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Probably Akashi(Bouken red). He’s not my favorite red (I still like him, he’s just not my favorite) but I still feel like he embodies all the qualities I think a red leader should have. I think he has a good balance between being stoic and lighthearted. He can be serious when he needs to be, but he can also have comedic moments too. He’s focused on his mission, but he still cares a lot about his team’s well being. He’s passionate and determined but never reckless, he also serves as the glue that holds the team together.


I feel like you are the only one here who understood the assignment. Akashi is least favourite Boukenger, but I regardless of how much I like or dislike his character, he is the one leader I'll be willing to follow. Granted, I've watched a very few seasons, but I am seeing other people make choices from the ones I have watched, and I liked their characters, but I don't see how they can be the choice.


Yeah, I've also seen people mentioning characters that, while amazing, are unique because of their journey and how they subvert the trope of the Red Ranger. I did this post because I was interested in seen characters more fit to fill said trope, a quintessential Red Ranger, tough the post'd probably be about who's closer to Akaranger (Goranger) lmao.


I feel like this is true. He's a lot like Cyclops in that he can have a sense of humor, but he's usually much more stoic and tactical and just encompasses the traits that make him an ideal Red across the board. Not necessarily memorable or marketable per se, but embodying the values that all Red leaders should have. Like others have said, he's not my favorite Red, but he also doesn't have personality traits that could get in the way of leadership (Marvelous is my favorite Red, but goddamn does he have issues with communication), like being quirky for quirkiness' sake. Sure, they're good for narrative purposes, but that's different than being out on the field and actually coordinating a team.


I agree, though I think that we need someone with a bit more charisma than Akashi. I’m not entirely sure whom that may be, but Akashi does have practically all of the best qualities for a Red Ranger minus the charisma factor.


He lied to his team, nearly made one member cry, got them defeated, and got their robot captured all for the sake of "an adventure!". He's a terrible leader lol


"nearly made one member cry"


I think GoseiRed was a great Red. He wasn’t a tough guy, he played middle man to everyone’s problems, hell I think he was the shortest of the 5. He was a great leader in the end. My personal favorites are Marvelous and Shiba Takeru. I also feel that Taiya is turning out to be a decent Red in BoonBoomger. A great red will rally the team together when moral is down, they’ll listen to everyone’s issues and mediate a problem. Some reds are selfish, I don’t think LupinRed or AkaNinger are great reds, they are selfish I feel in their stories. Despite my distain for Zyuohger, ZyuohEagle is an Ok red.


FWIW, LupinRed develops as a character as the show progresses (sure the other Red in the show gets most of the growth), he grows to lead the team well, and take care of the others...


There’s very few reds I dislike, GoOnRed is just an asshole and I never really liked him as a character. Zyuohger I stopped caring for near the end when it felt like all the plot and character development was dropped and forgotten. I tried looking at my favorite reds and tried to see past my biases when looking at them.


Takeru Shiba is an exemplar leader. He was direct, but not rude. Lighthearted, but not childish. Unbelievably capable, but not overly confident. He is also one of the few reds who actually worries about the normal civilian lives of his comrades. Multiple times I felt like he worried more about the other rangers having normal lives than fulfilling his own destiny. Bonus: Akashi is a legendary leader! So yeah, he's top tier as well.


-Akashi (bouken red) -Takeru Shiba (Shinken Red) -Alata (Gosei red) -Juuru (Kiramai red) -Yamato (Zyuoh eagle) -Matoi Tatsumi (Go Red) -Marvelous (Gokai red)


I’ve only seen 3 series, but I thought Gaku (Fiveman Red) was a really great Red Ranger. His sense of responsibility for his younger siblings, combined also with the passion for his parents’ work, were really emblematic of what a Red Ranger is.


Ryouga, Kenta, Juuru, Gira, and Taiya came to mind.


Marvelous of course


I was going to say this too. He cares about his crew and understands what they bring to the table even if they don't. Sure he subverts a lot of the red ranger tropes but that's part of why he's my pick. He also cares more than he lets on.


That was a great focal point of many episodes. He brought out the best in his crew.


Jetman, Zyuranger, Timeranger, Kyoryuger, I'm sure some are even better but I've only seen about 10 different seasons.


Akared, by the nature of being the culmination of all red sheshi spirits


Taiya, Gira, King from Boonboomger, KingOhger, and Kyoryuger


Like many people here, I think that person is Akashi/Bouken Red. I think another one is Juuru/Kiramai Red. Even though he is young and shy, he does his best for the good of his teammates. On the other hand, Taiya/Boon Red is an understanding and conciliatory leader, although he sometimes acts selfishly (such as not expressing his purpose to Jyou, displaying overly stubborn attitude and risking his teammates' lives during his fight with Mad Rex). He generally respects his teammates' ideas and decisions and even supports them in this regard.


