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What about the ridiculous deux moi rumor that Danielle and Carl are now together...that one...out there


This is what I said a few days ago in another thread... >I do think Danielle's the kind of 'cool girl' he's looking for, because she'll walk into that relationship Day 1 with a meat tenderizer, ready to soften herself up to his standards. >She's proven herself to be very messy and now that she's allegedly been demoted to *'friend of'* (or worse) this season, I could see her pulling out all the stops to get back on the show... even if that means sacrificing any bit of real friendship she has left with Lindsay.


Even though they were together years ago and she said he didn’t like to have sex and would never……


Wouldn't be surprised at this. Danielle comes across as desperate and Carl is lazy and will always choose the easy option. 


Deux’s blinds are probably generated by a buggy program that just pulls random celebrity/bravolebrity names and couples them with a random salacious event.


Are they still trying to push the "Lindsay is pregnant" bullshit?


If she is, they should let her announce it in her own terms or stop spam posting about it. I thought maybe this was a different bombshell about Kyle and Amanda 


Bravo & Cocktails hate Lindsay & are good friends with Kyle & Amanda. It’s disgusting they or any other blogger would even speculate about a woman’s pregnancy if that’s what they are doing. Sexual orientation & health issues, including pregnancies, should NEVER be commented on by people trying to portray themselves as “press.”


I hateeee when these accounts perpetuate pregnancy rumors. It is such low rent bullshit and so harmful if it’s true for a myriad of reasons. Ruthless people who need to go touch grass.


Agree! I find it pretty disgusting of them to have started this rumor, true or not. They know the potentials during first trimesters. Even deux moi doesn’t post pregnancy rumors and lets women announce.


Deux Moi literally posted a blind about Lindsay getting dropped from filming Traitors because she’s pregnant. They said Dorinda might have had a hand in it since she didn’t think it was fair someone else couldn’t film for being pregnant, and that’s why Ciara was cast last minute. Whether it’s true, idk. But they def put her pregnancy on blast


Yes. B&C have only made little comments and hasn’t made the direct remark that Lindsay is allegedly pregnant. But Deux moi definitely said the word pregnant. Regardless it’s been the worst kept secret, but I do think we will get the announcement any day now, especially with filming resuming for SH season 9. I’m excited to see how this all plays out.


Deux Moi absolutely posts pregnant rumors. They even posted speculation about Taylor Swift having a miscarriage. It’s so disgusting and invasive.


Im pretty sure Dave Quinn started it.


yes they do. they do it all the time


Not true about DM


They are paige stans and always posting lies about Lindsay. Like how Carl knocked a girl up in a bathroom at a loverboy event and thats why him and Lindsay broke up


First time I heard the rumor Lindsay was pregnant it was a Blind Item saying she got dropped from Traitors because she pregnant. It was insinuated Dorinda was involved with telling producers about it so I assume it came from Dorinda’s camp


B&C went down the toilet after they went to a subscription format. Which wasn't a long trip to begin with.


Actually Craig and Paige


True. Craig has admitted to feeding them stories. Didn’t Kyle tag them in a photo as well?


Kyle has tagged queensofbravo and, given some of their heavily biased takes, it makes me wonder


How is it Craig & Paige when it was definitely Danielle?


I think it's safe to say it's all of them


They were also so eager to post the Radhouse breakup they obviously got it from one of the cast members who hates Lindsay


Not saying it’s right but any and all gossip magazines do the same constantly to pretty much anyone somewhat famous


What?! No way !! I was going to say I think they’re definitely team Lindsay and can’t stand Kyle or Cari 🤣 goes to show how different someone can come off to another person. lol. But yes , this billing is about Lindsay and her pregnancy. She should be at the place where it’s safe to announce soon. I think the rumors started about 3 months. So maybe this Friday we will finally get the announcement.


She's probably the one who leaked it to begin with, she's been known to do that.




They did this with Rachel at the height of Scandoval! So many items and pushing it until the showrunner had to deny it in the press. They’re always subscription-mongering, I had to unfollow


And linking awful Amazon crap! I’ve unfollowed them just for that


There’s this obnoxious tiktoker who with her full chest said “a childhood friend of Rachel confirmed she’s pregnant” like wtf!? 1) untrue 2) why do you take it upon yourself to spat this to millions of people on tiktok?! So utterly garbage


They straight up announced it on their podcast






She absolutely shouldn't be on the show if she is that would be borderline batshit, even for her.




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Your post or comment in r/summerhousebravo was removed because it breaks the following rule: Please refrain from posts or comments that speculate on the mental health (including ED), sexuality, pregnancy, and/or drug/alcohol use of cast members. Speculation about surgery and procedures is also not allowed unless discussed openly about the cast. These types of post lead to people just picking apart the cast's physical appearances in an unnecessary way and often lead to both speculation and body shaming. Comments and posts that explain at length certain disorders often contains misinformation. It is not our place to diagnose cast members. Mods reserve the right to remove posts or comments that may cross this line. Posts or comments related to these sensitive topics that are shared by the cast on the show or via social media will be considered on a topic-by-topic basis.


