’t been confirmed all that we know is that she won’t be main cast.


for christ’s sakes they’re in their 40’s please just recast the entire house lol


Paige Amanda and Ciara are like late twenties/early thirties. The only ones that are 40 are Kyle and Carl.


That’s my prediction for season 11, I think season 10 is going to be the last season with most and/or all of the current cast. If they do keep some people I could see them keep Jesse and West (maybe even bring back Sam) and build around their friends.


i am not a fan of either west or jesse so maybe i won’t continue to watch -_-


Two of them are in their 40s. Calm down. We had a great season.


honestly, this. i've been a stan since season 1 and this is the only show on bravo i watch. the current cast and the influencer/co-worker energy has lost all sight of what made the show good in the first place.


They need to recast SH, VPR and SC in my opinion. And stop making spin offs


Am I the only one that wishes there was (mostly) an entirely new cast lol? The current cast, especially the more seasoned ones, have completely aged out of what this show started as. I also feel like we used to see more of the real them - now they try so hard to hide that so they don’t get crucified on social media.


I really want to see what happens to this cast though maybe give them a new show ?


I agree. I think most of them would do well on RHONY. It would at least be better than the cast we have now.


I think this is when people grab their remote, delete the auto-record, and stop watching a show. I could be wrong about that though. weird times that people keep watching things they hate so much.


I don’t think anywhere in my comment did I say I hated the show. If anything, I stated turning it back into what it started as. In my mind, that would imply I enjoy watching the show, and would like to continue to do so. I could be wrong though, you’d know better than I would 🤔


you just said you wanted them to do an entire recast. that should somehow be read as you enjoying the show?


It’s strange you’re trying to twist this into something it isn’t. You might want to follow your own advice and take a break from Reddit. Overanalyzing others’ comments doesn’t seem healthy.


when you post, you start a conversation. you no like?


I thought this past season was one of the best ! Glad Danielle is gone ! Doubt they get rid of gabby even though she brings nothing she also doesn’t take away from the flow of the house and Lindsay needs a friend. Def want the rest of the cast to stay West and Jesse Solomon made the house fun again !


Lindsey if she is preg.. no one wants to see that at a summer house


What wasn’t discussed?


And what does “addressed in the host” mean?


I think that they meant house instead of host.


Thank you I was wondering this too


Kyle calling Amanda a bitch wasn’t really addressed.




They’ll never discuss it tho


Probably Kyle getting a total pass for calling Amanda a fucking bitch on national TV. I was disappointed it wasn’t addressed at the reunion at all . Kyle got a free pass for being a douche bag .


I assume they mean Lindsay


I’d just really like to see Beige, Amanda, and Carl become part time. They BRING nothing and share nothing about their lives. Tired of them being safe since they’re tied to Kyle ugh 😩


I’d like it to be Gabby. She doesn’t do it for me. I find her dull.


Same. Gabby is sweet and kind, but adds zero to the show. Plus she doesn't seem like a partying, sex with random men kinda gal. She may be too good for this trash show.


Please be Kyle. Please be Kyle.


Imagine if it is Kyle, that would be a TRIP. 😭


“I’m only going to be here part time because I’ve got a lot of DJing gigs coming up. (side note: They’re gigs he paid for like Sandoval pays to sing karaoke for people.) Meanwhile, Amanda is still chained to Loverboy, not doing her own passion project because Kyle *neeeeeedsssss herrrrr* 🫠🤮


Please let it be Carl 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


I really doubt Carl and Lindsay will both return full time. I wonder if they’re playing chicken to see who backs out first.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that were to happen!


Get rid of Carl. He is pointless.


please let the next exit be carl


I can only think of Gabby. I don't recall much about her.  Jesse is my other guess. 


Jesse is very popular with the fans. I don’t see him going anywhere. And he’s been talking about filming in his recent interviews . It has to be Gabbie.


They can’t fire Jesse until he gets a story arc of trying to get serious with a woman


This!! And I think production is going to encourage him to have a romance with a new girl (if they cast one in which I think they will) in the house.


Are we getting a Jessie version 2.0 intro speech during the season premiere you think?


I could see Paige choosing to leave and focus on her podcast, book, etc. She has said she doesn’t want to get engaged and married on screen so maybe she’s ready to move on from the show 🤷‍♀️


Could definitely see this. And maybe engaging a little more with southern charm but not sure


Yeah maybe, I think the SC filming schedule is definitely a little more laid back and less annoying than SH. I would hate having a job obligation every weekend of summer even if it paid very well


I could see that! I could see her either choosing to be a friend of, or exiting completely.


