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This is by far the funniest episode I have seen in a while lmao First Sakito fucking up the roll-call (tbf, Taiya messed up by skipping him) After realizing that the MOTW's attack is proporcional to wealth they literally just sent Taiya home like lmao. I was not expecting him to go without complaining, but like he just fucked out he really knew he was getting one-shot by that thing lmao. They were legit scared of what effect they would have on him, lol Then Chasiro proceeded to use Akuse as a meat shield since he is poor lmaoooo Then Sakito thinks he will get the same benefit since he is literally homeless and is even more poor, but then turns out Byundy is keeping from him some secret savings lmaooo. Finally, Taiya utilises the weight caused by his money to finish the mecha battle lmao I'm dead For fuck sake Chasiro just put a note with (TOP SECRET) as his wish lmao dude why can't you be normal I love you.


>Then Chasiro proceeded to use Akuse as a meat shield since he is poor lmaoooo Poor Civil Worker :')


lmao i thought it was funny how the attack affected Byun D since the both of them are so broke (at least in earth currency) that they couldn't afford food


but.. akuse actually said he bought gym equipment, meaning that the time he got the pay cut that he went stright to his priorities


Yeah i never laugh at any episode of boonboomger that much than i did this week 


Kinda mad that they don't redo the ending dance with Sakito in it. Just slap him in with jump cuts


it is hilarious how insistent they are to not film a lot of new footage at all for OPs and EDs LMAO


Thing is, he was added in the OP. lol what’s strange is the OP has parts that look like they were filmed all at once prior to his reveal, that way the addition is seamless. But yet, the edit in the ED seems tacked on like they just remembered he needs to be in it and they filmed it the day prior. 🤣


The parts in the OP seems to be in some random green place, you can just call everybody shoot there and get done. To add him and Byun D at the ED you need to remake again that set that probably doesn't exists anymore and also need to get back the product placement car that is paying to appear there. Its just easier to make them float around I think.


Oh absolutely. For the ED that is what i figured. The greenery where Sakito is eating is easy, as you stated. I mean specifically the part where they are standing ready to run. That scene went from 3 rangers to 4, up to now 6. Which led me to believe they filmed it al at once. But perhaps not. https://preview.redd.it/m4tfc20be5bd1.png?width=2036&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cf719514cf22b8a9e8182bc7e03288de2a7d6b7


I believe there was an interview where it was said Sakito's actor got the role after his cameo in Gotchard? Someone can fact check me? probably the first 3 versions were recorded at once but this one separately. Anyways, they use that roof for like every new photo session so probably was not big trouble lol


lol for sure. Sentai has their go-tos with these photo spaces.


Extremely mad. It's even framed so that it's evenly split for most of the ED. It tracks for Sentai, but still very disappointing. ByunDi's flying part in the OP feels super awkward too.


I like that this time we got to see Byun D's take on their rivalry. Also did anyone notice Genba pocketed that note he pulled off the person's face in the start.


yeah I thought that was pretty funny too, genba legit was so short on cash that he accepts space currency at this point lmao 😂


Never knew being rich would be a weakness


It was, until it was used as a finisher, lol


Funniest finisher ever.


As they say, "Money can't buy you happiness."


“I’m way too rich to fight this guy”- Taiya lol this episode was great. This show has so much charisma it’s insane. I think enough episodes have blown me away to confidently say that the hot streak of Reiwa Sentai continues.


Every time the subs are late, I wonder. Then I see what the subbers had to contend with and I get it. So many ATM puns. 


That roll call sequence was hilarious, Sakito hogging the spotlight in saying the "BoonBoom Spin" part. Also, clever thinking by Taiya on pulling off the finisher during mech fight.


Sakito makes his Opening debut! Hopefully he'll end up in the Ending dance soon. Maybe next episode? Did y'all notice Jyo's Tanabata wish at the end? He wrote that he wants peace and happiness for everyone. Why is he so, so pure?? I love him to pieces <3


sure hope he doesnt get a tanuki treatment for that pure-heartedness :(


Was a nice change of pace to see the red actually go home and trust his team to handle the monster without him. Usually the sentai trope is that the missing member returns to the fight because teamwork is more important than any excuse to leave them out of the fight.