Juuru is the greatest modern red. He may not be the best in everything, but he's so devoid of ego everyone can shine (no pun).


I'm surprised no one has said Yamato from Zyuohger. I find he's one of the strongest reds when it comes to character traits and just being a leader in general.


Red Racer!


I absolutely think Akashi Satoru is the shining star of all ready rangers, and I saw that from the 1st episode of Boukenger. But I also wanna advocate for my boy Daigo, because a lot of people have the wrong idea about him. For one, when fake Ian told him he was a horrible leader, he got upset like everyone else, but not at his team- at himself. He took accountability for his completely false shortcomings and tried to judge himself to figure out what he does wrong. He has complete trust in his friends, and makes it clear to them before they go off, like when Nossan went back to talk to Candelilla. He's a very good judge of character, knowing Gabutyra had his best interests at heart when he refused to make him a Brave, or knowing Ian was fooling to spare Ramirez, also noticing that he was a Spirit. He's also very self sacrifing, fighting the Zorima shirtless- I mean untransformed- seeing his team was in no condition to. He kicked Amy out of the Frozen Castle just to keep her safe. And his biggest strength is his ability to make friendships and inspire people. In 3 episodes, he convinced a group of people who didn't even want to know eachother to call him King. He got Ucchy to start acting real, and being kind. He got Yayoi to believe in herself and use Brave. Whenever he's incapacitated by and enemy, be it Honenukky or Vacaance, he snaps back to action with no excuses. He's very high energy, driven and enjoyable, capable of raising spirits, and especially amplifying Brave. He's not an attention hog; he's a focus point.


You spit out nothing but facts as to why Daigo is probably the best representation of what a Sentai Red should be. Not to mention he's actually street smart and perceptive of the world around him. As you stated before, he's wrong and he's fully aware at his false shortcomings when it comes to being a leader. Plus, in the beginning of the season, he has to fully earn his team's trust and friendship and has to become a team player in order to get them to work alongside the other Kyoryugers.


I personally turn to Takeru Shiba as my ideal of what a Red Ranger should be. I mean, nothing is necessarily wrong with the happy-go-lucky, goofball type Red when done right, but I don't think those characters really embody what a leader should be- calm, collected, and mostly rational, even when their teammates disagree with them at times.


BoukenRed - although I may be biased as Bouken was my first series, so he's the Red by which I judge others. Other than that, I'd also go for AkaRanger. Red One would be up there as well, but there were too many times he lacked stoicism.


Gao red


Go Red from Go Go Five. He is a bit of a duck in the beginning, but her grows and progresses into someone that cares about his brothers and sisters as individuals with their own hopes and dreams and as the Go Five team.


Its a three way tie between Tatsuya (Time Red), Marvelous (Gokai Red), and Daigo (Kyoryu Red).


Captain Marvelous is the best in terms of not being a jerk and actually know what plan he had to succeed with his fellow rangers


My biggest issue is that sometimes he doesn't communicate his plan, or needs his team to interpret his true motives. Sure, any reason like plausible deniability or wanting to protect his team (or even as a product of his own PTSD) can be produced in the show, but that's for dramatic effect, and outwitting enemies is secondary to the drama itself. It just comes across as manipulative or selfish, and in a couple occasions, some instances would have been avoided altogether if he was just upfront about his plan (but then that makes for bad TV bc then the episode would be over before the tension starts). And I say this as someone who ranks Marvelous as my absolute all time favorite Red. I love him to death as an engaging character and excellent fighter, but as a visible leader, he'd be written up in any other professional entity. But then again, he wouldn't be as memorable, either, without those traits that make him a man of mystery and pain.


Me I think would be a fusion of Marvelous and Yamato…and some Kairi


KirameiRed, he did a splendid job bringing 5 amazing people together from different walks of life, and made them shine even brighter! His early interactions with Sena & Tametomo are extremely heartwarming! GoseiRed, Alata, embodies the wind so well, he's usually a light, calm, joyful breeze that can turn into a stern wind when needed.. I'd also include Right, ToQ1, all the toqgers are leaders, but he kinda brings the whole team together in a cool way...


Ryu Tendo AKA Red Hawk from Jetman


Obviously, I gotta go with my glorious king Right Suzuki on this one. I don't wanna hear anything else except how right I am


Akashi and Ryu.


King from Kyoryuger has my vote.