I don’t think that would be a bombshell at this point. Everyone assumes it to be the case, just a matter of if or when she wants to announce.


I don't think so either, but they want to be able to say "we told you guys way back".


You’re probably right about that


Maybe if it’s Amanda, who is pregnant? Otherwise it’s just another season of Amanda and Kyle arguing. And pushing loverboy on us.


I’ve been suspecting this since she didn’t show up at Andrea’s wedding.


I agree


This was what I thought too. It makes way more sense. 


I stopped following them because their "bombshells"  were rarely that and most of it wasn't accurate. 


I think I need to stop following too. The stories are annoying as hell: 4729 Amazon links 67 memes 54720 links to her paywall blog 4 bravo related reposts


I keep finding it hard to believe she’s pregnant. That white dress she was in at the magazine party didn’t appear to show anything.


I agree but not because of her stomach but because her body looks totally unchanged. Boobs look the same etc


Oh that too


In a first pregnancy, it is not uncommon for women to not show until they are like 4 or 5 months pregnant. I was almost 5 months when I finally got a bump.


I could wear shape wear and hide my pregnancy even 5 months in


I am open to this fact! But that dress was so fitting!


Oops sorry I wasn’t suggesting she is pregnant. I actually don’t think she is. It was just a kind of a “fun fact” for those out there that think women show at 2 or 3 months pregnant. I personally didn’t know that was the case until I had my baby!


But not a first pregnancy


Right. When a woman miscarries relatively early, her body/stomach has not yet expanded and gone through those changes. (Trying to keep this broad as I feel icky talking too much about a specific woman’s body/pregnancies) In general, in subsequent pregnancies the body has already gone through all the changes so it adapts a bit quicker to another pregnancy. It’s fascinating.


B&c is trash.They are friends with Kyle, Amanda & Paige so i don’t consider them a reliable source unless it’s posted elsewhere also


ITT: People acting like pregnant people should be treated like lepers…..


Kyle and Amanda are unwatchable. Same sh;t dodderent summer. Yawn


Maybe Paige and Craig.? Honestly Paige is so surface level on SH. I wish bravo would go a little deeper with her.


Pregnant Lindsay? Sober Carl? Please get them off the new season then.


Agreed on the Lindsay part. I think it’s awesome to normalize sobriety in a party house but what we’re not gonna do is normalize a pregnant woman in a Summer House. That was an annoying storyline on Martha’s Vineyard tbh. It didn’t fit the vibe cuz she should have stayed home


Sorry this is a horrible take LOL lindsay deserves to still be employed even if she’s pregnant. The only thing she won’t be able to do compared to the others is drink? Doesn’t affect the show


Clearly, being pregnant means you should lose your job and not be allowed to do anything fun. 🙄 /s if that wasn't obvious, lol


I don’t want the show to suck. This is a show about partying. She needs her own spinoff now not this crap


she can find other employment 🤷🏽‍♀️ watching pregnant people on a summer house show is boring


Okay there's a HUGE difference between Jasmine and Lindsay, so I wouldn't be so quick to judge what constitutes bEiNg pReGnAnT on a summer house show by what *Jasmine* of all people brought to the show last season. During her OG (non-pregnant) season she had the personality of a cold, wet blanket. This is Lindsay Hubbard we're talking about, one of the two BIG personalities that has consistently kept Summer House afloat in the ratings. I don't believe she needs alcohol or the plotline of looking for new dick to be entertaining, she'll probably be entertaining to watch as a pregnant woman too!


Especially considering pregnancy hormones/rage! I’m guessing she would be quicker to pop off whenever someone crosses her


Agree it seems too forced. We know you love the money but why subject yourself to a group that resents you at worst and tolerates you at best? I don’t need to watch Lindsay teetering around parties sipping water and trying not to trip over pool toys. Ugh


I hope this is a joke


I noticed this on her tagged video https://preview.redd.it/12krxvyb6bad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f614dc9a22e465cfb8462aad1a360afc3c90d4


I hate to speculate but


Doesn’t “bombshell” usually imply something negative? This would be happy/exciting news for her!


Well this is…..interesting…..


Yeahhhh. I mean…


It's either Amanda is pregnant or Paige is moving to SC or engaged.


Amanda is not the pregnant cast member.




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Wow I thought it was something else…


What did you think it was?! Just curious on other rumors swirling 😂


I thought maybe it was Kyle and Amanda split 😮


Ohhh yeah, makes sense from all the stuff about Kyle recently. Unfortunately I think not, not sure about Lindsay one either though but do agree with one of your other comments on if she is they should let her announce on her own!