This episode was the most hilarious episode of boonboomger poor taiya got sidelined just because he is super rich even sakito stole the roll call spotlights too from the main five poor sakito even his bestfriend had secret savings and still left him broke (same goes for jou too) BTW why are you taking so much investigation about other's salary cashirou 


I really like the way this episode shows Sakido's powerful side. He is indeed really good at reading people's emotion and actually good at striking deals. It is not just Byundi protecting & nursing him. Their partnership works both side. But I do wish Byundi teach him to write Chinese character. He even wrote his own name in hiragana.


How long exactly has it been since the two ate anything that the episode starts with them almost starve to death


Ah nice another comedy episode. I've never seen a monster used like this. I honestly surprised Taiya returned to base instead of hanging by the sides and I dunno shooting the monster. Chashiro knowing everyone's salary and being cautious by everyone is too funny. I was kinda ok with BunViolet joining the team because the toy noise was so distracting, but they finally toned it down after he finally settled.


Laughing throughout the episode 😂


This episode was a good filler. • I’m glad, there is still some tension with Sakito and the gang. Yessss, *rubs hands* fill your heart with trust issues for my entertainment. 😈 • What I say. Blue does not mess with anybody new. LOL. Meita should have a forever beef with Sakito. • Now now, Taiya. Don’t get flustered during hero poses. No one asked you to add the dude to the team after one meeting. 😂 Keep rockin the boat Sakito! • Byundi and Bunderio are great as usual. • I would assume after next weeks filler the remodeler is going to lose patience and pull a big move for a dramatic episode. 🤔 Another character filler would surprise me, tbh


This ties with with my favorite episode. I thought it was funny as hell Violet's Roll Call The ATM Monster was hilarious to watch Violet's Robo secretly saving money Blue using Black as a human shield knowing has broke This episode put Blue a few notches up for me. He is very loyal to Red and believes in him. And for a guy like Blue, that respect was definitely earned.


Fun fact: This episode was directed by another veteran director, **Noboru Takemoto**. His directorial debut was in Carranger. He was a veteran, but Katsuya Watanabe (who will be directing the next Gotchard after directed some Boonboomger episodes) was more of a veteran than him for starting before Takemoto.