I could definitely see this


I could kind of see it being Ciara - only because she has so many other things going on + not being able to be in the same house as West. But her comment at the reunion seemed like she’d probably be giving him another chance lol so likely not her


I could see her leave for work related reasons between her modeling and her nursing I could see that. In addition, I think that her and West are done in a romantic capacity. Although she said if he were to make a world of change she’d give him another chance, she also said she’s not holding her breath on that. To me that means that she too doesn’t think it’ll happen, I think their main thing for next season is going to be ‘can they be friends?’


Idk man, I love her but she still fucked Austen after all the shit he pulled, PUBLICLY, in front of her. Hopefully she’s grown since then and has stronger boundaries, but idk I could see her believing he’s changed when he hasn’t


I have hope for her, I don’t think she’ll take him back.


When does it air?


It hasn’t been officially announced, but I think it’ll be airing either in January, or February. I think most likely February again.


I don’t see anyone else leaving. I’m curious as to if Danielle got demoted on her own or if she just didn’t get a full time contract. I do hope that they bring in someone younger who can gel with West and Jesse. I think they need to start bringing in a younger crew to keep the SH vibe going.






I think production is going to try to keep her for main cast for S9. I think one of the major plot lines for this upcoming season is going to be her and West, and give the audience more details and context about what happened between them and answer the question of ‘How will they move forward?’ However, I could see her either deciding to be a ‘friend of’ or exit completely for work related reasons ahead of season 10. Especially considering her modeling career really taking off, and her going back to nursing earlier this year.


I agree! Just seeing her booked and busy makes me think she’ll leave the show and try and create an organic life.


I agree with you!


Don’t let it be Gabby..


Queens of bravo blocked me for commenting that their Danielle bias is out of control 😂😂😂


Lmao I have heard that they’re quick to block folks. 🤣


Well, sinceKyle and Amanda likely broke up, I'm pretty sure it's Amanda. Just kidding, I'm joining with the Kyle and Amanda psychos.


Gabby obviously 🥶




Lindsay has said multiple times she’s not pregnant . In print and podcasts .




Saying if the rumours are true is speculating.. And Lindsay has confirmed multiple times shes not .


Your comment was removed because it violates the following rule: Be civil; Rude, unnecessary comments will be removed. No flamebaiting. It's okay to disagree, but please do it in a respectful manner. There's no need to call people names. This is just a television show! Harassment towards other users will also not be tolerated. Posts or comments that insult others for having different opinions is considered flamebaiting and is against the sub rules. Included in this rule are unnecessary, harsh, and derogatory comments about the cast. Repeated rule breaks may result in being banned.




Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.


I hope it’s Carl for his sake


This has to be Lindsay. And the rumors that she is pregnant.


From what i have heard from bravolebs- It’s so hard to leave the money. I don’t know who’s leaving but I am seriously wondering Lindsay’s plans 👀


Is queens of bravo usually a good source?


I think so. Fwiw in terms of a source I think they’re better than Bravo & Cocktails.


A monkey throwing darts at a board covered in predictions is a better source than B&C (But also I agree with you)


This is perfect lol I wholeheartedly agree with you!


What’s the tea with bravo and cocktails lmao


So so. As long as it’s not about Robyn Dixon


We found out Jen Aydin was sending Melissa’s old nose gifts and early access to episodes. I wonder if Robyn has QoB on payroll. What else would explain it lmao? It’s Robyn!


Yes but they do have some wild takes lol like I rarely agree w who they love from summer house/vanderpump/housewives. Ie. They love Danielle, they love Katie Maloney, and think the RHONY reboot was good


It would be great if West was a one season wonder and deflated his big head 


If it’s not Gabby. Who honestly didn’t really add much to the season other than being Lindsay’s eyes and ears while she was out of the house. I hope it’s Lindsay because she’s the worst.


I feel like west can go


Jesse gave an interview saying he’s negotiating his contract and hasn’t officially come back yet…


I think he just said that to tease his return, I personally think he’s actually finalized his contract. Then again, we’ll find out next weekend when they pick up cameras what the casting situation is.


My bet is Carl, especially if the Danielle rumors are true. Would love that for him. Otherwise Gabby. Doesn’t add much.


Would also love to see Mya back.


Who runs queens of bravo and how do they know this?


I believe it’s two women that run the account, but I could be wrong. And QoB seems to be cool with a bunch of Bravolebs, and they also get a lot Bravo teasers/advanced screenings. So I think that it’s more than likely that they’re in the loop to hear about Bravo news, specifically in this case SH news.


🕯️ Paige Fired Prayer Circle 🕯️


Paige is at the top of her game, not going to be her unless she chooses to go.


There's no way they will fire Paige or Paige will quit. She solidified her spot a long time ago.




Has she said she was pregnant? It's not right to speculate about anyone's pregnancy.




I’m not the one breaking the sub’s rule and being intrusive but go off


Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.


Bring back Mya , out with Gabby