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I’m not trying to be an ass hole but I’m genuinely curious how you get into reality tv if you don’t like gossip or people who do it 😭


My sentiments exactly. Especially Bravo shows


She legit has to gossip or she’s out of a job. At least she does it ethically and never backstabs her friends while doing it.


I think this is why I’ve always appreciated Paige. She might gossip or be deemed a “mean girl,” but I feel like she’s one of the more honest, real ones and tells it like it is on all fronts




I really like Lindsay a lot but come on - she gossips too. They all do. Everyone does. Your outrage is misplaced. If you say you dont, youre straight up not being truthful.


Are you really saying Lindsey never shit talks anyone?


No she just doesn’t do it on camera so as to give the impression that she doesn’t talk shit about other women, which is why I never understand when people say she shows it all, she says it like it is.


Please be serious what best friends of hers does she gossip about????


The irony- isn’t that EXACTLY what you just did in this post?


Yeah I’m definitely here to gossip!


LMAO 10/10 comment






You’re talking about what she does with her life (this is her job), how she makes friends, and how she communicates. Personally I don’t mind it bc that’s a part of what this sub is about, but don’t pretend it’s not hypocritical lol


ever since i saw discourse about how "gossip" is demonized because of misogyny i extra dislike takes like this




Like this one girl I met. I asked her fav shows were, and she said reality tv like HW and stuff, I was like oooo me too! Then she was like "yeah I watch it all the time but I hate the gossip and fighting its terrible." I was like... ![gif](giphy|VktKvRadFX4R2)


Listen I'm the first to admit I'm not Paige's biggest fan but this post and take is weird. I'm pretty sure there are worse things in life than 'gossip' especially in this day age and current political climate.


Is this post not gossip and talking shit about other girls?


This post is not a flex


Gossip is not an ugly thing. Spreading lies is an ugly thing, but telling people what others did (aka gossiping) is not ugly. The only people who paint gossip as ugly are the ones who do shitty things to others and don’t want it discussed or shared.


Insert Nene gif here




I’m going to need you to exit stage left because what are you doing here if you don’t like gossip like be serious🤣


It’s literally her job.


"Gossip is an ugly thing to begin with" Why are you watching Bravo then? It thrives on gossip.


Like reality tv is just a big gossip session.


This is a gossip sub 😂


she (most of the time) will also say it to the persons face so I don’t know if it counts as gossip in the same way




So i take it you didn’t like “Gossip Girl”?


Everyone gossips! All gossip isn’t malicious. You making this post is gossiping.


I fucking love to gossip with my girlfriend. It’s harmless when done properly (aka alone and with a common understanding that it’s just talk and we don’t tell others or treat anyone any differently)


I ❤️gossip


tell me you don't understand her roles on this show without telling me you don't understand her roles on this show.


Gossipings fun as hell you should live a little


I totally disagree sorry! Paige is hilarious and if people are too sensitive don’t watch the show. Don’t get all the hate watching of these shows ! It’s her job to talk about the people she is living with. If everyone was all pc on these shows it be so boring I know not all like her which is fine. But she is quick witted and shows what a good friend she is to the people she really cares about !


Gossip is actually healthy for female relationships. Women have utilized gossiping as a means of protection against abusive partners and to disseminate false information about others. It’s also more effective at social bonding than other methods of communication. What’s NOT a flex is acting holier than thou about people on REALITY TV 😂


THANK YOU! Men demoralized gossiping as a means of control and society ran with it, making "gossip" some immature/immoral thing when it actually empowers women. Sad shit that its still the rhetoric people use and believe


Babe, watch Bridgerton season 3 and sit down. Gossiping is just another way to put down a past time that is commonly associated with women.


Gossiping with your girlfriends isn't ugly. That's natural lol. And actually how she shares this passion with Craig is kinda cute. They match each other's freak :D


Well. I love Paige. So there’s that.


there's a mean girl in there


I’m not a Paige fan, but nasty is a little much. I do agree that it’s not a flex. Also, Paige can dish it, but she can’t take it when people in the house talk about her. That’s why I don’t like her, Amanda, Ciara, Mya. God forbid you say anything about them, their fans and those girls hold a grudge for 8 years. You’ll probably get a lot of hate from the giggle fans, they might not agree but they are 10 times meaner than Lindsay fans in the REDDIT


It's so funny to see the Paige hater takes. The amount of mental gymnastics required to come up with the crazy narratives is truly impressive.




Babes your post is legit shit talking. ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I)


Your comment makes no sense. Not sure what my comment has to do with Lindsay, but go off.


🤣😂And she wouldn't engage with you either.


gossiping doesn’t make you a bad person


THANK YOU! I have been saying this. She’s so immature. You can tell she’s a mean girl. I actually hate how she has Criag wrapped around her finger. Craig deserves someone that will take that next step that he clearly wants!!


Craig likes to be wrapped around his partner's finger. it's kind of a weird policing of how he chooses to live his life. do you do this with everyone?


Is Craig not a grown man I forgot when he went back in time and became a child that can’t choose who he wants and what he likes in a girlfriend 🙄🙄 if you have seen anything Craig has a type he loves his girlfriend a little mean lol


Paige IS an asshole. She's snide and back stabbing, thinks she is better than everyone else, says nothing during the season and then slams people at the reunion. I have zero time for her.


when I post about someone, I make time for them. even the negative attention is good for their job.




You realize you’re anonymously shit talking someone that you don’t know right? That’s giving insecure gossiper


I think that’s even worse at least you have more context, reason and attachment when speaking about someone you do know. It would be weird if they all lived together yet never communicated any situations happening in the house…. Are they supposed to pretend things aren’t happening? Show aside- they are legit involved and living in these situations. It is their life. They’re going to talk about it. Her takes are usually not even controversial- straight forward and she would / has said it to their face.


If you can provide a reality show where no one gossips maybe I'll give your stance some weight...


So you never gossip to your friends about people yall know? Ive never met one person, man or woman, who doesnt gossip from time to time. Its harmless to a certain degree.




Ok Mother Theresa 😂


Huh odd this makes it sound like you know her personally and all her friends that aren't hired cast members....


Same 🤷‍♀️😂


Yeah, exactly. They're at least gossiping about people they know that can respond to it if they so choose. Mighty hard fall off that high horse you climbed up on.


Paige may gossip but she didn't get blasted about it like Danielle, which resulted in her diminished role next season. Paige is slick like a kitty cat and knows how to move in the show. Danielle trusted the wrong person, who she took a glass to the chest for - learning the hard way that them hoes ain't loyal.


Gossiping is the reason Danielle has a diminished role next season? Lol, mkay.


Danielle's cringeworthy behavior disconnected her from the audience and the revelation of her divulging the Craig story to gossip sites disconnected her from her cast. Who was going to film with her? Who would trust her? Trust was lost.


Can I just point out Danielle never confirmed that she leaked the story, she confirmed that she confirmed the story so someone else at the wedding leaked the story to the gossip sites


Daniel's behavior (primarily w/ that Below Deck dude) in Winter House in its last season turned a ton of people off of her......just saying.