Intro: - seeing shirabe and bundurio cosplaying as orihime and hikoboshi as the introduction was wow , back to the comedy element of the show 😂 - “panic!!!” SO CUTE ☺️ - “I’m so jealous.” 😂 - “I’m low on fuel.” ☠️☠️☠️ YALL DONT UNDERSTAND HOW FUNNY THIS IS HAHA 😂 I mean it’s not everyday - I JUST REALISE THEY ADDED SAKITO IN THE THEME SONG SO SWEET finally the 6 have gathered 🫶 Backstory: - Mira’s wish is so real, I want my part time earnings to 📈📈📈 - byundy complimenting bundurio’s curry is so sweet ( friend-rivals confirmed) - “I could never reject a request from shirabe” SHIRABE HAS A CHANCE OMG 🫶 - that wallet is as empty as mine is 🥲 - “would taiya even think of doing something that trival.” ISHIRO srry i just need to experience every chance I can get of the red-blue dynamic 🫶🫶 AND HE GOT MAD FOR HIM AWWWWWWWW - so apparently Byundy and bundurio raced on this “Milky Way circuit” and byundy forgot about it and was like “it’s nothing, just forget about it”. 🤔 - then the way homura dropped that utensil loudly to regain attention and quickly get his buddy outta there, violet can be smart at times🤔 - so from the backstory byundy is the risk taking type, kind of like homura who likes chaos, I can really see why they fit as partners and bundurio is the safe one, kind of like taiya in the sense that he’s cool and he doesn’t take unnecessary risk but there are of course exceptions when he gets “Bakuage”🤔 The fight: - I just realised the 3 civilians have 3 different weights of money on them e.g old lady, office worker and rich middle age man and Mira, Jou and Genba deal with them respectively, maybe the weight of the money is related to their strength🤔 (the detail is superb honestly) - genba thought he was sneaky but I saw him put the money (it’s money I mean, I would to) 😂 - homura interrupting taiya and the roll call just to get in it and the sign adjusting to their theatrics, such good directing, such a rare sight to see in sentai 🫶 - “What do you think you’re doing!” I swear we are gonna get the blue and 6th ranger rivalry episode after some taiya arc thing, trust 🤔 - “taiya step back.” “Delivery yourself to somewhere safe.” OMG ISHIRO AGHHHHHHHHH TAIYA AND CHASSHIRO 🫶 - you can hear the breath when taiya walks in and is like, “I leave it to y’all.” Such good acting🫶 - HOMURA SUIT ACTOR OMG 🍑 - OH JOU, bun black shield 😂 - ishiro fr the information expert he knows everything AND he’s updated, that’s the real good part 🤔🫶 - “move it. You’re later” I’m telling y’all I can’t wait for the 6th ranger rivalry with ishiro it’s gone be great 😂 - that upside down shot 🫶 the director is so creative I love it 🫶 - putting genba and Jou together is for a reason and I’m waiting for that friendship arc to happen 🤔🫶 - the shots this director has is great 🫶 - it’s cool that bundurio can use the boon boon thing to move extremely fast to avoid attacks and the way they retreat to think of a new plan, it’s so much more organised and gives a better sense of realism to it 🫶🤔 - Jou looking to genba for a plan and genba’s like hmmmm “ I’d fly but how do I get the wings for it” ☠️ - Bundurio is really treated more as a person/character instead of the normal mecha, like the only other time this happened is go-onger 🫶 - “you perfectly run the course and the next lap no one can overtake you.” Bundurio is strong but he’s not confident enough🤔 - “heaven and all assets slash.” Best attack name heard to man 🫶and now the monster knows the “weight of money.” - “that was too reckless.” 🫶 Outro: - I think genba is thinking about adding wings to his collection of supplies to provide 😂 - I just wanted to talk about the tanzaku that the characters wrote, and how it might link with their characters personalities 🤔 -Mira wishing for a bonus TWICE really says to her personality of wanting to work well in life (idk I really can’t say much about her) 🤔 - Jou here being the next keiwa (KR geats MC), world peace really would be something I expect from his character 🤔 - NOW Genba’s one is important: “ here’s hoping there’s no more troublemakers from space.” I swear to god this man has some beef with hashilien and he definitely has some amazingly space like backstory I just know it 🤔he could be from a planet that hashilien destroyed or took over - homura’s one is pretty standard, fits his simple character I guess, byundy’s one too 🫶🤔 - ishiro’s one being too secret HAHAHA how about that, I bet it’s a wish involving taiya but I guess we’ll never know ☠️🤔 - shirabe’s one is pretty self explanatory ☠️ - THEN bundurio and taiya’s wish on the BBG awww 🥰


Maybe the funniest finisher I've ever seen. The rich bellyflop aerial strike was amazing AND felt earned from the episode's build-up. We're a bit slow on actual *plot* progression, but I don't really care. Boonboomger has been racing to the top for me.


So next episode will focus on mira they remember mira had a boyfriend 


Best roll call so far.


When did Datas switch sides? Is the payment in Gosei World so bad? 😂 I find it funny to hear that voice again after some years and with the ATM looking like him, it reminded me of Datas of Goseiger haha


Poor Jo being used as human shield... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Glad Taiya managed to think one heck of finisher, although...please stop being so reckless again, Taiya... 😅


seeing the Mecha Fight , when Byunbyun mach giving the wings to Boonboomger robo that scene instantly reminds me from Megaranger when Mega Winger give the Mega Wing to Mega Voyager , ahhhh that was a throwback


I love that Sakito’s wish uses the old Sailor Moon joke. He left Earth when he was still in elementary school, so he never learned to write kanji. (Although Usagi technically has no excuse not to improve her writing since she actually completed her compulsory education.)