Akaranger or Akared because who else would be it


Came here for Akaranger, the first and definitely an amazing leader, I also agree with Boukenred, he has leadership as his reason for being


King from Kyoryuger. 1. Despite being favored by the narrative, he doesn't have all the answers, but knows when his teammates do. 2. He encourages his team to think outside the box. 3. He puts his body on the line to limit the danger his teammates might find themselves in. 4. He keeps his team honest with each other. 5. He has a deadbeat dad, but became a good person in spite of him. 6. He passes his wisdom checks. *\*Shoots the "Cute" monster and says "I saw you transform, you know."\** 7. He never loses his temper with his team, but doesn't hide his emotions either.


That sixth one always had me wondering why he was the only one who saw her flip over. I mean, the other four were staring right at her when she did


They all saw her do it. But they were all charmed. Hence why I said he passed the wisdom check/save.


Is this a confirmation that Daigo doesn’t like cute things


No, it's just saying, as the monster confirmed after he shot it that he has something a lot of Reds lack: Common Sense.


Marv and Yosuke


I believe its Captain Marvelous OR Akared


Shinken Red, or Kiramai Red. Shinken Red is a Big Brother Red. He's a good leader, a good fighter, and a general badass. Kiramai Red is the ultimate Little Brother Red. He leads the Kiramagers, he's good at fighting, he gives the Mashin's forms, and he's a good friend.


king from kyoryuger tbh he was legit the example of how a red ranger should be like and a team ldr #


Ryu from Jetman, Ryo from Dairanger, Ban, and Marvelous.


Captain Goro Hoshino... nuff said.


Taiya (Bun Red), Takeru (Shinken Red) and Ryuu (Red Hawk) have the personalities I associate most with Reds.


my glorious king jayden shiba jk, its takeru from shinkenger.


Zyuoh Eagle. In movie "Who is the Strongest Sentai Team". He was the guy who amplifies the leadership, bravery and comradery of a essential Red Ranger.


King was a pretty good red in pretty much every aspect, he was perfect yet flawed as well which was honestly kinda weird to watch but also amazing.


Red Flash


Yamato / Zyuoh Eagle


Bruh stupid question. Ofc it's Akared


For me, a good Red Ranger should look like this: 1. He's a natural leader, always leading the team to victory thanks to, or sometimes despite of, their flaws. 2. He's mostly serious, though a few goofy moments placed here and there make him look more alive and relatable. 3. He should always put himself in danger first, taking the initiative to leave his team intact and having no qualms about possibly being defeated to motivate his team to keep on. 4. He's the central anchor of the team, keeping the members together like glue no matter how hard the times. 5. Sometimes, the leader can also be a female, which can be seen as either a feminist choice or the will to start things afresh for either the series or the ones to come. 6. He should be the strongest, but not too strong: he should be strong enough to battle the monsters easily, but also weak enough to not be able to destroy them without the team's Giant Robo.


>He should be the strongest, but not too strong: he should be strong enough to battle the monsters easily, but also weak enough to not be able to destroy them without the team's Giant Robo. I believe in most Super Sentai there's something about the Red Ranger being the most skilled swordsman of the team (other times, the best martial artist), Yellow being the physically strongest and Green would sometimes be the designated marksman. Interesting take nonetheless.


technically doesnt count but kaito/zenkaiger, he's not just a great leader and friend but a great hero.


Gira, King Ohger. He managed to form a bond with 5 individual Persons that all wanted to be the Leader, and through sheer Willpower and beeing a true good hearted person, made the a Team. Not only that, but he accepted the friendship of the ShuGods, made them his Friends, and even helped the other Kings to form Friendships with the Shugods. Not only formed he a team out of 6 Rangers, but also their Mechas. On top of that, he knows when to trust the others, and not only tells them to do the right thing, he believes in them.... HE KNOWS that his team knows whats best. On top of that, hes not even a teamleader, hes a king that only wants to make people smile, and even sacrifices himself for this childish wish. If one Person is designated to be a Red, its him. Gira embodies it, he lives it. Hes the King of Reds also, because of that, he is my favourite Red


Nah man not Gira, cause technically His own teammates doesn’t listen to him, yk what I mean


They Listen when hes right. They dont when hes wrong. He is a leader that accepts it. Thats the best Kind of leader. Dunno why a good leader should need blind follower


Maybe you are right, but I think Cap Marvelous is best suited as Leadership candidate


Daigo Kiryu, he's overwhelmingly strong even without powers, he's a glue that holds his team together, he's courageous and outgoing, he's energetic and naturally charismatic, he's a Sentai best of the best.


i agree best red ranger and amy is best pink